Hello Warm Greetings. There are so many deplatforming confusing reports and deliberate lies and deceitful rude aggressive remarks, articles and the lack of discussion or any other opinion regarding the real and scientific facts, not fact checker, because that has been caught out, about vaccines, the virus and other matters that there is now only a one way street and that is named THE OFFICAL NARRATIVE, it is difficult for many to decide and I can say that with the amount of any alternative opinion to that narrative and blanked from the main media, many of the world's populous are confused and go with the narrative and say 'well they are governments advisers they must be right and they wouldn't deceive us --would they?
Courtesy Jingle logo |
If one repeats a lie or false information many times it is like marketing and advertising, a jingle(A jingle is a short song or tune used in advertising and for other commercial uses. Jingles are a form of sound branding. A jingle contains one or more hooks and meaning that explicitly promote the product or service being advertised, usually through the use of one or more advertising slogans) one can be brain washed, and I have heard people whistling and humming jingles from TV adverts and the visual the Covid virus symbol at the back of the newscasters desk. Also the larger the lie or deceit the more people will believe it, no they could not dupe the world's populace, well in my opinion they have. With the trillions of money being made through vaccines and crony contracts being issued PERHAPS the immoral deplatformer's are being paid handsomely to debunk, censor and do not care as long as they are paid. Follow the money and you will see who the real facts apply too. For sure those who are silenced and deplatformed are not in the money they are usually caring informed people. Those folks who earn there living on You Tube and other social media that have been censored and shut down are in the main just getting by whereas the censors are multibillion or millionaires.
Courtesy Boston Children's Discoveries |
By referring to COVID-19 vaccines as
“vaccines” rather than gene therapies, the
The mRNA injections are gene therapies that do not
fulfill a single criteria or definition of a vaccine
COVID-19 “vaccines” do not impart immunity or
inhibit transmissibility of the disease. They only are designed to lessen your
infection symptoms if or when you get infected. As such, these products do not
meet the legal or medical definition of a vaccine
Since a vast majority of people who test positive
for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms at all, they’ve not even been able to establish
a causal link between the virus and the clinical disease
· By calling this experimental gene therapy technology a “vaccine,” they are circumventing liability for damages that would otherwise apply
Courtesy The Sun |
That and gene splicing is the world to arrive if we let it.
Courtesy Mimic News |
Could Spike Protein in Moderna, Pfizer
Vaccines Cause Blood Clots, Brain Inflammation and Heart Attacks
During 2020, Sweden, under the guidance of chief
epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, did not universally lock down, shutter small
businesses, close schools or implement mask mandates
Seniors and other high-risk individuals were asked
to stay home, social distance and mask up, while all others were free to live
much as they normally would
According to the Imperial College of London model,
Swedish data show teachers are among the
professions that have the lowest risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19
· Pandemic lethality has been oversold across the globe, as total mortality for 2020 has not spiked above norms
Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, shows a depiction of a human colony on Mars. Photograph: Morgan Sette/AAP |
This is of course Elon's dream and someone made a joke ' I think Elon Musk is an ET and he sent his car home (sent a car into space)A cherry red Tesla car was launched into space on Tuesday by tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, with David Bowie's song Space Oddity playing on repeat. Thousands of people gathered in Florida to watch the launch - the culmination of a plan five years in the making.6 Feb 2018.
Knowing his drive and enthusiasm, technology and innovation he might just do it.
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