Tuesday, 12 June 2018


Hello and welcome to a series of ideas and comments.  Many confusing issues are abroad these days and home politics. Crime and values seem to be muddled with massive contrasts. Political correctness and mad new laws stricter moral codes and then massive increase in violent crime, especially knife, mugging and murder in London, bombing and atrocities throughout a war torn planet. An example of UK stuff; a well known TV drama  causes an outrage because of the actor showing his chest coming out of the sea and he is wearing long underpants, yet a dancing show the hosts say cover up your chest to the males and yet the ladies are wearing the skimpiest of costumes. Sex and nudity on all channels and yet showing a man's chest in a drama or dance show is selective and merely biased by some editors and allowed by others, so what are the standards, how are people to be guided, confusion is a tool for control unless one is clear and sure of one's own mind and that mind is not biased and short sighted.  

Really part of the ongoing issues of Cosmic Ray reports and you will by now know my take on this.
The Trump - Tesla Connection . 25 mins
Once again these fascinating connections by Daniel Litz.
Please refer to Posts 320 onwards for The Sun and X- files, Trump and UFO.
18 min trip through the ISS. As fascinating as it is I would not like to stay there.

Story at-a-glance

  • Three of the more commonly transmitted diseases have reached record levels in the U.S. Nationwide, there were 1.6 million cases of chlamydia in 2016, 470,000 cases of gonorrhea and 28,000 new cases of syphilis
  • Mutations of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria that causes gonorrheal infections have led to a high incidence of antibiotic resistance, making it extremely difficult to treat
  • Research looking at syphilis samples from the U.S., South America, Europe, Africa and Australasia found both of the two main strains of syphilis have developed antibiotic resistance
  • STD prevalence in California has increased by 45 percent in the past five years. In 2017, 300,000 cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis were reported, 54 percent of cases occurring in those under the age of 25
  • The number of babies born infected with syphilis quadrupled, and with it, stillbirths spiked as well. Of the 278 congenital syphilis cases on record in California last year, 30 resulted in stillbirth, which is triple the number of syphilis-related stillbirths reported in 2016
The Corbett Report and ALEXA 6 MIN.  Oh my
It now been wide spread news that Google is part of the unofficial spy and collection of data and surveillance for the so called security forces, they may have been forced into it as other companies have been shut down for refusing to store and had over data of their customers.  Not only knowing your habits for marketing purposes but also psychologically profiling you and so by mass data on habits of the population the media and  government can with the clever psychologist control the trends, fashions and easily spot the 'outsiders' and non conformists---like the baseball caps we wear ---one size fits all. .
Here we go again  Russia now Iran. It seems bullying and domination are the 'in thing' and what message does this send to the younger generation?
Another view on President Trump. 2 Min
What another!!!?
Medical Tourism in Mexico. 24 mins
Because Big Pharma drugs have many side effects and do not actually cure but only alleviate
symptoms and health care in the USA is expensive the video above explains this in more detail. In the UK many like myself go for alternatives, its expensive but if one is prudent with one's finances you can usually get some.
When I first visited and learnt about the Universe and its contents I was taught it is a dead and just matter without life and the big bang was an accident. At the Tower of London the person in charge at that time was Sir Thomas Butler and he was a patron of our Amateur Judo Association and I was the Southern Area Coach and Secretary. On one of the visits to a meeting there two famous scientists were looking at the Crown Jewels and we had this heated discussion and basically it was that; I queried that the Universe was an accident and therefore we are all accidents and insignificant and that Universe 'self taught itself' from inanimate matter and dead substance to evolve thus far'.  Sir Thomas had to break us up as it got pretty animated.  The above epitomises in my view Life and Consciousness everywhere and just because it does not fit a current scientific view never-the less it could be so. 
SMALL ASTEROID HITS EARTH: On Saturday, June 2nd, astronomers working with the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona discovered a small asteroid (2018 LA) near the orbit of the Moon. Hours later, it hit Earth. The boulder-sized space rock entered the atmosphere traveling 38,000 mph (17 km/s) and exploded over Botswana at 6:44 p.m. local time. A video camera at a farm near Ottosda, South Africa, recorde
The explosion sent waves of low-frequency sound (infrasound) rippling through the atmosphere, and it was detected by an infrasound monitor in South Africa, deployed as part of the International Monitoring System of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Meteor expert Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario analyzed the signals and came to these conclusions about the explosion:
"The yield was in the range 0.3 to 0.5 kilotons of TNT," he says. "That corresponds to a 2 meter diameter asteroid."

As asteroids go, that's very small. It posed no significant danger to objects on the ground as it disintegrated almost wholly in the atmosphere. Fragments may yet be found on the ground and recovered for sale or scientific study. 
The real significance of this event is that it highlights the growing capability of modern sky surveys to discover asteroids targeting Earth. Even small faint space rocks are being caught in the net. Boulder-sized impactors have been discovered hurtling toward Earth three times in the past 10 years: 2008 TC3 exploded over northern Sudan on Oct. 7, 2008; 2014 AA burned up above the Atlantic Ocean on Jan. 1, 2014; and now 2018 LA. In each case, the warning was less than a day. Larger asteroids may be seen at a greater distance, however, allowing for more lead time. Learn more about the latest impact from NASA.(Text courtesy spaceweather.com video courtesy You Tube) 
Milankovitch cycles describe the collective effects of changes in the Earth's movements on its climate over thousands of years. The term is named for Serbian geophysicist and astronomer Milutin Milanković. In the 1920s, he hypothesized that variations in eccentricityaxial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit resulted in cyclical variation in the solar radiation reaching the Earth, and that this orbital forcing strongly influenced climatic patterns on Earth.
Similar astronomical hypotheses had been advanced in the 19th century by Joseph AdhemarJames Croll and others, but verification was difficult because there was no reliably dated evidence, and because it was unclear which periods were important.
Now, materials on Earth that have been unchanged for millennia (obtained via ice, rock, and deep ocean cores) are being studied to indicate the history of Earth's climate. Though they are consistent with the Milankovitch hypothesis, there are still several observationsthat the hypothesis does not explain.
Courtesy Universe Today
Milankovitch cycles describe the collective effects of changes in the Earth's movements on its climate over thousands of years. The term is named for Serbian geophysicist and astronomer Milutin Milanković. In the 1920s, he hypothesized that variations in eccentricityaxial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit resulted in cyclical variation in the solar radiation reaching the Earth, and that this orbital forcing strongly influenced climatic patterns on Earth.
Similar astronomical hypotheses had been advanced in the 19th century by Joseph AdhemarJames Croll and others, but verification was difficult because there was no reliably dated evidence, and because it was unclear which periods were important.

Now, materials on Earth that have been unchanged for millennia (obtained via ice, rock, and deep ocean cores) are being studied to indicate the history of Earth's climate. Though they are consistent with the Milankovitch hypothesis, there are still several observationsthat the hypothesis does not explain. ( IN THIS HYPOTHESIS IN MANY, MANY YEARS TO COME THE EARTH COULD HAVE A 25 HOUR DAY). Geoff

Why does the moon's spin take 27 days and the Earth's takes 24 hours?

John Stephenson
, I've stared at the night sky with wonder since I was a kid.
Over billions of years the earth’s gravitational field has tidally locked the moon in orbit so that its rotation about its axis is the same as that of its orbit around the earth.
This process is still continuing as the earth transfers some of its angular momentum to the moon lifting it to a higher orbit by a couple of centimeters a year. As it rises, its takes a fraction longer to complete an orbit, and its rotational speed slows down slightly to match.
Courtesy Ghuff Genes

The eventual conclusion of this is that the earth also would become tidally locked to the moon, and they will both face each other permanently. But this is going to take that long that the sun will probably have destroyed both the earth and the moon in its red giant phase before this happens. (There are suggestions----the dark side of the Moon has a greater mass and is therefore 'heavier' on that side and over the years it will by erosion and such like alter the spin like a spinning top, thee are other suggestions like the nearness of the Earth and Moon at The moon's orbit around Earth is elliptical. At perigee — its closest approach — the moon comes as close as 225,623 miles (363,104 kilometers). At apogee — the farthest away it gets — the moon is 252,088 miles (405,696 km) from Earth. On average, the distance from Earth to the moon is about 238,855 miles (384,400km).27 Oct 2017 

Courtesy You Tube
SPACE WEATHER VS. SUPERCOMPUTERS: Solar minimum is coming. Should supercomputers worry? Researchers have long known that cosmic ray neutrons and other high energy particles can cause errors and even crash supercomputers in mid-calculation. That's worrisome because cosmic rays are intensifying with the decline of the sunspot cycle. Hewlett-Packard is even testing a supercomputer on the International Space Station to see how cosmic rays affect it. Improved shielding and error-correcting codes may yet solve the problem. Meanwhile, stay tuned for ... ... solar minimum. Courtesy spaceweather.com (reminder see my take on the Cosmic Rays and next step in evolution)
Something is affecting the whole solar system. 10 mins
I was writing and doing lectures on this since 1973 and was laughed at and ridiculed and asked to leave academia. You can see a lot of this in http://geofffreedarchive.blogspot.com.
These are the articles were retrieved from the late energygrid.com.  A lot of the images and videos were lost or taken down, but the text remains.
Regarding the above this article;  When asked what is the origin of these new found charged particles, and where do they come from? Dave Thompson, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center gave us his answer. "It's a mystery, for one thing. About a third of the new sources can't be clearly linked to any of the known types of objects that produce gamma rays. We have no idea what they are. The other two-thirds have one thing in common - astounding energy."’  Courtesy Mitch Battros

Compare this with article January 2013 Post. 

An article by the Daily Telegraph Science Editor 5th July 1995 revealed the startling findings of scientists inAmerica and Japan.

They normally measure cosmic rays in millions of electron volts.  Over the last two years they have measured rays to the power of 320 billion, billion electron volts.  To quote the article:

“ Something out there –no-one knows what- is hurling high energy particles around the Universe, in this case the most energetic ever observed by scientists…Not even the power released by the most violent exploding stars could account for them. Indeed conventional theory says such particles should not exist…”

You see they knew this in 1995 and I wrote this in blogs from 2007 onwards, this is not new and magazines from 1973 onwards.  Now look at the evidence as per spaceweather.com, however I must state my take on the increased energies are not those of spaceweather.com.
In the video above there are many scientists who feel Dr Lockwood's statement about in the increase in the Sun's magnetic field have in fact stated, there is a large decrease in the Sun's magnetic field, however all the content seems verified other than that.
Regarding mass extinctions, and other facts one can see my Posts  from 299 onwards. The Sun in its white phase ,Nassim Haramein, Dr Paul La Violet and others are in the Archives and in back Posts. The charged particles that many are now claiming is the old Proton Belt talked about in the 60's.
Courtesy it.depositphotos.com
In my archives as above I have laid out the Ascension process or the New 'Aquarian' light body or Homo Energetica / Spiritulana that is the next stage in the human and Cosmic / Solar evolution brought about by these increasing energies.  We will have a shine, not as in the image above and we will have heightened senses and 'telepowers' which are raised psychic powers. These will be enhanced. However, the elite and others may delay the process and we could avoid a mass wipe out should the illuminate let go of their power struggle to own and govern the Earth. They like all of us will perish, however nature will renew the life and humans again will spread and be upgraded, this is dependant on the quality of the auric shields which hold the genetic blueprint and the quality of the energetic matrix of the life force.  You can see more details in the Archives especially the last four blogs on the 1967 writings.   

Coming up in a few days time another Post and a shorter one of the update of robots.

Until then

Be Well


Some more Shacks at


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