Wednesday, 1 January 2025



Courtesy Rainbow Child
Hello and welcome. Wishing you and yours a wonderful and fulfilling New Year and many more to arrive filled with love, peace and understanding.

Years back in 1967 in an old dilapidated Scottish House in Eskdalemuir named Johnstone House and it was Christmas 1967 I lay on a mattress surrounded by old Buddhas and Tibetan grimacing statues held there until the Meditation room was finished. Rats were scuttling under the floorboards and my candle barely lit the room making the dark winters night all the more eerily apparent.     

I was falling asleep when I felt the need to write, I carried a foolscap note pad and a number of pens. Suddenly there was a micro flash and then I felt to write down about eight and half two sided notes and writings and I was referred to as the scribe. I wrote hurriedly and scarcely time to write it down and although the writing was barely readable I could make out the content surprisingly well.


Johnstone House 
I was astonished at what I read and I showed it to Akong Rinpoche and he held it and did not read it and after a long pause he said to me 'do not show it to anybody and then after 1970 begin to show'. Many who have attended my workshops and lectures and read this article  / blog  will be familiar with some of the contents and certainly in my archives however for a brief history is wrote some of the history in Article 9 blog Sunday 3rd March 2013 because energygrid had shut down and the articles were more explained, energygrid was a great magazine which many contributed too and I managed with the editor to salvage some of the contents in it is sketchy and rambling but was the best I could manage at the time. There are certain parts I was told to hold back until needed. 


Another view of Johnstone House
This morning of the 27th December 2024 I was told to insert some more of the 1967 writings, I have briefly mentioned these aspects before years back but was prompted to this now and post it in the new year of 2025 (Chinese year of the Snake) and use the Native American inserts as they do not get caught up in physical humans and are to many just Universal texts.

You may ask who was it 'took' over my hand in 1967 as it were, I do not know, I am not a chaneller and this morning I got the same 'micro energy rush' as usual from time to time as the as the same as 1967.

I got up out of bed and rushed to the computer and this is a synopsis of what followed; Celebrate and I felt a great joy, the energies and frequencies of the 'RAINBOW CHILDREN' are now more abundant and many more youngsters and teenagers will be 'switched on'.

I was led to include this from my files;

There was a time when man took no more than he needed,  That time has gone. There was a time when he gave something back, That time has gone. There was a time when he worshipped the Creator and honoured Creation, That time too has gone. And now the waters are polluted and natural resources are all but gone and creation dying. It is a time to find our way back to Earth. WILL we heed these words or ignore them?  Native American

Courtesy Free Pick
Many years back a number of colleagues and me we researched and reached out to a 'NEW AGE' to a number of Russian, Italian, Serbian, American scientists about the DNA changes and the amazing psychic abilities of a certain DNA and physical characteristics of a group of children that were known as the Crystal, Indigo and other names of this sort. We found out that these children and one or two teenagers had 'gifts' as good as Uri Geller and beyond. I mentioned some in an article and then all research and information were cut off.  We found out through the 'grapevine' that certain political, religious and the Deep State in particular had abducted some these and were on the look out for others. This I was to insert in the '67' downloads and went further to say that the 'deep state' were aware of these ' apotheum' powers and were a threat to the New World Order and the Globalists.  Unfortunately the Deep State has tried to use their powers or develop them for there own foul agendas and have succeeded in a few. I have heard that when some of the Crystals and Indigoes were worked on to convert them they went crazy or died.

Courtesy Pin Page
As I understand it from my Native American and other Shamanic contacts by green again it will mean having technology that is commensurate with nature and as we see intermarriages,  a rising of sharing cultures and a more loving relationships brought about by the pain, torture, homelessness and many who roam this planet and having no identity by either being an asylum seeker, a refuge fleeing dictatorship or war torn conflicts, from the ashes of defeat the phoenix of salvation will arise.
Courtesy Fabled Collection

    The 'new frequencies and energies' had begun at the end of the fifth mass extinction some 66 billion year ago and this is a regular event as we are now in the process of the 6th mass extinction, however there are differences. In the last five we had very little consciousness events they were mainly fauna, land masses and and large heavy animals such as the dinosaurs, mammoths and so on, then gradually the human and related bipedal forms and the rise of the brain and self awareness. The energies of natural evolution arise slowly like a well slow cooker meal or a rising cake or bread. There are markers on the way.  1967 was one, 2012 was one and 2013 to 2032 and 2033 to 2075 are distinct events as energetic DNA and 'New Age Aquarian Frequency codes' which turn DNA information and upgrades and reconfigurations which are opposed and challenged by Deep State technological and genetic vaccinations and gene splicing and so on. In fact I had heard through the grapevine that many selected DNA gathered from the Covid nasal probes in order to determine negative or positive Covid which led to being locked down, mask wearing and so on. They were looking for signs of the 'new or Aquarian DNA upgrades' and that is why in the USA so many children are over vaccinated and get autism and other attention type deficits, they are a threat to Deep State.
Courtesy Gobernador Anuncia

The Deep State is well aware of the mental, DNA, psychic, apotheum powers of these children and has no match for them and so is either jamming their broadcasts, chemically dulling them and or abducting and in some cases killing them for autopsies and trying to identify brain and bodily cellular changes and of course organ transplants along with children's sacrifice in Satanic Black rituals. 

However they are aware of something they cannot 'get their hands on' they know that the Cosmic Rays contain information that facilitates the codes and signals for the upgrade but the Universe has ways of camouflaging these and the new human which I was given is Homo Energetica Spiritulana ( some have recently called them Homo Luminous) the names given to me where in 1967. They are the upgraded Indigo, Crystal children and are now from this day being upgraded further to fulfil their destiny, I felt the new switch on for this, this morning as above and these new ones are growing more rapidly and with more upgrades as mentioned in the years above. I felt this in my bones and my water so to speak. Where am I in this upgrade, I know not when or what, I am just a scribe. Everyone will feel certain symptoms and will intuitively 'understand their information' given to them in a way that is commensurate with their DNA Aquarian signature.  

There are many signs of the 'shift' which many covered way back take a look at this below

From File

Another of those way back research and evidence such as the flip of the poles, the magnetic pole and the sensational research on super waves. Then my trilogy about climate change, solar system changes and the 1967 stuff and the Mayan charts and calendar 

May 24th 2021

I appreciate your readership. May I remind  you dear souls, I do not get any pay and donations are sent back, I am not out to prove anything only to myself and should they resonate with you I would be delighted. I am the scribe, however , I feel what I write is part of my self in many ways. However the real me is like us all beyond words and definition. 

Be Well and Be Blessed

Geoff  aka Shack

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