Friday, 26 November 2021


Hello. Gas or no gas that is the question, Russian Sputnik V vaccine, mandate or not, new variations or not, fossil fuel or just go green, don't trust anybody, cancel culture, be woke or be woken up, booster or busted, French Fishermen and Asylum seekers and immigrants, thousand's going home after camping and freezing and hungry  in the forest in Belarus and the Polish having thousands of troops and barbed wire fences guarding their border from them. Uncle Joe Biden declaring America is back and he and Camilla Harris ratings plummet along with BoJo in the UK ratings drop as he defies his own Covid rules and runs away and hides--yes he does.  Meanwhile more people are homeless in the UK and world wide food and utility prices soar AND meanwhile the filthy rich are getting more filthy rich. Its Robin Hood in reverse.

Courtesy Amazon UK

Vaccinations aren’t preventing Covid-19 deaths, a new study has discovered.

People who have been vaccinated are as likely as the unvaccinated to die from a Covid infection, researchers from Norway’s Institute of Public Health have found.

They assessed the progress of 2,361 Covid patients admitted to general wards and intensive care units (ICUs); 70 of them were fully vaccinated and 183—8 percent of the total—had received both shots of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.

Although the vaccinated spent less time in hospital and were around half as likely to need ICU care, there was no difference in the rate of deaths between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, they found.

Around 84 percent of Norwegians had been double-vaxxed by last September.

(Source: medRxiv, November 5, 2021; doi:

·        Most Covid cases caught in hospital and care homes

·        Covid jab protection falls to just 16% after six months

·        Why Covid vaccines aren’t for everyone

·        70 percent of Covid cases detected by rapid testing are false

·        Covid’s X-factor discovered

·        Early batches of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine were ‘unstable’

·        How to reset your immune system

·        Compulsory vaccine passport vetoed by Europe

·        The truth about the ‘silent’ Covid carriers

·        Covid lateral flow test not fit for purpose, doctors warn

·        Covid vaccines smart, immune system smarter

·        The common problem among serious Covid patients


Dr Malone

It just goes to show how timid and cowardly are the perpetrators of this EXPERIMENTIL vaccine that they are running scared to have Dr Malone's book and his say in an open debate on TV mainstream with Gates or Fauci, Whitty, Ferguson and co. Those who were led up the garden path are suffering in large numbers from vaccine damage and if you read on the pattern which I suggested is rearing its head.

Remember this face, because this is Dr. Robert Malone:

  - Awarded 9 patents for mRNA and DNA research
  - The first to create working results in tadpoles, chicks, and mice, proving his ideas.
  - Known for making HUGE contributions to treating viruses such as HIV, SARS, and Ebola.

Dr Malone is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology... And he's speaking out about what's been going on behind the scenes and what's being hidden from you...

Grab this brand new free report from Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology and hear the REAL truth about what big pharma and the government are hiding from you..

from article
Another study which will not reach the mainstream and unless people share this by attachment or other means to one another, it remains with the convinced few. There are mountains of real science not based on Gates or pharmaceutical multinationals, eugenics, transhuman, technocrocy, cyborgism The New world order known under the names of Deep State, Bilderberg's, elite, illuminati or just greedy psychopathic maniacs with an uncontrollable ego and power lust.

This month's charity is Charity: Water. A portion of every sale will go to this charity, more info is at the bottom of this newsletter.

Geoff, I wanted to tell you about a new study that just came out.

Turns out we were right.

And the title of the study says it all:

“Increases in C0V!D are unrelated to levels of [jabs] across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States” - Published July 2021 in the European Journal of Epidemiology

But you won’t hear about this in the mainstream media.

Is it all a political agenda?

Are there people with economic incentives to hide the truth?

Is it a conspiracy for global control?

We are putting the finishing touches on our new docuseries where we have personally interviewed over 30 credentialed experts to get their take on the truth.

Tap below to find out what’s coming and what you can do:

I want the truth

With Purpose,


Same image fits the below link
This is going to continue; I have mentioned many times they will keep finding new strains and variants this is part of a process that viruses do. OF course they will have to find a special booster or programme and some new horrible vaccine will come out and the same fear mongering; this is far more transmissible, more lethal, so lock down now make masks (which in the long run are more lethal than vaccines) make everything mandatory (which is flimsy) make it binding by law, make health passports law ( and in years to come if not stopped lore) and so a slave citizen arises with a one law, one money now some sort of point system or crypto digital money. Again and again and --------ad infinitum.

from link
So nitrogen based fertilisers are are derived from natural gas and gas ah la natural is a major hiccup between Russia, EU and USA. There is a reluctance to release the licensing of Nord Stream 2 which can supply to Europe 26 million homes with warmth this winter BUT ITS RUSSIAN GAS. So freeze Europe whilst your billionaire bosses in EU drink champagne and live in their luxurious homes warm and comfortable and mutter its all China, Russia and Iran's fault. The USA wants to sell fracking gas which has to come in liquid form by ships from USA to Europe and is twice or three times price it is unfriendly to the environment and the fracking damage sites are horrendous, large earthquakes, poisoned water supplies and when people sue the firms and the damaged environment the firm's go broke and claim bankruptcy.
However with all the waste that is disposed of there is a way of making natural fertiliser and and make the soil REAL soil and not a chemical habitat and dumping ground for GMO rubbish or deplete the natural gas. By the way the Nordstrom 2;


The Biden administration has added the Russian-flagged offshore construction vessel Marlin to its list of ships sanctioned for assisting the already-completed Nord Stream 2 project, a Russian gas pipeline to Europe that was blacklisted by the U.S. Congress in 2020. Like the administration's previous sanctions measures, it omits European assets and is not expected to have an effect. 

Marlin (ex name Olympic Intervention IV) has just completed a deployment along the new pipeline and has returned to St. Petersburg, out of U.S. and allied jurisdiction. The timing of the listing and the flag state of the vessel ensure that as a practical matter, the penalty is unenforceable, according to Western analysts. IT IS POLITICAL AND DOES NOT CARE ABOUT FREEZING PEOPLE.

16 Nov 2021 — UK and EU wholesale gas prices have risen by 17% after Germany's energy regulator suspended approval of the controversial Nord Stream 2 
 Then there is this debate; the major European countries want to go GREEN so in the meantime there is this debate; until we change to various other energy sources and phase out fossil fuel and oil  we will look to Nuclear and other sources----oh great--- in the meantime other countries are coal mining and going crazy with other pollutants while Gates and co are blaming cattle and are purchasing farm land for GMO crops and manufacturing chemical meat and other monstrosities. Many countries cannot go green because they have to keep up with Western standards of purchasing and strategies, the Stock Market and stuff so they have to go to coal and other sources.

In Germany it was actually Lubin which is a district of Greifswald.
Courtesy The Sun
the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet ( Ο, ο ), transliterated as ‘o’.
    the fifteenth star in a constellation.
    "Omicron Pisciu WATCH OUT THE OMICRON IS OUT TO geett yooou???
The New Variant does us in again and again. Panic NEW VACCINE NEEDED. Billions on new research. More businesses fear going broke, the fear is already launched. Scientists have not yet found out how powerful it is AND ARE THE STANDARD VACCINES UP TO THE JOB when they are already found to be not effective. I jus hope I am wrong and my cynicism isa not justified.
From Article

A recent study from the International Journal of Infectious Disease revealed the shocking autopsy of a C0V1D-!9 vaccinated patient:



“In summary, the results of our autopsy case study in a patient with mRNA vaccine confirm the view that by first dose of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 immunogenicity can already be induced, while sterile immunity is not adequately developed,”



In simpler terms, this means the vaccine did NOT stop the spread of the virus.



If this is the case, then why aren’t there any alternatives?



And if there are alternative medicines and treatments then why has the corporate media been censoring it?



Dr. McCullough explains the sad truth that the medical world had advertised this to the public. 



“We basically broke the news to America that we could treat C0V1D-!9 and markedly reduce hospitalization and death.”


So, what NOW?... 


A recent study from the International Journal of Infectious Disease revealed the shocking autopsy of a C0V1D-!9 vaccinated patient:



“In summary, the results of our autopsy case study in a patient with mRNA vaccine confirm the view that by first dose of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 immunogenicity can already be induced, while sterile immunity is not adequately developed,”



In simpler terms, this means the vaccine did NOT stop the spread of the virus.



If this is the case, then why aren’t there any alternatives?



And if there are alternative medicines and treatments then why has the corporate media been censoring it?



Dr. McCullough explains the sad truth that the medical world had advertised this to the public. 



“We basically broke the news to America that we could treat C0V1D-!9 and markedly reduce hospitalization and death.”


So, what NOW?... 




Dr. McCullough, along with many other world-renowned experts, have decided to come forward and provide REAL, practical solutions and ANSWERS to keep you and your family safe:

Which specific combination of drugs actually works to combat C0V1D-!9?​​


Dr Mcullough

  • Does taking Vitamin D help at all? You may be surprised… 
  • How people are using these treatment methods to REVERSE C-19 V@((!N3 injury
  • Does Hydroxychloroquine work? See the numbers for yourself
  • Does your diet impact your battle with this virus? And how does it interact with the V@((!N3?
  • Which supplements can help fortify your immune system?
  • Are medical journals colluding with Big Pharma to hide vital information from you?
  • Plus so much more… 



Courtesy Milton Keynes Citizen 
I posted about John in Wedenesday 29th September 2021

 and I have been in touch and phoned him for a chat every couple weeks or so,
 you can phone him if you wish, he says its a repeat as soon as they started the boosters. He has the backing of many doctors, police, military, lawyers and others but the main stream censorship does  not let it become common knowledge, he has said to me 'he would not be surprised if they 'bump he and his family off' or he has one of those 'mysterious deaths or fake suicides or a fire burns him out. He likes phone calls as it gives him hope and knows he is not alone. He says there is a slow awakening and so far has thousands of emails and calls.
I hope to visit him soon when I am more able after my severe vaccine damage or lessening of it. He feels change will have to be done by us as he has been to see the government and they just blanked him, the same with my team.
Due to my Forensic work I am used to bodies and body parts and did attend many post mortems. John has a lovely respectful ritual which I did at something like at Mortuaries. Before John goes into wash and attend to the bodies he knocks on the door out of respect for the departed, I used to bless the souls of the departed and hope for forgiveness of any unfinished business. Here John is interviewed by RFK(Kennedy two great and courageous men (woke oh no persons or people!!!?)

Be Well



IF this film of Australian (YES AUSTRALIAN detention camps (concentration camps and gulags) doesn't wake you up as they are building them in nearly every country. Mister Hitler has won, the allies may have won the second world war but the Nazi ethos is alive and NOW WORLD WIDE AND THRIVING. WOKE, CANCEL CULTURE, EUGENICS, TRANSHUMANISM, TECHNOCROCY, CYBORGISM, VACCINATION BY MANDATE AND MASKS---HEIL OBEY KNEEL BEFORE THE NEW WORLD MASTERS OR HITLERS.

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