Friday, 10 July 2020


Hello again. In these fractious times it seems panic and confusion reigns and I feel deliberately encouraged in some quarters. As you will see below more confusion is spread and I cannot help feel that it is deliberate with a very heinous motive and ongoing agenda.
Please excuse my ongoing homespun philosophy and stuff that works for me. Perhaps it is the ranting and ravings of a senior citizen of 81 years of age and getting crotchety. If you can put up with it read on. If do thank you so much. 


From File
Malcolm Kendrick, doctor and author who works as a GP in the National Health Service in England. His blog can be read here and his book, 'Doctoring Data – How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense,' is available here.
Evidence that a cheap, over-the-counter anti-malarial drug costing £7 combats Covid-19 gets trashed. Why? Because the pharmaceutical giants want to sell you a treatment costing nearly £2,000. It’s criminal.
A few years ago, I wrote a book called ‘Doctoring Data’. This was an attempt to help people understand the background to the tidal wave of medical information that crashes over us each and every day. Information that is often completely contradictory, viz ‘Coffee is good for you... no, wait it's bad for you... no, wait, it’s good for you again,’ repeated ad nauseam.
I also pointed out some of the tricks, games and manipulations that are used to make medications seem far more effective than they truly are, or vice versa. This, I have to say, can be a very dispiriting world to enter. When I give talks on this subject, I often start with a few quotes.
For example, here is Dr Marcia Angell, who edited the New England Journal of Medicine for over 20 years, writing in 2009:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor.”
Have things got better? No, I believe they’ve got worse – if that were, indeed, possible. I was recently sent the following email about a closed-door, no-recording-allowed discussion, held in May of this year under no-disclosure Chatham House rules:
“A secretly recorded meeting between the editors-in-chief of The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine reveal both men bemoaning the ‘criminal’ influence big pharma has on scientific research. According to Philippe Douste-Blazy, France’s former health minister and 2017 candidate for WHO director, the leaked 2020 Chatham House closed-door discussion was between the [editor-in-chiefs], whose publications both retracted papers favorable to big pharma over fraudulent data.
The email continued with a quote from that recording: ‘Now we are not going to be able to … publish any more clinical research data because the pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude,’ said The Lancet’s editor-in-chief, Richard Horton.”
A YouTube video where this issue is discussed can be found here. It’s in French, but there are English subtitles.
The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet are the two most influential, most highly resourced medical journals in the world. If they no longer have the ability to detect what is essentially fraudulent research, then… Then what? Then what, indeed?
In fact, things have generally taken a sharp turn for the worse since the Covid-19 pandemic struck. New studies, new data, new information is arriving at breakneck speed, often with little or no effective review. What can you believe? Who can you believe? Almost nothing would be the safest course of action.
One issue has played out over the past few months, stripping away any remaining vestiges of my trust in medical research. It concerns the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine. You may well be aware that Donald Trump endorsed it – which presents a whole series of problems for many people.
However, before the pandemic hit, I was recommending to my local NHS trust that we should look to stock up on hydroxychloroquine. There had been a great deal of research over the years strongly suggesting it could inhibit the entry of viruses into cells, and that it also interfered with viral replication once inside the cell.
This mechanism of action explains why it can help stop the malaria parasite from gaining entry into red blood cells. The science is complex, but many researchers felt there was good reason for thinking hydroxychloroquine may have some real, if not earth-shattering, benefits in Covid-19.
ALSO ON RT.COMFirst Russian coronavirus vaccine volunteers report no adverse side-effects. Hopes now high for mass immunization in fall

This idea was further reinforced by the knowledge that it has some effects on reducing the so-called ‘cytokine storm’ that is considered deadly with Covid-19. It’s prescribed in rheumatoid arthritis to reduce the immune attack on joints.
The other reason for recommending hydroxychloroquine is that it’s extremely safe. It is, for example, the most widely prescribed drug in India. Billions upon billions of doses have been prescribed. It is available over the counter in most countries. So, I felt pretty comfortable in recommending that it could be tried. At worst, no harm would be done.
Then hydroxychloroquine became the center of a worldwide storm. On one side, wearing the white hats, were the researchers who’d used it early on, where it seemed to show some significant benefits. For example, Professor Didier Raoult, of the Institut Hospitalo-universitaire Méditerranée Infection, in France:
“A renowned research professor in France has reported successful results from a new treatment for Covid-19, with early tests suggesting it can stop the virus from being contagious in just six days.”
Then came this research from a Moroccan scientist at the University of Lille:
“Jaouad Zemmouri … believes that 78 percent of Europe’s Covid-19 deaths could have been prevented if Europe had used hydroxychloroquine... Morocco, with a population of 36 million [roughly one tenth that of the US], has only 10,079 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and only 214 deaths.
“Professor Zemmouri believes that Morocco’s use of hydroxychloroquine has resulted in an 82.5 percent recovery rate from Covid-19 and only a 2.1 percent fatality rate, in those admitted to hospital.”
Just prior to this, on May 22, a study was published in The Lancet, stating that hydroxychloroquine actually increased deaths. It then turned out that the data used could not be verified and was most likely made up. The authors had major conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies making anti-viral drugs. In early June, the entire article was retracted by Horton.
Then a UK study came out suggesting that hydroxychloroquine did not work at all. Discussing the results, Professor Martin Landray, an Oxford University professor who is co-leading the Randomised Evaluation of Covid-19 Therapy (RECOVERY) trial, stated:
“This is not a treatment for Covid-19. It doesn’t work. This result should change medical practice worldwide. We can now stop using a drug that is useless.”
The study has since been heavily criticized by other researchers, who state that the dose of hydroxychloroquine used was potentially toxic. It was also given far too late to have any positive effect. Many of the patients were already on ventilators.
This week, I was sent a pre-proof copy of an article about a study that will be published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. Its author has found that hydroxychloroquine “significantly” decreased the death rate of patients involved in the analysis. The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2 2020, and found 13 percent of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died and 26 percent of those who did not receive the drug died.
When things get this messed up, I tend to look for the potential conflicts of interest. By which I mean, who stands to make money from slamming the use of hydroxychloroquine, which is a generic drug that’s been around since 1934 and costs about £7 for a bottle of 60 tablets?
In this case, first, it’s those companies who make the hugely expensive antiviral drugs such as Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir, which, in the US, costs $2,340 for a typical five-day course. Second, it’s the companies that are striving to get a vaccine to market. There are billions and billions of dollars at stake here.
In this world, cheap drugs such as hydroxychloroquine don’t stand much chance. Neither do cheap vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin D. Do they have benefits for Covid-19 sufferers? I’m sure they do. Will such benefits be dismissed in studies that have been carefully manipulated to ensure they don’t work? Of course. Remember these words: "Pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude.” 
Unless and until governments and medical bodies act decisively to permanently sever the financial ties between researchers and Big Pharma, these distortions and manipulations in the pursuit of Big Profit will continue. Just please  don’t hold your breath in anticipation.
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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Courtesy India Today
As we begin to pollute the world in so many different ways we need to pay attention to the fear of the media. This fear is insidious and is a creeping crawly energy that 'gets' behind the conscious mind and gradually creeps in and then one may catch a tension of unknown origin. I suppose I contribute to it by my POSTS and comments, however  the alert will and can trigger the solution. 
Courtesy  Google Images
Many people have heard of mindfulness, however there are several ways of achieving the long lasting result; the first is to just concentrate gently on the cool air arriving in the nostrils and the warm air exhaling. If ones attention wanders then bring it back to the breath.

Then one can breathe in slowly count to four and hold to four and breathe out to six, hold for three and repeat. Vary according to ability and do not force anything.

On hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, sensing anything that is concerning, endeavour to feel, look at, go into with eyes shut, relax body and just be a warrior and let the sensations be there and just watch and relax--it takes courage---do not use will power and endeavour to gently non judgemental. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Be a scanner of yourself; just relax as much as you can---begin to FEEL just by letting the sensations and all be there in the head, brain(relax as if it were a muscle) go to eyes, face, chin, teeth, shoulders and all through the body, just feeling them, then the nerves, bones, joints, blood, lymph and skin--record the process slowly if  maybe with a background you like of soft music or binaural sound.

Do box breathing as;
as in last Post
I am not keen on imagery however some imagery if it is constructive and by this I mean; you come to a gate, what colour is it? Breathe let the colour come to you, FEEL the colour, you go through the gate, if it is stuck, FEEL not think or will power, not emotions, just witness, what will open the gate? go through what's there? Let go let arrive in your quiet mind. 
This way you are more than likely arrive at a modicum of what the unconscious is holding onto.If it is prearranged it is from brain washing,conditioning and programming which causes the consternation in the first place.

Then there are the Yoga's Tai Chi, Qi Gong, stretching, Pilates, loosening and shaking mindful exercises which high light where the tension is.

Courtesy Box and
This suggestion requires, honesty courage, fearless letting go and a sensitive gentle inquiry and enquiry and a real sense of intuitive spontaneous feel; feel the tension, anxiety or whatever, get a shape. size, colour, texture,quality whichever comes to mind from one of the list or several if appropriate, then have a dialogue; what are you trying to tell me. if a person arrives out of the shape and so on, what have you to tell me or ask me, what does this shape remind me of, ans so on.One has to be very sure that you are fooling or just imagining, or wanting.

I always use nostril breathing, however if this is difficult at least breath the nose and out through the mouth.
Courtesy The Atlantic
Caption ---Therapist during the Pandemic

Dear reader the above are suggestions only; if in doubt get advice from a health care provider who specialises in the above or such other variations. I am a retired counsellor, psychotherapist, healer and mediation and meditation practitioner. You can read my CV in the POST.
These are troubling times and my suggestions, suggest that adversity and calamities can be used to assist us to find something else in ourselves and use the energy of negativity, doom and gloom to take us to a place in consciousness which is far more serving, calming and productive. Please forgive my arrogance and 'you know it all mode, it was  my reaching out to embrace you with respect dignity and love as members of the human family'.
An interesting discussion over digital issues

·                        The Lancet retracted a study that erroneously concluded that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine increased death rates when used for COVID-19
·                        The Lancet study was found to be based on a patient database that was fraudulent
·                        Soon after the study was published, 100 researchers sent a letter to The Lancet’s editor, Dr. Richard Horton, detailing their concerns about the origins and validity of the database
·                        The lead author, Dr. Mandeep Mehra of Harvard, and two other study authors asked The Lancet to retract the study
·                        Reacting to the study, the World Health Organization and national governments immediately deleted the drugs from their COVID-19 policies, but after the retraction reinstated them

The above by just goes to show how convoluted and confusing and certainly many people I know and have spoken to whilst out shopping do not trust the WHO or the Governments and the national health advice. Would you want a vaccine that has not been tested properly, if it has been tested I would not like the adjuvants in them and the new mRNA ideas. Bill Gates has been quoted as saying "the hardest part is not making the vaccine but convincing them to take it" yes Bill you !!!! person you rush the vaccine and then want to chip or tattoo everyone with literally a passport to live and move, well I challenge you will you have an independent adjudicator take a sealed batch from the lab and manufactured that's meant for us have the chip and be vaccinated in public and your wife as well with all the billionaires involved--will the President Trump as well?   
Courtesy Gran the Great
Oh dear is it or isn't it, there's now a suggestion it has been around dormant for years and has been found in sewers dating back a while. The sewers in the UK are so old and antiquated and filled unbelievable muck and grime, chemicals, hormones and all unimaginable horrors plus giant rats and there is a rumour that Bubonic plague has been spotted on the borders of Mongolia---what next. The second wave of the Altitude sickness named the winter flu or ---your guess is as good as mine.
Perhaps this 18 min Video by the brilliant and talented Sayer ji will bring sense and balance to those stuck in the mud pompous academics who are 40 years behind research and afraid of their profits dwindling and ego's with it.

I am going to get a lot of flack;if you have read my which for many I have heard is hard to read apart from the shorter articles I have repeatedly been on about identity. I wrote about this in the 70's and my 'Koan' experience with my Sensei way back in 1959 and my NDE in 1942. I am not claiming I am enlightened or anything like Krishnamurti or Eckhart above. But I totally agree with him and have not plagiarised him anyway and I new this above way back and wrote about it and presented it in my workshops, see my CV, so please do not think of me as arrogant or trying to procure fame, this is what I came too as well as many others I have spoken with over the years who have just kept it to themselves or their immediate circle.

Be Well



How crazy, zany and disingenuous can the human Psyche get? 

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