Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Hello I greet you with a story and my involvement with the video below.
Russian leaked UFO information .  1 hr 28 mins.
When I was presenting workshops I presented several at a beautiful venue Kimpton near Hitchin Hertfordshire.  The name of the farm converted premises and the occupants I will have to keep private, I know, yet another one who is hiding and lying.  Let me explain and please I can only say those who attended my workshops and those dear friends above will know that this is genuine report.
Courtesy Google Images
I understand one may disbelieve what I am about to print;  The couple in Kimpton are husband and wife and now live abroad in their retirement. The wife was an actress and knows Roger Moore the actor who narrates the long video above.
When I first saw the video many years ago before I had a computer and was shown on TV and  I  then tried to get hold of a copy I was blocked in every way.
In desperation I turned to Wife X at Kimpton and she very kindly gave me Roger Moore's secretary's address ( This would be late 80's early 90's).   This dear lady said that she had no addresses or information about the video but she gave me an address in California and said several people wanted copies and could not get them and the address issued a form to fill in. I do not have this form or the address, it is long ago. 
I rang the number given to me in California and asked if I could obtain by purchase this video. What happened was a cross examination, a third degree, it felt like an FBI interrogation, and was told to fill in the form.  When the form arrived it went into my family's history, my political aspirations and much more.  A disclaimer said that if I attempted to copy it, display it or publish in any known media I would be SEVERELY dealt with. I gave up, after all I was working for the Home Office and showed it to my boss who said drop it. So I did.

So here I am today looking at my emails and Post information and I went to ForbiddenKnowledge TV (Alexandra Bruce) and lo and behold there is the video.  I hasten to add it may have been in You Tube a long while, yet I had forgotten its content, although bits of it I published over the years as fragments appeared.
There is a lot of buzz in certain circles that President Obama may disclose ET UFO information and that Hilary Clinton might if elected(I feel she will say if elected 'I can't get any info or it is not a fact there are ET) I feel it is an electoral ploy.  President Putin said somewhere he might expose the ET stuff.  Is all the above a hype?
All I can add is that my contacts in Russia and the few Russian officers we had at the Forensic Training here in the UK said they thought the video and information was genuine.  I leave it to you and your good sense of accuracy.
Be Well and Take care.  Geoff

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