Tuesday, 19 September 2023



Courtesy Health Federation

Hello and a healthy welcome. I know I repeat a lot of data and issues this is because I feel the message too many has not sunk in and a sad lack of media space and publicity of this issue.

Below are the links to many of the issues the take over of our health by the W.H.O and The WEF funded by wealthy billionaires who have no real concern over our health but to control us and make money through the large international pharmaceutical companies and eventually make us slaves without medical freedom or the choice of therapies other than allopathic medicine. 

So forgive me if I reiterate the main points, please really send this on to everyone;


To save yourself the trouble of reading the long link below here are a few salient points;

1)Articles 1, 42,43

The amendments in the IHR (International Health Regulations) make WHO proclamations , which are currently advisory, legally binding for all its members, undermining national sovereignty.

2)Article 2

The amendment's give WHO's legislative powers overriding elected governments even in 'potential rather than actual emergencies'.

3)Article 3

The amendments remove the paragraph to have 'respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.

4)Article 36 

WHO would be able to censor 'misinformation' or 'disinformation'.  Annexe 1 

5)Article 18

WHO would be given authority to enforce testing, tracing, and quarantines and to mandate and demand proof of medicines and vaccines.

6)Articles 18,23,24,27,28,31,35,36 and 44

WHO would get authority to roll out mandatory global health certificates. Annexes 6 and 8.

7)Article 13A

WHO would seize control  of countries means of production requiring products to be supplied as directed by the WHO

8)Article 44A and Annex 10

Courtesy Bekeyan Deviant Art

Dr John Campbell goes through the majority of points and is a very eloquent and a sound orator. 

·                        The globalists’ plan for our future can be summarized as “global dominion by the few and total control of the masses”

·                        The technocratic cabal has control over most if not all Western governments, as well as the bureaucratic structure of the WHO; 85% of its funding comes from private entities, so it’s owned by private interests

·                        Based on the current treaty draft and proposed IHR amendments, it’s clear that mRNA-based vaccinations will be mandatory under the WHO’s power structure, and these vaccines will be made in 100 days by skipping human trials and shaving safety and efficacy testing down to the bare bones

·                        Under the treaty, as currently written, nations will be required to surveil and censor social media. The WHO’s narrative will be the only one allowed


 The link below is sharing pathogens which could lead to deadly biological weaponry and at the stroke of a jab.



 More by Dr Mercola and is archived in his sub stack


 More on the ET UFO hype and the change to call them UAP another ploy to disconnect psychologically ET to UAP a sort of cancel culture. This may speak to the mind that UAP are a modern phenomena and are  the threat of an invasion and the next pandemic but ancient phenomena of no threat and something mentioned in the oldest recorded history, legends handed down from generation to generation and cave drawings and rituals.


 OOPS, NASA actually commenting initials; Never Actually Saying  Anything.


Oh by the way many archaeologists are in the pay of religious organisations and Big Pharma. Like natural medicine, herbs and energy medicine they are hidden unless you research and many of the links in the internet are being censored and so may I suggest that you research before they disappear and woke and cancel culture form the New World Order as to what is ancient and manipulated or just gone without a trace and what does surface is fake or against the the authorised. A starter; Graham Hancock , UFO Timothy Good


 A real concern as I originally wrote about the changing frequencies of the Sun and the work of Nassim Haramein on this;

.Who cares? Cosmic rays are a surprisingly "down to Earth" form of space weather. They can alter the chemistry of the atmosphere, trigger lightning, and penetrate commercial airplanes. According to a study from the Harvard T.H. Chan school of public health, crews of aircraft have higher rates of cancer than the general population. The researchers listed cosmic rays, irregular sleep habits, and chemical contaminants as leading risk factors. A number of controversial studies (#1#2#3#4) go even further, linking cosmic rays with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.

Technical notes: The radiation sensors onboard our helium balloons detect X-rays and gamma-rays in the energy range 10 keV to 20 MeV. These energies span the range of medical X-ray machines and airport security scanners.

Data points in the graph labeled "Stratospheric Radiation" correspond to the peak of the Regener-Pfotzer maximum, which lies about 67,000 feet above central California. When cosmic rays crash into Earth's atmosphere, they produce a spray of secondary particles that is most intense at the entrance to the stratosphere. Physicists Eric Regener and Georg Pfotzer discovered the maximum using balloons in the 1930s and it is what we are measuring today. Courtesy spaceweather.com 

Two more; POST 317 Thursday 18th May 2017 and Thursday 20th October 2022 scroll down Geomagnetic storms.




 Oh happy days and starry nights and UFOUAP dance and enhance.

Perhaps we should have put water in our whisky, they are a threat you know, ah you must be kidding why have they waited this long, well they may have come a long way to get here. Perhaps they need a rest and refuel and maintenance.




Courtesy Space.com
Well this is scary and AI 


Meet its cousin 

Well can you imagine the New World Order using these; such as medical vaccine robots yes surgical can be of use, a police force of these and the nightmare of AI getting to a point of ousting humans as inferior-----well they do not food when batteries are obsolete, they might use other means of fuel, they do not need rest, they will feel no pain. THE TERMINATOR series of films maybe a prophesy. The nightmare of AI replacing the need of a programmer or programming a robot to android that teach themselves and make their own offspring. Cyborgs in humans and robots making their own forms of humans using 3D printer and human harvested cells and and tissue.

From a a human named


Be Well be Human

Thursday, 14 September 2023


 Hello and a mystical welcome. You know over the many years I have been told by many readers 'Oh for goodness sake Geoff, not, that UFO stuff. Well from the 1st May and my blog there until now its UFO (forbidden word it should UAP or something) a very enormous abundant saturating the press with space, ET, motherships and so on. 

It was not long ago when every government denied ET and UFO and chemtrails 'oh no' then it was found in the act below in paragraph 7 that not only were there chemtrails but other exotic weaponry including energy weapons and so on. 

In fact I was subpoenaed to attend a private law suit that involved chemtrails and the military of the USA and UK involved I was set up as a patsy, a sort of fall guy and it did not work (long story) and recently another subpoena over UFO investigations and research, the party that wanted the information was the party that requested me to do the investigations and had read my UFO STORY and when I told them they had all the information as they had asked my employer at the time at the Forensics if I could join a team that was already doing it and they needed a Forensics person and they looked baffled as they realised that they had got the information and did not realise it, they were panicking because all this secrecy over the years was suddenly 'sort of lifted' by the USA as in blogs from 1st May 2023 and the all the hoo-ha and sudden threat of a possible alien attack and its relevance to Operation Blue Beam and all the rest of this; like oh there are aliens and UFO we did not know, aliens and ET are either China or some other foreign power and only a modern phenomena, whilst most genuine researchers will tell you they are as old as the planet and again 1st May blog onwards, well ET have waited for thousands of years so why now is an imminent attack?

I have not commented on the many links below, however you will see the media press not only contradicting themselves but really in a frenzy-----is this another psyops, another frightener, another lock down, mask, vaccine another Globalist One World W.H.O WEF attempt by the eugenics, cyborg, transhumanism, technocracy, AI, GMO and to facilitate and emergency and trigger COG Emergency Powers Act which cancels out all local governmental decisions and was put in place after 9/11. This was recently used y President Trudeau in Canada over the Truckers Blockade.  

H. R. 2977

2 Oct 2001 — To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space.








https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/atomic-blast-destroyed-ancient-bible-city-of-sodom-says-expert-who-has-proof/ar-AA1gCwxF?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=02b3137ab4034824adc478eeb03a8e01&ei=16   A laser blast on flesh turns flesh into salt at a certain frequency----read Sodom and Gomora in Bible. Genesis 13.12 and 19.20 

Courtesy Google Images
I must have done at least ten blogs desperately pleading about the short and long term damage that masks do.  

It was interesting at the start of the Pandemic the UK Chief medical Officer Dr Chris Whitty said;

Professor Chris Whitty Chief Medical Officer and his assistant and add to this Dr Faucci Chief medical advisor in the USA ll changed their minds over masks

The evidence for face coverings is “not very strong in either direction”, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer has admitted, despite a last minute U-turn on masks in schools.....

Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists he does not want to see face coverings in schools

England’s chief medical officer has warned the public wearing face masks will do little to combat the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

Professor Chris Whitty told Sky News on Wednesday that wearing a face mask had almost no effect on reducing the risk of contracting the illness.

Prof Whitty said: “In terms of wearing a mask, our advice is clear: that wearing a mask if you don’t have an infection reduces the risk almost not at all. So we do not advise that.”

“The only people we do sometimes use masks for are people who have got an infection and that is to help them to stop it spreading around," he added.

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/coronavirus-uk-news-professor-chris-whitty-no-masks-advice-a9374086.html MY BLOG THURSDAY 4TH Agust 2022

Professor Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Valance Chief scientific  Officer. I have so many blogs on masks Use the Search bar for more
I had meeting with Chris Whitty at a general meeting and I put it to him that masks did not serve any function accept in surgery and fumes and quoted references and I was asked to leave the meeting because he said masks were not on the agenda and time limited for questions and hall renting.
















Most of the UFO / ET are 'old hat' and talk about 'reinventing the wheel' and what is so disgusting the reporters and so called journalist's have distorted the facts and misquoted people. You can see the same reports if you research properly although the reports went back to the 50's 60's 70's and so on. Get some decent books 'Above Top Secret' by Timothy Good and the rest of his books and many other decent researcher's and their books.

Be Well
