Tuesday 20 August 2024



Courtesy Atlas Obscura 1


Hello and welcome. The word apotheum (not apothem)'Apotheum" is the reality-distorting effect that often accompanies paranormal encounters. This mind-bending abstract painting throbs with biomorphic forms ' and fits in with the Navajo as below

In Navajo culture, a skin-walker (Navajoyee naaldlooshii) is a type of harmful witch who has the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal. The term is never used for healers. (My take on this is not to do with Navajo and only to apotheum and article 'what lies under the skin' the brain mind computer) and perhaps what causes the phenomena, like my previous article on 'Speculation and Apotheum, Sunday 21 January 2024 I treat these as either a possibility or science fiction, of course I leave this entirely at your discretion. 

'Just out of interest; Every WWII combatant appreciated the need for an unbreakable code that would help them communicate while protecting their operational plans. The U.S. Marines knew where to find one: the Navajo Nation. Marine Corps leadership selected 29 Navajo men, the Navajo Code Talkers, who created a code based on the complex, unwritten Navajo language. The code primarily used word association by assigning a Navajo word to key phrases and military tactics. This system enabled the Code Talkers to translate three lines of English in 20 seconds, not 30 minutes as was common with existing code-breaking machines. The Code Talkers participated in every major Marine operation in the Pacific theatre, giving the Marines a critical advantage throughout the war. During the nearly month-long battle for Iwo Jima, for example, six Navajo Code Talker Marines successfully transmitted more than 800 messages without error. Marine leadership noted after the battle that the Code Talkers were critical to the victory at Iwo Jima. At the end of the war, the Navajo Code remained unbroken' You can find more on this on the CIA's website'

Now there have been two books written about Skin Walker Ranch I have only read one 'The Skin Walkers at the Pentagon by Colm A Kelleher' and out of the many instances I have picked one to illustrate the article.

Courtesy Amazon 2
Usually I do not advertise unless to enhance or illustrate an article, I do not earn from these articles or other sites I run and return donations.  
Three investigators walked on the ranch and with equipment they had they were equipped for any such experiences as was foresaid of this place. They got to a place where they started to feel nervous and all three were ex military in the field and one in particular still in service as a civilian, they were 'hardened' walkers fit and full of courage. Their anxiety and nervousness got so great that they nearly collapsed. A piece of equipment and night vision sights showed a black ominous sphere, ball, space, they were so terrified they backed off and when they did the fear lessened. When one of them returned home the wife and two sons were haunted by strange experiences.

Now was this apotheum, real skin walkers or can there be some other explanations and ties to other projects or indeed UFO and ET ( I do not care for this modern term UAP).

To this point readers of my articles will groan as I introduce well known diagrams from my much earlier articles.

Image 3

Image 4

An example of ELF Brain Simulation

Bioelectric Resonance Frequency

Motor Control Cortex                      10Hz                    Information Induced through Modulation                  

Auditory Cortex                               15Hz                   Motor Impulse coordinator

Visual Cortex                                   25Hz                   Images on the brain by passing the eye. 

Somalosensory                                 9Hz                     Phantom touch sense.

Thought Center                                20Hz                   Imposed subconscious thoughts.

These are from panel underneath very old copy above. Now all this is far more advanced.
Image 5 is a large set of frequencies at the foot of Image 4

Looking at these frequencies and with advancement of technology it is not hard to see how they could be used through the digital network and especially with the exotic weaponry mentioned in Space Act H.R.2977  The Space Preservation Act 2001; the following is a section;

    In this Act:
            (1) The term ``space'' means all space extending upward 
        from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface 
        of the earth and any celestial body in such space.
            (2)(A) The terms ``weapon'' and ``weapons system'' mean a 
        device capable of any of the following:
                    (i) Damaging or destroying an object (whether in 
                outer space, in the atmosphere, or on earth) by--
                            (I) firing one or more projectiles to 
                        collide with that object;
                            (II) detonating one or more explosive 
                        devices in close proximity to that object;
                            (III) directing a source of energy 
                        (including molecular or atomic energy, 
                        subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic 
                        radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency 
                        (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy 
                        radiation) against that object; or
                            (IV) any other unacknowledged or as yet 
                        undeveloped means.
                    (ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or 
                destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily 
                health, mental health, or physical and economic well-
                being of a person)--
                            (I) through the use of any of the means 
                        described in clause (i) or subparagraph (B);
                            (II) through the use of land-based, sea-
                        based, or space-based systems using radiation, 
                        electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or 
                        other energies directed at individual persons 
                        or targeted populations for the purpose of 
                        information war, mood management, or mind 
                        control of such persons or populations; or
                            (III) by expelling chemical or biological 
                        agents in the vicinity of a person.
            (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--
                    (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information 
                    (ii) chemtrails;
                    (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons 
                    (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic 
                    (v) laser weapons systems;
                    (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or 
                extraterrestrial weapons; and
                    (vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, 
                or tectonic weapons.
            (C) The term ``exotic weapons systems'' includes weapons 
        designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the 
        ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and 
        tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or 
        destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in 
look very carefully at the mind 'psychotronic'(noun
Courtesy Live Science 6

  1. a branch of parapsychology that supposes an energy or force to emanate from living organisms and affect matter.

  2. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000600350001-3.pdf
  3. Do not be afraid to read this it has been cleared and stamped. It is huge and somewhat amazing.
  4. Remember the film 'The Men who stare at Goats'. 
  5. So one needs an effective delivery system and all that can be through the exotic weaponry and there are gadgets called psychotronic generators and crystals. COULD Skin Walkers phenomena be the 'powers to Be' testing ground, plenty of Ley Lines and Ley power points and magnetic rocks, this is a guess but I know from my travels with my partner at the time, dear Gilly, we found many such places. It is known that may countries especially Russia and those in the link above put great store in these and especially Remote Viewing.
  6. Courtesy Noetic Systems International 7
    I was involved in a Remote Viewing project and I know it works. I did this for a documentary film maker with two others situated in other countries and we crossed checked and got the same results. Then for a Swiss researcher and for a Baron in Germany and then stopped and never continued.

  7. So let us go further supposing a target was picked and the necessary frequencies were dispatched say '
    Visual Cortex                                   25Hz                   Images on the brain by passing the eye. 

    Somalosensory                                 9Hz                     Phantom touch sense.

    Thought Center                                20Hz                   Imposed subconscious thoughts.
All the skin Walker phenomena could be established this way. However there is research that a 'psychic' implant could be sent on the carrier waves of these frequencies and so the subject above carries a 'psychic receiver ' piggy backed' so to speak to the household as above mentioned we are talking about a sophisticated set of frequencies that have been 'captured' by the exposure brought about by the extreme fear and shock and the unbeknown carrier has established a psychic link in which close family bonds will share in resonating harmonies. There is research  by various Russian scientists on a phenomena named 'The Phantom Wave' and various wave technologies in which frequencies can be 'captured and transferred'
Courtesy Portal to the Future 8
I feel also there is some influence by CERN  I feel they opened a portal as described in Article 'Matryosha' Friday 17th July 2024 and its links with Gothard Tunnel and caves therein and I feel they have captured a strange other dimension  frequency with malevolent extra-terrestrial force which maybe what Rudolf Steiner sensed and not the ' Real ET'. I feel these malevolent energies are ploughing into the collective unconscious and stirring up a  maelstrom, hence more hurricanes and the like and these are added to the mix of targeting skin walker like phenomena. 

There is much more; are the skin walker effects, psychic, military experiments, genuine rogue spirits that haunt the lower astral realms of unhappy deceased beings so grounded and Earthly deep embedded habits that they roam the Earth to find a 'person, animal, building, river to attach too in other words psychic possession', I witnessed in Berlin Germany (back Shacks)' the release of mischievous forest sprites and in many mental illnesses it is a possession ( Jesus was said to release these demons and I have seen Shamans and healers do this) and certainly since Covid mental illness has increased world wide and messing with the DNA and eugenics, transhumanism, GM food and all that has opened the shocked mind to entities that feed off of lust, killing raw emotion and can excite to riot. People shocked by lock down, massive wars now swinging the world into chaos, this is indeed a ripe injection of something to 'grab' humanity by the throat and take humanity to doom through powerful frequencies and undermine Nature and our real saviour.

Technology or rather technocracy coupled with psychic and other wordily entities are indeed the battle for the minds of humanity and the choice is ours.



Courtesy Ask Ethan 9

As mentioned in an article in my view when they exploded the atom it did something to the 'fabric of space' if there is such a thing. In a way I feel if the Universe is a hologram and it is composed of consciousness or rather it is consciousness where all originated from these dimensions or fabrics are 'states of mind or consciousness' is what it pierced and in the consciousness of the Universe and the free will and in the Akashic record there would be an embedding of the all the events since it all began and as the events of the great wars, the epochs from Atlantis to all and everything and individual consciousnesses embedding in the collective Universal holographic records then all one is doing is navigating the 'clouds of Karma' in the Akashic records' AND THE  unfinished business as it is released when the 'consciousness of millions of years of Karma are unleashed, this is a sort of mass incarnation.  Just as article above hungry ghosts or mischievous spirits seek to have a host body either animal, bird, human, tree, plant, bacteria, virus or Earth land power point so the collective Karma of the millions of years seeks to workout unfinished business, unfulfilled desires and the lusts to dominate worlds, planet, realms of the heavens and dimensions thereof.
Image 10
Rudolph Steiner carved this image he named as Ahriman and the technocracy now assailing humankind.
When we send up thousands of rockets and satellites we are piercing not only the Ionospheres and the thermosphere, the magnetosphere and so on, we are rupturing the consciousness of information that holds these spheres in its designated role in nature, the magnetic containment field of frequencies that is the Life Force, it is akin to rupturing our body with bullet. knife, disease and verbal bombardment.  These ancient cycles of time as we know it, actually time does not exist as we comprehend it, it is a liquid facility to assist duality of the human mind, when bored time seems longer when occupied and happy time seems to fly by, what if we are  in deep meditation or sleep and the time of dreams and who is there all the 'time' to witness all of these events, yes the awareness, where it is always in the now and in that stillness all events of the dual mind and free will gift work their magic and weave the patterns on the loom which obscure the awareness.
Courtesy of Lions Roar 11

Pretas, or “hungry ghosts,” are beings who are tormented by desire that can never be sated. They are often portrayed with tiny mouths and throats and the swollen bellies of the starving, meaning they can never consume enough to ease the suffering of their hungers.( Courtesy Lions Roar)
So I feel CERN and other such colliders are accessing either by design or under the influence of entities from the puncturing and so creating whirlpools of portals that let in demons of lust and have been waiting thousands of years to work out their unfinished desires and unfulfilled ambitions, in the Vastness of The Cosmos who knows what is lined up for this beautiful planet and those who want to rule the Earth and other planets for their lust and greed and if my sources are correct there are battles like this all over the Universe and ET are in the midst of it. The so called invisible frequencies worlds within worlds are awaiting our decisions and our weaknesses and maybe a sign of these are phenomenon like Skin Walkers or us tampering with the basics of Life DNA.  
Courtesy Photo and Article  spaceweather.com
ROCKET FUEL OVER THE KATTEGATNobody outgasses like SpaceX. The company's latest launch produced a spectacular fuel dump over Denmark around midnight on Aug. 17th. Bettina Begtoft photographed the display over the Kattegat, a body of water connecting the North and Baltic Seas:  YUK, Geoff

When I lived in Menorca in the early 70's (the name of the village by the coast was Calla Rajida, next door Bini Paraux, near Calla Goldana,  I went back with Gilly some years later and the first two had been sold for suburban development of course I visited and researched the toulas (talayots   https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/menorcas-houses-of-the-dead-reveal-these-ancient-secrets  and I joined in with a group of scientist's and researchers occasionally in order to use my forensic knowledge and Gill's mapping and art work. During my forensic work I had been to several 'haunted' houses with prolific poltergeist activity and one former house in which a women who committed murder was hung as  judicial decision  'Ruth Ellis was a Welsh nightclub hostess and convicted murderer who became the last woman to be executed in the United Kingdom following the fatal shooting of her lover, David Blakely.  Several people who bought the house or rented it had to leave because of the strange apparitions, the estate agents never told the clients either and neighbours either. She was executed in June 1955  I was then an apprentice electrician before joining the forensics, however I heard from my tutors of this case and its hauntings and consequences.
Courtesy Talayots Minorca Spain . Spain info

There are also burial mounds named Tumulus (Tumilii)burial mounds many photos of both and many you can research many a pundit and their 'story' we spoke to the locals and their history and they said it went back to far history and was connected to a priest who was 'called', to Jesus at the time of his crucifixion and witnessed it. I did have the story I will try and find it among my back notes. Anyway the the events passed down and witnessed when I was there were similar to the Skin Walkers occurrences and Gill and I witnessed two. Interestingly a local farmer who we got to know told us that ley lines were where these mounds and henge's(talayot's) were built and we knew that some were positive and some negative and where two ley's met they formed a power point and they knew which mound was positive or negative and what built on them, the positive ones usually had henge's on them and the mounds had negative on them. We knew that cattle and particularly sheep, goats, and others followed the leys and kept away from the mounds. Gill and I had been researching these lays for some time and experiences in Devon and Cornwall of a nature of Skin Walker events. The Minorca's has seen had seen fairies and benign orbs, rainbows and so on and of course monstrous frightening apparitions and poltergeist activity by the dozen, however with so much urbanisation and tourist development I wonder how much is left now. 
I have a dear friend who is a dowser and presents workshops all over the world she used to live in Australia and lives in Ireland and she has knowledge on these ancient lines.  Her name is Alana Moore at Geomantica.com 

Should you also like to read Sunday 23d June 2015 'Mysterious Happenings and mystery's ' these are about my research into Crystal Coffins, The Fawcett's in Bolivia, UFO and priests and other fascinating and juicy bits.

                                         ADDENDUM 3
Courtesy Operation Dominic

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Dominic ---- link 1

https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Dominic.html---  link 2

Dark Journalist X Premiere 8PM: Berkner Nuclear Secret with Joseph Farrell 17/08/2024        1hr.57min. A real must.

AT LAST, AT LAST,AT LAST I have waited 41 (forty one years) to bring this to an article. I swear to you and if anyone of my years of presenting workshops is alive and wants to contact me, in NEARLY all of my lectures, workshops and talks I WAS ASKED; Do you think the USA went to the Moon in July 16 1969 'YES BUT NOT THE WAY THEY SAID THEY DID'. 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY SAID?'
'THEY WENT WITH SOME OTHER TECHNOLOGY' 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN? 'I DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IT IS (I joked and said maybe by UFO !!!?)' 'how did you know this.? If you read my articles you will have seen my connections with NASA and scientists and NATO in Belgium when I did EU PRESENTATIONS.
Then I received the brilliant Dark Journalist session as above and the Brilliant Doctor Joseph Farrell and Daniel Liszt Mentioned the Ripple Technology in the two Dominic links above and I guess this was the technology I had heard and believed through the grapevine, again I take an oath I said that they got to the Moon by some other technology.  I repeat I did not know the technology but I feel the link 1 is a long but detailed explanation and if you do not want to read it all scroll down to and go to the last test and read the last test HOUSATONIC this is the last part of the test as in list and that Dr Farrell explained in the video Dark Journalist and to me I feel this was the technology that got them to the Moon. That is on the Wikipedia list, for some reason they left it out that is the end piece in link, sub sequentially, an old MIT acquaintance who I have just contacted and asked why did they leave out the end bit as below and wiki did? He remarked 'well Geoff you can guess why' I said do you know? Yes but it for eyes only if you get my gist'  Have in mind Law H.R 2977 AND EXOTIC TECHNOLOGY. WHAT DID THEY KNOW?

Repeat of Androscoggin, successful, target accuracy within 100 ft (30 m); last U.S. nuclear weapon airdrop. Reportedly 99.9% clean.[18 this the end piece that gave the 'game; away' GF. HOUSATONIC


Courtesy Metalllics and Dolomite

Red mercury is a hoax substance of uncertain composition purportedly used in the creation of nuclear bombs.

Red mercury is a discredited substance, most likely a hoax perpetrated by con artists who sought to take advantage of gullible buyers on the black market for arms.[1] These con artists described it as a substance used in the creation of nuclear weapons; because of the secrecy surrounding nuclear weapons development, it is difficult to disprove their claims completely. However, all samples of alleged "red mercury" analyzed in the public literature have proven to be well-known, common substances of no interest to weapons makers.[2][3](courtesy Wikipedia -----notice the sentence' it is difficult to disprove their claims completely'.

DR Farrell mentions Red mercury in the Dark Journalist video above(you tube---DJ have been taken down a few times so you can see on other sites it was still standing as per this posting)

Courtesy Wikipedia

This is a Vimana one of various types you can read more in wiki or this site;

 The propulsion of the Vimanas according to Kanjilal (1985) was by “Mercury Vortex Engines”, apparently a concept similar to electric propulsion. Childress also finds evidence for the mercury vortex engine in the Samarangana Sutradhara, an 11th century treatise on architecture.

Ancient World of Aerospace Technology: Technical Note

Anyam Veera Venkata Naga Padma Rao, *Ankit Kumar Mishra

Astroex Research Association, Deoria, Uttar Pradesh, India.

*Corresponding author Email: ankitkumarm1998@gmail

The above link will go into it in more detail. In the www.geofffreed archive.blogspot.com unfortunately with the sudden closure of the energygrid magazine many contributors lost lots of material, there is but a brief mention of vimana and cave incident. I may have found it see further down.
I suspect that Atlantis which had the same or similar 'flying craft' some like UFO's can fly through solid walls and go into volcanoes and interplanetary flights. Research and you will find this out, this ancient and yet perhaps modern is like the Ripple effect which was known in the 50's. I feel some of the side effects of these tests and blast causes 'entities' to enter by space time fabrics ruptures or portals possibly mini wormholes to enter and cause these anomalies and at Skin Walker and the like the interdimensional frequencies of the effects of orbs, poltergeist and so on maybe seen to those who have optical sensitivity and acute peripheral vision as to the hosting of the beings as 'hounding or following them home' and spreading to family and sometimes neighbours, these other dimensional entities 'get entangled frequencies, like Velcro and attach to auric or chakra vibrations. Perhaps an energetic Yoga, Qigong, Shamanic cleansing would help. Many of the apparitions did not seem to notice followers and disappeared into thin air at great speed, I feel they just went back into another dimension and it appeared to be at great speed, also shinning a light on them often caused them to go. Again the frequency of light distorted or cut the bond by introducing a third frequency as it were. 
From link below

Cave in which the vimana was found 15 It is said that this vimana has caused disappearance of eight American soldiers who were stuck in " Times well ". The " time-well " is an electromagnetic radiation gravity field first postulated by Albert Einstein as Unified Field Theory. It is said that leaders of many important countries of the world like Barak Obama, David Cameron, Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Markel visited, a patient of mine came into the clinic when I was a therapist and told me he was a back up and saw this incident that is how I got to to know about it, incidentally I found two videos associated with this in my archives and when I tried a second time for the videos, the first time successful they had been disabled?

From Geoff Archive

The same soldier told me of Giants when he served in Afghanistan and a red haired one who battled a platoon of soldiers, the locals know of them and if they obey they are safe. Its your choice to believe or not.

Here is a good one for you Russians meet the ET. 
https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2022/11/01/here-be-giants-outlandish-tales-of-the-military-the-afghan-colossi ---I could on and and on and on.


Courtesy Underground Facility

Recently the UK press and articles I have printed in back issues mention the underground facilities some are said to have literally cities and tunnels running with trains to transport to other facilities, indeed Sadam Hussein had not only these but doubles of himself, other countries have the same. I was involved very briefly with one near Carlisle in the UK and one near Penrith all in North UK. They were about six football pitches long and with tunnels off to the side. Also to mention I researched ultra low frequency vibrational sound weapons and ultra high frequency weapons and just to finish up on; 



for your fun and research


Courtesy from ITER --French Hot Fusion Monster
Mes amis, nous l'avons déjà ah la Ripple. Ne est pa?  Me oui. AuRevoir  Geoff

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