Monday, 4 November 2024


Courtesy Quantum Awareness  1

Hello and whoosh the world seems to be ablaze with political, religious and conflict, a cocktail of extreme emotional out pouring whether sad or gloriously over the top happy. War torn and homelessness, misery, hunger and in contrast billion's spent on political rallies and propaganda, in Spain the floods, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine and the media acerbating, enhancing and inflaming and the social media in several instances being responsible for murders such as in the UK of little girls and starting hate riots. 

Courtesy Clip Art 2

Sometimes it is inconceivable the hate, the venom and spiteful rhetoric expressed by some and by repetition becomes a mantra for hate by repetition it become habit and so deeply embedded that it becomes the only seemingly spontaneous, a reaction so unconsciously imbedded  that is the only reality and way of living, brain washed and not knowing it, the ultimate addiction. By now readers may have noticed I put it down to inculcation and that is described in this paragraph whether it be religiously, tribal, parental, gangs, sects or the media and so on. OK I am going into another aspect of my passion and articles, consciousness and below are some scientists and their views.

R.C. Henry professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University in a 2005 essay is quoted as saying:

A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction.

Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote (born 1877--till 1946, when he wrote the quote below he was castigated. I know this feeling as I was over the same issue, actually Sir James Hopwood Jeans expressed this at a lecture, he was courageous and brave)

“The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.

– Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician said:

“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”

Courtesy Got Questions

Sitting at the desk and looking at the old professor with his harries tweed baggy clothes and he peering at us with his pince-nez glasses precariously perched on almost the tip of his nose, he produced a balloon and blew it up slightly and drew on it the some planets, the sun and moon and pronounced with emphasis the Universe is expanding and blew the balloon up to its full extent.


As a young lad I put up my hand and asked ‘Sir if the Universe is expanding according to the balloon the planets, sun and moon are moving away from one another’ Glickenfried ( that was the name before it was changed, although my Grandfather and Grandmother originally came from Russia and Ukraine they went to Germany before coming to the UK and changed their name from Bilangroski to Glickenfried) you do not understand physics and so be quiet and learn’ The bell rang for a break and just as I went out I said ‘who is causing the Universe to expand?

When I came back from the break, I was told to take the afternoon off and report to the chancellor the next morning- I was told to go to something more suitable for my mind and character. The rest is history. I had touched on another ‘sacred’ cow ---Is there God, the big bang or creative design?

Courtesy Pin Page  4

In summary, for a typical human of 70 kg, there are almost 7*1027 atoms (that's a 7 followed by 27 zeros!) Another way of saying this is "seven billion billion billion."

So now I was bamboozled, I was 22 yrs of age and I came across this and wondered how was I here if I am nearly empty, so I toyed around God is thinking through me and I am figment of his mind, God was a He? I then in my prayers prayed to Mother Father God. Later on in my 30's I began to realise or felt through the years of meditation that 'I' was a stream of something on which thoughts floated on, like a carrier wave in Radio broadcasts, a sort of ocean of something invisible and all forms in Nature and the Cosmos were waves that arose, lived their allotted years and dwindled and then reabsorbed into the ocean at their demise it was then I felt the Universe was a great recycling machine as it were and nothing was wasted. Living in Canada for a short while I saw native communities using every part of an animal and no waste they understood by their life style and culture what the Universe was about, compare this to the landfills and the waste that modern life styles put out. 

Courtesy  L'Appui 5

From the age of 15 (now 86 on 7 November 2024) I have been meditating for on or off for 71 years and for about four of those years I just worked and go into 'affaires d'amour et de relations' and got into to right muddles confusion and controversy and then through some awakenings began to get back into 'awareness without bias' and 'intention without judgement' there was a lot happening other than that, inspired thoughts and so on during this time I presented 671 workshops though Europe, Canada and the UK, did counselling and therapy with about 3,000 people whilst working in forensics. Then through burnout and two cancer scares, I came back into meditation big time and also from Japanese Martial Arts to Kung Fu Tai chi and now solely Qi Gong.  A guru in India gave me the name of Krishna mitra Ananda (he is the blissful friend of Krishna and said my path was ' 

Jñāna Yoga – the yoga of will and intellect and Sensei gave me the name of Shindo(the way of the Way) and Sifu laughed and said Geoff will do and on living in the wilds and cabins I gave myself a nick nickname of SHACK I prefer just Geoff.

During the years of 'attention without intention and not intending to be not intending', natural attention began to develop not as a habit or wanting it, then I realised after the 'who am I' stuff that there was no answer to 'who am I' and the nearest I go was a bible explanation when asked who is God and God said 'I am who I am'. This then led me to witness myself as separate from my thoughts and the more I became an interested non biased witness to these thoughts with emotions the more they died down naturally and I was left in peace and quiet etude. The it came to me I am awareness and awareness is life and I am conscious of myself, I am aware I am aware. The Universe is self aware so I must be aware, I am the conscious expression of the Universe being conscious of Itself.

Courtesy Rectangular mirrors  6
It seemed to me that awareness, consciousness are what life is and is a something that drives the Universe, it is mind without thought as Sensei once said 'the mind is but a mirror bright make sure no dust alights' and  the phrase I like 'look at the light not the lampshade' I felt that thoughts were taught to me from human understanding and worked linearly, logically and sequentially however awareness had its own intrinsically way of presenting information, it was a feeling a sort of muted whispering, it was feel know I suppose real intuition, every part of my being resonated with it, and in logical the brain usually affirmed it only, it was segmented. That thought was for every day living and awareness was at the back of it so to speak and even then it had a feel of OK or not OK before the ego took command.

I realised that my thoughts were so mundane and practical for living and gave me relative small amounts of peace and well being when the thoughts dwindled away naturally I did not need them and they intruded I could live well and joyfully without them. I was becoming an empty head without senility or madness and I knew who I was, I certainly in the world was Geoff but my real name and identity is awareness which has no human sense tangibility and is the common identity of all and is seamless and  not individual and is nonlocal and not personal. 

This then led me to 'I have nowhere to hang my hat' inculcation and the loss of identity, this does not mean I have amnesia it  is I do not identify with my beliefs I know I have them but they are not me, beliefs come and go with every era and merely modifying them is but a crash course in upgrades and reconfigurations and paint job over old cracks, at best a mere cosmetic job. The loss of human character and personality is somewhat dauting at first and I have described it elsewhere and the 'gap' as it were from habitual brain washed thinking like the TV and Film revisits and remastered the same old, same old, safe to many, boring to some and frightening to have none of those choices and providing one is not mentally ill or faking and portending it, the loss of identity, that is beyond the ego is liberating and less to defend or attack and is just pure awareness without thought. So I declare 'AWARENESS IS CONSCIOUSNES AND THE PRIME DIRECTIVE.'   

 How does the statement the empty atom stand up now, I suggested the empty 'spaces' although there is something that it not solid is consciousness and the informing intelligent awareness is the directive to the atom to form its part in the whole. By the way when I suggested and wrote a paper on it I was recommended to see a psychiatrist and to resign my degree.

It seems from the above scientists and their quotes maybe I was not so far off the mark after all.



A quote from Ekhart Tolle and his most excellent book 'Stillness Speaks'    ''When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world''

To me this means when you lose touch with yourself you succumb to the ego. I knew Ekhart in London and his name was then if my memory is correct was Erlich? I witnessed his transformation and I will leave it at that.  I think Ekhart describes his transformation in his book 'The Power of Now' and this video below.

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