Hey here we go again folks. More about giants and then decide. Are we just the only race on Earth or is there more to our past. Greetings to now and wonder to the past.
Number one on the list.
Ancient Glass found in Desert.
- For
over 60 years, saturated fats have been wrongfully accused of causing
heart disease, despite mounting evidence showing that saturated fat is
actually critical for optimal health while trans fat is the dietary fat
causing heart disease
- The
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced it is now considering
removing partially hydrogenated oils—the primary source of trans fats—from
the list of "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) ingredients
- Making
trans fat non-GRAS is the first step toward getting trans fats out of the
American diet altogether. The FDA’s decision comes right on the heels of a
lawsuit filed against the agency by a heart disease researcher
is still holding fast to its ignorant view on saturated fats, urging you
to “choose products that have the lowest combined amount of saturated fat,
cholesterol and trans fat.” This advice causes far more harm than good
- Saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources provide a number of important health benefits, and your body requires them for the proper function. Science has firmly debunked the myth that saturated fat promotes heart disease (Courtesy mercola.com )
- Nanoparticles
are widely found in tattoo inks, with black pigments containing the
smallest particles and some virtually 100-percent nanoparticles
- Nanoparticles
are ultramicroscopic in size, making them able to readily penetrate your
skin and travel to underlying blood vessels and your bloodstream
- Tattoo
inks are not regulated and may contain cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- To
date there have been no systemic studies to look at the safety of
injecting such inks into the body, so the long-term health effects remain
unknown (mercola.com)
ANH-Intl Exclusive: Interview with Dr Peter Gotzsche, author of “Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime”
Dr Peter Gøtzsche, author of Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How big pharma has corrupted healthcare
26 November
26 November
ANH-Intl Exclusive: Interview with Dr Peter Gotzsche, author of “Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime”
Dr Peter Gøtzsche, author of Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How big pharma has corrupted healthcare
11 per cent of US children diagnosed with ADHD
Around 11 per cent of all children in the US
have been diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit, hyperactivity disorder), an
increase of 42 per cent in eight years. Today, 6.4 million children aged
between four and 17 have the learning or behavioural problem. More than 3.5
million of the children—which is 70 per cent of all children with an ADHD
diagnosis—are taking a powerful stimulant such as Ritalin for the disorder, an
increase of 28 per cent on previous figures for 2007. Around half the children
are diagnosed by the time they reach the age of six, say researchers from America ’s
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although the more severe
cases are usually identified by the time the child reaches the age of four.
Their latest figures reveal that two million more children in the US
have been diagnosed with ADHD since 2003, and another million are taking ADHD
medication. However, diagnosis seems to vary between US states. Diagnosis rates
range from 15 per cent of all children in Arkansas
and Kentucky down to just 4 per
cent in Nevada . (Source: Journal
of the American Academy
of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2013; doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2013.09.001)
It’s never too late to start exercising—even if you’re
It’s never too late to start exercising. Even people who
have never exercised until they reach their 60s can still benefit and enjoy a
healthy old age, a new study has found. The study, by researchers from
University College London, assessed the health of 3,454 adults with an average
age of 64 over an eight-year period. Sustained and frequent physical activity
for four years increased by seven times the chances of a healthy, disease-free,
old age compared to someone who is physically inactive. It doesn’t seem to
matter when you start exercising, either. The participants who started
exercising only at the start of the study—but had been inactive before—were
still three times more likely to be ‘healthy agers’ by the end of the study
compared to those who never did exercise during the lifetime of the trial.
Exercise doesn’t just help ward off the usual chronic diseases of old age, it
also keeps us mentally sharp, too. Regular exercisers maintained a good memory,
and were able to lead an active social life. And the exercise doesn’t have to
be too onerous or regular, either. Those who did moderate to vigorous exercise
at least once a week at the start of the study were four times more likely to
be classified as ‘a healthy ager’ eight years later. The key, say the researchers,
is little and often when it comes to exercise. (Source: British Journal of
Sports Medicine, 2013; doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092993) (Courtesy WDDTY)
flew through the sun's atmosphere on Nov. 28th and the encounter did not go
well for the icy comet. Just before perihelion (closest approach to the sun)
the comet rapidly faded and appeared to disintegrate. This prompted reports of ISON 's
demise. However, a fraction of the comet has survived. Click on the image below
to see what emerged from Comet ISON 's brush
with solar fire:
In the
movie, Comet ISON seems to be falling
apart as it approaches the sun. Indeed, researchers working with NASA's Solar
Dynamics Observatory said they saw nothing along the track that ISON
was expected to follow through the sun's atmosphere. Nevertheless, something
has emerged.
Whether this is a small scorched fragment of Comet ISON 's
nucleus or perhaps a "headless comet"--a stream of debris marking the
remains of the comet's disintegrated core--remains to be seen.
An earlier movie from SOHO shows more
of the comet's approach:
The movie spans a day and a half period from Nov. 27th (01:41 UT ) to 28th (15:22 UT ). We see that Comet ISON
brightened dramatically on Nov. 27th before fading on Nov. 28th. That
brightening might have been a disintegration event, in which the comet cracked
open and spilled its vaporizing contents into space.
In summary, we still don't know for sure what has happened
to Comet ISON . Stay tuned for updates as
more data arrive from NASA's fleet of solar observatories.( The movies are in the links above. Courtesy sapceweather.com)