Solar Cycle 25 likely reached the highest sunspot number yet - a value of at least 299. The Space Weather Predicition Center (SWPC) non-official, estimated daily sunspot number for August 8th was 337, a value not observed since March 2001. However, the official SSN is determined by the World Data Center - Sunspot Index and Long-Term Solar Observations (WDC-SILSO) and it's Solar Influences Data Center (SIDC) at the Royal Observatory in Belgium; and their initial daily estimate for August 8th was 299. They will report out the official number by September 1st. Visit their webpage at: is external) and as always visit our webpage for the latest space weather information and forecasts.
Who cares? Cosmic rays are a surprisingly "down to Earth" form of space weather. They can alter the chemistry of the atmosphere, trigger lightning, and penetrate commercial airplanes. According to a study from the Harvard T.H. Chan school of public health, crews of aircraft have higher rates of cancer than the general population. The researchers listed cosmic rays, irregular sleep habits, and chemical contaminants as leading risk factors. A number of controversial studies (#1, #2, #3, #4) go even further, linking cosmic rays with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.
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Courtesy HelmHolzt coils. |
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In a back article Monday 20th May POST TRUST 2019 there is an explanation of how to deal with Geomagnetic storms and the aid given to #1,#2,#3,#4 if you are not into the whole thing then scroll down in to Weathering Geomagnetic storms. In some Russian hospitals they use two or three sets of Helmholtz coils as these balance out a ' turbulent or eddy currents' in the patients room and so make an even magnetic field and assist the erratic heart beats. The inventor of these was Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz a German Scientist.
Courtesy The Very Well Mind 9 |
Most hospitals and doctors do not recognise the Solar influences on the Schumann Resonance and the resonance to heart and brain of the 7.87Hz frequency. It is my view that cluttering space, our local atmospheres with psychological pressures of the media and AI and those engendering fears and tribulations by war, poverty, homelessness and racial tension with mass migrations of people who are laid bare and vulnerable by sea crossing, long arduous road travel, tents and the rape, human trafficking and organ plundering all add to the collective unconscious and those who are relatively well off and are sensitive to frequencies pick up this unrest in the silent braodcasting and their minds either consciously or unconsciously 'pick ' up the vibe of global unrest as does nature. Many folks adrenaline is on the 'fight flight alert' and not knowing why. I sense even the most powerful who turn a blind eye or a look of superiority and say 'I'm all right Jack pull up the gangplank and ladder' yet deep within themselves intuit something is wrong. I know two of such persons and they secretly told me so and of those they know. One is a very, very well known banker and when we met some time ago she said, Geoff will you meditate with me, we tried and she could not rest, she asked me to do some energy healing and an imagery exercise (I make these up as it suits the occasion) suddenly she wept uncontrollably and a maid came in too assist, the lady ushered her away, this went for three hours and then she kissed me and hugged me and she said 'this took me to many years back when I found through Yoga and meditation and your friendship that beautiful calm and peace, I cannot go back to it Geoff, I am too caught up and I do feel for the world and what it has come too, but I shut it out and my vast staff know me as a hard women and tyrant and I pay them a pittance'. She offered me a large sum of money and I refuse it politely. She said I will not see you anymore, go and do not attempt to contact me.
Courtesy Stoneham Press 10 |
The subtle nagging or tug of the 'war torn woe and suffering' cannot be denied and even those who are wealthy and 'cast away' their gaze from the deplorable rubble of buildings and the minds that have to live with them, in darkness broken building shards of metal and brick which once were their homes, hospitals, schools, playing fields lay broken as reeds, dry waterless and hungry, we see this on TV on films by Hollywood of post apocalypse, vivid noisy graphics, grooming on line and so to distract oneself, maybe alcohol, drugs, porn, millions of films through many companies, endless distractions to numb the tugging conscious which say 'all this out of sync with nature' our nature and we seek solace yet run from it in case the mind gets quiet and picks up the underlying traumatic vibe.
Courtesy L' Appui 11 |
I recommend meditation and the subject is vast and there is meditation and there is mediation, mindfulness, contemplation, binaural beats, chanting, prayer(not asking prayer but gratefulness prayer) affirmations and so on, my choice is ' attention without intention, awareness without bias, waiting for the mouse to appear, driving down a narrow lane, expectancy without thought, expect nothing, and a Zen tale; A monk leaves the monastery or a weary town dweller and each one goes their way to the mountain or forest, they build a simple cabin, store food for winter and perhaps a few books. The winter comes, the birds migrate, the bears hibernate, the leaves fall and the branches bare. The spring arrives, the trees bud, the bears come out, the birds return, the trees leaf and they say the dweller in cave and forest; 'ALL THIS I DID NOTHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN'
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