Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Hello Folks and welcome to some journies which you may feel are far fetched, I assure you they are as true as I can recall.  They are all part of research and search for ancient knowledge, the 1967 stuff and anything to throw light on the evolving New Age or New Consciousness.  Where to start and thread it together without seeming too disjointed is the challenge. So here goes.
This all started at Samye Ling in 1967 / 1968/ 1969 visits and visits and living at Findhorn in the middle 70's and a year on and off in Minorca.
In my stay at Findhorn I got into a group of people and had a incredible experience with space people. I used to attune with an elderly lady named Eileen (not Eileen Caddy and a pop singer from Australia Hans Poulsen) I have told the story in the grid here is a synopsis;we used to attune and Eileen and Hans were sensitives and one day they knew I was contacted as I walked on the beach when I got back they knew what I had seen and heard, I checked there were no people hiding and so forth, I saw this Golden Light in the Sky and heard the word Space Brothers and got a name which I prefer to keep private and they knew it.
Hans Poulson
In 1972 Poulsen relocated to the Findhorn Foundation spiritual community in north east Scotland, where he recorded three albums, What A Way To Look At Life: Findhorn Foundation Sing-along, It Can't Be Described In Words and Universal Hands (all 1975, all released on cassette only by the Findhorn Foundation). These featured many of Poulsen's own songs, plus some by other community singers. Short clips of Poulsen performing several songs are included in the documentary Findhorn, produced in 1974 and reissued on DVD by Earthworks Films in 2006. Poulsen left Findhorn in 1976. Poulsen's career was cut short in the late 1970s when he suffered first cancer and then a stroke, and spent several years in hospital. On his recovery he went on to become a music therapist.
This tied in with an event in Samye Ling in 1968 when a group of us in a twelve seater coach coming back from Langholm, the group had three Lamas, I think a young David Bowie a few others and me.  We then saw very plainly six UFO' S  in a valley, dark and saucer shaped, we all shouted and the Lamas said they are our holy space brothers and to look away.  We could not and they went their way.  Then is a story I told with Gill my partner, a friend Dave an ex RAF navigator and the UFO which stopped 13 cars on the road back from Banff Scotland having just gone through Fochabers.(see more in POST 14) (see POST 9 for Samye Ling then and now).
Then there was a legend and rumour that went round Samye Ling, that Trungpa(Abbott at the time had said and written later on that Akong Rinpoche was one of the few Lamas who had been in the Cave of the Dead( I'm not sure of this because when I asked him, a man of few words, he merely stared at nothing and walked away)
Courtesy physs.org
The legend or semblance of truth has it that the Cave of the Dead contains three large bodies in Crystalline and translucent coffins(I have seen these in a high security place somewhere--story on hold!!!)  the mountain path is steep and very cold, it is said that there are corpses of people who have tried to get to the cave, you have to know the meditation practice of Tummo ( Tummo (Tibetan: gtum-mo; Sanskrit: caṇḍālī) is a form of breathing, found in the Six Yogas of NaropaLamdre,Kalachakra and Anuyoga teachings of Tibetan Vajrayana. Tummo originally derives from Indian Vajrayana tradition, including the instruction of the Mahasiddha Krishnacarya and the Hevajra Tantra. The purpose of tummo is to gain control over body processes during the completion stage of 'highest yoga tantra' (Anuttarayoga Tantra) or Anuyoga.
A 1982 study[12] of the physiological effects of Tummo has been made by Benson and colleagues, who studied Indo-Tibetan Yogis in the Himalayas and in India in the 1980s. Conducted in Upper Dharamsala in India, it found that the subjects, three monks, exhibited the capacity to increase the temperature of their fingers and toes by as much as 8.3 °C. In a 2002 experiment reported by the Harvard Gazette,[13] conducted in Normandy, France, two monks from the Buddhist tradition wore sensors that recorded changes in heat production and metabolism. A 2013 study[14] by Kozhevnikov and colleagues showed increases in core body temperature in both expert meditators from eastern Tibet and Western non-meditators.
There was a cheeky advert in an American News Paper that gave a 25%  discount on life insurance if you learnt tummo.  Anyway the corpses were said to be rotted on the warm side of the high pass and frozen on the cold side. On reaching the entrance there is a ekajati (fierce Goddess Guarding the entrance)
Courtesy xuanfa.net
Apparently it is a hologram, however it takes courage to walk on and travel about two miles into the cave tunnels which are deep and then one comes to three coffins, they are two male one 13 feet high, one female 11 feet and a small male 9 feet high (they are the Els who I refer to in my UFO Storyhttp://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2005/05.html  I noticed I said 11 feet in article should have 13 feet as well.
The Lama supposedly Akong Riponche then sat and telepathically communicated with the beings inside. Then he returns and relays this information to the Dalai Lama.
Courtesy www.dreamtime.com
The legend goes on that the Dalai Lama or a very high Lama went secretly back to retrieve a golden crystal,  a HIC which is a high Intelligence Crystal it contains seals, codes and algorithms and can be 'down loaded' by a sensitive. I am told the crystal is about 12 inches long and has a resonance that can be felt.  It is or was wrapped in a sealed cloth with hieroglyphics on it. I was requested by a certain Lama to go to South America and find another like it.  It was not so important and I declined for various personal reasons. Someone else went and brought them back,  I do not know where  it is now and who downloaded the messages.
It is said that the Dalai Lama went to the USA see the link above, and interestingly they are opposite in geographical terms and read about sun and moon in text about the opposites in their words, there was a Hopi prophesy when I communicated with Grandfather David of the Hopi that they knew the Dalai Lama was coming.
To conclude this part the next legend bit, was that the Dalai Lama and the Ascended Hierarchy would move the power base from the Himalayas to the South American Andes. 
The giants in the Crystalline Coffins are not the long extended heads or the giant bones found elsewhere, and I have Posted so much of them, however, the Els are said to be ancient beings who lived on Earth and have gone through the ascension process and have literally made an L turn as it were and are able to materialise or go back to a shinning energy form, they are the role model for our eventual ascension I have spoken of, although they seem male and female it is hard to tell their gender.  Their sexual energy is pure and the Kundulini Chi is used for their 'life in spirit' or as an energy being.  They procreate through meditation and their conception is said to be like the Divine Conception of Mary and Jesus, I feel that the Star of Bethlehem was a UFO and a 'Divine' implant was arranged, this is holy and not heresy, the immaculate conception is facilitated by angelic beings and as the Lamas said above, look down, bow your heads they are our space brothers.  
I believe we will all conceive like this in many years time, see my January 2013 synopsis of the 1967 writings.
Courtesy www.aliexpress.com  Crystal Coffin
I did have a newspaper article from 1944 which said that at what is now Area 51, Groom Lake, they blasted a mountain to build something and three crystalline coffins were found with beings inside, all attempts to open them failed even with sophisticated equipment. Those were taken  to other places in an attempt to open them, I saw  them as above mentioned, and there were ten sensitive's attempting to communicate with them, every six months or so they seem to give a huge sigh and breath, the coffin is filled with a milky substance, so far no telepathy has been given, and as I understand it is the same today.
Courtesy southamerica.kidsworld.press.com
Now the story starts with a few odds and ends and mainly later on with South America and a strange link with France and Portugal.
Gilly Wells and I married at Findhorn, I made a lot of links with people before Gill and I got together. We did a lot touring at sacred sites, power points in Spain, France and the UK.  We had a wonderful meeting place in Hendon, open  for us by the late Gwen and George Murray with an attic composed of revolving crystals, a round roof black with stars in the form of lights, we had something like five hundred visitors, and every Monday evening had a meditation group and sent out a magazine 'Universal Approach' to about twenty countries, including a secret encrypted post to Sopot in Poland, smuggled in during the cold war.  Gill and I broke up and Gill bless her went her way and three weeks before the first Gulf War was tragically killed in a car accident in the Middle East, nothing to do with the war.
Courtesy www.fullcapplaytherapy.com
This then was a painful break, however a contact I made at Findhorn and who worked for the EU invited me to workshops at the EU I did eight years of five weekends a year at around the same time a South African contact invited me to Italy to workshops at the FAO UN, I did nine years of three weeks a year there, many in France, Canada, Holland, Germany, and the UK, over the years I did 637 workshops, numerous 1 to 1's, 3000 clients in clinics, hundreds of air flights, train journies and drove some 250,000 miles.  These included the ones with Gill and a lovely lady Claudia Minne, mostly on my own. Of course I met so many high contacts in the military, NATO and so on, politicians, theologians and you name it I met them, in between working at Forensics and doing a UFO research as in the UFO story, my travelling allowed me to do this.
It was a synchronous event which led me to meet the late lovely Elizabeth Van Buren,( she was also known as Juliet Van Buren) and her story led me to the South American link.  This is her background as I noted it down.(I found notes recently in an old box of most of the above and of course can enhance them with images and the net, the actual events did take place and I have tried to keep it as factual as possible, there are some discrepancies and I will say so).
Through a meeting a St.James Church Piccadilly London, in which some of the space near the crypt and basement were turned into therapy rooms, this is where I saw many patients over 13 years, it closed down some time ago, there were many therapists who gave their time voluntary, in the yard there was a walk in caravan for short sessions and many were referred to the 'basement' for deeper longer sessions.  Being the Heart Of London you can imagine it was very busy and a mixed clientèle. 
St James Church Piccadilly. London.
It is a Wren Church and during the second world war in the bell tower a two minute prayer and silence was held for the conclusion of the war and peace. It was also where I held and organised Attitudinal Healing with the permission of Gerry Jampolski and we had on some occasions as many as a hundred people for the hour session. It ran for four years.  I met so many interesting people in the Church, famous for its ongoing Monday night programmes and the late Vicar Donald Reeves,  It was and is a great meeting place for many tourists.
 Elizabeth lived in Putney, London in a charming small house. Dear Elizabeth was a quiet refined lady and she told me she was a doctor’s wife when she lived in Portugal.  She had a almost celebrity life, fine clothes and food and so on, and very little ' spiritual ' inclination.  She started to get dreams about Bolivia, a lost city and very large beings who lived in the interior and so forth, it got so intense that her husband said 'well go' they had the money and so forth. However when she came to London and started to meet people(like me), I could well believe this  and added credence to her expedition(I met after she came back).
Courtesy www.doctorswithoutborders.org  Bolivian People.
When this elegant lady arrived in Bolivia she said she felt out of place and not used to such a wild place.  She hired some guides and went onto her intuition.  When they travelled into a deep valley and semi forest where they came across small pyramid, when she told them reason for her visit they became disturbed, they took her so far and would not go further.  So they more or less abandoned her, to her relief a new band of people came of the forest and told her that the legend of the 'big people' was true and that lived deep in the mountain and it would not be wise to go any further, so she heeded their advice because she could not go on alone and she did not have the directions. They called the original guides to take her back
Just before they went they gave her a black stone, it had speckles on it and they said this was a 'time stone' and when it started ticking and stopped, then it would be start of the New Way. 
When Elizabeth got back to London she met up by chance(if there is such a thing) with a geologist who took the stone and analysed it and said this did not appear to be from Earth, he did not think it was a meteorite(the Bolivian Forest Guides said the stone was holy and came from the big people).  When I touched the Stone it was cold and yet not cold because it tingled and almost was too powerful to hold.  
The Village of Rennes-le-Chateau, earlier known as Rhedae
http://blog.world-mysteries.com/mystic-places/rennes-le-chateau-and-the-ufo-the-flight-of-the-phoenix/  Please read the intriguing article I think Dan Green has got it slightly wrong when he said Elizabeth was a French Authoress. OK then next part was Elizabeth told me she was moving to Rennes-le- Chateauu.  I did not hear from her for some while, some friends who went with her came back and said it was a strange place. 
Elizabeth then phoned me ( I was living in Colindale London then) and she said about a mysterious cave and that she was convinced the 'big people' were buried there or were in the depths. 
I had a connection with her over the big people as above with UFO story, my seeing them in a security place, the area 51 mountain excavation, and the Cave of The Dead from Tibet, also from a few Russian scientists who had told me and sent Newspaper clippings of large beings(not hairy big foot like) who had appeared in various places in Russia and fitted the description of what I had seen and an Astronaut who leaked a description of a bent over very large person sitting double up in a shuttle(of course this could be large whites as you can research).
Sadly Elizabeth got lonely and her phone calls to me sounded as though she was getting forgetful and that people were not kind to her and the last I heard she had a fatal illness and passed away. A beautiful sensitive person and soul. Blessings and love to you wherever you are dear friend. 
Lt Col Percy Harrison Fawcett.
http://www.unmuseum.org/fawcett.htm  Regarding 
The theory of Ibez has given us signs of another civilazation that entered our planet long time ago; it is about a highly advanced civilazation built by living beings of another dimension, of another solar system, who have entered our planet long time ago and are still hidden today in the unexplored regions of Amazonia.
The entire amazing story of the theory of Ibez has been seriously based on some incredible facts emerging slowly into the history of our world through the reports of some famous explorers, investigators, adventurers and scientists that had visited the specific territory in the beginning of our last century, having among them the legendary British explorer Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett and later on his great nephew Timothy Patterson.(from a long out of date book translated from Bolivian) Well worth looking up Wikipedia on Fawcett.
This now leads to me to Percy Fawcett above and the mysterious cave findings by Lt.Col Tom Welch and Fawcett's son Brian and great grand nephew Timothy Patterson.
I met Tom when he lived in Venton Mill in Devon and later on my few visits to Findhorn (I lived at Findhorn for a while - you can see a photo of Tom in the link above)
Lt. Colonel Percival Harrison Fawcett (18 August 1867 – in or after 1925) was a British artillery officerarchaeologistand South American explorer. Along with his eldest son, Fawcett disappeared under unknown circumstances in 1925 during an expedition to find "Z" – his name for an ancient lost city, which he and others[1] believed to be El Dorado, in the uncharted jungles of Brazil.
Percy Fawcett was born on 18 August 1867 in TorquayDevon, England, to Edward Boyd Fawcett and Myra Elizabeth (née MacDougall).[2] He received his education at Newton Abbot Proprietary College alongside Bertram Fletcher Robinson, a future friend of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Percy Fawcett's Indian-born father was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS). His elder brother Edward Douglas Fawcett (1866–1960) was a mountain climber, Eastern occultist and author of philosophical books and popular adventure novels.
In 1886, Percy received a commission in the Royal Artillery and he served in TrincomaleeCeylon, where he also met his wife. He married Nina Agnes Paterson in January 1901. They had two sons, Jack (born 1903) and Brian (1906-1984). He joined the RGS himself in 1901 in order to study surveying and mapmaking. Later, he worked for the British Secret Service in North Africa while pursuing the surveyor's craft. He became friends with authors H. Rider Haggard and Arthur Conan Doyle; the latter used Fawcett's Amazonian field reports as an inspiration for his novel, The Lost World.(The above small print is by kind courtesy of WIKIPEDIA)
I will now tell the facts as I heard them from Tom Welch and Timothy Patterson. .
Percy Fawcett was fascinated with the occult and we see from the above his family were into it a bit(right off the subject a senior army officer in India also fascinated with the occult (a general heading for the mysteries of spirit and psychic) was Colonel Bradford who was responsible for bringing the The Ancient Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation to the West) there are many cases where the military and politicians are using the 'psychic and astrological powers' or  are 'into them').  As I understand it from my copious notes, Percy began to have visions of a 'Lost City in Brazil' I was told these grew and grew and he eventually went to the region of these visions which was in the Roncador  Mountain Range and there to seek out the mysterious Lost City Of Ibez.
Part of the Roncador Mountain Range in Brazil
Fawcett arrives and in his book and from what Timothy and Tom told me he had a hazardous journey through rough country to find the caves which the indigenous people said contained large beings and a  Golden City of Ibez deep in the subterranean caves. (If you know anything about caves, some have been found as large as Cathedrals). Now there has been a lot of stories that Percy had a confrontation with the locals and they killed him and his party, later on Brian his son went to look for him and they say the same fate took him.
Roncador  Brazil
Timothy told me that huge anacondas are in the region of the caves and Roncador means 'snoring' and the name is supposed to be that when an anaconda feeds and is full it stretches itself at times on trees and snores!!!.  Tom and Timothy did a few tours to the region and they took tourists and they did a ceremony asking the snake deva  to protect them. Tom told me when they pitched their tents at night and awoke in the morning one could see large snake trails in the vegetation, sand and earth nearby nearby.
This link above refutes the account as others did as to the Fawcett's fate, it is up to you dear reader to make up your minds.
The Lost City of Ibez is said to house large beings that are androgynous, and are the race that will appear when humankind has ascended. THIS then marries up with my UFO story, what I saw in the security place, Elizabeth Van Buren's Bolivian experience and a lost city there and her feelings about Renees-Le Château in France.
Now if one takes note of the fact these large beings were and are from a another dimension and were endeavouring to wait for us to evolve into the next step of evolution and were possibly are in Crystal Coffins as in the Tibetan Cave of the Dead and the Area 51 find, then we are looking at something that might evolve in the future, should we make it.(I did hear rumours that some crystalline coffins have been found with large beings in them in the UK). 


                                           22,132 feet (6,746 m), Cordillera Blanca   Peru
I met a Roman Catholic Priest while doing a forensic investigation in Earls Court, who had been in a Catholic Monastery in the high mountains of this region, a very strict and mysterious sect. He assured on an oath on the bible they were visited by brown / blond / black haired human like beings who landed in saucer shaped craft and very interested in their way of life, and only eat or sucked birds eggs yokes and whites. They always seem to land on Fridays-- he joked and said they wanted to attend mass.  This priest is still alive today and wishes to remain anonymous by name and we occasionally meet and phone. He looks to me like someone from somewhere else. (there is a lot more of where they came from and why they visit, very similar to UFO story and other writers accounts, please remember I got the 1967 writings long before internet and many of these publications and met these folk later on.
Abbey Road famous recording studios where the Beeetles  recorded a many of their tracks.
Baroness Edmee and her husband Kili  had their centre at I believe it was Circus road adjacent to the studios.  I tell an amusing story related in one of the blogs or Posts about Sir George, Edmee and few 'celebrities of the New Age' at a meeting and was asked to leave. 
Baroness Edmée Di Pauli of Centre LinkWorld Centre of Service.
She observes: "Sir George Trevelyan was my dearest friend in England for many years, but very especially in the last ten years of his still busy life. When coming to London to give one of his fascinating and truly spiritual lectures, he used to stay with me, after not being able to make the stairs in his sister's house. He also regarded Centre Link as a spiritual home." [1]
The next part takes place in this centre where I met Timothy Patterson for the first time(I had met Tom Welch a few times before and it was he who linked me up with Timothy)
Tom telephoned me and said he had met a man named Timothy Patterson and that he was living in North Italy and was the Great Nephew of Percy Fawcett, and I believe he said he had not really heard much about his Great Uncle.  However he began to have visions and psychic feelings about the Lost City and Bolivia and Brazil. I am not sure whether Tom and Timothy went on the first photo shoot to the caves together or Timothy on his own.
Anyway Tom was excited and said Timothy has some amazing photos of the caves and will be showing them at Edmee and Kili' di Pauli's and there is a mystery and it will interest you no end.
The link above supplies the photo and thanks to the blogspot and extend courtesies to the authors. Please do read the story as it concerns Fawcett, in this it is said the lost city was named  Bahia and I was assured by Timothy and Tom it was Ibez.  As you will see from the link Brazil and indeed all of South America is place of deep esoteric mysteries.
Courtesy Kodak.  In the next part Kodak, Eastman Colour, and other photographic companies including NASA who took an interest in this fascinating saga.
Came the night and I met Timothy and he had taken a few hundred if not more slides. The Centre was packed. He showed his journey and the arrival at the caves, then the interior of the cave mostly just at ground level and then a little deeper.  Then the climax, he had about twenty or so slides of the cave wall and there were just blank etchings, very little to see until you shone a light through the slides as in the projector or on the wall and LO AND BEHOLD five faces appeared, THIS STAGGERED ME because I had told Tom and many others in my workshops and the UFO story what these faces looked like and their bodies. I deliberately did not Post or Blog the detailed descriptions of their bodies or faces so as not get plagiarised for the details and not cause panic, HOWEVER there are workshop 'survivors' out there and they will have known and been shown pencil and ink drawings by friends of mine from interviews with contacts as in the UFO story. THE Photographic Companies above, and there were more, tried and tried and tried and could find no explanation for it. THE most mind boggling thing of all was if you just held up the slide to the room light, all you could see was cave wall.  The only explanation I can come up with and that was some years later, that like the Face On Mars.
Courtesy en.wikipedia.org
Courtesy oldcivilisations.wordpress.com
Perhaps the indentations were deliberately etched, carved, laser-ed to provide a relief like 3 D appearance.
To quote from the article link ' Brazil weird News above;

mysteries, occult cities
Mysteries of the Roncador peaks

by Lygia Cabus
At the Central Region of Brazil, south of Amazônia forest, east of Mato Grosso state, located on 15º parallel, between the rivers Araguaia and Xingu, is located the peaks of the Roncador. The steep relief of the landscape formed by rugged mountains is a mystical place where the more fantastic legends are told. A place wich is associated to ancient and exotic traditions.
The main myth is the existence of a civilization in the undergrounds. One of their entrances is in one of the caves of the saw of the Roncador.Some think that Shamballa is the occult city while others believe that is Agharta and they put the brazilian passage in the hollow Earth map.
Another version tells that the cave is  the entrance to an underground road that runs from central Brazil till Machu Picchu, at Peru. There is talk of extinct volcanoes. Researchers seek Jurassic fossils and sightings of lights, suggest the transit of extraterrestrials  spacecrafts.
Part of the secrets of these scarps and caves, where the winds that roars through between the walls of rock gave the name of Roncador to the place, these secrets are kept by indigenous of Xavantes that live at the region. The natives recognize many sacred places that white men can't visit.
Among this places exist a cave in wich, till the indigenous, only dare to enter in the first gallery. They fear go more far because beyond this point, in the subsoil, live strange beings that came from the stars.Who insisted on going ahead, never returned.
Another sacred place is the Enchanted Lagoon, in whose waters there isn't forms of life. The indigenous, they avoid dive into the pond. They believe that the pond is another entry of vehicles of the gods because, many times, they had observed lights arriving and leaving of those waters."  GRATEFUL
This of course ties in with many UFO reports of lights coming from the sea, lakes, underground caves and indeed volcanoes as reported by Nassim Haramein, in his long video found in www.energygrid.com in menu science and videos scroll down to Rogue Valley lectures, this is a new compilation if it is not in there let me know. 

 My opinion is that Fawcett, and his son 'were ascended in the vortex', as there are legends of this dimensional shift taking place there, after all he was a mystic, the family were steeped in the occult. There are many such places around the Earth, portals, wormholes, stargates, for instance the Bermuda triangle, Fingal's Cave Scotland in and on the Island of Staffa.
Another mysterious event (compare to the film ET and the late President Reagan's remark SEE POST 22, my late cousin Prof. Cyril Wolf and Isaac Asimov were at the showing and heard Reagan say it, A photo of Cyril appears in the blog sitting between my dear late brother and I. Cyril told me interesting things. 
The strange case of Admiral Byrd as above. There is a lot more on the net if you wish to research it.
It is said by legend that an old man carrying a staff with long white hair and beard has been seen walking about at times on the Island.  The Hebrides are full of legends and when I stayed at Findhorn we went on many a mystical journey to places nearby. In fact the legend of Findhorn in itself is a tale to be told.
There you are friends I hope you enjoyed the journey, there is much more to be told, however, to merely scoff is very sceptical and with the discovery of the quantum field, the many worlds theory, the multidimensional Universe, those who laughed at H.G.Wells all those years ago, those that said 'no way' at aeroplane flying, those who laugh now and say ridiculous, UFO's, ET, go to a shrink and get yourselves a life, and then an open mind yet discerning might just say----maybe.
Dear Friends 'May the warm winds of heaven blow softly on your home, and the Great Spirit bless all who enter there.

May your moccasins make happy tracks in the snow, and may the rainbow always touch your shoulder' 
A Cherokee Blessing. 
There are many other adventures, perhaps another time, in the meantime.
 Go very Well.  Geoff

Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Hello and greetings.  This maybe a long arduous Post for some, however it maybe a Post nearing the time I took a long break and ending with perhaps before that break with a personal update and some observations about identity. Before that I would like to share a collage(strictly a collage is a number of glued items to a board or something to form a picture) this will be I trust a mental and enjoyable trip tracing what the 1967 writings brought and their final brief I trust almost explained.  Thanks for reading this out.
AN INCREASE IN COSMIC RAYS: For the past month, solar activity has been low. The last big burst of solar activity happened on May 5th when an X2-class solar flare erupted from the sun's eastern limb. Since then ... quiet. To investigate the effect of low solar activity on the atmosphere, Spaceweather.com and the students of Earth to Sky Calculus have been launching helium balloons at ~weekly intervals. Equipped with X-ray and gamma-ray sensors, the balloons measure ionizing radiation all the way from ground level to the stratosphere. Here are the results:
During the past month of low solar activity, ionizing radiation in the stratosphere hasincreased by 10%. This may seem counter intuitive, but there is a simple explanation: The radiation we measure is dominated by cosmic rays--a mix of subatomic particles, X-rays and gamma-rays that come from outside the solar system. Explosions on the sun (especially CMEs) tend to push these cosmic rays away from Earth. During the past month, however, there have been relatively few CMEs. Fewer CMEs means more cosmic rays. Yin-yang.
Cosmic rays are an important form of space weather. They matter to anyone who steps foot on an airplane. According to NASA, a 100,000 mile frequent flier will absorb a dose of radiation equivalent to 10 chest X-rays--all from cosmic rays. Cosmic rays have also been linked to cloud cover, lightning, and they may play some role in climate change.
If the sun remains quiet, cosmic rays could increase even more. Stay tuned for updates from the stratosphere.  Courtesy  spaceweather.com( my take on this information is not in anyway connected to spaceweather.com and I use their data to my own ends, you dear readers will have your own ideas and may or not agree or agree or find it rubbish of my explanations).
This whole story started in early 1967 when through a series of synchronise incidents(story related in energygrid) I went to Samye Ling(see search bar) and received a lengthy tome which can be found at:-  http://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2013/01a.html and three other blogs.
Although the editor of http://www.energygrid.com/  is a great friend of mine this does not necessarily endorse his views and I am grateful he gave me the platform to express my presentations even though they maybe controversial.
Courtesy www.frontlinegaming.org
The précis of this was that a change of world wide living was to come about and that certain key dates would usher in a COSMIC ENERGY  bursts or higher levels which is why I have Posted the diagram and explanation so graciously by spaceweather.com above.  
The brief was like a mission, I could accept it or not, my 'job' if you like was to garner scientific facts and interpret them according to the 1967 writings to the best of my abilities.
The main point there would a change in consciousness by 2072 with key years in between, 212, 2016, 2032 and 2072.  There would be a change from binary locks of energy to triple locks explained in the January 2013 link above.
Courtesy www.healthtap.com
The changes in energy would have an effect in our DNA and there would be an upgrading in this and in fact the ENERGIES contained INFORMATION. This effect would increase incrementally and would classified as ASCENSION / TRANSFORMATION and eventually bring about physiological changes described in January 2013 link above.  This we can see amongst our youngsters today and the shift in sexual identities.  It is true that food, media, pollution and other factors shape this as well.
A good source for some of the symptoms that many went through and some still are can be found at:-  https://coreonnewenergyenglish.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/body-changes/#more-1979
These changes can be experienced by the activation of Kundulini and the incoming energies can actually feel the same and maybe the same only translated or transformed to the amount our bodies were aligned and cleansed. THE  whole thing was a detox, in order to make space for new information and to remove or reorganise certain neuro pathways. 
The first little piece I got was:
An article by the Daily Telegraph Science Editor 5th July 1995 revealed the startling findings of scientists in America and Japan.
They normally measure cosmic rays in millions of electron volts.  Over the last two years they have measured rays to the power of 320 billion, billion electron volts.  To quote the 
“ Something out there –no-one knows what- is hurling high energy particles around the Universe, in this case the most energetic ever observed by scientists…Not even the power released by the most violent exploding stars could account for them. Indeed conventional theory says such particles should not exist…”].
From 1995 I began researching electron volts and found various correlations in many scientific journals.  This indicated something in the Cosmos was at work, this then led me to ancient civilisations and the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way and its place and input and its effect on our Sun.  We can see as above in spaceweather  link that when we have low solar out put we have more Cosmic Rays. I suggested these came in funnels / columns / corridors from the Sun when they were active and this was verified by a NASA  scientist;- 
Courtesy thereinbowscribe.com
This led onto research about our bodies being transformed from a silicon base to a crystalline body and there was a flurry as it was thought that the ascension energies were going to do this in the process, like an alchemy process and that was investigated as well as many ancient researchers were trying to turn lead or base metals into gold and some some even thought it could transform us into a higher energetic form eventually to an angelic being or ET. Yes I have touched on our new bodies in the January 2013 link and it will be a slow process.  Some say the alchemy can only go as far as enlightenment, satori, nirva samadhi, moksha and so on and then our bodies 'burn up' or translate a term used where the body ignited, not by spontaneous combustion, but by Divine Energy as it were and all that is left are sacred ashes. I WILL COME BACK TO THE CRYSTALLINE body later.  See also the Arecibo crop circle in January 2013 link which probably started the crystalline events.
Then the strange events researched under this heading link:-See New POST 222. Mysterious journies.
Courtesy www.unitychurch.com
May I repeat in all the images Posted they are not necessarily the views of the publisher or site but too illustrate a point I am making and perhaps clarify my text. I am deeply grateful to those who Post these online.
The next part of the research took me to Auras.  The auric fields that are around and can be measured in laboratories.  Some of the Auras were being 'burnt off' by the incoming energies. The astral, psychic ones were in particular. The effect would be a release of the material into the world collective unconscious and the glamour celebrity, media and so forth would pick this up, this was part of the purification and detox we would go through.  The space vacated by the Astral field would be filled by higher energy information and would charge the so called 'junk DNA' which was ' hibernating' until the person awakened and the evolutionary moment came to them at some point during the process. There was a staggered awakening in humanity and it would be in increments and relays, each group that awakened, although not necessarily aware of themselves would form a grid ethereally / in the Etheric, and in the collect unconscious, the psychic power would transform to tele psychism. Trance to Intuition, Channelling to direct Knowledge, deceased ones communication to their higher energy forms, psychometry, phrenology and so forth raised, teleportation, telepathy and teletransference would supersede and gradually become the 'norm'. 
Courtesy rfclipart.com
Of course technology would get huge and advanced. Eventually when we 'grow up' free energy would arrive as it is already but suppressed. killing people and the population will fade away, the greedy ones will either perish by their own hands or the awakening will illuminate even the 'hardest' cases. The technology eventually would be environmentally friendly, free and profit motive non existent.  If we did not make it a Stargate / wormhole would open up and and all those aligned sufficiently with the process would find themselves 'elsewhere' in a kind of Earth Double.
                                                    Courtesy altered-states.net
95% of the neurons (the bits that trigger and fire information) in our brains are in the cerebral cortex, the thin brown layer of jelly that actually surrounds the brain, analagous to humanity's existence on the surface of the Earth. Linking the two hemispheres of the brain is a bunch of fibres known as the corpus callosum. It can be proved that in artists, musicians, left handed people and in those who are comfortable with being out of the norm that the corpus callosum is growing physically larger, and it appears within the last thirty or forty years that this growth increase is exponential, not only in these people but in all of us. The bridge between the left and right brains was the width of a thin pencil a hundred years ago, and I'm assured by a couple of mortician/pathologist clients of mine (really!) that in many people now this bundle of fibres is now the width of one's forefinger. This suggests to me that the interface between the left and right brain in most of us is now considerably more active than it was three or four generations ago. Of course this could be down to our diet. Courtesy Steve Judd Astrologer from his January 2011 blog
Then throughout my blogs and Posts I pushed meditation and there is so much of it I can only say nearly every blog /post has a reference to it. I became aware there was an opposition to all these 'new ways' by certain cabals  and some were called the elite, the bilderbergs, the industrial military complex, Satanic forces and so forth. Then there was a counter flurry as the new 'man on the block' was the 100 monkey, the critical mass, the idea being like the precedence of the critical mass the umbrella mind, the theory was that when the world population increased its awareness to world peace and so forth in a deep fundamental way, the thought then was calculated to be 66% then the the future thought of the tipping point would be reached and the other 34% would be entrained. A popular demonstration was given, for instance when Marconi proclaimed the wireless, apparently many more had been inspired as with previous and recent inventions, it seemed an umbrella effect took place, as if minds on a similar 'wavelength'picked up telepathically, or through the collective unconscious, which a collective field of energy in magnetic form containing information.  Of course the Bilderbergs and so on below the image would have their field as well as religions, politics and so forth, hence the modern media can enhance these fields beyond the invisible energy fields(see body is a bio crystalline oscillator).
Courtesy www.eachoneteachwon.wordpress.com
Then research into entrainment:women who lived together for a fair amount of time found that their menses coincided to the same time and also an experiment with pendulum clocks of various pendulum lengths all set at midnight would after a three days kept in a locked room all begin to oscillate to the same arc or swing, it seemed the fastest and the slower swings found a common 
denominator oscillation without it being either of the clocks oscillation.
This worried the elite and so a censorship started and disinformation to break up entrainment. Entrainment was allowed at first in small sections, after all groups, sects, religions and so forth are entrained systems. The elite wanted only theirs and so the take over of the internet and introducing austerity measures and so forth, BMI,BP in medical stuff, vaccines, more about this in another Post.
These forces would and could delay the process but it is mathematical equation like 'the awakening is in proportion to the opposition' if enough persons awoke, the electronic bombardment, the pollution, chemicals, GMO food, the media, the wars and so on would lose their effect by THE VERY  fact of an awakened mind, so things like vaccines, fluoride, various stultifying stupefying targeting of children and weak adults would wane and decay and a New World ethos would arrive.
Steve Judd's article above let me to research the binaural brain, my Inverted V, Prigogine, the tipping point, chaos, biophotons, chronobiology, neuroplasticity, epigentic's and so on.  I went into water memory and Emoto, Homoeopathy, and of of course ET. 
Courtesy themillenniumreport.com
Sir Paul ex defence minister of Canada.
Just look at search bar in this blog for ET and see also my research into ancient technology, the Pyramids, and see also my UFO Story at http://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2005/05.html
also see Post http://www.geofffreed.com/search?q=Chang Scroll down to UFO stuff.  I can fill a book with this, however, I recommend anyone of Timothy Good's book. Then there is David Wilcock and so many others.
Matter does not exist. 2 mins.
Down the Rabbit Hole. 10 mins
During this period I was researching neuropeptides and came across the flowing cascades the brain produced, I am now informed of an upgrade to 100 Billion changes a second,( my research years back stated a 100 thousand changes) the brain being a chemical factory, thought and mood changed the chemical composition and then caused addiction by rote thoughts.  Belief systems have their own 'inner sound' and chemical signatures.  Again a book could come from this alone as with all the other facets mentioned. 

Two slit experiment. 5 mins.
The videos above lends themselves to the next steps in the research, such as super waves, Mayan cycles and Indian Yuga's, Aquarian Astrology, the 700,000 year cycle in which the Magnetic Poles reversed as does the Sun's 11 year cycle, the Pole is veering Eastward as we live now.  Then there is the 24,000, 12,000 and 5,500 year cycles and many others, this all fits in with a Cosmic Chrono Universal structure, then there was the chat of the ending of the Piscean Age(the fishes symbol linked to Jesus and the second coming) and the Aquarian Figure pouring out the waters of the Renewal and a Messiah arriving.  The Second Coming. This led to the Universal Messiah and not a single person, but a collective of human hearts opening and each one of us becoming a Messianic being. 
Then various various theories about the changing of the Schumann Resonance and a possible catastrophe involving a giant Tsunami that caused the Tectonic Plates to whirl around and scares that ET were after us and cause mayhem, this was found to be a disinformation and a way to keep the public under control and various other such mechanisations. Then a letter  sent to NASA by astronauts, scientists and engineers challenging Climate Change, see Post 202. All of the above can be researched and was in energygrid from 2005 till 2013 and then over to this Post.  This then led me to the next and most exciting new frontiers.

My research for PH.D Metaphysics was to try and prove the foundation of the Universe and its Being was consciousness and that Metaphysics often frowned upon by some scientists as mere philosophy was in fact a science, and I researched all the above and realised most of the subjects, including the beliefs in God or not were fragmented, politics fragmented, scientific theories fragmented, in pieces, even various disciplines in science were not sharing, and so a whole picture was not available. Each little laboratory an isolated cell doing a 'number' (cockney for a sly move) to get funding, often fighting and putting down others in a similar field, and these were funded by large corporations who had an agenda for their products(by the way Google were at The Austrian Bilderberg meeting---yes inside---now do you fully trust them?) I have seen how some academics cannot let go of their 'status' and to admit there is a greater intelligence than they, would be hard  to swallow.  Also the power mongers a great saying from the Bible 'It is harder for rich man to give up his riches than for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle'
OK so leaving this out how do we get to the foundation of the Universe, the three videos on Quantum stuff gave me a clue, I always felt and knew it was consciousness and then one day it clicked so to speak.
Courtesy www.youtube.com
Then I came across a scientific work, forbidden even in Russia, the Phantom Wave, part of it is on the net, some in David Wilcock's book 'The Source Field Investigations' and I gleaned a lot from a few Russian Scientists I met and one I worked with briefly. Basically it was something I knew from super waves and the slant I put on it. Also the work of Sir Fred Hoyle, Harold Saxton Burr and Sir James Jeans. 
Throughout the Universe there were super waves that governed cycles of times, these were and are evolutionary stopwatches and in the Universe there are bacteria that spawn life and are governed by the 'Divine Plan' in other words information is imparted. The next step was going into the phantom wave experiment, this you can read up, as I say I have done this in energygrid, what I realised beyond the bacteria in space there is for every living life form and in MY VIEW we live, move and have our being in a live intelligent Universe. DNA is common to all Life Forms, Planets, Stars and whatever in their form, it is the INFORMATION CARRIER and what then arises it is in WAVE / PARTICLE adaptation.  
Courtesy www.ymsir.com
However all these waves or whatever had to be informed I was still at the semi physical level as it were, I was getting less dense in the theory, I began to see an internet throughout the Universe. Yes some of it waves, cosmic rays, still in the form although subtle.
Then the brilliant GCI commentaries, still ongoing:-
depicting the interconnectivity, the ecological interdependent dependency, symbiosis and so forth, yet this still was not good enough for me and my thesis, which is of course the way I try to live life.
Courtesy eivi.ca.698x596. search by image
Then the research of the 100 trillion cells and their trillions of atoms, then onto fluid dynamics and the spine being with the body a 'bio crystal oscillator' an antennae, an aerial, a receiver broadcaster, a two way feedback loop with the Universe a co cooperator with the Cosmos, one could through meditation and Altered States of Consciousness get non local information, that the Universe has the resonant frequency for the individual and no matter how your personal agenda worked for you and how grand in materialism it could be, this may not be the alignment the Universe had in mind for you. In fact the Universe has your natural resonant frequency and if one tunes into this one's life would be greatly enhanced.  
Courtesy www.stellarplanet.co.uk
So the Universe is a large Internet and I am a dot, a node, and if I am not brainwashed I can tune into this network. The Kingdom of Heaven is within, Be Still and experience The Cosmic Intelligence within. With the concept of the Universe, getting to Information Intelligence, and I still feel there is an active Intelligence and a shared Universe of opinion and feedback, yet there is still a content with words and intellect and THE ORIGINAL is  a PRIMORDIAL mover, a creator and is the silent, unformed, pristine, consciousness. 
Go Well and Be Well. Geoff