A sinister vaccine which is a biotech weapon. Could this be another version of why there is such a great deal of senility and Alzheimer's?
In the film Avatar there is a huge machine several stories high and it gobbles up (gobble -Eat (something) hurriedly and noisily:
he gobbled up the rest of his sandwich) to me this word epitomises and photogenically feel sounds like the voraciousness of the nature rapists. It gives me the feel of the monster alien in the Alien Movie, with actress Sigourney Weaver.
Courtesy www.trendhunter.comThis monster when seen in the film is dripping saliva and like a hunting voracious beast is hungry and predatory not just for survival but for enjoyment of ravaging, raping and unbounded lust. So are the multinationals that have no affiliation to any country and getting their ultimate power with the secret TPP agreements(see back Posts on TPP) to dumb down us they have tried fluoride, chemtrails which I now suspect has some of the vaccine ingredients in its mixture, Big Pharma drugs given in prescriptions, GMO foods and whatever else.
Courtesy harveyoder.blogspot.comThe scars left by intensive mining, the logging to make expensive furniture, the homeless made in indigenous locations as well as modern cities. The inhumanity and ruthless pursuit of the saliva dripping lustful predators of children and young folk, the dripping jaws of women abusers, the spite of callous mothers, the wife and husband beaters, the crunching vile cold callous ministers causing untold misery with austerity measures and brutal drones and bombing recklessly in the name of legalised war or so called. What have we become?
Courtesy www.deviantart.comMany times I heard patients say to me in counselling and therapy 'I wish I could get that monkey off my back or get that demon off of my back' when it did go their posture often improved.These austerity and human rights abuse and more to come as the governments set up the terrorists as a threat, the threat they create and then earn huge profits making arms, weaponry to fight them in which they stated and sell arms to the opposition. Like the drugs to make you well, dependency which is addiction on them by slowly killing you with side effects and yet making money out of you. Dead people are not profitable.
Courtesy theartworldexpo.comSo we battle with the dualities, the Jekyll and Hyde in us. Like in Star Wars Darth Vader lost himself so far in the lust / power that he became cruel and all powerful and yet;
Courtesy fancop.comIt is good to reflect on our masks, our beliefs which can mask us from our real selves and maybe the next image can reflect our ultimate thrill of being top dog, seeming righteous, like the villain who funds a charity, like many multinationals do, and do the very thing they protest about in their charity or vow to save. They appear innocent and charitable, they are a wolf in sheep's clothing(sorry Wolves you are not villains)
Courtesy havoccinema.abc.esIs this who you really want to be? Its your choice. For me I am gradually stripping away my masks and maybe I will look like myself as when Darth Vader said to Luke his son'take off this mask and let me see you with my own eyes'.
Courtesy thejawaclan.comWhen the masks come off we may not like what we see, and they bear scars of the journey we have gone through to become ourselves in real terms.
Courtesy yaps4u.netWhen we realise our real nature we may start to heal the scars of this life and learn from their experiences, we may smile benignly again, not the false smile for that, that only satisfied and pleased us.Hopefully the Earth will find its smile again and we her children learn to dance, love and respect her in her dignity and loving care and to remember her creator whose magnificence and benign blessings will bring us into oneness as the human family and the worship of its source.
he gobbled up the rest of his sandwich) to me this word epitomises and photogenically feel sounds like the voraciousness of the nature rapists. It gives me the feel of the monster alien in the Alien Movie, with actress Sigourney Weaver.
Courtesy www.trendhunter.comThis monster when seen in the film is dripping saliva and like a hunting voracious beast is hungry and predatory not just for survival but for enjoyment of ravaging, raping and unbounded lust. So are the multinationals that have no affiliation to any country and getting their ultimate power with the secret TPP agreements(see back Posts on TPP) to dumb down us they have tried fluoride, chemtrails which I now suspect has some of the vaccine ingredients in its mixture, Big Pharma drugs given in prescriptions, GMO foods and whatever else.
Courtesy harveyoder.blogspot.comThe scars left by intensive mining, the logging to make expensive furniture, the homeless made in indigenous locations as well as modern cities. The inhumanity and ruthless pursuit of the saliva dripping lustful predators of children and young folk, the dripping jaws of women abusers, the spite of callous mothers, the wife and husband beaters, the crunching vile cold callous ministers causing untold misery with austerity measures and brutal drones and bombing recklessly in the name of legalised war or so called. What have we become?
Courtesy www.deviantart.comMany times I heard patients say to me in counselling and therapy 'I wish I could get that monkey off my back or get that demon off of my back' when it did go their posture often improved.These austerity and human rights abuse and more to come as the governments set up the terrorists as a threat, the threat they create and then earn huge profits making arms, weaponry to fight them in which they stated and sell arms to the opposition. Like the drugs to make you well, dependency which is addiction on them by slowly killing you with side effects and yet making money out of you. Dead people are not profitable.
Courtesy theartworldexpo.comSo we battle with the dualities, the Jekyll and Hyde in us. Like in Star Wars Darth Vader lost himself so far in the lust / power that he became cruel and all powerful and yet;
Courtesy fancop.comIt is good to reflect on our masks, our beliefs which can mask us from our real selves and maybe the next image can reflect our ultimate thrill of being top dog, seeming righteous, like the villain who funds a charity, like many multinationals do, and do the very thing they protest about in their charity or vow to save. They appear innocent and charitable, they are a wolf in sheep's clothing(sorry Wolves you are not villains)
Courtesy havoccinema.abc.esIs this who you really want to be? Its your choice. For me I am gradually stripping away my masks and maybe I will look like myself as when Darth Vader said to Luke his son'take off this mask and let me see you with my own eyes'.
Courtesy thejawaclan.comWhen the masks come off we may not like what we see, and they bear scars of the journey we have gone through to become ourselves in real terms.
Courtesy yaps4u.netWhen we realise our real nature we may start to heal the scars of this life and learn from their experiences, we may smile benignly again, not the false smile for that, that only satisfied and pleased us.Hopefully the Earth will find its smile again and we her children learn to dance, love and respect her in her dignity and loving care and to remember her creator whose magnificence and benign blessings will bring us into oneness as the human family and the worship of its source.
Roman Abramovich already has one of the priciest homes in London, but frankly it's just not good enough for the billionaire Oligarch. He's splashing the cash on a massive revamp, which is expected to take the value to an astonishing £140 million.
The property is on so-called Billionaire's Row, Kensington Palace Gardens - which runs alongside Kensington Gardens, a stone's throw away from the Palace. His famous billionaire neighbours include steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal and Tamara Ecclestone, daughter of racing boss Bernie.
The mansion set him back a reported £90 million in 2009, which should have ensured him reasonable accommodation, but apparently not. According to The Sun, Roman Abramovich's architects describe part of the property as 'miserable' in their planning application, so to cheer things up a bit he will fork out £28 million on a massive underground extension.
The current pool is described in the application as 'miserable', so it will be ripped out and replaced with staff quarters. In case you were worrying that Abramovich might miss his daily dip, don't panic, because the plans also include a massive underground leisure complex under the garden.
The Mirror reported that it will draw: "on the language of Victorian subterranean construction across London". It added that the underground pool would be an "architecturally significant addition to the original building." The council will announce its decision whether or not to allow the building later this month.
Abramovich is not the first famous face to have embraced the idea of underground living. On the same road, neighbours Lakshmi Mittal and Tamara Eccleston have both taken the same approach.
David Cameron had an underground extension built before moving to Downing Street. Nigella Lawson had one built in the Chelsea home she shared with Charles Saatchi. Andrew Lloyd Webber is also a veteran of underground building, as are Sarah Beeny, Jemima Khan and Nicole Kidman.
However, basement extensions are not simple to get past the neighbours or the council - even if you are a celebrity. Back in April this year, Robbie Williams ditched plans for a two-storey basement extension to his home in Holland Park after complaints from neighbours - including Led Zeppelin star Jimmy Page.
Abramovich already has form for being persuasive on this subject: in 2013 he was given permission for a separate basement extension for a home in Chelsea. However, he will have to wait and see whether he can strike gold for a second time.
I have posted many times that the elite are going underground. They could also have secret underground access to the underground Tube network. DO THEY KNOW SOMETHING WE DO NOT.?
Pilot chased UFO to crash site. Interview Jeff Rense.10 mis
Continues from above. 1hr.34 mins
Stars as continuation from 45 mins from above.
I am blowing my own trumpet again if you compare the UFO STORY;
My 1967 writings;
http://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2013/01a.html ( 4 blogs)
My Stargate;
http://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2012/06a.html (scroll down to header left side)
Then I have written about portals long way back. http://www.geofffreed.com/search?q=Portals this is more modern précis .
http://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2009/03.html About Portals, NASA and my take the Themis article.(http://science.nasa.gov/missions/themis/)
Then compare this to;
https://youtu.be/ukpPtzvracg which is
My 1967 writings;
http://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2013/01a.html ( 4 blogs)
My Stargate;
http://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2012/06a.html (scroll down to header left side)
Then I have written about portals long way back. http://www.geofffreed.com/search?q=Portals this is more modern précis .
http://www.energygrid.com/destiny/geoff-freed/2009/03.html About Portals, NASA and my take the Themis article.(http://science.nasa.gov/missions/themis/)
Then compare this to;
https://youtu.be/ukpPtzvracg which is
32 mins of mind blowing stuff and ties in with above.
Buzz Aldrin and a UFO. 4 mins
Check out Ben Rich(Reich) Post 140, most, most important.
Text "It should also add that for some time circulating
on the Internet an audio file that contains the conversation between the
astronauts and control centre in Houston, captured from various terrestrial radio stations frequency ultra-fast, before NASA suppressed in the telecast
that illustrated the ‘ arrival of Apollo XI on the moon (NASA despite
assertions to the contrary, there was in fact a slight shift between the
real-Apollo NASA communications and those relayed to the world). Here is the
full text: Astronaut 1: But what is that? Astronaut 2: Do you have an
explanation? Houston : Do not worry,
stick to the program! Astronaut 1: My God, it’s amazing, that’s great, do not
you could ever imagine! Houston : We
know this, go to the other side! Astronaut 1: What the hell is that? It’s
amazing …… God … but what is it? So, you tell me? Houston :
Change frequency, use Tango, Tango! Astronaut 1: Then it is a form of life,
that one! Houston : Change
frequency. Houston : Use Tango
Bravo, Bravo Tango, choose Jezebel, Jezebel! Astronaut: …… yes! Matutto … ..
this is incredible! Houston : Switch
on Bravo Tango, Tango Bravo! At this point the connection is broken. ( via
alien-ufo-sightings.com )" copied. READ MORE:
http://www.disclose.tv/news/neil_armstrong_on_the_moon_we_were_ordered_by_aliens_to_move_away/121073?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=viral-2015-08-04&utm_source=crit_send( There is also a rumour that they were ordered off the moon by aliens, my late cousin Prof.Cyril Wolf assured me all of the above is correct).
Text "Here are the statements by the former astronaut:
Professor: What really happened out of Apollo 11? Armstrong: An amazing thing,
even though we have always known of this possibility. The fact is that they
(aliens) have ordered us to turn away! . Professor: What do you mean “warned to
move away”? Armstrong: I can not go into details, there are structures on the
Moon, and not ours. I can only say that their ships were far superior to ours
both in size and technology. Wow if you were big! … And menacing! Professor:
But NASA also sent to the moon missions after Apollo 11 …. Armstrong:
Naturally, NASA had already announced at that time, and could not risk panic on
Earth . " copied. READ MORE:
http://aplanetruth.info/of-men-moon-and-moonsuits/ Read this it is fantastic.
Thanks for bearing with this long Post.
Lots of Love and may the Source be with You.
Micro-photographs of the yeast show that yeast mutates in the stratosphere. This image, for instance, shows a colony of white mutants alongside the normal red colonies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (HA2):

In addition to the white mutation shown above, the students have also observedpetite mutants, which are a sign of changes in the cells' mitochondrial genome. These changes are of interest to space biologists because the DNA repair mechanisms of yeast are remarkably similar to those of human beings. In particular, proteins encoded by yeast RAD genes are closely related to proteins used by human cells to undo radiation damage.(Courtesy spaceweather.com)
CORONAL HOLE: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is monitoring a hole in the sun's atmosphere--a "coronal hole." It is colored deep-blue in this extreme UV image of the sun taken by SDO on Aug. 26th:
Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape. In the image, above, the sun's magnetic field is traced by pale loops. White arrows show the flow of material out of the hole.
A stream of solar wind flowing from this coronal hole will probably reach Earth on Aug. 28-29. Its impact could spark a geomagnetic storm at the end of this week. If so, bright moonlight will temper the visibility of any auroras.(Courtesy spaceweather.com)
A number of suggestions, a drone of some sort? Government and or genetic multinationals wanting to children for genetic research and blaming it in on ET? Invisible technique been developed by the missing MH 370 scientists that's why the plane went down, read back POSTS? Some sort of stealth technology? or make up your mind time? To me at certain angles looks like a plane or rotar blades of a home made drone. Hope it is not a paedophile gang hunting for kids with a drone.
50 North Korean submarines disappear. 3 mins.
A comment on this below verifies what I feel about the MH 370 in the comments section
Das Neko 1 day ago
A better video can be found on this in Disclose TV link below;
50 N. Korean Subs VANISHED on Saturday during S. Korea CRISIS ... Meetings. 70% of N Korea Subs Still Missing. ... endorsed by the owners or employees of Disclose
These various videos put different slants on things and as things go on they may change. This is the nature of Governments, false flags and goodness knows what, in the end the truth of it will never really come out in this game of fabrication, duplicity and gamesmanship, the political chess board. Hey HO and away we Go!!!.
The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment that is said to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania some time around October 28, 1943. TheU.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge (DE-173) was claimed to have been rendered invisible (or "cloaked") to enemy devices.
The story is widely believed to be a hoax.[1][2][3] The U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment was ever conducted, that the details of the story contradict well-established facts about the USS Eldridge, and that the alleged claims do not conform to known physical laws.[ (Courtesy Wikipedia)
I know it happened because years later I got involved and interviewed some people in it and there is a whole things and witnesses, I'll see if I can find blogs and Posts did and see what you think. (http://www.bielek.com/preston.htm) Reading and researching Al Bielek is awesome, I happen to know very reliable people who vouch for him, and my involvement years late proves to me its authentic.
ian duncan-smith
Iain Duncan Smith is attempting to block the publication of "death statistics" that will reveal how many people have died within six weeks of their benefits being stopped.
After a freedom of information request, The Information Commissioner’s Office has said that there is no reason not to publish these figures but Ian Duncan Smith's department - the Department of Work and Pensions - has launched an appeal to prevent the figures being made public.
After a freedom of information request, The Information Commissioner’s Office has said that there is no reason not to publish these figures but Ian Duncan Smith's department - the Department of Work and Pensions - has launched an appeal to prevent the figures being made public.
I've started this petition to call on the Courts and Tribunal Service to dismiss this appeal and so prevent any further delay by the DWP in publishing these figures. Please support me.
For years there have been reports of people committing suicide or dying from ill-health soon after their benefits are stopped. As a partner of someone with a disability I have been through two benefit appeals and have also been a benefit tribunal representation - so I know from personal experience how stressful the system can be and the impact they have on families.
I believe the public needs to know the full impact of benefit changes.
In 2012 the Department of Work and Pensions published statistics which showed 10,600 people who had been receiving benefits died between January and November 2011. These figures caused an outcry, although many disabled campaigners disagreed over what the figures actually showed. Ministers then blocked publication of any updated figures.
Now, thanks to freelance journalist and carer, Mike Sivier, The Information Commissioner’s Office has admitted there is no reason not to publish them. This appeal is the last hurdle to overcome to get these figures out in the public.
Please support this petition to dismiss the appeal and publish the "death stats".
lots OF love and BE WELL.