Sunday, 26 February 2023


Compliance versus Risk Management

 Hello and welcome. Trusting you are well and thriving.

There is a anecdote that I first came to be aware of in my early psychotherapist, counselling and even forensic courses and training.

Pseudo Scientist

In several large towns and cities throughout the world the following experiments were carried out;  people walking by outside a set up clinic by various authorities were invited in at random to partake in an education and creative experiment. The set up was a table and two chairs opposite one another, on the table was a red buzzer with a wire set up that went behind a screen at the left or right of the table, a very officious doctor type came in and sat down opposite the citizen and said 'thank you for coming in and you will get some refreshment afterwards and a voucher for assisting in this'. Behind the screen is a student who will be answering some questions I put to them, if they answer correctly they will be rewarded afterwards if they answer incorrectly you will press the red button, this will be a reminder to the student and red light will flash at them and the correct answer will be told by me and so this will help them to store the correct answer, Is this understood?  
 The process begun and then as the red button was pressed the citizen heard a slight 'ouch' from behind the screen, an actor or actress was behind the screen and merely acted an ouch and what was to come.

It surprised many academics that in many, many cases more than anticipated that people complied; you see the ouch became a yell as the button was supposed to give electric shocks at increasing intensities, of course in reality it was an act by a trained actor, HOWEVER THE CITIZEN, did not know this. Some citizens went along with this even when the yells were very distressing and asked the 'doctor' 'is this OK? Doctor said 'it is only momentarily and not really harmful and the student knew this and in many cases the citizen went all the way until the actor could not scream anymore and the doctor stopped the experiment.

Key Authority

The consensus taken by the many groups in various countries was appalling; most people obeyed the doctor until the actor pleaded to stop and screamed and the doctor said 'believe me I CAN ASSURE YOU THE STUDENT WILL BE OK AND IT IS FOR THEIR BENEFIT IN THE LONG RUN'. Only a few people said 'this is barbaric, I will report you to the police no matter what you say'. Most people will believe and not question and comply especially to a white coated, bespectacled, person with a clipboard or a degree, an expert and of course with media and surveylance of today and the sophisticated digital technology and banning any questioning of the 'official narrative' the above and the writing from and the link below just show how the authorities world wide acted on this experiment and used it during Covid Flu and now. Now the fear has shifted to Avian flu and threat of Aliens with UFO now called UAP, cancel culture, eugencis, technocracy, woke, cyborgism, transhumanism and the WEF, WHO all 'experts, professionals and academics with huge degrees and endless funds-----we see the experiment now taken as a reality------ask yourself the question how far will my compliance go? OK they have the power and the money-----at least research and make up your own mind that is if they haven't removed the information from the net or make it hard to find----there are ways to find this out.

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks the truth about the authoritarian pandemic response that continues to threaten democracy and liberty as we know it
  • In an interview with journalist Kim Iversen, Kennedy explains how the military industrial complex uses mind control techniques and fear to exert control over the population
  • Fear is the enemy, as it allows totalitarian systems to take control of people, destroying democracy in the process
  • While democracy is resilient, we now have the technology available to control human behavior at a large scale
  • Democracy is dependent on the free flow of information, while censorship leads to totalitarianism

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks the truth about the authoritarian pandemic response that continues to threaten democracy and liberty as we know it. It's cost him friendships and 40 years of political contacts, not to mention loss of income and business relationships.

But the threats to his reputation and credibility, as the media have attacked him and his message, don't feel like a sacrifice, Kennedy says, as he feels called upon to advocate for this issue.

In an interview with journalist Kim Iversen, Kennedy explains, "I look at it as a gift. I was raised in a milieu, in a family, where we assume that our lives would be consumed in some controversy, and that it would be a privilege if we were able to take some meaningful role in that."1

Living Through a Real-World Milgram Experiment

Kennedy is part of the estimated 30% of the population who remained skeptical of the mainstream narrative throughout the pandemic. The majority, however, were not, instead buying fully into the fear and propaganda being sold to them.

He references the now-infamous experiment conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram in 1962, during which he tested the limits of human obedience to authority. The Milgram experiment was conducted following the trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann, who used the Nuremberg defense, or "befehl ist befehl," which translates to "an order is an order."

The Milgram experiment clearly showed that people would act against their own judgment and harm another person to extreme lengths simply because they were told to do so.2 It was associated with the CIA's top-secret MKULTRA project, which engaged in mind control experiments, human torture and other medical studies, including how much LSD it would take to "shatter the mind and blast away consciousness."3

MKULTRA was just one of a number of mind control experiments conducted by the CIA in the 1960s and 1970s. According to Kennedy:4

"The CIA did a lot of experiments with universities, almost 200 universities around the country with social scientists to study humans, human behavior, and they were experimenting with all kinds of things like psychiatric drugs, with psychedelic drugs, LSD, etc., with torture, with sensory deprivation, and all kinds of means for controlling not only individuals, but entire populations with propaganda, fear, all these things.

So you had all of these universities getting hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars from the CIA or from CIA front groups for programs that were called MKULTRA. The reason it's called MK is that's code for mind control. So MK Dietrich, MKULTRA, MK Naomi, Operation Artichoke, Operation Bluebird, many, many others, were all about funneling money to universities to study controlling human behavior."

Yet, even during the Milgram experiment, 33% of the people got up and walked out, refusing to violate their ethics.

"They may be from a whole range of political backgrounds and parties, who just … maintain that capacity for critical thinking, and is not subject to … that override from authority," Kennedy said. "And it seems to me … that we're all now in the grips of this huge Milgram experiment, where we have a Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is this trusted authority, telling us to do things that we know are wrong, like censor speech."5

Fear Is the Enemy

Fear is the enemy, as it allows totalitarian systems to take control of people, destroying democracy in the process, Kennedy says.6 It's commonly used by people in authority to exert further control, like shot mandates and lockdowns. Children's Health Defense, which Kennedy founded, has filed more than 50 lawsuits, many of them addressing COVID mandates.

In the beginning, even judges were too frightened to rule against the state dictates, leading to "really crazy decisions that … made no sense," Kennedy says. They've since made some progress, including in New York, where a judge said since the shot doesn't prevent transmission, you can't have a mandate for it.7

But he points out that a government will not only not relinquish power, but will also abuse any power it has to the maximum extent possible. Just because the pandemic is over, the desire to control won't go away. He explains:8

"People should keep in mind that nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarian regime rules. So, if you think that you know, by abandoning these rules, that somehow things are going to get better or it's going to satiate the need to control you, it's not. It's just going to embolden them to do something worse."

Download this Article Before it Disappears

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Unprecedented Times, Technology Threaten Democracy

Kennedy also states that we're facing a situation we've never been in before. It's not that democracy hasn't been threatened, and lost, in the past, but now the technological tools are available for widespread surveillance:9

"There have been many times when we lost democracy. There has been polarization that was this bad before, particularly during the Civil War. But other times in our history, there have been very, very toxic polarization.

There's been times when we lost democracy and that large corporations, particularly during the Gilded Age in the 1880s and 1890s … — you know, the big oil companies like Standard Oil — were running our country, and that we really did not have a functioning democracy."

The difference was that, back then, "we started cutting away at this monolith of corporate and government power, the merger of corporate power that had abolished democracy," and were able to restore it. What's different today is that we now have the technology available to control human behavior at a large scale:10

"The problem is that we've now got these instrumentalities, these technologies, for human behavioral control that we never had before. The ambition, the intention of every totalitarian regime in history is to control every aspect of human behavior — our speech, our thoughts, our transactions, our movements, everything that we do — but they've never been able to do that, because nobody, no government, has ever had that reach.

But today, we have facial recognition systems all over the place. We have satellite systems. Bill Gates says his satellite system, which is 61,000 satellites … will be able to look at every square inch of the Earth 24 hours a day. We're now beginning on the road to adopting digital currencies, which is economic slavery. As soon as that happens, we lose all rights because they will be able to starve you.

And we already have an example of that with a trucker strike, and in our demonstration in Toronto, Trudeau sent people out to look at the license plates for these truckers and then froze their bank accounts. So they couldn't pay their mortgage, they couldn't put their kids in school, they couldn't buy food for their family. None of them were charged with a crime."

There's No 'Pandemic Exemption' in the Constitution

Kennedy also makes the point that the framers of the Constitution did not add any exemptions due to pandemics. They were well aware of them, having experienced multiple epidemics during the Revolutionary War. But the Constitution was protected and allowed to function as intended. Adding exceptions is something new. Kennedy notes:11

"There were epidemics in every city that killed tens of thousands of people — yellow fever, cholera, smallpox and many others. So, the framers knew all about it. But they didn't put an epidemic or pandemic exception in the United States Constitution. It's a new thing … we had a civil war and Lincoln — at a time when our country was really 'this far' away from being destroyed, 669,000 Americans died. It's like 20 million people died today.

And yet, when he tried to get rid of Habeas Corpus, the Supreme Court said, 'You can't do that.' There's no exemption for war … there's no exception for pandemics. We had a Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 and that killed 50 million people. And yet, we did not stop the Constitution from functioning."

Censorship Destroys Democracy

Kennedy says the remedy to stop totalitarian control is democracy. But, "My father always said that democracy was completely dependent on the free flow of information."12 Open debate, allowed for by free speech, leads to the best ideas and solutions that allow a country and its population to thrive.

"If you shut off the free flow of information and start censoring things," Kennedy says, "we lose the one advantage that we have. And, of course, once you start doing censorship, you are on the slippery slope to totalitarianism."13 Right now, we're facing institutional corruption, with the military industrial complex at the helm.

"I think if you removed Anthony Fauci … he's going to be replaced by another Anthony Fauci," Kennedy explains.14 Meanwhile, he says, it's the military industrial complex, which also owns the press, that we need to take democracy back from:15

"We're living in the era that Dwight Eisenhower warned us against on January 17, 1960 … in his farewell speech, Eisenhower gave probably the most important speech … in American history, where he warned Americans against the emergence of the military industrial complex — the intelligence agencies, the Pentagon and the associated industries, and he included the scientific bureaucracy.

He specifically spent a lot of time in that speech arguing about the federal scientific bureaucracy, meaning NIH, that they would be the authors of the destruction of American democracy if we allowed them to do that … And then 9/11 … turned America really into the beginnings of a surveillance state. And COVID completed the task.

… and the job of the CIA is to develop a pipeline of new wars that America could fight to feed this machine, the military contractors, and look what happened in COVID — 138 companies were involved in manufacturing and distributing the vaccine.

They're all military contractors. The Pentagon and the National Security Agency ran the entire pandemic response. Pfizer and Moderna don't really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on them, but it was a Pentagon project. And so, you know, we're dealing with a military industrial complex."

Can Democracy Withstand Turnkey Totalitarianism?

With totalitarian forces angling to control every aspect of human behavior, the time for dissent is now. The first step is waking up to the truth. The next is to stand up for what you believe in. The ultimate outcome, however, remains to be seen. According to Kennedy:16

"The levels of control that they have now over human behavior are greater than we've ever seen. It's what I call turnkey totalitarianism … we're trying to educate the public and build our army to restore democracy.

And they're rising at the same time to put this infrastructure in place that will give them total control, destroy dissent and disable any kind of insurgency or subversion or any difference with the official government narrative, and the orthodoxies … when they put that in place, it's really hard to predict whether democracy will have the resiliency to restore those institutions."(Courtesy






Am I really me, or have I been taught to be me, did I choose my name, my religion, my culture? Have I realised I maybe a mind clone, a hand me down, someone else's ideas, some one else's second hand, hand me down traditions, out dated political and ideological sale by date out worn not fit for purpose. Am I brain washed, inculcated. Am I afraid to step outside of the box. Am I compassionate and not just a modern in the style, fashion and ego satisfying gratifying me only.  Where does my truth live. Does my success make me a better person and above someone else. Do I live from ego, greed, gain -----am I the best judge of myself or others?



Sunday, 12 February 2023


 Hello and welcome. This is going to be long and hopefully simple to understand. Those who have been reading these blogs since 2013 and before in the late energygrid in 2005 and even in 1970 at lectures, workshops and some TV and radio interviews will know that in 1967 at the Tibetan Monastery that was Samye Ling and was housed in Johnstone House in Eskdalemuir Scotland, since then it has been rebuilt into a beautiful Tibetan Monastery. You can see the Photos of before and aft in POST 9 and the '1967' writings came to me. The brief was to find corresponding or relative scientific and facts that would either prove or lead to a clue if they were rubbish or some form of semblance.

This video epitomises the the '67'writings and the also some of the myths around climate change, the title 'Something is affecting the entire Solar System' this was clearly stated in the writings in so far as as The Ascension Process which was not only Physical, scientific but spiritual. That energy, frequencies and vibrations known simply as the 'energies' would begin to escalate in timed intervals and these frequencies would gradually naturally update, reconfigure and evolve nature and humans, of course through the history of the Earth and the Universe nature and the energies are one and the same thing, they are evolution at work and examples of this are below; 
From blog and files

From blog and files
From blog and files

Furthermore the dates and incremental processes were as follows; 2012--2023, 2034---2032, 2033---2075, the human and nature (all same as nature and humans are one) would evolve into a new human being named as Homo Energetica Spiritulana and this process of incremental energies would be named as The Ascension process. The emerging new Human will be Homo Energetica Spiritulana.

Courtesy Glowing Glow
With each age as in the five extinctions new forms and humans have appeared and this Ascension Process could now in this twenty-first century be termed the Impending Sixth Extinction, this can be hindered or delayed by human eugenics, transhumanism, cyborgism, technocracy and genetic manipulation, this is human avarice and extreme ego versus natural evolution, however natural evolution will prevail. Allowing the natural evolution and the 'powers Homo Energetica Spiritulana will be endowed with, would offset and perhaps avoid the extreme upheavals as in the past five extinctions.
Courtesy Gabby Bernstein
The earliest semblances were as follows;

Monster" outflows of charged particles from the centre of our Galaxy, stretching more than halfway across the sky, have been detected and mapped with CSIRO's 64-m Parkes radio telescope.

Compare this with 'An article by the Dailey Telegraph Science Editor 5th July 1995 revealed the startling findings of scientists in America and Japan.

They normally measure cosmic rays in millions of electron volts. Over the last two years they have measured rays to the power of 320 billion, billion electron volts. To quote the article:

“Something out there –no-one knows what- is hurling high energy particles around the Universe, in this case the most energetic ever observed by scientists…Not even the power released by the most violent exploding stars could account for them. Indeed conventional theory says such particles should not exist…”

When asked what is the origin of these new found charged particles, and where do they come from? Dave Thompson, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center gave us his answer. "It's a mystery, for one thing. About a third of the new sources can't be clearly linked to any of the known types of objects that produce gamma rays. We have no idea what they are. The other two-thirds have one thing in common - astounding energy."’  Courtesy Mitch Battros

·      Military cadets practicing transcendental meditation (TM) twice daily significantly reduced levels of stress, anxiety and depression.
·      Positive changes, including improvements in critical thinking, mental resilience, and behavioral coping, were also noted among the meditating cadets
·      Meditation acts as a form of “mental exercise” that can help regulate your attention and emotions, while improving well-being.
·      New research suggests the beneficial brain changes from meditation persist even after the meditation session is over, resulting in enduring beneficial changes in mental function
From blog and file

A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extra-terrestrial life forms.
The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Professor Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is "Off-world" in origin. The apparent "extra-terrestrial junk genes" merely "enjoy the ride" with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.
After comprehensive analysis with the assistance of other scientists, computer programmers, mathematicians, and other learned scholars, Professor Chang had wondered if the apparently "junk Human DNA" was created by some kind of "extra-terrestrial programmer". The alien chunks within Human DNA, Professor Chang further observes, "have its own veins, arteries, and its own immune system that vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs."
Professor Chang further stipulates that "Our hypothesis is that a higher extra-terrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can't know their motives - whether it was a scientific experiment, or a way of preparing new planets for colonization, or is it long time ongoing business of seedling life in the universe."
Professor Chang further indicates that "If we think about it in our human terms, the apparent "extra-terrestrial programmers" were most probably working on "one big code" consisting of several projects, and the projects should have produced various life forms for various planets. They have been also trying various solutions. They wrote "the big code", executed it, did not like some function, changed them or added new one, executed again, made more improvements, tried again and again."
Professor Chang's team of researchers furthermore concludes that, "The apparent "extraterrestrial programmers" may have been ordered to cut all their idealistic plans for the future when they concentrated on the "Earth project" to meet the pressing deadline. Very likely in an apparent rush, the "extra-terrestrial programmers" may have cut down drastically on big code and delivered basic program intended for Earth."
Professor Chang is only one of many scientists and other researchers who have discovered extraterrestrial origins to Humanity.
Artist Impression of Homo Luminous (energetica spiritulana)
from Chang Article , I could not see much difference to now human.
 Accept see article below by Steve Judd on the corpus colosseum and artist marked it, I have read that this can that this can alter the shape of head seen from different angle and forehead more rounded.

Professor Chang and his research colleagues show that apparent "extra-terrestrial programming" gaps in DNA sequencing precipitated by a hypothesized rush to create human life on Earth presented humankind with illogical growth of mass of cells we know as cancer."

Professor Chang further indicates that "What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a big code and basic code." Mr. Chang then affirms that the "First fact is, the complete 'program' was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. The second fact is, that genes by themselves are not enough to explain evolution; there must be something more in 'the game'."
"Soon or later", Professor Chang says "we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extra terrestrial cousin and that evolution is not what we think it is."  [Also posted this in back blogs] as did  in Aliens, scroll down].
Steve Judd mentions this in his January 27 2011 
95% of the neurons (the bits that trigger and fire information) in our brains are in the cerebral cortex, the thin brown layer of jelly that actually surrounds the brain, analogous to humanity's existence on the surface of the Earth. Linking the two hemispheres of the brain is a bunch of fibres known as the corpus callosum. It can be proved that in artists, musicians, left handed people and in those who are comfortable with being out of the norm that the corpus callosum is growing physically larger, and it appears within the last thirty or forty years that this growth increase is exponential, not only in these people but in all of us. The bridge between the left and right brains was the width of a thin pencil a hundred years ago, and I'm assured by a couple of mortician/pathologist clients of mine (really!) that in many people now this bundle of fibres is now the width of one's forefinger. This suggests to me that the interface between the left and right brain in most of us is now considerably more active than it was three or four generations ago. Of course this could be down to our diet. 

 Now to some of the symptoms one may feel during these energetic updates; Please bear in mind these could sickness, disease, illness and check with health professional. I have a complete download in details of these in these specific areas if you want them drop me an email on [email protected];

     II. BODY CELLS ^ 

The plasma sphere is a lopsided donut of cold plasma inside Earth's magnetic field. It is created by leakage from the top of Earth's atmosphere (the ionosphere). The outer surface of the plasma sphere is called "the plasmapause"--and that is where the tides have been found.

"We can think of the plasmapause as the surface of a 'plasma ocean' surrounding Earth," says one of the lead authors Quan qi Shi of Shandong University. "Using a 40-year database of satellite observations, we report the first identification of lunar tides on the surface of this plasma ocean."

It is not surprising that Moon's gravity would stretch and modulate the shape of the plasma sphere. After all, the plasma sphere is made of matter, and matter responds to gravity. But the response is not what the researchers expected.

Shi explains: "Interestingly, the lunar plasm aspheric tide forms a few percent bulge that is offset 90 degrees ahead of the Earth-Moon axis, which is significantly different from the high tide in Earth's liquid oceans." This inexplicable offset was verified by nearly 36,000 plasmapause crossings by various spacecraft over almost four solar cycles from 1977 to 2015.

Above: Sample images of the plasmasphere taken by NASA's IMAGE spacecraft (left) and China's Chang’e-3 spacecraft (right). [extended caption] [source]

What's going on?  The researchers aren't certain, but they believe gravity and electromagnetism may have joined forces to produce a new kind of tidal effect.

Space physicists have long known that the Moon's gravity affects winds in Earth's ionized upper atmosphere. This means the Moon can actually modify electrical currents in the ionosphere, altering electromagnetic fields. The research team looked at data from NASA's Van Allen Probes and found that, indeed, electric fields reaching up into the plasma sphere appear to be modulated by lunar tides. Computer models suggest that these fields can shift the  bulge to a 90 degree offset position and explain its daily and monthly variations.

"Our discovery of this plasma tidal effect may indicate a fundamental interaction mechanism in the Earth-Moon system that has not been previously considered," says Shi. "Understanding this phenomenon could lead to better forecasts of space weather and improved safety for spacecraft and satellites."

For more information about these strange tides, please read the team's original research.

.Who cares? Cosmic rays are a surprisingly "down to Earth" form of space weather. They can alter the chemistry of the atmosphere, trigger lightning, and penetrate commercial airplanes. According to a study from the Harvard T.H. Chan school of public health, crews of aircraft have higher rates of cancer than the general population. The researchers listed cosmic rays, irregular sleep habits, and chemical contaminants as leading risk factors. A number of controversial studies (#1#2#3#4) go even further, linking cosmic rays with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.
This leads me on to the Schumann Resonance;

.Who cares? Cosmic rays are a surprisingly "down to Earth" form of space weather. They can alter the chemistry of the atmosphere, trigger lightning, and penetrate commercial airplanes. According to a study from the Harvard T.H. Chan school of public health, crews of aircraft have higher rates of cancer than the general population. The researchers listed cosmic rays, irregular sleep habits, and chemical contaminants as leading risk factors. A number of controversial studies (#1#2#3#4) go even further, linking cosmic rays with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.

The Universe is an interconnected interrelated seamless whole an internet of shared informative intelligence and all this is backed by or at its essence frequencies and vibrations and from the Central Creative Intelligence which has the 'plan and blueprint' which we comprehend as life any change thereof is passed down and transformed through galaxy, to planet, to stars and us. All frequencies have to commensurate and concomitant to their respective form.    

Now onto more analogies on the interrelationships and Cosmic ecological symbiosis; 

Many of us are preoccupied with whether or not the recent blizzards, flooding, intense heat waves and other extreme weather are related to global warming. But, what we haven't stopped to consider is how these extreme weather conditions may be affecting our own health.
Lightning and thunderstorms create very-low- requency (VLF) atmospherics, or 'sferics'. These are short, weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the 1-100 kHz range that settle down to a common frequency of 10 Hz, which is tiny compared with the much higher frequencies bombarding us from our computers, TV s and electrical appliances. Nevertheless, growing evidence shows that all living organisms respond to buildups of K\l energy from the weather on earth, and that these faint, dampened impulses profoundly affect all of our biological systems-and possibly far more than does the sea of EM 'noise' all around us.
The level of circulating sferics largely accounts for what is being termed 'meteoropathy', or illness due to the weather. According to German research, some 30 per cent of Europeans are weather-sensitive (J Sci Explor, 1998; 12: 455-68). Those affected react to changes in air pressure, humidity and even temperature. During buildups of sferics, pain is intensified, illness increases, moods worsen and people get the 'blahs'.
Researchers at the Department of Clinical and Physiological Psychology at the Justus Liebig L'niversttv of Gicssen, Germany, have discovered that pain from all manner of sources-scars, brain injury, angina, asthma or migraine-c-is more intense during high rates of atmospherics, with increases beginning one or two days before a change in the weather (Reiter R. Meteorobiologie und BektrizitfJ.t der Atmosphere (Meteorobiology end Atmospheric Electricity]. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft [Academic Publishers] Geest & Portig, 1960).
When sferics are high-say, during geomagnetic storms­blood viscosity (stickiness) also dramatically increases, as do heart attacks (Clin Cardiol, 1985; 8: 149-51). They also increase the pain of rheumatism, migraine, sleep disorders and general tension. Bad weather also .. ,ears to have a profound effect on human mo~. -iolence, accidents (including traffic accidents), suicides • I U criminal behaviours increase when EMFs build up in the air (J Sci Explor, 1998; 12: 455-68).
Atrnospherrcs can also interfere with concentration. Students make more mistakes on tests when sferics l'-ere high the night before. Our ability to react quickly also suffers when the air is heavy with sferic activity.
But why do we feel these faint pulses and not the louder ones? TheGiessen group postulates that each of us possesses a biological 'window' through which we receive and respond to a specific band of frequencies. Thus, we arc only susceptible to waves that correspond to our ideal frequencies.
Participants exposed to 10-kHz sferics for only 20 minutes show a large shift in their alpha band (7-13 Hz), the wave length of meditation and alert reccptivlty (Tirsch WS et e/. 'Sp8Ctroanalytical investigations about the influence
of atmospherics on the human EEG' [Abstr). EEG Symposium, Obergugl, February 1994). Other studies have shown an increase in both alpha and beta brain-wave activity (13-40 Hz).
In our human evolution, the brain may have worked best when tuned in to 10Hz, the frequency of our alpha cycle-quiet, meditative alertness-and the same as the Schumann resonance, the most common frequency of EM waves that encircle the earth.
James Oschman-author of EnerkLv Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Churchill Livingstone, 2000)-belicves that, when we're in a relaxed or meditative state, the pulse of the earth takes over as our brain's 'pacemaker'. Some have even concluded that the Schumann resonance frequency creates our own internal rhythms. When people in an underground bunker were exposed to Schumann-like extra-l ow-frequency (ELF) waves for a week, they displayed more accurate circadian rhythms than did the controls (Naturwissenschaften, 1968; 55: 29-32).
The Gicssen group has also examined reports showing that these low, faint fields can affect cell calcium, as all the important ions of the body are in the low-frequency range. Such interaction affects the delicate balance of melatonin and serotonin, the brain hormones that regulate mood, set our circadian rhythm and may be involved (through the pineal gland) with the workings of a number of the major organs.
The brain uses these oscillating cellular calcium ions to regulate a range of bodily functions. Like the rhythm set by an orchestra conductor, the 10-Hz pulse of the earth's weather gives us the world's best beat. As a tuning fork tunes a musical instrument, it may be that we need to be 'tuned' by the Schumann resonance to be at our own peak performance.
Also, we may have evolved to pick up these changes in the weather several days in advance to give us enough time to find food or shelter, say the Gicssen scientists.
The Schumann VLF fields build up primarily during fair weather. So, it may well be that we humans were designed to function at our best when it's sunny, and to give in to the impulse to hibernate during stormy weather.
Lynne McTaggart
he second article in our series on how weather affects your health
American essayist Joan Didion once wrote about the Santa Ana wind of Southern California "drying the hills and the nerves to tlashpoint". Travel writer Peter Mayle warned of an increase in
lunatic behaviour among the inhabitants of Provence during the season of Le Mistral.
These are two of the so-called 'winds of ill-repute'-also including Canada's Chinook winds, the Argentinian Zonda winds, the Sirocco winds of Italy and the Sharav or Khasmin winds of the Ncar East-those special seasonal high winds that profoundly affect human behaviour and health.
During the seasons of these hot, dry winds, the local inhabitants complain of insomnia, migraines, nausea vomiting, anxiety and tension-and even diminished or dimmed vision. Tempers flare, nerves are frayed. hospital admissions swell and suicide numbers skyrocket. Even the psychiatric wards are more full than usual. Surgeons put off operations because blood clots more slowly, and judges have been known to deal more leniently with crimes of passion if committed during the Santa Anas.
Yet, despite all the folklore, there's a simple scientific explanation for their effects. These ill winds share common clements: a rapid rise in temperature of initially cold air as they blow down the leeward side of a mountain: an abrupt decrease in humidity; and, most significant of all. a sharp rise in the level of positive ions released into the air.
Researchers who have studied the Sharav found that half a day
to three days before the winds begin to blow. the number of atmospheric ions nearly doubles, and the ratio of positive to negative ions goes from I to 2 to I to more than J. This change in the air's ionic charge is directly related to the onset of illnesses experienced by the locals a day or two before the wind's arrival.
Ions are electrical charges in the atmosphere that are formed when a molecule is hit by enough energy to unleash an electron from it, thus becoming a 'positive ion. In tum, the molecule that the freed electron then attaches itself to becomes a 'negative' ion.
Besides cosmic activity, ions are also created by rainfall, air pressure, waterfalls and the friction caused by large volumes of air moving rapidly over a land mass. Both positive and negative ions are equivalent to a tiny pulse of static electricity, and the air we breathe is made up of billions of these tiny charges.
Good 'clean' air contains 1500-4000 tons/em- and the preferred ratio should be slightly more negative than positive ions-1.2 to 1. However, ions are highly unstable and. as we're now surrounded by electromagnetic charges
from artificial sources, the number of ions we breathe in is drastically reduced and the ratio is often upset, leaving all but the most robustly outdoorsy of us with low levels of mostly positive ions-which isn't good for us.
After studying these effects for some 25 years in a specially created 'air ion laboratory', the late Professor Albert P. Krueger, Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology at the University of California, demonstrated that changing the
level of ions leads to substantial changes in many animal activities, such as growth rates, sleeping periods, breathing rates-and even their output of urine or faeces (J Gen Physiol, 1962; 45 [Pt 2 Suppl): 233--41), Ion changes also increased the aggressiveness of laboratory rats and affected their ability to learn (Bernet MM. Effects of Negatively Ionized Ai, and Circadian Rhythm on MazePerformance in Rats (thesis). New HavenCT:
Southern Connecticut State College, May 1980: 115).
Krueger's experiments revealed that changing the ion ratio in favour of negative ions is highly beneficial to all living things, and can boost healing of bums as well as healthy cell proliferation and regeneration (New Scientist, 1973; June 14: 668-70). Ultimately, he discovered that these charges in the atmosphere affected the production and oxidation of serotonin in the blood and brain of mammals, including humans. High levels of positive ions dramatically raised blood levels of serotonin whereas negative ions decreased them (IntJ Biometerol, 1973; 17: 267-75).
Serotonin, produced by the pineal gland, has profound effects on the endocrine and neurovascular systems, and helps to control metabolism and such activities as bloodclotting, blood pressure and smooth-muscle contraction. In the brain, serotonin controls the sleep-wake cycle, hunger and temperature regulation, and also mood and emotions. Excess levels of serotonin make you feci ill and give you headaches; low levels make you feel drowsy and depressed.
In susceptible people, levels of serotonin rise sharply two days before the winds arrive, and remain high to level off only after the winds have finally gone.
For those who arc weather-sensitive, most respond better to negative ions (although some do better with positive ions). Such symptoms are now referred to as 'serotonin hypcrfunction syndrome', and are only relieved when sufferers arc exposed to high levels of negative ions or given serotonin-repressing drugs (IntJ Biometeor, 1974; 18: 313-8).
Children, the elderly and the ill all appear to be particularly sensitive to ions and, indeed, some researchers have postulated that hyperactive and generally unruly children are deficient in such "vitamins of the air".
If you are one of those who reacts to sudden changes of weather, then being around lots of plants, an indoor source of constant running water such as a fountain or even a good­quality air ionizer-all sources of negative ions-is a safer and more reliable way to re-establish equilibrium.
Lynne McTaggart
WDDTYvoI 20 no 12

The Russians have a new take on prcvcntativo medicine, In a room at the (;eorl.\ian Techni­eall'nin:rsity ( .n : in Thilisi.
three sets of Helmholtz coils dotted ahout the place bathe the room in a powerful maunctlc field. The plan is to hegin using this set-up for eardim'as­eular patients. particularly those in intensive care. with the coils offering compensatory shielding a,gainst an invisible threat-a killer that is more potent than diet. lifestvlc or even genes.
We all live on what is essentially a giant magnet. with its Xorth and South Poles-the two poles of the magnet surrounded hy a donut-shaped mag, netic field. This nmbicut geomagnetic field. or magnetosphere. is constantly in flux, as it's affected hy the weather and any geological changes on cnrth-s­hut. most particularly, hy volarilc eh:mgcs of the weather in space. largcl~' caused hy the furious nct ivitv of the sun.
This benlgn srnr responsible for all life on earth is essentially a cluster of unirnaainahly hot hydrogen and helium criss-crossed with a layer of unstable magnetic fields. Xor surprisingly, this volatile combination results in periodic volcano-style eruptions that propel ,gas into space. while vortices of concentra­ted fields-the dark blobs on the sun's surface that we call 'sunspots '-pull apart and reconnect to form new arrangements. Despite this potentially anarchic combination. the sun carries out this aetivity according to a fairly predictable timetable; regular solar c .'ycles consist of ] 1 years, during which rime sunspots build up. discharge and IJCgin to wane.
During the waxing stage. as sunspots accumulate. so the sun begins to hurl its gaseous explosions, such as solar Rares. our way. This amounts to a billion ton's worth of g:ls and magnetic lields with the force of billions of
atomic bombs, all made airborne and aimed towards earth through the electrified gas of the solar wind-and all trmdling some five million miles per hour.
This act ivitv not only causes extreme geomagnetic storms in space hut also. durin,l.\ moments of intense solar activity. penct rates the earth's maunctlc field. During.\ any giwn 11­year solar cycle. we can expect to experience two years' worth of geo­magnetic storms severe enou,gh to disrupt portions of the earth's electrical power. interrupt high-tech communications systems. and dis­orientate spacecraft and satellite wl\-il.\ation systems.
Profound effects on life
I 'nt il only recently. scientists were dismissive of the idea that the earth's faint magnctie field-a thousand times weaker than the standard clnssruom horseshoe magnet-had nnv effect on basic biological processes. particularly as all li\'in~ things on earth arc now exposed to much stronger vlcctromagncrtc and l.\eomagnctie fields at everv moment of our modern. technologically dependent. lives.
Xcverthcless. the latest disc()\'eries have revealed that li\ing things have a small window through which subtle geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields-such as those generated by the earth. rather than the artificial kind gener~lted by technology-have the most profound effect upon all cellular processes in living things. Changes in this faint charge, particularly those of extremely low frequencies (less than 100 l lz), profoundly influence virtually all biological processes in H\'ing things and. in particular, the two major engines of the body-the heart and the brain.
The earth's magnetic activity appears to directly riffeet our cell
membranes and calcium-ion chan­nels. which arc vital for regulating enzyme systems within the cell. In pnrticular, the earth's geomngnetie field appears to target the sympath­eric nerves (those originating from the chest and lower-back parts of the spinal cord. and include the 'fight-or­tlil.\h t' response).
Of all the affected systems in the body. changes in solar geomngnetie conditions most profoundly disturb the rhythms of the heart. Indeed. in susceptible people. magnetlc storms can bring on a heart attack. Healthy hearts have a wide nmge of variation in heart fate. but magnetic storms decrease heart-rate vuriahility (Biomed Instrum Technol, 1999; 33: 152-87) and. in turn. increase the risk of all coronary artery disease and heart attack. When geomagnetic activity increases. the blood becomes thicker-sometimes doubly so--and the bloodstream slows dO\\11. both of which arc a recipe for a heart attack.
In fact. heart-attack rates and cardiovascular deaths closely follow increases in solar-cycle geomagnctie activ ity (Neuro Endrocrinol Lett, 2000; 21: 233-58). with the largest number of sudden fatal heart attacks occurring within a day of a geomagnetic storm (Solar Physics, 1977; 51: 175-83). One L'niverslty of Minnesota study found a 5 per cent increase in heart attacks during times of maximum solar activity over a five-year period (J Atmos Solar-Terr Phys, 2002; 64: 707-20).
Besides heart effects. the sun has a profound cffect on the other electrical centres of the body: the brain and nervous system. Scientists in the Soviet bloc discovered that;: even in healthy volunteers, electrical. :\Cthity in the brain is highly destabilized during magnetically stormy days (Proceedings of the Space Weather Workshop:
Looking Towards a European Space Weather Programme. December 17-19, 2001, Noordwijk, The Netherlands). Indeed. the nervous system's signalling itsdi is corrupted. so that parts arc ovcractivated while others iail to fire (Astron Astrophys Trans. 2003: 22: 861-7).
Geomagnetic activity in space also profoundly affects mental stability: the higher the geomagnetic activity; the greater the increases in gcneral psychiatric disorders (Percept Motor Skills. 1992: 74: 449). thegreatcr the number oi patients hospitalized for nervous conditions and the greater the number oi attempted suicides (Int J Biometeorol. 1994: 38: 199-203).
There is even some evidence that epileptic tits result from or arc exaccr­bated by geomagnetic disturbances (BrazJ Moo, 1996: 29: 1069-72).
An earty-warninq system
The above-mentioned <iTt' cxpcri­ment was part of BI()( :<)S (Biosphere and COSl11os). a vast rnultlccntrc project begun by noted biologist Franz Halberg and Universitv of Mmncsota's Chronobiology Laboratories to act as an early-warning signal by monitoring the physiological variables caused by thc sun and other planets.
Thermal Imaging
·         Early Detection
·         Non Invasive
·         No Radiation
·         No Pain
Protecting against solar activity
If you suffer from heart disease, epilepsy or any psychiatric illness, it is. worth following space weather for forecasts of heavy solar geomagnetic activity. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) created the Space Environment Center (SEC), America's official source of space weather activity ( Jointly operated by the NOAA and US Air Force, the Space Weather Operations (SWO) centre provides forecasts and warnings of solar and geomagnetic activity. For today's forecast. see
All geomagnetic activity is measured on a 'K index', with 0 being the most quiet and 9 the most turbulent. The 'a index' is similar, but uses a larger scale-ranging from 0 to 400.

Climate change; a detailed account and related subjects can be found in
Monday 24th May 2021 A Trilogy of Blogs entitled ' Part 1 '1967' WRITINGS. Part 2 'Changes in the Solar System and Ascension' Part 3 ' Photon Belt, Black Holes, The Extinctions' 

Then there are countless blogs on ET's and psychic phenomena.

From Blogs and Files
Reminding you that Tesla and Einstein both said about vibrations and frequencies. Any change in the Schuman Resonance effects nature(us),
Courtesy Diana Raly

Years back there was excitement of an announcement of a Photon Belt and the New Age Movement felt this was going to be a new Aquarian Age and in way as we shall see this not far from what I feel and the 1967 writings are out to prove or at least surmise and suggest.

As the Solar system travels around the Galactic Black Hole at the Centre it completes the cycle in a 225 Million Year Cycle and revisits parts of space it has done in many previous cycles with one particular difference; the Universe is expanding and galaxy itself has a cycle around the Universal Centre and this gives rise to a theory that The Universe is a spiral vortex.

There is evidence that the photon belt is indeed a new area in space in which the solar system is moving into.

It has been found by NASA that this new area of space is highly energetic and the radiation immense. I feel that as we approach this, the solar system is being heated up and the global warming and changes are caused by the input of the highly charged energies and is indeed the real cause of Earth's global warming to which humanity has added, yes we have to deal with this but not just by carbon footprints. Also the new area in this space is denser and therefore more energetic. Using your imagination; the Earth Spins on its tilted axis and at the same time moving in an orbit with the other planets around the Sun which spinning and the solar system is spinning around the Galactic Centre which in its turn is spinning around so far a hypothetical Centre. 

Many years back NASA had denied the existence of the Photon belt and climate change in the blogs above May 24th. 2021 there is mention of they finally admitted to it and did not want to scare people, indeed the energies of entering new areas or revisiting previous areas of high intensity may have caused the Mass Five Extinctions and be part of the upgrades and sloughing off of 'sell by dates' and the evolutionary urge to Ascend and renew in order to progress to 'Pastures New'  

Be Well


There is much more; the magnetic fields of Earth and Sun, the magnetic pole shift, portals, the pole flip and the tipping points, Holographic Brain, Binaural Brain-------?
As these 'hot' energies pervade all of the Universe and us included because we are one with the Universe, they can implement and facilitate Ascension or inflame the ego and fire up the worst traits of humanity or other sinister or maybe well meaning but arrogant fight and challenge against the Universal Intelligence of Creation and Evolution.


The above article maybe just speculation or is it? At or in the quantum 'field' and there is no quantifiable definition of the field, let us say 'where everything emerges from and seemingly returns too' there is every possibility and probability and what chose or made the choice to be Life on Earth, or did it happen randomly and spontaneously? 

Eh by Gum