Thursday, 19 December 2024


Blessing's and Love
                                                      Hello sincere and loving greetings.

Celebrate the Solstice

Friday, 30 December 2016


julie lomoe's hope dawns
The week before Christmas the large store heaving with people, indeed Christmas eve, crashing metal baskets or even plastic ones, no apologies, one women wide eyed, frantic, ploughing her way through the isles, literally pushing people aside to get to the last gateaux, looking lonely and forlorn and yet majestic with all its icing and accoutrements, many frantic in the race to get to the pastry counter before her.

This lady usually dignified quiet and apologetic but this was a matter of do or die, this prize CAKE IS MINE-----at all costs. 

Speaking to the bus driver, drawing deeply on his cigarette, smoke flowing from his mouth mixed with the frosty air, looking perplexed at the rushing passengers heading towards his bus, laden full to the brim, he recounts a tale of the 'dreaded week before Christmas', perplexed he tells of the road rage and cyclists knocked off their motor cycles and pedal bikes by large expensive cars and demonic drivers rushing home with the turkey and the back seats and boots full with shopping and presents, some with Christmas trees protruding from the windows.

The God of Mammon and the Deity of Materialism have their days of worship and devotion, the Golden Calf resurrected, and the ego to have the most resplendent party, to get stuffed with food with alcohol and indigestion, the TV on watching the regurgitated oldies and then feeling drowsy and feeling they must keep awake for the Queen's speech not really taken in, whilst the Ghost and Spirit of Christmas waits to be greeted and the homeless shivering in the cold go unnoticed and a war torn planetary carnage are still in full cry.   


                                                                     THE NEW MOON

December 30 -31 2024  

New Year 2025

May the Warm winds of Heaven blow softly on your Home and the Great Spirit, bless all who enter there.

May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows, and may the rainbow always touch your shoulder. 

Cherokee Blessing

The Dance of Life

Celebrate Healthy and Joyous Life

                                                                    Wakhan Thanka

                                                                     Great Mystery 

Teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the sense of my body and the blessings of my Spirit.

Teach me how to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious Sun. Amen

Lakota Prayer

Be Well

Geoff aka Shack

Saturday, 14 December 2024



From 1st May 2023 1

Hello and a very strange welcome. To save repeating the agenda please read 'Forearmed is Forewarned ---Pentagon and Motherships in our Galaxy' on Monday 1st  May 2023 and then look at this scary list below;

EXCLUSIVEDrone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by 'mother ship' UFO, claims top Pentagon official

A retired, senior Pentagon official has confirmed that UFO 'mother ships' were spotted 'releasing swarms of smaller craft' — adding further mystery to the still-unexplained intrusions over multiple US military bases.

His statements come amid the release of 50 pages of Air Force records related to provocative 'drone' incursions, that one general calls 'Close Encounters at Langley.'

For at least 17 nights last December, swarms of noisy, small UFOs were seen at du

do not be taken in by this ---It is not an alien ET INVASION.
Courtesy Asteroid Starter 2

As I am doing this breaking news I will include other items of interest;
I have always said that the supposed asteroid that destroyed the dinosaur's was not an asteroid and was part of the five extinctions (use search bar) and this link below sheds light on their assumptions.

Courtesy New York Times  Chernobyl  3
There is evidence of the recuperative powers of nature and mutations are sometimes beneficial, there are articles of the atom bomb experimental detonations in the Pacific at the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Archipelago from 1946 and 1958 showed by documentaries and files to show the mutations to wild life and their remarkable recovery but not to humans only horrific mutations, the remarkable recovery of some coral reefs when old car and truck tyres were thrown in  the sea and so on. Why not humans; at a guess I would venture to hesitantly posit that nature has the Universal Blueprint and many humans have tinkered with genetics and or become inculcated by false and inaccurate conditioning which goes deep into the psyche and distorts natures frequencies and therefore the informing energy signatures and Universal Algorithms.


Courtesy The Ancient World 4
There are so many discoveries coming to light, it is wonderful and when academics try to define what they are they are and put their past indications on the newly discovered it somehow clouds the issue. In Forensics we are told to have a clear mind and not let previous cases influence any resemblances bias although maybe unconsciously the outcomes, let the evidence speak for itself.

From Link below 5
This speaks for itself.

All I can say is that I wrote a lot about Fauci and this says it all cAMBEL AND fAUCI

Courtesy  Top  Teen 6

Years ago a friend of mine Lloyd Pie wrote a book which he kindly signed for me 'Everything you know is Wrong' and his site 'The Star Child Skull'. He was hounded by the academics and said to be a false crony and terrible abuse and I tried to get his Skull into a famous forensic laboratory and he did have some success with his own lab results through a lab until money and derogatory remarks and reviews shut it down, I believe it still lives on in some way.

Scientists unsure what happened to group of humans who left Africa for Europe more than 45,000 years ago Credit: Tom Björklund for Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary AnthropologySarah KnaptonScience Editor

Wednesday, 4 December 2024


From Article Wednesday 26th August 2020 this site
Crashed  Arecibo dish 1

Just added 08/12/2024 see addendum 4

Hello and welcome. Before going into image 1 above and typing this on 04December 2024 a number of people have contacted me and said that an ET Alien invasion was going to happen on the 3/4/5 December 2024 so far so good as the man said as he fell out of the 24th floor and passed floor 19. There is one more day to go and as the French say nous verrons. The video that was sent to me is  since there is one day to go I hang tight. As far as I know and I have very keen contacts the claims about military bases and elsewhere being surveyed by UFO not the new name they give them UAP, more about this has not been verified. In fact there is constant surveillance by UFO and radar especially at specialised UFO human data stations have and do know about. One I heard about is Neatishead in Norfolk and their motto was 'We watch the Skies' it is now reported to be a museum and some say closed.

Now to Arecibo; 'The iconic Arecibo Observatory's giant radio telescope dish suffered serious damage on Aug. 10, 2020 when a support cable broke. (Image credit: University of Central Florida)'

On researching this I contacted a source at MIT and a security source at Arecibo and they told me the cable was a wire hawser and it looked as though it had been burnt through and as far as they knew it would take hours to burn through and they are regularly inspected and many others contacted me and said it was sabotaged. There are misleading reports some say the main cable broke and others say it happened in November. The dish was used for SETI(search for extra terrestrial life) and astronomers are in shock as it is not to be rebuilt and an education centre of some sorts is to be built there.

Now the mystery gets deeper; it was told to me that that the guards at the dish patrolled 24/7 at all times and were armed and there were turrets for further observation and regular maintenance was carried out and efficiently supervised. It was further rumoured that the connected radar or surveillance network to other facilities were disconnected around the globe and that a large object passed close to the Earth undetected because of the network breakdown.  Could it be ET did the damage or the threat which I will come to later was engineered by those of a human origin?

Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt is back with a Special UFO news update.
On August 11th, the large Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico sustained serious damage - it's shredded, as you'll see from the photos. Then DJ shows us UFO pictures were released on August 20th, taken from the International Space Station by Russian cosmonaut, Ivan Vagner over Antarctica.

I wondered whether the two events coincided because of Admiral Byrd and his Antarctica visits and flying disk attacks and whether ET were involved as follows. 

The Arecibo message is a 1974 interstellar radio message carrying basic information about humanity and Earth sent to globular star cluster M13. It was meant as a demonstration of human technological achievement, rather than a real attempt to enter into a conversation with extraterrestrials.[1]
The message was broadcast into space a single time via frequency modulated radio waves at a ceremony to mark the remodeling of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico on 16 November 1974.[1][2] The message was aimed at the current location of M13 about 25,000 light years away because M13 was a large and close collection of stars that was available in the sky at the time and place of the ceremony.[3] The message forms the image shown here when translated into graphics, characters, and spaces.[4] see more details in Wiki Pedia 
Seemingly a reply was sent in the form of a crop circle nearby the Arecibo complex; 
from my  January 2013. Apparently the reply.

On November 16th, 1974, the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico sent out the strongest signal ever sent into space. The broadcast's goal was to showcase humanity's technical advancement. Renowned SETI researcher Frank Drake and famous scientific communicator Carl Sagan created it. (By the way a field just adjacent to the Arecibo complex hosted crop circles and you can research this and the guards witnessed it all occurring)

Now today; 

SETI tracks distorted signals from distant pulsars with data from destroyed Arecibo Observatory




"Even years after the Arecibo Observatory's collapse, its data continues to unlock critical information that can advance our understanding of the galaxy."



An illustration of a pulsar, a rapidly spinning neutron star that sweeps beams of radiation through space like a cosmic lighthouse (Image credit: Robert Lea (created with Canva))

You can knock a good telescope out, but you can't keep it down. Using data from the now-destroyed Arecibo radio telescope, scientists from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute have unlocked the secrets of signals from "cosmic lighthouses" powered by dead stars. (Courtesy

I feel that the Covid Lockdowns and all that went with it were and attempt to enforce a world wide Cabal consortium to bring about COG a continuity of Government and now an agenda to reintroduce it at the most advantageous and propitious time in world advents and now certain reinventing of the wheel  are occurring and this one above are they trying to receive what the ET may have done when the world surveillance SETI went down and that large object went through undetected? (There is the Akashic --Ahkavic records some say all and every experience is stored in a Universal field, other say it is the quantum field, some say it is the timelines only of karma whatever your view I feel the Arecibo information is contained there and perhaps a sensitive, psychic, Shamans and the like could have access to them----I understand some are working on a type AI, a sort of software that 'latch onto brain waves that download from our memory containment fields)

Should you go back to ;

Monday, 1 May 2023

FOREARMED IS FOREWARNED ------Pentagon and Motherships in our Galaxy?

You will see the UFO ET as a threat and to frighten us and then cause COG EVENT. Read on.

Will a Trump / Musk alter the space narrative a threat or research and learn? There is so much more. So perhaps another time.
Arecibo and connections to a Bond Film  I think Golden Eye.
From File


Has the telescope picked up signals of aliens from another galaxy?

The "fast radio bursts" included one "double signal" never heard before and have left astronomers buzzing with excitement over the possibility of it being a message with alien origins.

Did scientists just pick up the first intelligent radio waves from a distant ALIEN planet?

ASTRONOMERS have picked up five mysterious unidentified radio signals that could originate from OUTSIDE the Milky Way.

By Jon Austin

00:03, Sun, Nov 29, 2015 12:28, Mon, Nov 30, 2015


The "fast radio bursts" included one "double signal" never heard before and have left astronomers buzzing with excitement over the possibility of it being a message with alien origins.

Be Well 





I have always been interested in Jesus and the subsequent The Shroud of Turin

Here I have found Dr John Campbell's explaining of the video with scientific evidence interesting

He mentions a bit about radiation and how the image got to the linen, Reading down below about Hiroshima this adds insight into the whole video and a possible explanation. Now coming to Jesus and the whole story, by the way there are similar great beings who arrived mysteriously and with wise men proclaiming the birth and so on. Jesus may have been a an ET and many people have claimed he was a Venusian or came from Venus. Dear Readers I am merely reporting some information, please I beg you do not castigate the messenger.  If I affronted, hurt or offended anyone surely if you are set and a firm believer of anything then this cannot offend you and for education and discussion surely we can be tolerant and appreciate another's view. 

Why did the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima leave shadows of people etched on sidewalks?