Hi. Well I hope. I am facing severe crisis over many long term issues. Health, finances, all scientific projects coming to an end and some as yet sinister feeling 'darknesses' lurking at the corners or recesses of my mind as it were. Yes I can blame the world situation, austerity measures and a host of other things, yet I know this is merely a ploy of my ego to shove things away, hide them in a closet and pretend they are not there, be in denial, one part of me aware they are there and the other part knowing I am ignoring them and eating at me, like a dog biting at my heels.
Courtesy www.gettyimages.com
Taking the view that matter is merely a multitude of particles arriving from the void, quantum field, emptiness, the mind of God and we have to bend to the will of this or suffer, or that we through life's experiences make our own script and agenda which may vary from the Cosmic Plan as it were, then we are stuffed until we break down and become one with the plan or presumably come back to work it out in reincarnation or just go to oblivion and the knackers yard. If it is just particles and they come from waves or whatever and our destiny is to surrender to the process of natural Cosmic lore and law, then we have a choice do it or not. Then we might say since all matter is an illusion of particles popping in and out of space, the Cosmic Dance, the working of God's mind the Divine Hologram. Then we might say is it solid, is anything solid(see quantum stuff for this and the double slit experiment) and say well IS IT MATTER? and if we are an illusion, an impermanent, transient representation or manifestation from the void and back, the wave arising from the Ocean and subsiding, then DOES IT MATTER?.
Courtesy www.delphiu.com
Presumably it works likes this, follow the Cosmic Plan as above the Intuitive Creative Mind, hopefully from the Source and not a mind ego construct and have a reasonable life, or possibly go our way and maybe pay for the consequence, as above the servant. This is not a golden rule and one has to find out through life's treadmill.
There is a saying 'mind over matter, I don't mind and you don't matter' Nice eh!?.
So is there a choice? Just recently I have found that everything that I held sacred in the way of health, finances and relationships have been questioned, and I realised I suffered when these above were challenged. I felt betrayed by my own stubbornness, and taking the moral high ground, judgemental attitudes and my views on mortality.
Courtesy timrymel.com
Since we are here today and gone tomorrow and if it is oblivion then what ever choice you make only depends on one's stay here on Earth, it pretty simple, a motto from the USA Army Forensic teams 'Do what Has to Be Done'. The belief of reincarnation or burning in hell or floating on Cloud Nine Playing a Harp in Eternal Bliss, then one has follow that belief.
However, what if thoughts subside by gently breathing and find behind those thoughts, which come and go like clouds, none of the above matters as this seems beyond, eternal, limitless. I can say that in this endless and relentless turmoil I have had glimpses, sometimes laughter as I have realised, whatever happens, in the end death swallows us all, complete and without remorse. Yet it is release. This glimpse feels like death in its release aspect.
Courtesy spirtualhealingsource.com
Then one might say 'well isn't this an escape from reality, the world and duties and so on'? This depends on one's beliefs. If we are an illusion, a projection of our beliefs, and there are countless beliefs, then one's world is a projection of a belief system, an agenda, a programme. Does this programme survive death? One will know when it happens. It maybe too late then. Taking the concept that we are a consciousness and only FEEL separate because of our personal agendas, that in fact we are one awareness and ocean of Being, then the Kingdom of Heaven is where we came from and return-----ONLY stripped of personal beliefs and limited programmes.
Courtesy www.heartcom.org
Once the wave in the ocean realises it is joined to all other waves, that this is the common denominator that the Ocean is the Kingdom of Heaven and that if we just see the waves standing up and look across the space between their tops, the peaks, we feel separate. THE source of each wave has to be experienced by going down the wave to the Source and here we find we are one ocean and there are not separate beings.
The 'trick' is to realise that the wave has to move with the tide, get ruffled by tsunami's, gales, tornadoes, large ocean liners, garbage, chemical spills, of course these are analogies to that which besieges our every day mundane living.
Courtesy pixcooler.com
So is it an escape to run sometimes, many times from our own fears, and these fears maybe constructed through our beliefs which we have believed that they protect us. Some people have a talisman they carry in their bag or pocket, I do, and I believe it protects me. I lost it some time back and had to get another. It was my BELIEF it protected me, not the metal talisman. I felt naked and loss. I know sports persons who have their routines and suspicions.
THEN is going to the KINGDOM of Heaven within, the wave seeking its source as an Escape?
The wave say being us protects itself by being an iceberg, a wave in a sheltered cove, me in my so called comforting shelters within my mind which is the total wave being.
Maybe the buffeting of the wave, of me, challenges my 'safety protocols' my familiar well known trodden path, and shunning my fears, then by facing them, I might find they were mind stuff, and that they were the PATH to the Source, they pushed me to the edge of the cliff, I had to jump, the wave collapses and find my true nature. I ask myself escape or liberation? Are my beliefs solid and for ever, all encompassing or just a temporary raft which takes me to the another so called reality? So knowing matter is temporary and in a way an illusion, should I not trust the Source and as for how long I remain in this form, I shall abide with the experience of my glimpses of the Kingdom of Heaven and live as close to that with a minimum of beliefs.
Indeed the finger pointing at the moon maybe the challenges which point us to the fact that many of our well preserved beliefs and comfort zones may indeed being sheltering us too much and we lose sight of our Source as the Only Reality and our customs, talismans, social upbringing might be shielding us from our true nature. So is it matter---to me no, does it matter----depends on the beliefs and attitude?
Indeed the finger pointing at the moon maybe the challenges which point us to the fact that many of our well preserved beliefs and comfort zones may indeed being sheltering us too much and we lose sight of our Source as the Only Reality and our customs, talismans, social upbringing might be shielding us from our true nature. So is it matter---to me no, does it matter----depends on the beliefs and attitude?
Courtesy blogs.psychicentral.com
I feel that there are various sensitivities. Allergies, food choices, scents and so on. The ones I am concerned with are as follows; sensitive to atmospheres, peoples vibes, and when I met a Korean Monk he told me I was a 'lower yin' sensitive to cold and damp and need warming foods, clothes and warm dry home. A Yogi told me I was a Vatta / Pitta much the same as the latter. Now from that standpoint it is true, I come alive in warm and dry and feel shattered in damp and cold.
Emotionally I have always been vulnerable, and my research has shown that as a baby and babies in the womb SENSE feelings, you can find lots of research on this. They cannot reason it out so it is genetically imprinted, with a lot of work one can eventually reprogramme or eliminate to 'the unconscious triggers', epigentic's and neuroplasticity are beginning to break through the hard crust of neural bombardment of cultural programming to a more healthy attitude. This like quantum stuff is still so way out there, like UFO and ET and our past history, that I and many others still find it hard 'to get my head around it' I know it rings true intellectually, yet is gradually trickling into my consciousness to become a reality so to speak.
Courtesy www.slideshares.net
I know affirmations, mantras and other manual efforts can alter the neuronal network and so on, and some have done miraculous change with it. Yet for me I have had some startling results at times, especially when life threatened. Yet my early years despite meditation did not uncover the unconscious so much as a retreat from the agendas. My feeling is I was so 'emotionally' influenced, not abused as such, but in a way yes by emotionally weak parents and siblings and so forth, that I am at this stage of my life, 76 years young, still clinging to old 'coping patterns', yet they are not fit for purpose and for me the latest challenges are pointing these out for me most dramatically. I feel in this present climate with so many people fleeing their war torn homes, the brutal austerity measures, not needed, callous and cold, many will become emotionally torn and will react in various ways e.g., violent, withdrawn, mentally ill, demanding, rage, anger and so on. The emotional tsunami will follow soon and some in the power politics will clamp down with more violence and exacerbate the whole situation.
However, by realising that my programming is not me, and this is becoming clearer, and by not substituting and 'escape' programme , the 'MEDITATIVE' experience arises spontaneously and I have been laughing even in my so called darkest thoughts, and it is not the hysterical laugh but bordering on the experience I have shared in many back issues and captured in this very short video.
However, by realising that my programming is not me, and this is becoming clearer, and by not substituting and 'escape' programme , the 'MEDITATIVE' experience arises spontaneously and I have been laughing even in my so called darkest thoughts, and it is not the hysterical laugh but bordering on the experience I have shared in many back issues and captured in this very short video.
Mooji and Dennis. 7 mins.
You know I shared this many blogs back and I laughed for almost three days. Friends and neighbours wanted to call the hospital or doctor, I wet myself many times and many friends got caught up this. YET this only facilitated more 'space' for the debris of the unconscious to arise. Like clearing a pipe, only to let more through. HOWEVER, it is coming more spontaneously and the more pressure from the 'RISING FEARS' is leaving more gaps and those gaps are meditative in feel and not having to do something like relaxing and breathing to reach that 'state' if one can call it that. OF course I meditate to reach it and also appears naturally. I am not so frightened of my fears as I realise they are programmes of the past, I do not have to tell myself that so much now, it just is a inner knowing this cannot be me, this is a mind pattern taught or impregnated, a kind of vaccine against my true nature.
Courtesy www.examiner.com
Slowly or rather at the processes own pace there is a natural recognition of the 'net of conditioning' and this enables me to see what 'me' is, it is not a set of various programmes packaged together with a self monitoring guard that uses the weapons of fear to control me. The me is becoming a Mooji / Dennis more and more. These interludes are but steps in the process which maybe never ending but an enabling facet in the journey.
ONE THING for sure in that 'GAP' there is a feeling of completeness and fear and sensitivity do not exist. It is a feeling of completeness, wholeness and nourishment for who I am not.
I realise FEARS bring about the sensitivity----will this damage me---in real terms there is no me-----just a bunch of programmes assuming me---when me is gone-----what can attack a nothing? The nucleus that was Geoff is dissolving into a 'I don't know what' and this is becoming OK-----? EH!. What ?
One of the first cases I wrote up about in 1970. Make up your mind time again.
Courtesy socialinde.com
I feel that the world and many of us are as the image above. If the world leaders keep on with their rhetoric and babble then it is merely the same old same old. And like the hamster on the wheel(see man on wheel image Post 234) some of us keep going round and round with the same old slogans and cliché's and I for one feel trapped with the repetitions and worn out patterns, and sometimes search out there so to speak for a new way. Yet it can only be a temporary relief.
My ego relentlessly wants to control and be in charge and this does not work, the old ways do not serve any more, I feel governments have gone so far down the slippery slope that it is hard for the sledge on the ice slope to stop and how do they about turn and extricate themselves without losing face?
My ego relentlessly wants to control and be in charge and this does not work, the old ways do not serve any more, I feel governments have gone so far down the slippery slope that it is hard for the sledge on the ice slope to stop and how do they about turn and extricate themselves without losing face?
Courtesy www.ishott.com
Maybe we have to slide to the bottom and maybe there is a pleasant outcome rather than a menace, our fears often bring this 'what's at the unknown'?
Its interesting when one makes or defines who one is, it then solidifies through built up ideas and concepts who one is, a this or a that, and then one lives this as a reality, unfortunately one has to live in certain parameters, boundaries and fences. A Doctor, a politician and so forth and these roles may not offer much freedom of choice and tolerance.
The other aspect it may be a kind of solidity that causes duality, setting oneself up as a something, kind of make one solid, there, a target. For instance I am the XYZ company or Institute and I stand for modified foods, electronic fog and GMO, then you create those opposed to it.
The other aspect it may be a kind of solidity that causes duality, setting oneself up as a something, kind of make one solid, there, a target. For instance I am the XYZ company or Institute and I stand for modified foods, electronic fog and GMO, then you create those opposed to it.
Courtesy ego-centricity.blogspot.com
All the world revolves around me, like the early ideas that the Earth was the centre of the Solar System, now rather we are all revolving together. The defining of rigid principles brought through conditioning, programming and belief, can make our world inside the head the centre of our private galaxy, however these are mere figments of concepts bound together in a hard leather jacket and can be confining and what is more to shore up one's safety we can try to get others to join us and feel more wanted and safe.
Yet this hardness is not to be cherished.
Courtesy www.123rf.com
Nature wears away the hardest rock with wind, rain, water, ice, heat and 'flow'. It is beautiful because of its change and flow, the way of the way. The stiff body, the hard mental attitude, the inner conflict of tight control. Stiff joints and hard mind, or even a stiff mind.
Courtesy quotesgram.com
Nature flows, nothing is certain only the flow, the circulation. Those that destroy nature block it, dam it, excavate large chunks of it, and we do the same to ourselves.
Some quotes 'In order to hit the target fire your arrow and wherever it lands, call it your target' 'Fire your arrow and wherever it land draw a circle around it'
Mr Putin addresses UN 70th Meeting. 24 mins.
Wow and they haven't near completed it. Amazing. Shows interconnectiveness of life forms. A scientific endeavour to discover and name the tree of life.
Until we meet again. BE VERY WELL. Geoff
Wow and they haven't near completed it. Amazing. Shows interconnectiveness of life forms. A scientific endeavour to discover and name the tree of life.
Until we meet again. BE VERY WELL. Geoff
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