Friday 15 September 2017


Hello again and a tremendous welcome.  We are living in extraordinary times. Wars, economical strife for the many, massive wealth for many whilst homelessness and poverty austerity and human rights decline stalk a large number of the populace.  Terrible and vicious terrorist attacks, governments in denial over supplying weaponry to the very factions that they say are causing the strife and a moral decline by politicians who make mammon and worship the God Profit.

However my brief so to speak is about energy, the shift to the next step in evolution and is there a link between the unrests as above, the weather and the Sun.

We are energy beings vibrating with sixty trillion atoms all 'shaking and rocking' millions  and millions of interacting wave frequencies, standing and interference patterns and if you look into holograms you may very well feel and think we are but holograms, the Universe a large hologram and if you cut a hologram in bits you get a picture of the whole in miniature and somewhat hazy if it is very small. So energy in my view is vibrations which causes waves.  
5 Minutes of sound on water.
Having seen the above two videos it is only a short step in imagination to see what this can do to your cells and remember we are 80% made up of water and in the womb with amniotic fluid, so what must WI-FI, cell / mobile phones, computers, TV and all the loud non natural sounds do to us in the long run along with blaring music and constant 'voices in the head and the internal unconscious dialogue that runs us by habit'.

 Here I would urge you to look at the link above and the video underneath as if we are not under enough surveillance already; 

This is vital and is about Smart Meters

Please have in mind we are energy vibrating beings, we broadcast and we receive vibrations, which ones do you want to 'rock your boat, what waves do you want to make patterns in your water and see your cells and atoms dance too'?

Although the flare was the largest so far in the current 11-year-solar cycle, NASA reassured people that the harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth’s atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground.
But it can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel, something that NASA said was felt as a high-frequency radio blackout, that lasted for about an hour on Wednesday. (09-09-17) In a National News Item.  This was about the massive solar flares over those days.

And it might not be finished yet.

Then look up the link above and see the three columns of radio, solar and magnetic and only do they mention the effects on biology such as high flying migratory birds, astronauts and passengers and pilots in aircraft.  look in Archives right top corner 09-09-17

Then look at the link above and you will have seen the effects laid out by these researchers look at the archive top right for the date 09-09-17, you will have seen as I have mentioned them many times and if you scroll right down their articles you will see they are constantly reminding you of the effects and affects of gamma rays see their three ### and read. Its really worth it and can explain on certain days why  some heart attacks and so on can happen.

Then please look at the following POSTS 292, 317, 317 A, B, C. NOTE please that in POST 317 B in particular it shows the effects of Geomagnetic Storms and how the Russians protect vulnerable people from them by magnets and how so many people are weather sensitive. These POSTS ARE VITAL to survival also there is the famous letter written to NASA by the 49 engineers, technicians and astronauts re climate change.

The next step in evolution in my view and of course by now you know is to the human being transformed over a given time scale which is not rigidly fixed but calculated on the rate of frequencies of gamma rays, Sun signals of DNA coding see last Post in Part 7, and a rough estimate in dates as the last POST and the birth of this new era probably began 24,000 years or so ago.

The process is called by many names, the ascension process, the next step in evolution, the shift, the tipping point, religiously some see it as the return of the various Messiahs depending on your religion or cult, I have blogged on the various ones who have come and gone.  I feel the Messianic coming will be a mass energy upgrade and reconfiguration named by some 'The New Age Aquarian' 'The new Light Body' My one is the New Transformed Aquarian Light body or Homo Energetica or Spiritulana '  I have blogged about the changes that can be seen and so on.  It is all about raised vibrations an analogy; ice-water-steam-vapour-source, all applied heat and electron expanding and so on. So basically Homo Energetica will be more light filled and the brain more binaural and so we may look more glowing, we may remain at the height we are or shorter or taller, certainly unisex and androgynous.
All according to our genetic DNA imprint from Source. 


Courtesy YouTube
Here we come to choice do you want the light body not very well portrayed, I did not want choose an over glamorized light being or a part cyborg or implanted being? The tranhumanists and mechanistics or the natural and evolutionary as in the last POST.
Courtesy AZ Quotes
May I say that I knew Eckhart when he lived in London and I knew him as Ulrich and I blogged the events. Dear Eckhart I admire and respect him deeply, however I feel we will make the next step in evolution whether we are taught a formidable lesson and wake up, but the Universe will persevere come hell or high water it will arrive. The mammoth had came naturally to the elephant.

Courtesy slide player
I feel and subscribe that humans will have the same powers and gifts and do not have to have mechanical, electronic and enhanced scientific means to achieve this. MIND YOU I am grateful for surgeons who save life, give artificial hips and knees and so on, there is also proof being suppressed and denied that certain 'powers and health' can be achieved naturally if given the correct pure food, water and information.  See breakthroughs in the beliefs about genetics; Dr Bruce Lipton's book The Biology Of Belief, The Molecules of Emotion by Dr Candice Pert, the exciting breakthroughs in neuro science that is neuroplasticity and the amazing placebo and experiments with that also 'the Swedish Gym experiment with people in a gym and people doing the same time in visualization achieving the same results' I have blogged extensively on this.

Courtesy workout trends
So it is a matter of mind over matter (excuse pun) of which I have had a battle with all my life, with the exception of a few small achievements. I blogged on my Sensei's and Sifu's amazing demonstrations way back.  The mechanical implants versus mind healing and growth, if we believe enough it can be done.  I wish I could shake my own doubts and beliefs that lay deep in my unconscious and dissolve them, the few times that an unconscious deep belief surfaced and I faced it and it dissolved I was able to move on in my life and just received a more peaceful mind and I did not want a material miracle, a mind at peace is enough for me.

I appreciate how difficult it is to deeply and significantly empty the hardrive of impacted deep rooted brainwashed, programmed beliefs that make up our reality based on just ideas and frightening it is to suddenly wake up to the fact all 'I am' is a bunch of ideas or just one idea to who I am or supposed to be, heaven knows Iv'e blogged on this and written SHACK on this.

So realising that my stuff is  unconscious buried ideas taken in from parents, friends, family, culture, religion, politics, media, life experiences I decided because of  the suffering and my NDE that who am I really, and to find  a way and for me it was meditation (not imagery, visualization, mantra, yantra, self growth only doing Yoga, Pilate's, Tai chi, Judo, Kung Fu, Aikido, Kendo, Qi Gong, diet affirmations, hypnosis, mind control) that I began to take off the block, undo the latch, begin to crack open the vault where the coffins of my dead thoughts were trying gain life through me. So dear Buddha the only control that fits me is watching without bias, attention without intention, looking without judgment, opinion without holding it and I feel control is an inaccurate word from the translation, it is certainly true for me that the uncontrolled mind does rule one, but suppression merely makes it go underground and fester and become part of the vault.  

Courtesy Google images
So dear readers where do we go from here?  Your choice of course is your choice or is it? Can we go on a group journey? Who taught me to be in the religion I am, what would it be like if I had no religion? Does it mean I cannot have social and harmonious principles without religion.  Who taught me politics? What if we had just harmony and respect for everything everywhere. Who taught me that fame, money and power and success are the only worthwhile achievements?  Who taught you that the media were the only true news? Who said to you that you must be successful otherwise you are a waste of space and a failure, who took away you self confidence or gave you a massive ego boost? Keep questioning. I found that I was a conditioned organic robot and my teachers would not let me follow them, I have always trod the lone path of the spiritual warrior and am coming to the notion of the bare and naked mind, a clear mind, bright and pure with compassion and a natural love for all and everything that is natural and sincere.  Maybe I will not achieve this in this lifetime but I'll give it my best shot.

Its all a matter of vibrations and remember vibrations can shake loose the tightest knots and blockages and meditation can raise the vibrations because the trapped debris once dissolved releases the energy that once held it in.

Be Well

Courtesy bear with me
To all those who are their true selves(Geoff)
Courtesy Blue Feather Spirit
I include this as a dedication to all women for respect and hearfelt gratitude.(Geoff)



Bioelectric Resonance frequency
Information induced by modulation
Motor control cortex  10Hz Motor impulse co ordination
Auditory cortex 15Hz. Sound bypasses ears.

Visual cortex 25Hz.  Images in brain bypassing eyes.

See also in archives 'entrainment' and like subjects. The famous pendulum clock comes under entrainment and women who live together over a time their menses begins to coincide.
Regular readers will know I do not advertise other products and when I do I stress there is no payment for doing so nor is there a behind the scenes hands shake. You will have heard in the video above about binaural beats. I have been using a remarkable set of CD's by centrepointe for the last eight years and am near the end of the 9-10 year course.
I have investigated many such claims by other centers and institutions and have not been impressed.  However I when I have taken these CD's to my friends laboratory they are genuine, good quality and an excellent supplement and aid to my free 'standing' meditations.

I would add in the light of the last three or four Posts it would be wise if you are in a city or in anxiety or any stressful situation that you can avail yourself of this brilliant technology.  Normally I would not suggest meditation aids but when I was in Forensics and the Aftermath of it and realised the tweaking of our brains by the elite I decided I needed some help as I live alone in difficult circumstances.

Bill Harris is the inventor and he runs a large business, I must say their staff are efficient, generous, honest and there are counselors and coaches as part of the service free with the purchase. ONE thing it is advisable to do them consistently and the way they suggest. Also there is a test trial and it is worth trying it out. 

In these stressful times it is advisable to get help.  I am available as a user not as  a coach or counsellor to answer any e-mail on this should you start, but they are only my views and not that of centrepointe.

                                     Be Well and Thrive

Geoff  (

or sometimes or just Shack or SHACK-BLOGGER

just Posted ten more a few days back, some more on way in a few days time, I try to Post 20 a month.

The online one as in this site now and then when a topic arises that I can add a fresh view too.

Friday 8 September 2017


Hello and a very warm welcome and trust you are well under these unusual and stressful times. I am going to set this Post in Parts and some of it you have heard before, however I will try and be 'not too long winded', however it may be too long for one Post so I will do a second follow up, as I type this I am undecided as there is so much, I will use videos, link and diagrams for further research. Thank you for your patience and indulgence. 

I have mentioned many times that the elite, the industrial military complex or any other fitting names, wish for world domination through the One World Government, they will do this through food (GMO) WI-FI, TV, cell / mobile phone, computer and many other devices one may have. The age of digital technology will assist this along with optic fibres and nano implementation. The early Echelon diagrams are still valid as they give the frequencies to tweak the brain.

Bioelectric Resonance frequency
Information induced by modulation
Motor control cortex  10Hz Motor impulse co ordination
Auditory cortex 15Hz. Sound bypasses ears.
Visual cortex 25Hz.  Images in brain bypassing eyes.

Somatosensory 9Hz. Phantom touch sense etc.
This is now delivered in a more sophisticated way by what I referred to as 'World Wide Net ' a sort of all encompassing sphere covering the Earth and I described it as able to pick out an individual by their DNA markers. I even mentioned that the Black helicopters had a kind of 'fingerprint profile' of one  and that is how certain people have had 'mysterious deaths' .  Many of these can now be done by the following;  
Cell / mobile phone
This can can be used to send the above frequencies as well.
Now to enhance my world wide net idea which I described from 2006 onwards and the DNA / RNA tweaking I submit two very interesting videos from Dark Journalist please forgive my arrogance and conceited comments when I say I was blogging this years back, HOWEVER these are excellent and I praise the interviews and the books as they contain far more than I could give at the time and also I had to be careful for several reasons. Yes I know the old excuse to protect my sources( a good cop out) and who I formerly worked for and with my association with large organisations.
Brilliant Part 1
Brilliant Part 2
The D-Wave I blogged about was then just called the quantum computer.  It is in my view it is the 'carrier' wave of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and has a portal link to a certain portion of a Cosmic source in the Plasma Field. ( See Portals in Part 7).  I will leave it at that as I can go on for another six aspects of it.  
As you would have seen from the videos above there are references to the titles in Part 2; here I would like to refer you to my offering; should the the net fail then they have back up plans. One of the many back up plans is outlined by Ray Kurzwell  and bioengineering and I give out this in Posts 135 to 139 which was February 2014. With this is some mentions of the latest robots and AI which has come on leaps and bounds since then.  Going to Post 135 you may get Post 139 I remember I had a glitch and probably din't fix it please scroll down to the end and keep on scrolling because there are related posts which are related to the above.
Well Satanic Worship is a massive subject; just to say I mentioned in many blogs my experiences in my Forensic work and as a psychotherapist.  It is not helpful to discuss this further and is a messy mucky sticky vibe and is connected to the astral aura and you can see the auras and chakras in many books and you tubes. I have my own ideas about auras and chakras which I laid out in earlier blogs. Suffice it to state that the 'Skynet' (many science fiction films give out future outcomes such as The Terminator Series, The Day the Earth Stood Still(both versions) and Bourne Series, there are many more, I mention ET the Film and have done a Post on it.
One of the many Satanic lately to come to light is the Pizza Gate affair;
Very Revealing.
There is much more but it has been pushed away and denied.

The military are always going to seek super weapons, superior fighting men and such was the intention in the early days as seen in this interview;
 Many more super soldiers and Space Fleet on POST 273
Now the tendency is by remote control drones and robots.(see above). Of course the world wide sky net is part of the Military and the back engineered UFO.  I will refer you to THE UFO STORY MAY 2005 IN  More about ET is perhaps fascinating but regular readers will know there are so many Posts that it would be a mammoth task to list them all; perhaps books by Timothy Good, and Sir Paul Hellyer among the many and of course Ben Rich.
If you go to POSTS 140 it will follow through to Posts 28 and 116 which will add more to ET and as ET are very much connected to the Military in some aspects and esoterically in others.  Hangar 18 the video(make sure it is not edited at the end and the aliens on the cover are human looking and  not greys is true (see Post 32).    

When one talks about political it is really but with a few exceptions tied in with the Industrial Military Complex and the so called elite, Bilderbergs , Illuminati, The Kabul or whatever name you wish to give this so called self appointed behind the scenes secret government or whatever. As one gleans from the above they are tied in with secret sects and so on. The best way to illustrate this other than to refer to my many Posts on this and exposing corruption and wars and so forth, the terrible injustice, denial and suffering is with a brilliant video by David Icke.;  
Absolutely Spot On
I can vouch for this; in one of the Posts you might notice a few yellow leaflets with my early workshop programmes, you will see that I lectured at FAO (The food and agricultural Organisations of the UN Rome, I did a month a year for eight years running as of the EU in Brussels) by the way in Brussels I met NATO HQ staff who revealed a lot about ET and that you had to sign up for Chemtrails, vaccines and GMO foods and I would think join the elite club as a country for membership.
Financial would be a sub heading and I went into the many currencies and that were tried by the Bush Administration in 'The Americas' the worry over BRICS and Bitcoin, the petrodollar and so on. A brilliant latest summary is by the incredible James Corbett;
Very good
I have to slightly disagree with James on one issue I feel that BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa) as you will hear from James are endeavouring to set up a new financial system, I feel they do not just want a better seat at the IMF and monetary cartels I think they want a real alternative system.
This may also be why the USA wants to obliterate North Korea so that it can set up a NATO shield in the North and South, ringing Russia and China even more than the existing NATO umbrella, also extending their bio net which as I understand it Russia and China do not want.
With alternative energy technologies now gaining footholds in the oil market and people waking up to the fact there is alternative energies(I have blogged on least nine and cures for everything with the phantom wave and so on), then I think the panic button has been pressed and it is well known now that the USA and the UK are funding terrorism and that religious ideology is the excuse for it and deliberate interference and wars on countries that cause asylum seekers and refugees and with this ISIL fighters coming in with the genuine ones; was this a deliberate Illuminati ploy along with austerity measures, GMO foods and harmful vaccines never the less HAARP and Chemtrails.    
I do not have a religion although born Jewish.  I was taught to be a Jew, I was born naked and bare and hopefully have a naked and bare mind soon. I am not against or for religion or cults, the problem becomes one if one is not tolerant and imposes one's beliefs. I made up a story in POST 83 I feel you might get the message, there are genuine priests, saints, and prophets its a shame they are hard to find.  I'll leave religion at that.  By the way do not discount the religion of Atheism and Skepticisms.
Regular readers will be fed up by now about me mentioning the '1967' writings and you can see the story in Post 9 first please and POST 222 for further links and journeys. The abridged and very much shortened '1967 writings' can be found in ▼  2013 (4)  I don't know why its probably a mistake in the tremendous task of downloading and retrieval from the late that the blogs are in reverse order please read from bottom up.  As you will see from the Samye Ling and the writings, my job was to find evidence for it scientifically, medically, religiously and morally. The writings in my blogs have endeavoured to do so. Also my NDE in 1942 added to the enthusiasm and basically we are talking about the next part.

Another major aspect of my work is that we are approaching the next shift in evolution I have explained this in POSTS 321, A, B, C, and that the elite are hell bent on stopping this happening.  I do not agree with the lovely Elana Freedlander that the next step is way off, I agree with her it can be delayed as I have mentioned since 1970 but I think it is imminent, for the reasons given in the last POSTS.
Originally way back when I talked about the Ascension symptoms which were the effects of the incoming energies and strangely enough are similar to the HAARP and  Chemtrails   See Post 135 special No 1, there is a detailed explanation to each of the sections, very long. I did research on psychoneuroimmuneology PSI and various other cellular branches and in my Forensic work learned a lot. 
The next in evolution will bring in a new human being I call them Homo Energetica and or Spriritulana. 
There rages a battle between the transhumanists, the mechanistics, the sceptics, the religionist and others and myself who feel there is only consciousness and this is beginning and the end of it. I have mentioned that Nassim Haramein see previous blogs 321 and on and the Sun phenomena, the strange action of the Sun today 08-09-17 as it enters a low period, see this date for its strange behaviour and the Mexico huge earthquake /tsunami.
I feel that the planets and stars and all creation is conscious and alive and one sees from Nassim's video it defended itself, I off er another example;

I feel all the Universe and its Creation is alive and conscious.  I will offer some videos to back this claim up, first of all from a prominent scientist  
n an interview published in The Observer (London), when asked the question "Do you believe that life on this planet is the result of some sort of accident, or do you believe that it is a part of some great scheme?", he replied:
I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe... In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.
What remains is in any case very different from the full-blooded matter and the forbidding materialism of the Victorian scientist. His objective and material universe is proved to consist of little more than constructs of our own minds. To this extent, then, modern physics has moved in the direction of philosophic idealism. Mind and matter, if not proved to be of similar nature, are at least found to be ingredients of one single system. There is no longer room for the kind of dualism which has haunted philosophy since the days of Descartes.
— James Jeans, addressing the British Association in 1934, recorded in Physics and Philosophy[15]
Finite picture whose dimensions are a certain amount of space and a certain amount of time; the protons and electrons are the streaks of paint which define the picture against its space-time background. Traveling as far back in time as we can, brings us not to the creation of the picture, but to its edge; the creation of the picture lies as much outside the picture as the artist is outside his canvas. On this view, discussing the creation of the universe in terms of time and space is like trying to discover the artist and the action of painting, by going to the edge of the canvas. This brings us very near to those philosophical systems which regard the universe as a thought in the mind of its Creator, thereby reducing all discussion of material creation to futility.
— James Jeans in The Universe Around Us
When I was a member of the Scientific and Medical Net work I had a few brief discussions Rupert Sheldrake, this video below was banned by the TED talk series;
Thank you Rupert
Rupert was really set upon by scientists and some of the remarks made to him are astonishing. Strangely enough I had much the same from others in academia.
So it comes to facts that consciousness versus materialism and the fact is that the elite want to abort or thwart the next step in evolution. They will have lost their power and dominance and they are jealous because benign ET will co join with humanity when the awakening and shift are sufficiently advanced.  The dates if it runs smoothly are 1967-------2012, 2013-------2032, 2033---------2075 there were many kick start dates before 1967, see Mayan Calender, The Yugas  and so on, my 'mission' was at my NDE in 1942 and became of age so to speak in 1967.
Rupert mentions about the intelligent Sun well Nassim in the last Posts mentions about the sun defending itself, I got into Portals and came across this and it is in 

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Into The Breach Dear Friends - March 2009 in

Basically NASA were doing the Themis project and Dave Sibeck a scientist found these kind of Portals from the Sun to Earth and I had been on about the new ascension energies were delivered by Portals or Rays of energies, frequencies and wavelengths.  I got a flea in the ear for that from some academics.
ET will only intervene if we try to split the planet, it is understood that a Planet should be left to mature naturally, apparently it Cosmic lore and law, ET are dealing with rogues of their own kind as it were, I do not agree that humans are part and parcel of the Earth, the Earth can survive without us and The Universe can compensate for our absence.
Well I could go on and on, there is enough to research and read. If I have any updates I will do a 322 A.   Sun Bear said 'if the Earth has had enough of us one cough and were'e off' and an ET was heard to say 'we do not have politicians, we are joined to the common good'

Be Well


Tuesday 5 September 2017




As you know if you read this blog there are many similar ones and the news and events seem just to repeat themselves. You get great news on RT  TV  on UK your get it on Freeview their YOU TUBE  channel is great.  Also Forbidden Knowledge, James Corbett are excellent.

I'll be back soon, I am waiting for some research and contacts and then I'll Post. 

Be Well.  Geoff 

Meanwhile if you like prose, koans, riddles and some home baked philosophy and personal experiences try ( sometimes or just SHACK
and sometimes you can find it under this site and title.