Sunday, 12 January 2025


Trying to clean up ADDENDUM  2 from today;

Now what could be the motive behind the 2019 and the 2025 fires; the conjecture was in 2019 the land was meant for some project and was part of an experiment of laser or directed beam energy, which was a conjecture, brought about by the 9 / 11 event and controlled demolition processes.


In the interlude between January 2019 and the next article, I gathered information of what the fires may have been about, apart from perfecting the technical processes it would be land for the following constructions and the article Monday21 September 2020 ‘Welcome to Smart City’ and a plan to eventually include the whole of USA as a ‘Smart Country’, the first country to be a digitally computerised Country controlled by an elite consortium a New World Order.

There is a speculation that the farmers land being bought up by Bill Gates is for a purpose other than farming and in the UK the farmers inheritance problem and the land wanted for some nefarious project----?


It would be amiss if I did not address climate change in the midst of the mix. There is no doubt that we are in climate change, in my view it is not the main constituent. There is a natural climate change that happens in cycles which I have articled in detail, however we as humans are contributing to it by pollution, however I feel our contribution is only about 15% but as we are at the tipping point of the 6th Extinction it could take us over the edge so to speak. Of course we should take into consideration the Globalist Agenda, the last 5 Mass Extinctions and the area of space named the Proton Belt which comes round in the grand cycle and is a main factor in the heating of all the planets in the solar system. 
May 24th 2021

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