Welcome to the facade and as you can guess it is about mainly inculcation and the role that AI will play to further the facade and the digital technology that can change anything to appear something else, especially in the realm of facial recognition.
I risk showing these two again but I maintain these contain the keys for some sort of peace in the individual and perhaps further;
In inculcation note in particular ' persistently with repetition' and as we are roughly 28 billion, billion, billion, billion atoms and nearly empty 'who are you, me, us, we, then anything, stars, planet and so on'? following on with two more and I am risking these again;
Image 4:-this supports previous images about reality and is it real and have the ideas therein have been yours or conditioned and inculcated.
Image 5:-how free are we from our conditioning, form our systems personal, political, religious and our personal dilemmas and have we awakened to notion that most of us have been brain washed and conditioned, I awoke one day years back to the fact that most of what I knew and know were taught to me, not that I blame my parents and those around me, I was hooked and hoodwinked and felt trapped and realised most of those around me were as well and seeking to be out of their conditioning and did not how and so capitulated to the system and many who felt they were free still based their ideologies, strategies and agendas on a mere 'cosmetic ' or variation on a theme and so feel free and liberated, the same vehicle with a paint makeover. The tired political overtures and lust for power and fame.
When one realises their true identity then what identity is there out of the many religions, philosophies, cults extremism, woke, transgender and so on, when one askes what do you do for a living that's what you do is one that work or PH.D homeless person, King or President, who are you, just a title, a statistic and national insurance number a name given to you at birth that you didn't choose. Then comes a realisation I have no real identity other than ideas, beliefs and conjectures no matter how many academic degrees or such and to live with that can be hard and some have gone crazy with this feeling, some to seek distractions, some went crazy and many depressed and committed suicide and some enlightened.
Courtesy Mind Valley Blog 6
Courtesy AZ QUOTES 7
All of the above images and writings are leading us to a point of realisation and question this new era we are approaching either politically or natural evolution and the looming and indeed immersion into the rapidly involvement in the 6th extinction in which we could turn the event as of the last 5 extinctions instead of wanting to flee to the Moon, Mars or underground cities and realise who we really are and change it to a smooth transition, however as we are mainly war like and materialistic inclined the old patterns of lust, power, ego pride and holding fast to tradition and weird technologies to save the world crisis will just briefly hold up the glorious future we could have if we shed our inculcations.
Monday 27th January 2025 was the 80th year after these horrors and the numbers read this in Wikipedia also the world well most of it said this must never happen again and then the Nuremburg Trials again in Wikipedia, I picked out the above as example of extreme beliefs and life styles and what inculcation can do. Interesting that nearly every leader and religion was at the Ceremony and not one from Russia, remember what; on Churchill:Winston
«Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.»
Winston Churchill (1944): ”I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the [Nazi] army.»
and the leaders could not invite at least one Russian official when they also lost millions of lives. How deep is this ego thing and conditioned mind and to REMIND YOU IT STILL GOES ON TODAY AT THIS VERY MOMENT, remembering the slaughters in Africa and South Africa and the thousands living in tents and being attacked in tent cities. Go back to image 5 and the inured statement either people are so dependant on the system or afraid to speak out and rebel, the rebel and countless Hollywood themes on this as well. Should we want world peace or something akin to this I would like to quote something from the UK (and I am sure it happens elsewhere); Remembering Idi Aman Wikipedia president of Uganda from 1971 until his overthrow in 1979. He ruled as a military dictator and is considered one of the most brutal despots in modern world history.[3]
Courtesy Rethink knife crime 8
In the UK knife crime and roaming gangs of thugs are rife. Politicians, lawyers, religious leaders and all sorts of psychiatrist's and therapists and youth workers have tried to sort this out(in the USA in colleges and some towns mass shootings) and elsewhere, banning and licencing crossbows, knives, guns and weapons do not seem to be effective, there are laws, long prison sentences and so on, a census came out; 'you can never completely stop heinous crime, if you ban knives completely and utterly, then you will have to ban all kitchen knives and even then determined people have made them as have guns, crossbows a real determined thug will find a way as do burglars with the most sophisticated alarms.
A acquaintance of mine got permission to go to a small (huge actually) somewhere in the USA, they were greeted by an ATLAS type robot.
It was clothed sort of. The taxi was driverless and had a funny robot and the concierge and bell boys were all robots. See Johanna Lumley and Sue Perkins in Smart city and the all robotised Henna Japanese hotel. One of my visitors was a female and went to the bathroom to freshen up and a voice said if you are menstruating put your utilities in the bin, she shouted get out and how do I open the bin, Just speak to it, everything was seen there was more imprisoning. That will certainly stop all crime, they went for a walk in the park and a loudspeaker said ' you are about to meet citizens be polite' all traffic were driverless and the traffic controlled by computerised surveillance control. AI IN CHARGE WITH 5 AND 6G phones.
Courtesy Simply PHP 9
Before I get into this above I would like to remind you dear reader I use images to further the articles ideas and not to the image creators, I do not earn from the articles and donations are returned and that these are my ideas and thoughts and so on and I am not a teacher, guru or expert.
I feel in 'time' there is a solution and as in the image 9 it will be in stages and steps. To have a world of Smart City one would have to follow their doctrines as in George Orwell's Big Brother 1984and an article I did on this;
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
POST118 this was in response the Governments new sweepingpowers in law in the UK, some may like to have total safety and give up anything for safety and as promised by the WEF 'you will be happy with nothing' and some may settle for a watered down version as they see the problem insurmountable.
I feel the gradual introduction into the world's education system may offer some hope. To begin to understand how beliefs handed down from generation to generation may form hardened opinions to the detriment of reason and tolerance and that this may cause war, murder and torture. It is OK to have moral and religious ideas and worship providing these are not to be recognised as the only one and that a particular religion, life style, culture or political ideal, or any other ism is dominant and fought for and it becomes a killing machine in order to fulfil their prophesises or claim on God as theirs this applies to atheists who hold dear their views.
As humans began to think and become self aware many wanted immortality and because the nature of the Universe is not permanent, all forms from stars to bacteria, to anything with atoms as their base as it were, are subject to birth and death this has led many humans to become hoarders and acquisition mode of living, so that more and more materialistic possessions act as defences against the forth coming death, like a person watching their ice cube in their hands and trying desperately to stop it from melting and to contemplate the fact that no matter how many more you take out the fridge or put a mixture to prolong the life this will eventually melt and this the story and history of human life and our bodies. In the race for more and wealth the planet suffers and as nature is being raped for many a wealthy nation and for weaponry those worse off suffer because of the greed of others. In the UK it was announced that a brain implant was inserted to a man with Parkinson's disease and it has helped him so far as to be a miracle in his eyes. This is very OK as long as we do not have so many implants that we become cyborg's and some say this is our future and a marriage between technocracy and flesh is inevitable.
However the nature of thought is usually fleeting and some maybe able to contemplate its nature whilst breathing and watching and at some point thought automatically ceases to be and one is in awe and shock and withdraw, however the fleeting glimpse felt so good and one may wish to experience this again and yet it may stall them at first, their anxiousness and eagerness getting in the way, then with gentle intrigue may find a peace and compassion that actually seems to be better than just thought and the modification and variations of logic and intellect, it does not push thought down, it actually seems to think in a different way as not from memory but something far more subtle and often ideas flash into mind that are unique fresh and uplifting.
Of course I am hinting at meditation; not a mantra but 'attention without intention' 'awareness without bias' let the breath take us down to the pre-thought that sacred stillness and silence and a love and compassion and as Einstein said above 'we are all light beings' and compassion is felt by all and this is beyond religion and we become to the understanding not through law or doctrine we are all born of the ONE LIFE we are all co-joined in that experience and realise we cannot harm anyone or natures gifts to us. There is no death here, the only death was from the former thought based doctrines and the inculcations persistently repeated and instilled into young minds that grow old with it and walk down a path that is overgrown and needs the reclaiming fresh growth that we can expect if we should awake to that stillness. Perhaps if we introduced this in our primary schools as some do and the young minds feel the touch of compassion then the seeds are sown, there no words, doctrines or laws one finds that in the deep silent stillness and one feels one with the all and all.
Rise in Aggression, Hallucinations Among Teens Tied to Cellphone Use
The trend is particularly pronounced in
girls, 65% of whom are distressed or struggling in a manner that substantially
impairs their ability to function effectively in the world and rises to the
level of clinical concern, according to the authors of a study published this
Has this anything to do with reincarnation? Is this the life many lead when we had no choice and became inculcated? How many are resigned to their 'wheel of life'? What is the use of coming back to reincarnate when we have seen the illusion of 'form' and the Universe and its content is impermanent? Has this anything to do with the wheel of Dharma?
Courtesy Bowie
Hey what about reviewing 'no mind'?
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