Sunday, 12 January 2025


Courtesy Alamy 1

 Hello and welcome. Many have shared with me their anxieties regarding the world news and the future. Of course I have my own view which I would like to share with you. Some say one should not look at the TV and media as it it is not wholesome and induces negativity and scrambles the brain and that they put in a frequency of subliminal and so on, some say one should be aware of world events and others say where do you get the truth from the media information without political bias and fear mongering. Well these may have elements of the so called truth.
Courtesy Psychology today 2

Two examples come to mind; when I was at the Police Collage in Hendon years back they used to have two lines of trainee recruits and each facing one another and a stranger from the engineers or admin would walk down the space between the rows and the recruits were to write down their description of them. The reports were sometimes alarmingly different and should that have been a crime one wonders if brought to court as evidence would this have been justice. The other regards telepathy; some sent messages did not get through accurately I was in involved with a small unit at the University of Edinburgh in which the Arthur Koestler (I met him briefly and only once)Unit in which experiments in parapsychology were performed and more in detail can be found on article Friday 12 October 2018 titled 'Some Head Stuff '  Arthur Koestler and his wife Cynthia jointly committed suicide on March 3rd 1983.

Courtesy  Telepathy at Play 3

This when I first became aware of brain washing and inculcation and so on; a famous one was when a telepath sent out a message of a bus, a red double decker the receiver was used to a red single decker and did not get it, however brain waves sent by healers across the globe have been recorded in the brain waves of the patient sent too and the healer was told only the patient was somewhere in the world and was shown a photo. In the October article there are descriptions of my experiences in sound proof chambers and sensory deprivation experiences.


                                                                                                            Courtesy Sensory deprivation 4

So why the preamble as to the title shattered because in my view the world of consciousness at the deepest level of the collective unconscious is shattered and it is a parallel process; there is a battle going on, on several fronts. The battle to entrain and dominate the entire world population via fear and the media through their political masters are ramping it up especially as to the USA  change of president and in the UK the 'war' on pensioners and the working class, in the media in the UK they are talking about 'trivirus' wear masks possible lockdowns and constant threats about health and hospitals unable to cope do to lack of staff and money and of course the winter flu. Then naughty Putin who will nuke Europe and start to to invade neighbouring countries; quote from Winston Churchill '
on Churchill:Winston

«Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing,
once all other possibilities have been exhausted.»

Winston Churchill (1944):
”I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point,
namely, that it is the Russian Armies
who have done the main work
in tearing the guts out of the [Nazi] army.»

From File 5

How times change.  OK now when Covid hit and the lockdowns and so on set in, the usual world ethos although not all in agreement were known, then new phrases appeared, the Great Reset and attempt to persuade through fear and threat and  the New Word Government failed, the comfort zone pre Covid was manageable, then whack all the known was shattered and to many it broke down their infrastructures with many now failing to comprehend and mental illness and psychosis in large numbers, youngsters and role models at odds so many people being criminalised with sexual stuff and seen as straight up decent folk. Dementia up and rearing and yet many living to a ripe old age. There is a punctured world psyche the collective unconscious lost in a turmoil, technocracy and the lack of compassion and financial gain the main objective.  Usually in the collective unconscious there are many 'common' denominators that the conscious awareness of the ego can relate too, now there looms strange ideas trying to force themselves on the battle for human minds. Where is safe? Where can I find the a role model who is not out for gain? What country is best? Where to go to in a nuclear attack? With many professors, doctors, wise people told to shut up or be bumped off because of callous politicians and the Deep State afraid of the lies and corruption.

Courtesy Boldamatic 6
So we may flounder and lean on ourselves as above and this may leave us out on a limb and yet a phrase 'question more' research find your intuition that which your gut tells you is OK by its deep feel. Find by deep enquiry, watching the unconscious glitter box send images and just gaze at the fleeting thoughts and let them go and see the emotions engendered by them and ask yourself 'is this really me' below the flotsam and Jepson of the surface you, the personality and show business smile and phrases is there a deeper quieter you, can you be in silence and no cell / mobile, TV, computer for a month? What craves you to be back in the mix, who is it that lures and seduces you away by glamour, fear and glitter?
Courtesy Wellness by Ved 7
When we are in sync with our gut we are at peace a Chinese and Japanese quote 'Hara and Dantien is first brain, heart is middle brain, brain is third brain'.  More recently it is being suggested that gut bacteria is most essential. 


This battery could last 5,750 years could you see todays money profit orientated companies even wanting a quarter of that life or less?

From link above

Once again a new concept now becoming of prime importance and I have written articles several times now. We stifle our planet and now space another shock to the so called norm as article SHATTERED refers too. The other inference was of that of polluted air see back articles./

Scientists have raised many concerns about Starlink including light-pollution of the night sky, a potential traffic jam in low-Earth orbit, metallic contamination of the stratosphere, and even ozone depletion. Guowang and Thousand Sails will only multiply those concerns. It's a brand new Space Race with many uncharted hazards ahead.

From link below



Space Launch Delta 45 saw a total of 93 launches, compared to 74 in 2023.

The U.S. Space Force's Space Launch Delta 45 unit facilitated a record-breaking 93 rocket launches from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. (Image credit: U.S. Space Force)

US Space Force broke its launch record in 2024 with 93 liftoffs




There are now many other companies due to send up rockets.

Be Well



Please read my article as mentioned above 

Friday, 12 October 2018

POST 261 'SOME HEAD STUFF', it goes into some of the 178 cycles in the body, chickens who changed robots and rabbits programmes, animal and plant communications and the interfaces and interrelationships that support the article above. MOST, most important to understand the surveillance and technology of the world that try to entrain us, this was also an article which I based on my thesis and of course much more in depth. 

Dear reader I struggle with myself to mention this subject and it can be so conspiratorial that I shudder, yet as a writer and investigator I feel I must mention it and leave you decide for yourself.  I Posted Post360 Tuesday 15 January 2019 'Kind of Remembering' you will see many videos have been shut down and the two remaining ones. I put the code because it might be taken down and eliminated from my article or cannot be found, some can find it from the code, the title of this video is 'Paradise Destroyed': Californian Firemen find signatures of Directed Energy Weapons, the video and article says it all.
The Title of the above  'Fires created by Microwave Directed Energy weapon'.
Please may I bring your attention to our old friend H.R.2977 and this paragraph which I am sure I have mentioned many times;

    In this Act:
            (1) The term ``space'' means all space extending upward 
        from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface 
        of the earth and any celestial body in such space.
            (2)(A) The terms ``weapon'' and ``weapons system'' mean a 
        device capable of any of the following:
                    (i) Damaging or destroying an object (whether in 
                outer space, in the atmosphere, or on earth) by--
                            (I) firing one or more projectiles to 
                        collide with that object;
                            (II) detonating one or more explosive 
                        devices in close proximity to that object;
                            (III) directing a source of energy 
                        (including molecular or atomic energy, 
                        subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic 
                        radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency 
                        (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy 
                        radiation) against that object; or
                            (IV) any other unacknowledged or as yet 
                        undeveloped means.
                    (ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or 
                destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily 
                health, mental health, or physical and economic well-
                being of a person)--
                            (I) through the use of any of the means 
                        described in clause (i) or subparagraph (B);
                            (II) through the use of land-based, sea-
                        based, or space-based systems using radiation, 
                        electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or 
                        other energies directed at individual persons 
                        or targeted populations for the purpose of 
                        information war, mood management, or mind 
                        control of such persons or populations; or
                            (III) by expelling chemical or biological 
                        agents in the vicinity of a person.
            (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--
                    (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information 
                    (ii) chemtrails;
                    (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons 
                    (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic 
                    (v) laser weapons systems;
                    (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or 
                extraterrestrial weapons; and
                    (vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, 
                or tectonic weapons.
            (C) The term ``exotic weapons systems'' includes weapons 
        designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the 
        ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and 
        tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or 
        destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in 
                                 Particularly 7B They had these weapons way before this law in 2001!!

Now what could be the motive behind the 2019 and the 2025 fires; the conjecture was in 2019 the land was meant for some project and was part of an experiment of laser or directed beam energy, which was a conjecture, brought about by the 9 / 11 event and controlled demolition processes.

In the interlude between January 2019 and the next article, I gathered information of what the fires may have been about, apart from perfecting the technical processes it would be land for the following constructions and the article Monday21 September 2020 ‘Welcome to Smart City’ and a plan to eventually include the whole of USA as a ‘Smart Country’, the first country to be a digitally computerised Country controlled by an elite. emporium

'Welcome to Smart City' Monday 21 September 2020, which the land is being cleared for

There is a speculation that the farmers land being bought up by Bill Gates is for a purpose other than farming and in the UK the farmers inheritance problem and the land wanted for some nefarious project----?

Apologies the computer has gone strange. Some texts are cut short.
Short Post immediately following in order to clean up ADDENDUM 2

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