Monday, 28 August 2023


 Hello dear folks. They are at it again.    I HAVE ADDED AN ADDENDEUM  SINCE POST DATE AND NOW 30/08/ 2023 THE UFO SCARE AND TIME TRAVELLER.

Horror Masks
This is what your lungs will look like with extended mask wearing and the profit for those that make them. In the Corbett report at the end they have heard these 'rumours' or are they. They make a good point ; if it is a false flag and the news gets out and all the alternative so called conspiratorial freaks broadcast it and it does'nt HAPPEN then the alternative blogs, podcasts and all will look foolish and lose credit and if it DOES happen we will have been warned.

I appreciate you may not care for Alex Jones, however I have heard this news from seventeen different sources.


  • According to news reports, new COVID-19 variants are on the rise and are being closely monitored for pandemic spread. Media headlines clearly show we’re again facing a coordinated fear campaign to drive people into vaccination clinics
  • In the U.S., EG.5, nicknamed Eris, has been declared a “variant of interest,” which means it is being monitored for mutations that might make it more hazardous
  • Australian news are highlighting the BA.2.86 variant, nicknamed Pirola, while Irish news are warning about an Omicron offshoot dubbed “the real deal” by World Health Organization officials
  • However, none of these variants are showing signs of being more hazardous than previous Omicron strains
  • Despite proof that masking is useless and lockdowns were a devastating mistake that should never be repeated, federal whistleblowers warn that these failed strategies may be reimplemented sometime between September and December 2023

According to news reports, new COVID-19 variants are on the rise and are being closely monitored for pandemic spread. In the U.S., EG.5, nicknamed Eris, has been declared a "variant of interest" (VOI), which means it is being monitored for mutations that might make it more hazardous.1

Australian news are highlighting the BA.2.86 variant, nicknamed Pirola,2 while Irish news are warning about an Omicron offshoot dubbed "the real deal" by World Health Organization officials3,4 — just in case you decided that COVID was no big deal anymore.

Seven other COVID variants are also being monitored by the WHO, and an additional three variants have been declared VOI, which calls for more extensive monitoring.5

Considering the many variants that have come and gone since 2020, isn’t it curious that media are now all of a sudden focusing on particular COVID strains again, just as we’re moving into fall and influenza season?

As previously predicted, we were given a short respite over the summer, and in the fall, the fearmongering will ramp up again to drive people into the vaccination clinics where they will be pressured to get not just one but three different shots — a booster for COVID, a flu vaccine and a brand-new fast-tracked vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

And, despite proof that masking is useless and lockdowns were a devastating mistake that should never be repeated, these failed strategies will likely be reimplemented as well. Our only hope, really, is mass disobedience, because those in charge are ignoring both science and the law.(Courtesy

Fear the Superglue of the Ego
This is the first move of the W.H.O  to exert its predominance over all the health authorities in every country. 

The same psychologists are at it again, it started with small messages in the news in print, the seed was sown, my neighbours are buying masks, more people on the buses looking scared, they are whispering -oh God not again. This time the W.H.O  and Big Pharma are going for Gold as the first time they only got Bronze.



To save yourself the trouble of reading the long link below here are a few salient points;

1)Articles 1, 42,43

The amendments in the IHR (International Health Regulations) make WHO proclamations , which are currently advisory, legally binding for all its members, undermining national sovereignty.

2)Article 2

The amendment's give WHO's legislative powers overriding elected governments even in 'potential rather than actual emergencies'.

3)Article 3

The amendments remove the paragraph to have 'respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.

4)Article 36 

WHO would be able to censor 'misinformation' or 'disinformation'.  Annexe 1 

5)Article 18

WHO would be given authority to enforce testing, tracing, and quarantines and to mandate and demand proof of medicines and vaccines.

6)Articles 18,23,24,27,28,31,35,36 and 44

WHO would get authority to roll out mandatory global health certificates. Annexes 6 and 8.

7)Article 13A

WHO would seize control  of countries means of production requiring products to be supplied as directed by the WHO

8)Article 44A and Annex 10

Countries would be obliged to provide WHO with billions of of of pounds / dollars for funding the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex and IHR 'infrastructure' at the point of entry into the country. 

Please I beg you act now, write and protest to every authority and give to friends and family no matter if they are sceptical and call you daft or a conspiracy freak, you read fake news and so on. Be brave as our future children and generation maybe non human as we know it.

Be Well, Be Brave

The  above link is the Corbett report I really like James Corbett and his work.


·                        Canada has enacted a new law called the Online News Act that forces social media companies to compensate domestic news organizations for content shared on their platforms. To comply with the new law, Meta banned all news — both national and international news stories — from appearing in Facebook and Instagram feeds in Canada as of June 1, 2023

·                        Google is also blocking all Canadian news from its search, news and discover products in Canada as of June 29, 2023

·                        According to a citizen journalist, X (formerly Twitter) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are working together to censor people on the platform. The ADL has also been influencing crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to deplatform certain users

·                        The ADL is using artificial intelligence software to comb through podcasts and video-game streams for “extremist” keywords. This suggests ADL is surveilling the online activities of private citizens even if those activities have nothing to do with the ADL’s political and social causes

·                        While Elon Musk has called himself a “free speech absolutist” and promised X would be a free speech platform, evidence suggests otherwise. X CEO Linda Yaccarino is the chairman of the World Economic Forum’s Taskforce on Future of Work and sits on the WEF’s Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee. She has stated that “lawful but awful” posts will be “deamplified,” and that the company policy is one of “freedom of speech, not reach.” X is also actively recruiting applicants for various censorship positions for the upcoming election in 2024

Censorship is ramping up at a rapid clip, and much of it is clearly directed by the U.S. federal government, despite a federal judge’s order prohibiting federal agencies and officials from communicating with social media companies about content moderation.1

In recent days, several news stories have highlighted governments’ and Big Tech’s intent to increase censorship. There’s even a rumor that Google will ban independent media from its search results altogether.2 I’ve not been able to confirm this, but considering everything else going on, would anyone really be surprised if it were true

These companies mentioned by Google are all in the pay of the Governments, Media, all the large multinationals, The Deep State, The W.H. O, The WEF and anything to do with Fauci and Gates. ANY INFOMATION THAT dares to challenge or offer any slight difference of opinion to the OFFICIAL NARRATIVE  IS CALLED fake news. I have challenged some of these and presented official documents stamped sealed and signed  which they named fake, they failed to answer and still took it down.

Time traveller' comes back from the year 2671 to warn 'real-life Purge' is coming

SEE MY BLOG  ---1st May 2023
Courtesy Link

Should you think this is crazy then read the link below and see the Universities and scientists who think this is a  possibility. FROM BLOG MAY 1ST.

Today 30th.May 2023  in the news it is peppered with 'ALIEN BITS FOUND'  UFO'S ARE HERE SEEN STREAKING ACROSS SKY----COULD BE METEORS----HEAD OF NASA SAYS UFO'S ARE REAL BUT PROBABLY CHINESE--- despite cave drawings going back thousands of years, mentioned in Bible, Upanishads, Vedas, Sutras, all first Nation drawings and traditions world wide,  first sittings recorded 1836 and my own research with many others, if you want to start a research  first book I recommend 'Above Top Secret' Timothy Good.  DO NOT LET THEM SCARE YOU AND MANY ARE NOW HOLOGRAPHIC  IMAGES ------SEE OPERATION BLUE BEAM TO DO THIS LONG BACK BUT THEY DID NOT HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY, this and many others are a push by globalists and will be directly linked to elections in the USA and implemented by the deep state.

Tuesday, 22 August 2023


 Hello and Welcome. Some time back there were many wild fires in and around California and two in particular were very suspicious and suspected to be exotic or energy weaponry. I ran several blogs on them and I managed to obtain several videos in which fire chiefs, sheriffs and scientific investigators gave their evidence in this blog, the second video comes from my; 

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

This is the one where the second video California Energy Directed Weapons comes from the first one comes from with a series of videos in the main article.

Coming back to the blog POST 360 January 2019 if you scroll down you will se that YOU TUBE  has taken off several vital videos. In those days they took them down in this fashion, I have left the YOU TUBE addresses in case they take down the two so far. Do not believe Fact Checkers because they are a department set up by the UK and USA that are indeed fake. You can if you are computer savvy more than I find these videos if you wish.

May I kindly remind you that below the short story at a glance I would like to share 'old stuff' that some may groan and say 'Oh Geoff not again'.


  • August 8, 2023, wildfires broke out in the western part of Maui, burning down an estimated 2,000 acres, including the historical port town of Lahaina, where most of the buildings were destroyed, including many of the homes of its 13,000 residents, many of whom are indigenous and have lived there for generations
  • The fire was fueled by hurricane-strength winds of 60 to 90 mph from Hurricane Dora, which passed some 500 miles south of Hawaii
  • Four years ago, Clay Trauernicht, an environmental management expert, warned that allowing nonnative, highly flammable grassland savannas take over native ecosystems was worsening the risk of devastating wildfires
  • As Hurricane Dora was approaching, local news predicted the risk of fire would be high due to downed powerlines, dry brush and low humidity. Maui residents are now suing the power company for keeping “powerlines energized during forecasted high fire danger conditions”
  • Some people, including Maui residents, suspect a directed energy weapon was used to set Lahaina ablaze to facilitate a land grab. Residents have long resisted offers to sell their land, and private land developers are already making offers to purchase their scorched properties

In the link above there are at least five videos and one with R.F. Kennedy going for the American Presidency  

Bioelectric Resonance Frequency

Motor Control Cortex                      10Hz                    Information Induced through Modulation                  

Auditory Cortex                               15Hz                   Motor Impulse coordinator

Visual Cortex                                   25Hz                   Images on the brain by passing the eye. 

Somalosensory                                 9Hz                     Phantom touch sense.

Thought Center                                20Hz                   Imposed subconscious thoughts.d potency.

All of these can now be put through any digital device.

H.R.2977 - Space Preservation Act of 2001107th Congress (2001-2002)
rve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of 
all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space 
 by the United States, and to require the President to take action to 
    adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Space Preservation Act of 2001''.


    Congress reaffirms the policy expressed in section 102(a) of the 
National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (42 U.S.C. 2451(a)), stating 
that it ``is the policy of the United States that activities in space 
should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all 


    The President shall--
            (1) implement a permanent ban on space-based weapons of the 
        United States and remove from space any existing space-based 
        weapons of the United States; and
            (2) immediately order the permanent termination of research 
        and development, testing, manufacturing, production, and 
        deployment of all space-based weapons of the United States and 
        their components.


    The President shall direct the United States representatives to the 
United Nations and other international organizations to immediately 
work toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing a world agreement 
banning space-based weapons.


    The President shall submit to Congress not later than 90 days after 
the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 90 days thereafter, a 
report on--
            (1) the implementation of the permanent ban on space-based 
        weapons required by section 3; and
            (2) progress toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing 
        the agreement described in section 4.


    Nothing in this Act may be construed as prohibiting the use of 
funds for--
            (1) space exploration;
            (2) space research and development;
            (3) testing, manufacturing, or production that is not 
        related to space-based weapons or systems; or
            (4) civil, commercial, or defense activities (including 
        communications, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early 
        warning, or remote sensing) that are not related to space-based 
        weapons or systems.


    In this Act:
            (1) The term ``space'' means all space extending upward 
        from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface 
        of the earth and any celestial body in such space.
            (2)(A) The terms ``weapon'' and ``weapons system'' mean a 
        device capable of any of the following:
                    (i) Damaging or destroying an object (whether in 
                outer space, in the atmosphere, or on earth) by--
                            (I) firing one or more projectiles to 
                        collide with that object;
                            (II) detonating one or more explosive 
                        devices in close proximity to that object;
                            (III) directing a source of energy 
                        (including molecular or atomic energy, 
                        subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic 
                        radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency 
                        (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy 
                        radiation) against that object; or
                            (IV) any other unacknowledged or as yet 
                        undeveloped means.
                    (ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or 
                destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily 
                health, mental health, or physical and economic well-
                being of a person)--
                            (I) through the use of any of the means 
                        described in clause (i) or subparagraph (B);
                            (II) through the use of land-based, sea-
                        based, or space-based systems using radiation, 
                        electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or 
                        other energies directed at individual persons 
                        or targeted populations for the purpose of 
                        information war, mood management, or mind 
                        control of such persons or populations; or
                            (III) by expelling chemical or biological 
                        agents in the vicinity of a person.
            (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--
                    (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information 
                    (ii) chemtrails;
                    (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons 
                    (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic 
                    (v) laser weapons systems;
                    (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or 
                extraterrestrial weapons; and
                    (vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, 
                or tectonic weapons.
            (C) The term ``exotic weapons systems'' includes weapons 
        designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the 
        ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and 
        tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or 
        destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in 
      Read Section 7 it covers chemtrails and energy directed weapons and more the psychotronic could be classed as those directed at our brains as in Diagram                           
Should you not want to read this synopsis go to paragraph 7-B (ii) these trails are laid out by extremely high flying craft and spread out making the blue sky a shade of grey blue and contain chemicals. The chemicals are obnoxious and said originally to protect us from harmful Sun Rays. Now with thousands literally thousands of satellites which are able to send 5 / 6G down on us along with other pollutants -----? When I contacted my Member of Parliament I sent this law to her and thrice sending ----no answer, apparently they do not have to answer and they can choose politically advantageous replies, the same with minsters and Governments.


I cannot stress how important this is; not much is heard or written about about the following;

This video concerns world wide implications; this is now critical, read the full as this video is taken PLEASE NOTE THE POINTS AND LISTEN I BEG YOU it is astounding how much power is wanted and a world domination is at hand.


To save yourself the trouble of reading the long link below here are a few salient points;

1)Articles 1, 42,43

The amendments in the IHR (International Health Regulations) make WHO proclamations , which are currently advisory, legally binding for all its members, undermining national sovereignty.

2)Article 2

The amendment's give WHO's legislative powers overriding elected governments even in 'potential rather than actual emergencies'.

3)Article 3

The amendments remove the paragraph to have 'respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.

4)Article 36 

WHO would be able to censor 'misinformation' or 'disinformation'.  Annexe 1 

5)Article 18

WHO would be given authority to enforce testing, tracing, and quarantines and to mandate and demand proof of medicines and vaccines.

6)Articles 18,23,24,27,28,31,35,36 and 44

WHO would get authority to roll out mandatory global health certificates. Annexes 6 and 8.

7)Article 13A

WHO would seize control  of countries means of production requiring products to be supplied as directed by the WHO

8)Article 44A and Annex 10

Countries would be obliged to provide WHO with billions of of of pounds / dollars for funding the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex and IHR 'infrastructure' at the point of entry into the country. 

I appreciate this is a long and protracted blog article but I feel so strongly over this.
I have some acquaintances from Afghanistan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq that have told me of their fight for freedom and managed legitamly  to come to this country as they are 'useful as scientists and doctors' and were persecuted for their outcries from them as to the abuse they suffered. Some of these acquaintances are neighbours and five are women and two men all of them had to leave their families behind and are trying to get them to a safe place, they did manage to get their families into a safe mountain or wild place. You would shudder if you heard or saw their plight.



Should you want to read more go to my blog article 
Sunday 21st May 2023

I use facts straight from Source and I am confident that the false fact checkers are trying only to defend the the WHO, WEF AND GOVERNMENTAL NARRATIVES.
You can see from the agenda 21 / 2030 that they will not tolerate any independent opinion that is against The New World Order Globalists.  ANYTHING that is not in accord with their Agenda is dubbed Conspiracy or Fake. 

Tuesday, 8 August 2023


Courtesy Animated Robbery

Hello Folks and a really warm welcome. I had to break my research as this seems so relevant and urgent. 

 The above imagery says in words those that have their bank close them down, not for anything other that the bank does not like the way your opinions and choices do not conform with their 'ethics and moral' when did banks ever have these, very few indeed you may find. This is the face of money; the image above says it all, the rage that the folk feel when no notice or proper explanation is given and sudden shock of it without prior notice. Here are a couple of examples in the UK  and USA.

Courtesy BBC

Nigel Farage: BBC apologises over inaccurate report on Coutts bank account closure | Business News | Sky News

Bank bosses have made a commitment to free speech, according to the government, in the wake of the Nigel Farage de-banking row that claimed the scalp of NatWest chief executive Dame Alison Rose.

A great video and at last someone from mainstream. I wonder how long this will be on YT.

This is the big brother BBC they are supposed to be politically unbiased. This is another wedge in the door of free speech. This another agenda of the W.H.O and  THE WEF and the attempt to make the new RESET and its failure over Covid and 9/11 where it all started and the introduction world wide of the EMERGENCY POWER ACT, the excuse to clamp down on all freedom that humans have as their birth right. IF one should say anything that upsets the inflamed haemorrhoids of the official so called narrative and the fact that they are trying to change what it is to be a human being and a cyborg or laboratory android or some such monstrosity.
Below are extracts as to what happened to Joseph Mercola

·                        July 13, 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank informed me they are closing all of my business accounts, along with the personal accounts of my CEO, my CFO and their respective spouses and children

·                        My CEO was informed his young children also will never be allowed to bank with Chase in the future

·                        No reason for the decision was given, other than there was "unexpected activity" on an unspecified account

·                        This is what the new social credit system looks like, and what every soul on the planet can expect from the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that are being rolled out. Go against the prevailing narrative of the day, and your financial life will be deleted

·                        It's difficult enough trying to navigate this hurdle today. Once everything is digitized, cash eradicated and the social credit system completely integrated and automated, this kind of retaliatory action for wrongthink could be a death sentence for some people

July 13, 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank suddenly informed me they are closing all of my business accounts, both banking and investment accounts, along with the personal accounts of my CEO, my CFO and their respective spouses and children.

No reason for the decision was given, other than there was "unexpected activity" on an unspecified account. The oldest of these accounts has been active for 18 years.

Politically-Motivated Harassment

This is what the new social credit system looks like, and what every soul on the planet can expect from the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that are being rolled out. Go against the prevailing narrative of the day, and your financial life will be deleted with the push of a button.

It's difficult enough trying to navigate this hurdle today. Once everything is digitized, cash eradicated and the social credit system completely integrated and automated, this kind of retaliatory action for wrongthink could be a death sentence for some people.

My CFO, Amalia Legaspi, whose Chase accounts — including a joint account with her husband — were closed along with mine, is now struggling to figure out how to pay for her husband's health care in the Philippines. He's bedridden with dementia and is wholly dependent on her financial support, and she's not allowed to open another bank account in his name.

"I have to provide all the legal documentations including notarized physicians' affidavit from the Philippines to prove that my husband is incapable of handling his finances and request the Federal to directly deposit the pension to my own personal account," Legaspi told Florida's Voice.1

Legaspi's son's account — which he's using to pay for college expenses — was also cancelled. My CEO, Steven Rye, believes his and his wife's accounts were shut down because of my opinions on COVID-19. He told Florida's Voice:2

"I believe they cancelled all of the accounts because of Dr. Mercola's (our employer) opinions. He has carried a contradictory view throughout the COVID narrative and co-authored the best-selling book 'The Truth About COVID-19,' which exposed the likelihood that this virus was engineered in a laboratory funded by the NIH."

In May 2023, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation specifically prohibiting financial institutions from denying or canceling services based on political or religious beliefs.3

Apparently, Chase Bank is bowing to some other "authority," and perhaps they refuse to cite a specific reason for the cancellation, "for legal reasons," is because they know they're acting unlawfully.

Generational Punishment for Wrongthink

On top of closing the accounts of Rye and his wife, Rye also was told his young children will not be able to open accounts with Chase Bank.

"It's just hard to believe that your family, your wife, your kids can't have a bank account because of the opinions of your employer and they've never done anything wrong. We all have completely clear records," Rye told Florida's Voice.4

In a voicemail reply, a Chase Bank representative told Rye the reason for closing his personal accounts and that of his wife could not be disclosed "for legal reasons." He was, however, told he could submit paperwork to have their accounts reconsidered. "We are going to try because you're a good client of our institution," the representative said.

While a common suggestion is to "just go with a small bank," this is not an ideal solution for many companies, as small banks are getting destroyed and won't get bailouts. Even if a small local bank is FDIC insured, that only covers up to $250,000.00 of total deposits between all accounts. That amount would not cover a single payroll.

As an online business, you also have requirements for payment gateways and merchant accounts — and cryptocurrency does not have the infrastructure or general acceptance to support most businesses.

Download this Article Before it Disappears

Download PDF

Chase Bank Holds Moral Low Ground

Mercola Market has more than 150 employees and thousands of vendors that farm, process, manufacture, distribute and manage the logistics of our business. Will the banks go after all of our employees? Will they start closing the accounts of our contractors? Will they go after our customers?

Again, this is the social credit system in action. Just imagine how easy it will be to control people's expressions and actions once all currency is digital, centrally controlled and mandated.

This could happen to anyone. My CFO and CEO are not me. They're not directly engaged in the dissemination of my views, and their spouses and children most certainly have nothing to do with my business or my views. Yet they're being "punished" too, merely because they're related to people who work for me.

Imagine being retaliated against something your neighbor, your employer, a friend or some distant relative has said or done. That's our future, unless we all refuse to play along. It's crucial to reject CBDCs and to do everything in your power to not enter into that system. The life and freedom of your children and grandchildren depend on it. Your actions today will shape the future of your descendants, perhaps in perpetuity.

In closing, let me remind you that if Chase Bank is trying to stand on some moral high ground, they can't. While they may think they're doing the world a favor by debanking so-called "anti-vaxxers," they had no problem aiding and abetting child sex trafficking efforts by the likes of Jeffrey Epstein. They didn't cut ties with that notorious pedophile until a few months before his death.5

A spokesperson for Chase told The Epoch Times6 that "most account closures are done for anti-money laundering or identity verification purposes." So, the grossly tainted proceeds from Epstein's disgusting ventures were good enough for JP Morgan Chase, but deposits from a business selling natural health products and organic food is at risk for money laundering and is bad for business. That's the moral and ethical ground Chase Bank is standing on.


Arthur Furstenberg 

Electrosmog Policy Brief

Key Points


1.       The study of electricity should be restored to biology and medicine.

2.       Personal wireless communication must be phased out because the radiation that carries all the messages is destroying life on earth.

3.       Mobile phones must be replaced with landline phones, WiFi with ethernet cables, and other wireless consumer devices with devices connected by wires and cables.

4.       Mobile phone antennas and masts must be phased out and removed.

US House panel to hold first public hearing on extraterrestrial question following whistleblower claim of ‘intact’ alien vehicles 

5.       Wireless technology must be removed from vehicles.

6.       Smart meters must be replaced with analog meters.

7.       Smart highways, smart cities, and the Internet of Things must cease being developed and deployed.

8.       Radar stations must be limited in number, location and power.

9.       Radar (microwave) ovens should not be used for heating food.

10.   An international treaty on electrosmog, addressing radiation on land, in the oceans, and in space, must be drafted.

It is through the digital banking system and the introduction 'bit coin digital currency' that is part of the WEF  and co reset that electrons and more 'G's will be added so more flooding of EMF's and the this is directly effecting the Stock Markets and banking systems. 

‘We’re done with the cover-up’: UFO claims to get their day in Congress

Anyone who has really researched UFO phenomena will know this goes back thousands of years and genuine research shows these 'whistle blowers' are government employees and have been found to be linked to the CIA. Another scare and hoax appearing to be genuine. 

See my blog on this; 1st.May 2023 should you wish to research there are some books the best I can recommend are by Tim Good his first book 'Above Top Secret' 1989,  should want to go deeper Roswell July 1947 then really back go to Veda, Upanishads, Sutras, cave drawings, first Nations legends and recorded history when notes and verification was recorded. The Bible and many, many references and that's quite recent. Shame on you fake whistle blower and shame on you Fake News fakers. 

Dr John Campbell on excess deaths.

Bird flu, monkeypox, and rat-borne viruses are all being studied as potential pandemics

and another vaccine, so we have financial lockdown looming, UFO threat and aliens spreading viruses, I wonder after 10,000years or more are aliens a threat or maybe like us they are pissed off with the globalists and the attempts of altering humans and tinkering with our genetic code and messing up nature and the looming threat of the W.H.O attempt override any countries medical and government in a future pandemic.


Yes, Ecosystems Are collapsing. No, It Has Nothing to Do With CO2.

Fossil fuels are far from harmless, but excessively focusing attention on CO2 emissions overlooks more pressing issues like ecosystem destruction and clandestine weather manipulation.