Monday, 23 September 2024



Courtesy VOA

Greetings. What is it with the human condition that rape is so enormous and brazen and so fixated in the human mind. In my years in forensics it was rape and sexual abuse that were investigated in most cases and women raped men or other women as did men to men and the in all combinations. Gangs, arranged rape, drink spiking, suicide rape and videos porn rape and so on.

In my days as a psychotherapist, counselling, healing and workshop presenter a percentage was with sexual relationship problems leading to rape, domestic abuse and this awful child abuse with common spread paedophilia. I cannot give an adequate answer, I can only give a suggested opinion from my own and the above observations and work and and my therapy work. I realise this is a very emotional and anger provoking issue and I only hope my personal observations do  not cause harm, animosity and revenge. Please forgive me if I say or point out my views, I sincerely and wholeheartedly apologise, however it causes me great consternation as I find it as perplexing as probably most due and sometimes sickened by it.

Rape is world wide and in every culture and this below is abuse;
From appeal to end this abuse.

'Under the Taliban's repressive regime, women can’t work and girls can’t go to school. Those who resist are beaten and flogged. It’s gender apartheid, and it isn’t even illegal under international law! Not yet... Insiders at the UN tell us that the fate of a new crimes against humanity treaty is balanced on a razor’s edge. A treaty like this could help protect women and girls in Afghanistan and elsewhere, but to get there we need to rally massive public support – so add your name! '

When the USA left Afghanistan in that mass evacuation in 2020 February the Afghanistan Taliban agreed to let girls go to school and other small liberties and now to the above, in
Yemen girls can be married at the age of nine.

Then a case in France where a husband drugged his wife and invited 150 men to rape her, you can google this and is recent. It was amazing to see 150 going into court. the wife Gisele Pelicot bravely waived anonymity.  in this link A rape offence is reported every hour in London, according to data obtained by the BBC.

More than 8,800 rape incidents were reported to the Metropolitan Police in 2023 - an average of 24 a day.  Similar statistics are found in Scotland, Ireland, wales and indeed horrific murders and along with mental illness and drug offences one can see a world moral, ethical and personal delinquency.

But does rape and abuse stop at just sex, of course verbal abuse, torture, poverty, homelessness and other forms or rape and abuse which might not be considered as such.

Courtesy NASA

 By Tereza Pultarova

 published 2 days ago

Radio pollution from Starlink satellites could mar the hunt for mysterious signals from the early universe.

See September 20 2024

Yes the rape of pristine space; I did a an article; Tuesday 13 August 2024 'SPACE JUNK OF MIND AND BODY' and the fuel dumps that permeate down to the chemicalised Chemtrails which pollute our skies and breathing air and all these contain neuro toxins, then our rape of rivers with  sewage effluence, our foods with GMO, unsafe enforced rape by needles in vaccines and abused by not accepting herbs and natural remedies and burglaries which many felt were house rape, stealing, mugging, stalking and landlords who evict tenants because they would not want the cost of repairs and get higher rents from next tenants(this is being looked at and a law in UK to stop this soon) and extortion of all sorts. MIND you these things have always gone on and with the internet, digital appliances the news is here in 'your face' so to speak, a world population increase, the wealthy West of the rape of the Amazon and other natural environments and the desire for those countries native populations wanting the 'American Dream' so the seeds of avarice are sown and innocence and simplicity of many have been turned to envy and want and so the quest for more, more and more is demanded by those less well off and those who have already more than sufficient still want more. 

Mohammed Al Fayed: CPS did not prosecute Harrods owner twice

How culture of fear at Harrods protected Mohamed Al Fayed  from link and in the UK we have Jimmy Saville, Prince Andrew, Rolf Harris and numerous other in the USA Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and in the UK the 'famous madam Whiplash Cynthia Payne ( I had a connection in Forensics with this case) and many more in many countries).

In bible times; What did Moses do with the golden calf?

He saw what was going on and threw the tablets. They broke to pieces. Moses then melted the calf, turned it into powder, put it into the water, and made the Israelites drink it. He asked Aaron what happened, and Aaron told him the story but said he threw the gold into the fire, and the calf came out by itself. Read Exodus 32.4 there are examples in other works and the debauchery of the Roman Empire and the early Popes. The report estimates that 216,000 children were abused by Catholic priests between 1950 and 2020, and that accounting for abuse by other Catholic church employees increases the total number to around 330,000. Around 80% of the victims were boys. Frome internet and Wikipedia. Many of the priests were moved to other areas and so avoided prosecution.
Courtesy of Crime versus Conscience
I can vouch for many crimes that have been covered up and so can you I feel, is it a world cabal of wealthy lust crazed world wide net, pure corruption, bribery, threat to keep quiet, the most powerful have the means to put fear out there and inside one's head by media and assassination, it is not only wealthy it starts with the foreman, the clerk, the school teacher, those 'little people' people who get small promotions and then boss others, the school bully, the internet groomers, the domestic violence, the pimps, the small time thieves and grafters and so on on. Mind you many who realise and see this, this can act as a moral compass reminder and either turn them away from their former behaviour or remind one this is not my way and keep the peace and respect. I did judge in a way for I was upholding the 'law' by my gathering evidence, it was my frame of mind at the time, however now I would not know what to do. In the UK there is a saying the law is an ass' from Charles Dickens ' Oliver Twist'

I do not know where I am on the 'moral compass' I feel certain aspects of my life are acceptable as humans go about life, I get a real tough reproach about actions I take and I have a real hard time over certain matters of 'head versus heart' and I feel that compassion kicks in over judgement and condemnation at times and compassion is growing albeit some folks have said I am soft, others opinions are not affecting me so much and yet I hear and sense when they are words of wisdom and learning situations.
                                                Geoff aka SHACK 
There are many 'cases' of confusion, conspiracy and the two I was most 'caught up in' were Diana Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed when they were killed in a car accident in Paris in August 31 1977--- there were rumours she was pregnant that MI5 and the late Duke of Edinburgh had a 'hand in it' that the medics delayed her rush to hospital and that a child born to them was an affront to the Church and Government and that the Fayed's were arms dealers. Furthermore through my Forensic grapevine I heard certain remarks by the pathologist Dr Richard Shephard which differed by what the press said, truly it remains a mystery to me, I have my own feelings about the matter and I will leave it at that. Certain world events one has to be content to to leave it at being worldly covered up and live with it. In a way the human condition as in the main article covers this
The second I got caught up in was that 'said' suicide of Dr David Kelly a former weapons inspector' involved in the first Iraq Gulf War. If you read the controversy in my article Sunday 28 July 2103 and scroll down to his photograph and read on and the comments thereof. I knew David Kelly and had to agree with the those investigating and the lawyers involved to clear his name, I have to live with this unsavoury outcome. 
From File
Is there a possible solution or any light on the article and the two addendum's; well I posit that my old friend inculcations or brain washing, the conditioning of the human mind and at the risk of of many and groans I insert the definition again as above. I have done so many articles in this site and SHACK that I feel it has covered it all. A short resume or precis; passed down from generation to generation, becomes a habit and reality, differencing inculcations can lead to aggression, war and relationship with mental aberrations. 
The moment one is present and in Prescence that still nothingness of no mind one has stepped out of thousands and thousands of years of the human conditioned inculcated mind. Could this be a solution to the crisis of so much horror and abuse?

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