Monday 20 May 2019


Hi I appreciate we all make mistakes, overlook things and just are obstinate about sticking to a notion or things we really hold dear or just afraid to go against convention and peer pressure, culture and tradition, yet as below in the Avian flu crisis and things like 'fats are bad, skimmed milk, no butter, vaccines are a compulsory must(in some cases where the vaccines are taken without dangerous adjuncts like mercury and son they are useful), yet as with Statin's an adamant stance is fortified and backed by  up profit margins. 

Millions of chickens and other poultry were killed in the last 12 months in an attempt to stop the spread of avian, or bird, flu - but scientists have this week discovered that the virus has nothing to do with the animals at all
Millions of chickens and other poultry were killed in the last 12 months in an attempt to stop the spread of avian, or bird, flu - but scientists have this week discovered that the virus has nothing to do with the animals at all. Despite its name, avian flu doesn't affect birds, and the creatures aren't responsible for the H1N1 virus responsible for the epidemic. Birds were also blamed for spreading the flu pandemic that killed 20 million people in 1918, but, again, they weren't responsible, as scientists have finally revealed. Researchers from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency made the discovery by carrying out a simple experiment - they injected the 2009 and 1918 H1N1 'bird flu' strains into a group of chickens. Even nearly three weeks later, none showed any flu symptoms or any tissue damage, although half the chicken developed antibodies to the virus. (Source: Journal of General Virology, 2010; 91: 339-42).
Images and articles with Courtesy from

SPONSORED CONTENT - According to Professor Olle Johansson in the film Generation Zapped, Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have increased 1 quintillion-fold over the past 10 years – that's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000!
EMFs cause indisputable adverse health effects
  • Research shows that official Safety Level Legislation is far from adequate.
  • There have been no safety tests involving multiple frequencies from multiple sources
  • We are all taking part in a massive experiment in contravention to the Nuremberg Code.
  • Since 1997, Authorities have ignored 37 different Appeals from all around the World.
  • France has banned WiFi from Primary schools in recognition that children, babies and foetuses are considerably more vulnerable.

EM radiation at higher frequencies is increasing on a huge scale
  • 5G is already in use with rapidly expanding coverage expected to reach 90% by 2027.
  • The Internet of Things, promises an exponential rise in Smart technology in the home.
Telecommunications technology has undoubted benefits and realistically isn't going to go away, so
we need to adopt practices and Compensating Magnetic Oscillation (CMO) technology to reduce
exposure to the minimum and mitigate the adverse effects.
CMO offers a proven solution
No other technology in this field has as much research and peer-reviewed studies as CMO.
For information on the adverse effects of EMFs, best practice to avoid them and further details on
CMO research, please visit
Excellent.  5G and more.

Solar minimum is here - but even now strangely beautiful auroras are dancing around the poles. Deep inside the Arctic Circle, the expert guides of Aurora Holidays in Utsjoki, Finland, can help you chase them. Book now!

GEOMAGNETIC UNREST TODAY: Earth is entering a stream of high-speed solar wind. The gaseous material is flowing from a minor hole in the sun's atmosphere. Full-fledged geomagnetic storms are unlikely, but geomagnetic unrest and Arctic auroras are likely on March 28th as Earth moves deeper into the stream. Aurora alerts: SMS textemail.
CAN HUMANS SENSE MAGNETIC STORMS? Close your eyes and relax. Daydream about something pleasant. In this state your brain is filled with "alpha waves," a type of electrical brainwave associated with wakeful relaxation.
Now try it during a geomagnetic storm. It may not be so easy. A new study just published in the journal eNeuro by researchers at Caltech offers convincing evidence that changes in Earth's magnetic field can suppress alpha waves in the human brain.

The human magnetoreception test chamber at Caltech. [full caption

Solar minimum is here - but even now strangely beautiful auroras are dancing around the poles. Deep inside the Arctic Circle, the expert guides of Aurora Holidays in Utsjoki, Finland, can help you chase them. Book now!

GEOMAGNETIC UNREST TODAY: Earth is entering a stream of high-speed solar wind. The gaseous material is flowing from a minor hole in the sun's atmosphere. Full-fledged geomagnetic storms are unlikely, but geomagnetic unrest and Arctic auroras are likely on March 28th as Earth moves deeper into the stream. Aurora alerts: SMS textemail.
CAN HUMANS SENSE MAGNETIC STORMS? Close your eyes and relax. Daydream about something pleasant. In this state your brain is filled with "alpha waves," a type of electrical brainwave associated with wakeful relaxation.
Now try it during a geomagnetic storm. It may not be so easy. A new study just published in the journal eNeuro by researchers at Caltech offers convincing evidence that changes in Earth's magnetic field can suppress alpha waves in the human brain.

Solar minimum is here - but even now strangely beautiful auroras are dancing around the poles. Deep inside the Arctic Circle, the expert guides of Aurora Holidays in Utsjoki, Finland, can help you chase them. Book now!

GEOMAGNETIC UNREST TODAY: Earth is entering a stream of high-speed solar wind. The gaseous material is flowing from a minor hole in the sun's atmosphere. Full-fledged geomagnetic storms are unlikely, but geomagnetic unrest and Arctic auroras are likely on March 28th as Earth moves deeper into the stream. Aurora alerts: SMS textemail.
CAN HUMANS SENSE MAGNETIC STORMS? Close your eyes and relax. Daydream about something pleasant. In this state your brain is filled with "alpha waves," a type of electrical brainwave associated with wakeful relaxation.
Now try it during a geomagnetic storm. It may not be so easy. A new study just published in the journal eNeuro by researchers at Caltech offers convincing evidence that changes in Earth's magnetic field can suppress alpha waves in the human brain.

The human magnetoreception test chamber at Caltech. [Researchers have long known that living creatures can sense magnetic fields. For instance, honeybees, salmon, turtles, birds, whales, and bats use the geomagnetic field to help them navigate, and dogs can be trained to locate buried magnets.
"Many animals can do it, so why not us?" asks Connie Wang, Caltech graduate student and lead author of the eNeuro study.
To find out if humans can indeed sense magnetic fields, the researchers built an isolated radiofrequency-shielded chamber where participants sat in utter darkness for an hour. As magnetic fields shifted silently around the chamber, participants' brain waves were measured using electrodes positioned at 64 locations on their heads.
In some of the 34 participants, alpha brainwaves decreased in power by as much as 60 percent in response to the shifting fields. Additional runs of the experiment showed that the effect was reproducible.

Changes in alpha brainwave amplitude following rotations of an Earth-strength magnetic field. The darker the blue color, the more dramatic the drop. Study co-authors Joseph Kirschvink and Shin Shimojo say this is the first concrete evidence of a new human sense: magnetoreception.
Remarkably, participants who experienced the changes reported no awareness of them. It appears to be a completely unconscious effect, never rising to the level of a conscious interruption. This led the researchers to suggest it may be vestigial, some remnant of an ancient ability to navigate using local magnetic cues.
"It is perhaps not surprising that we might retain at least some functioning neural components [of magnetoreception], especially given the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle of our not-too-distant ancestors," says Kirschvink.
"As a next step, we ought to try bringing this into conscious awareness," adds Shimojo.
Does this mean people may be able to sense geomagnetic storms? It's unclear.
When solar storms hit Earth, they cause our planet's magnetic field to shake, moving back and forth. Compass needles at mid-latitudes can move by as much as 4 or 5 degrees (ref). The Caltech study did not look at changes of that size, however. Magnetic fields inside their test chamber shifted by +/- 90 degrees--much, much larger than a typical geomagnetic storm. As a result, we do not yet know if human magnetorecepton is sensitive enough to detect the relatively subtle changes associated with space weather.
Says Kirschvink, "the full extent of [human magnetoreception] remains to be discovered." Stay tuned.

Researchers have long known that living creatures can sense magnetic fields. For instance, honeybees, salmon, turtles, birds, whales, and bats use the geomagnetic field to help them navigate, and dogs can be trained to locate buried magnets.
"Many animals can do it, so why not us?" asks Connie Wang, Caltech graduate student and lead author of the eNeuro study.
To find out if humans can indeed sense magnetic fields, the researchers built an isolated radiofrequency-shielded chamber where participants sat in utter darkness for an hour. As magnetic fields shifted silently around the chamber, participants' brain waves were measured using electrodes positioned at 64 locations on their heads.
In some of the 34 participants, alpha brainwaves decreased in power by as much as 60 percent in response to the shifting fields. Additional runs of the experiment showed that the effect was reproducible.

Study co-authors Joseph Kirschvink and Shin Shimojo say this is the first concrete evidence of a new human sense: magnetoreception.
Remarkably, participants who experienced the changes reported no awareness of them. It appears to be a completely unconscious effect, never rising to the level of a conscious interruption. This led the researchers to suggest it may be vestigial, some remnant of an ancient ability to navigate using local magnetic cues.
"It is perhaps not surprising that we might retain at least some functioning neural components [of magnetoreception], especially given the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle of our not-too-distant ancestors," says Kirschvink.
"As a next step, we ought to try bringing this into conscious awareness," adds Shimojo.
Does this mean people may be able to sense geomagnetic storms? It's unclear.
When solar storms hit Earth, they cause our planet's magnetic field to shake, moving back and forth. Compass needles at mid-latitudes can move by as much as 4 or 5 degrees (ref). The Caltech study did not look at changes of that size, however. Magnetic fields inside their test chamber shifted by +/- 90 degrees--much, much larger than a typical geomagnetic storm. As a result, we do not yet know if human magnetorecepton is sensitive enough to detect the relatively subtle changes associated with space weather.
Says Kirschvink, "the full extent of [human magnetoreception] remains to be discovered." Stay tuned.
sharable version of this story may be found here  
SPACE WEATHER BALLOON DATA: Approximately once a week, and the students of Earth to Sky Calculus fly space weather balloons to the stratosphere over California. These balloons are equipped with radiation sensors that detect cosmic rays, a surprisingly "down to Earth" form of space weather. Cosmic rays can seed cloudstrigger lightning, and penetrate commercial airplanes. Furthermore, there are studies ( #1#2#3#4) linking cosmic rays with cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in the general population. Our latest measurements show that cosmic rays are intensifying, with an increase of more than 18% since 2015: Courtesy of  (POST 261 Friday October 12 2019)

Weathering geomagnetic storms 

The Russians have a new take on preventative medicine. In a room at the 
Georgian Techni-cal University (GTU) in Tbilisi, three sets of Helmholtz coils dotted about the place bathe the room in a powerful magnetic field. The plan is to begin using this set-up for cardiovas-cular patients, particularly those in intensive care, with the coils offering compensatory shielding against an invisible threat—a killer that is more potent than diet, lifestyle or even genes.

We all live on what is essentially a giant magnet, with its North and South Poles—the two poles of the magnet—surrounded by a donut-shaped mag-netic field. This ambient geomagnetic field, or magnetosphere, is constantly in flux, as it’s affected by the weather and any geological changes on earth— but, most particularly, by volatile changes of the weather in space, largely caused by the furious activity of the sun.

This benign star responsible for all life on earth is essentially a cluster of unimaginably hot hydrogen and helium criss-crossed with a layer of unstable magnetic fields. Not surprisingly, this volatile combination results in periodic volcano-style eruptions that propel gas into space, while vortices of concentra-ted fields—the dark blobs on the sun’s surface that we call ‘sunspots’—pull apart and reconnect to form new arrangements. Despite this potentially anarchic combination, the sun carries out this activity according to a fairly predictable timetable; regular solar cycles consist of 11 years, during which time sunspots build up, discharge and begin to wane.

During the waxing stage, as sunspots accumulate, so the sun begins to hurl its gaseous explosions, such as solar flares, our way. This amounts to a billion ton’s worth of gas and magnetic fields with the force of billions of atomic bombs, all made airborne and aimed towards earth through the electrified gas of the solar wind—and all travelling some five million miles per hour.

This activity not only causes extreme geomagnetic storms in space but also, during moments of intense solar activity, penetrates the earth’s magnetic field. During any given 11-year solar cycle, we can expect to experience two years’ worth of geo-magnetic storms severe enough to disrupt portions of the earth’s electrical power, interrupt high-tech communications systems, and dis-orientate spacecraft and satellite navigation systems.

Profound effects on life

Until only recently, scientists were dismissive of the idea that the earth’s faint magnetic field—a thousand times weaker than the standard classroom horseshoe magnet—had any effect on basic biological processes, particularly as all living things on earth are now exposed to much stronger electromagnetic and geomagnetic fields at every moment of our modern, technologically dependent, lives.

Nevertheless, the latest discoveries have revealed that living things have a small window through which subtle geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields—such as those generated by the earth, rather than the artificial kind generated by technology—have the most profound effect upon all cellular processes in living things. Changes in this faint charge, particularly those of extremely low frequencies (less than 100 Hz), profoundly influence virtually all biological processes in living things and, in particular, the two major engines of the body—the heart and the brain.

The earth’s magnetic activity appears to directly affect our cell membranes and calcium-ion channels, which are vital for regulating enzyme systems within the cell. In particular, the earth’s geomagnetic field appears to target the sympathetic nerves (those originating from the chest and lower-back parts of the spinal cord, and include the ‘fight-or-flight’ response).

Of all the affected systems in the body, changes in solar geomagnetic conditions most profoundly disturb the rhythms of the heart. Indeed, in susceptible people, magnetic storms can bring on a heart attack. Healthy hearts have a wide range of variation in heart rate, but magnetic storms decrease heart-rate variability (Biomed Instrum Technol, 1999; 33: 152–87) and, in turn, increase the risk of all coronary artery disease and heart attack. When geomagnetic activity increases, the blood becomes thicker—sometimes doubly so—and the bloodstream slows down, both of which are a recipe for a heart attack.

In fact, heart-attack rates and cardiovascular deaths closely follow increases in solar-cycle geomagnetic activity (Neuro Endrocrinol Lett, 2000; 21: 233–58), with the largest number of sudden fatal heart attacks occurring within a day of a geomagnetic storm (Solar Physics, 1977; 51: 175–83). OneUniversity of Minnesota study found a 5 per cent increase in heart attacks during times of maximum solar activity over a five-year period (J Atmos Solar-Terr Phys, 2002; 64: 707–20).

Besides heart effects, the sun has a profound effect on the other electrical centres of the body: the brain and nervous system. Scientists in the Soviet bloc discovered that, even in healthy volunteers, electrical activity in the brain is highly destabilized during magnetically stormy days (Proceedings of the Space Weather Workshop: Looking Towards a European Space Weather Programme, 
December 17–19, 2001, Noordwijk, The Netherlands). Indeed, the nervous system’s signalling itself is corrupted, so that parts are overactivated while others fail to fire (Astron Astrophys Trans, 2003; 22: 861–7).

Geomagnetic activity in space also profoundly affects mental stability: the higher the geomagnetic activity, the greater the increases in general psychiatric disorders (Percept Motor Skills, 1992; 74: 449), the greater the number of patients hospitalized for nervous conditions and the greater the number of attempted suicides (Int J Biometeorol, 1994; 38: 199–203).

There is even some evidence that epileptic fits result from or are exacerbated by geomagnetic disturbances (Braz J Med, 1996; 29: 1069–72).

An early-warning system

The above-mentioned GTU experi-ment was part of BIOCOS (Biosphere and Cosmos), a vast multicentre project begun by noted biologist Franz Halberg and 
University of Minnesota’s Chronobiology Laboratories to act as an early-warning signal by monitoring the physiological variables caused by the sun and other planets.

The project specifically targets a phenomenon called CHAT (circadian hyperamplitude tension)—excessively high blood pressure during part of the day caused by solar or other planetary activity. During times of geomagnetic disturbance, for instance, heart patients may be advised not to exert themselves or engage in any sudden strenuous activity. Alternatively, as heart infections often follow heart attacks, they could be given antibio-tics as a preemptive strike.

The Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project in the Twin Cities of 
Minnesota offers ambulatory blood-pressure monitoring so that patients can follow any arterial effects when solar activity is at its peak.

However, it may take many more years before orthodox medicine accepts the notion that, in the more susceptible, biology is controlled not from within, but by the wild and explosive activity of the sun.

Lynne McTaggart
The sun’s activity in the form of CME’s, HSS’s, Space wind, Coronal Hole emissions [sun spots] interact with the magnetosphere. This in turn during a magnetic storm causes the Schumann Resonance [average of 7.8 Hertz], this resonance envelops the Earth, and is the same frequency as our hearts and brains attenuate too. The result when the frequencies are disturbed are outlined above in the article.

By reading the lengthy link below, it explains more of the above and below in detail. Interesting to note in A and E, emergency rooms in hospitals world wise, often EEG readouts are identical or almost identical to the GCI random event generators or GCIdata collectors, which are able to monitor and graph the Earth’s Magnetic Field., and the collective unconscious. This infers that the hearts and brains of biological organisms are linked and interact with the Earths Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere, which in turn is influenced by the Sun Activity and the Sun maybe influenced or in resonance with the vast Black Hole at the Centre of the Milky Way.


Many of us are preoccupied with whether or not the recent blizzards, flooding, intense heat waves and other extreme weather are related to global warming. But, what we haven’t stopped to consider is how these extreme weather conditions may be affecting our own health.

Lightning and thunderstorms create very-low-frequency (VLF) atmospherics, or ‘sferics’. These are short, weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the 1–100 kHz range that settle down to a common frequency of 10 Hz, which is tiny compared with the much higher frequencies bombarding us from our computers, TVs and electrical appliances. Nevertheless, growing evidence shows that all living organisms respond to buildups of EM energy from the weather on earth, and that these faint, dampened impulses profoundly affect all of our biological systems—and possibly far more than does the sea of EM ‘noise’ all around us.


The level of circulating sferics largely accounts for what is being termed ‘meteoropathy’, or illness due to the weather. According to German research, some 30 per cent of Europeans are weather-sensitive (J Sci Explor, 1998; 12: 455–68). Those affected react to changes in air pressure, humidity and even temperature. During buildups of sferics, pain is intensified, illness increases, moods worsen and people get the ‘blahs’.

Researchers at the Department of Clinical and Physiological Psychology at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Germany, have discovered that pain from all manner of sources—scars, brain injury, angina, asthma or migraine—is more intense during high rates of atmospherics, with increases beginning one or two days before a change in the weather (Reiter R. Meteorobiologie und Elektrizität der Atmosphäre [Meteorobiology and Atmospheric Electricity]. 
Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft [Academic Publishers] Geest & Portig, 1960).

When sferics are high—say, during geomagnetic storms—blood viscosity (stickiness) also dramatically increases, as do heart attacks (Clin Cardiol, 1985; 8: 149–51). They also increase the pain of rheumatism, migraine, sleep disorders and general tension. Bad weather also appears to have a profound effect on human mood. Violence, accidents (including traffic accidents), suicides and criminal behaviours increase when EMFs build up in the air (J Sci Explor, 1998; 12: 455–68).

Atmospherics can also interfere with concentration. Students make more mistakes on tests when sferics were high the night before. Our ability to react quickly also suffers when the air is heavy with sferic activity.

But why do we feel these faint pulses and not the louder ones? The 
Giessen group pos-tulates that each of us possesses a biological ‘window’ through which we receive and respond to a specific band of frequencies.

Thus, we are only susceptible to waves that correspond to our ideal frequencies.

Participants exposed to 10-kHz sferics for only 20 minutes show a large shift in their alpha band (7–13 Hz), the wave length of meditation and alert receptivity (Tirsch WS et al. ‘Spectroanalytical investigations about the influence of atmospherics on the human EEG’ [Abstr]. EEG Symposium, Obergugl, February 1994). Other studies have shown an increase in both alpha and beta brain-wave activity (13–40 Hz).

In our human evolution, the brain may have worked best when tuned in to 10 Hz, the frequency of our alpha cycle—quiet, meditative alertness—and the same as the Schumann resonance, the most common frequency of EM waves that encircle the earth.

Keeping time

James Oschman—author of Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Churchill Livingstone, 2000)—believes that, when we’re in a relaxed or meditative state, the pulse of the earth takes over as our brain’s ‘pacemaker’. Some have even concluded that the Schumann resonance frequency creates our own internal rhythms. When people in an underground bunker were exposed to Schumann-like extra-low-frequency (ELF) waves for a week, they displayed more accurate circadian rhythms than did the controls (Naturwissenschaften, 1968; 55: 29–32).

Giessen group has also examined reports showing that these low, faint fields can affect cell calcium, as all the important ions of the body are in the low-frequency range. Such interaction affects the delicate balance of melatonin and serotonin, the brain hormones that regulate mood, set our circadian rhythm and may be involved (through the pineal gland) with the workings of a number of the major organs.

The brain uses these oscillating cellular calcium ions to regulate a range of bodily functions. Like the rhythm set by an orchestra conductor, the 10-Hz pulse of the earth’s weather gives us the world’s best beat. As a tuning fork tunes a musical instrument, it may be that we need to be ‘tuned’ by the Schumann resonance to be at our own peak performance.

Also, we may have evolved to pick up these changes in the weather several days in advance to give us enough time to find food or shelter, say the 
Giessen scientists.

The Schumann VLF fields build up primarily during fair weather. So, it may well be that we humans were designed to function at our best when it’s sunny, and to give in to the impulse to hibernate during stormy weather.

Lynne McTaggart
emWave from the HeartMath Institute have powerful instruments and techniques for bringing the heart and brain into coherence. Doasone website does focus breathing. Meditation providing it is not [imagery, auto suggestion, visualisation, hypnosis, prayer or imagining a guru or religious figure, chanting], can facilitate coherence.

‘The physical condition of early Astronauts deteriorated severely whilst in Outer Space, away from the Schumann Resonance. The problem was solved by introducing the "Schumann Simulator" into all space shuttles, a magnetic pulse generator mimicking the Earth's frequency. This demonstrates the simple fact that we cannot be healthy if disconnected from the "natural biological frequency" ‘

‘As the Pineal Gland is affected by changes in the Earth's magnetic field, so is our hormone production. In particular, Melatonin, an important Neuro Hormone and oncostatic (cancer surpressing) agent, is not produced in the absence of the Schumann Resonance in outer Space and its production is throttled in the presence of electromagnetic pollution.

So Melatonin seems to have a very close link with the "Optimum Biological Frequency Resonance". It also has been established that the Schumann Resonance is in some way a "window frequencies" for growth hormone release. If we take on board that the natural frequency is gradually being drowned out whilst our biological systems are still tuned into that frequency, then we must look for ways in which we can tune ourselves back into that frequency. It might be our only chance of maintaining a healthy immune system.

When we consider the possibility of a future governed by technology mainly involving pulsed microwaves, the outlook is frightening. But it is only frightening when we chose to ignore the simple fact that we are electromagnetic beings sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Everything depends on the right frequency. The right frequency can enhance, whilst the wrong frequency can destroy’

A brilliant article on the history of Schumann Resonance, diagrams, graphs, and detailed synopsis of the whole spectrum of frequencies.

This link is extensive; however, it covers everything and anything to do with the interconnectiveness and biology. First ¾ of blog shows interconnectiveness and interrelationships of Solar, Earth Magnetic fields.

Thank you for reading this and trust it helps. 

Lets Hope The Ride of the CME’s is not as severe as some forecast.
I apologise for length of the above but I believe this is crucial. I have to ask myself if the natural cycle is the cause, is it HAARP and chemtrails, is it the Sun in its low cycle, is it us and our carbon stuff, denuding the planet, and pollution.  Perhaps it is all of these and a natural cycle being ramped up to a disaster and tipping point.
What a wonderful weapon used by the Industrial Military Complex or the so called elite, that is the manipulation of the weather, it bring viruses by the wind, droughts and floods, ruins and austerity and rogue amoral pilots who pilot the chemtrail planes and drone regulators who are under the hypnotic spell of immorality, genocide and human with natures inhabitants brought to grief and the destruction of beauty.
One can only push nature too far and then-----Nature alone knows.

Many of us are preoccupied with whether or not the recent blizzards, flooding, intense heat waves and other extreme weather are related to global warming. But, what we haven't stopped to consider is how these extreme weather conditions may be affecting our own health.
Lightning and thunderstorms create very-low- requency (VLF) atmospherics, or 'sferics'. These are short, weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the 1-100 kHz range that settle down to a common frequency of 10 Hz, which is tiny compared with the much higher frequencies bombarding us from our computers, TV s and electrical appliances. Nevertheless, growing evidence shows that all living organisms respond to buildups of K\l energy from the weather on earth, and that these faint, dampened impulses profoundly affect all of our biological systems-and possibly far more than does the sea of EM 'noise' all around us.
The level of circulating sferics largely accounts for what is being termed 'meteoropathy', or illness due to the weather. According to German research, some 30 per cent of Europeans are weather-sensitive (J Sci Explor, 1998; 12: 455-68). Those affected react to changes in air pressure, humidity and even temperature. During buildups of sferics, pain is intensified, illness increases, moods worsen and people get the 'blahs'.
Researchers at the Department of Clinical and Physiological Psychology at the Justus Liebig L'niversttv of Gicssen, Germany, have discovered that pain from all manner of sources-scars, brain injury, angina, asthma or migraine-c-is more intense during high rates of atmospherics, with increases beginning one or two days before a change in the weather (Reiter R. Meteorobiologie und BektrizitfJ.t der Atmosphere (Meteorobiology end Atmospheric Electricity]. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft [Academic Publishers] Geest & Portig, 1960).
When sferics are high-say, during geomagnetic storms­blood viscosity (stickiness) also dramatically increases, as do heart attacks (Clin Cardiol, 1985; 8: 149-51). They also increase the pain of rheumatism, migraine, sleep disorders and general tension. Bad weather also .. ,ears to have a profound effect on human mo~. -iolence, accidents (including traffic accidents), suicides • I U criminal behaviours increase when EMFs build up in the air (J Sci Explor, 1998; 12: 455-68).
Atrnospherrcs can also interfere with concentration. Students make more mistakes on tests when sferics l'-ere high the night before. Our ability to react quickly also suffers when the air is heavy with sferic activity.
But why do we feel these faint pulses and not the louder ones? TheGiessen group postulates that each of us possesses a biological 'window' through which we receive and respond to a specific band of frequencies. Thus, we arc only susceptible to waves that correspond to our ideal frequencies.
Participants exposed to 10-kHz sferics for only 20 minutes show a large shift in their alpha band (7-13 Hz), the wave length of meditation and alert reccptivlty (Tirsch WS et e/. 'Sp8Ctroanalytical investigations about the influence
of atmospherics on the human EEG' [Abstr). EEG Symposium, Obergugl, February 1994). Other studies have shown an increase in both alpha and beta brain-wave activity (13-40 Hz).
In our human evolution, the brain may have worked best when tuned in to 10Hz, the frequency of our alpha cycle-quiet, meditative alertness-and the same as the Schumann resonance, the most common frequency of EM waves that encircle the earth.
James Oschman-author of EnerkLv Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Churchill Livingstone, 2000)-belicves that, when we're in a relaxed or meditative state, the pulse of the earth takes over as our brain's 'pacemaker'. Some have even concluded that the Schumann resonance frequency creates our own internal rhythms. When people in an underground bunker were exposed to Schumann-like extra-l ow-frequency (ELF) waves for a week, they displayed more accurate circadian rhythms than did the controls (Naturwissenschaften, 1968; 55: 29-32).
The Gicssen group has also examined reports showing that these low, faint fields can affect cell calcium, as all the important ions of the body are in the low-frequency range. Such interaction affects the delicate balance of melatonin and serotonin, the brain hormones that regulate mood, set our circadian rhythm and may be involved (through the pineal gland) with the workings of a number of the major organs.
The brain uses these oscillating cellular calcium ions to regulate a range of bodily functions. Like the rhythm set by an orchestra conductor, the 10-Hz pulse of the earth's weather gives us the world's best beat. As a tuning fork tunes a musical instrument, it may be that we need to be 'tuned' by the Schumann resonance to be at our own peak performance.
Also, we may have evolved to pick up these changes in the weather several days in advance to give us enough time to find food or shelter, say the Gicssen scientists.
The Schumann VLF fields build up primarily during fair weather. So, it may well be that we humans were designed to function at our best when it's sunny, and to give in to the impulse to hibernate during stormy weather.
Lynne McTaggart
WDDTY vol 20 no 1115

The second article in our series on how weather affects your health
American essayist Joan Didion once wrote about the Santa Anawind of Southern California "drying the hills and the nerves to tlashpoint". Travel writer Peter Mayle warned of an increase in
lunatic behaviour among the inhabitants of Provence during the season of Le Mistral.
These are two of the so-called 'winds of ill-repute'-also including Canada's Chinook winds, the Argentinian Zonda winds, the Sirocco winds of Italy and the Sharav or Khasmin winds of the Ncar East-those special seasonal high winds that profoundly affect human behaviour and health.
During the seasons of these hot, dry winds, the local inhabitants complain of insomnia, migraines, nausea vomiting, anxiety and tension-and even diminished or dimmed vision. Tempers flare, nerves are frayed. hospital admissions swell and suicide numbers skyrocket. Even the psychiatric wards are more full than usual. Surgeons put off operations because blood clots more slowly, and judges have been known to deal more leniently with crimes of passion if committed during the Santa Anas.
Yet, despite all the folklore, there's a simple scientific explanation for their effects. These ill winds share common clements: a rapid rise in temperature of initially cold air as they blow down the leeward side of a mountain: an abrupt decrease in humidity; and, most significant of all. a sharp rise in the level of positive ions released into the air.
Researchers who have studied the Sharav found that half a day
to three days before the winds begin to blow. the number of atmospheric ions nearly doubles, and the ratio of positive to negative ions goes from I to 2 to I to more than J. This change in the air's ionic charge is directly related to the onset of illnesses experienced by the locals a day or two before the wind's arrival.
Ions are electrical charges in the atmosphere that are formed when a molecule is hit by enough energy to unleash an electron from it, thus becoming a 'positive ion. In tum, the molecule that the freed electron then attaches itself to becomes a 'negative' ion.
Besides cosmic activity, ions are also created by rainfall, air pressure, waterfalls and the friction caused by large volumes of air moving rapidly over a land mass. Both positive and negative ions are equivalent to a tiny pulse of static electricity, and the air we breathe is made up of billions of these tiny charges.
Good 'clean' air contains 1500-4000 tons/em- and the preferred ratio should be slightly more negative than positive ions-1.2 to 1. However, ions are highly unstable and. as we're now surrounded by electromagnetic charges
from artificial sources, the number of ions we breathe in is drastically reduced and the ratio is often upset, leaving all but the most robustly outdoorsy of us with low levels of mostly positive ions-which isn't good for us.
After studying these effects for some 25 years in a specially created 'air ion laboratory', the late Professor Albert P. Krueger, Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology at the University of California, demonstrated that changing the
level of ions leads to substantial changes in many animal activities, such as growth rates, sleeping periods, breathing rates-and even their output of urine or faeces (J Gen Physiol, 1962; 45 [Pt 2 Suppl): 233--41), Ion changes also increased the aggressiveness of laboratory rats and affected their ability to learn (Bernet MM. Effects of Negatively Ionized Ai, and Circadian Rhythm on MazePerformance in Rats (thesis). New HavenCT:
Southern Connecticut State College, May 1980: 115).
Krueger's experiments revealed that changing the ion ratio in favour of negative ions is highly beneficial to all living things, and can boost healing of bums as well as healthy cell proliferation and regeneration (New Scientist, 1973; June 14: 668-70). Ultimately, he discovered that these charges in the atmosphere affected the production and oxidation of serotonin in the blood and brain of mammals, including humans. High levels of positive ions dramatically raised blood levels of serotonin whereas negative ions decreased them (IntJ Biometerol, 1973; 17: 267-75).
Serotonin, produced by the pineal gland, has profound effects on the endocrine and neurovascular systems, and helps to control metabolism and such activities as bloodclotting, blood pressure and smooth-muscle contraction. In the brain, serotonin controls the sleep-wake cycle, hunger and temperature regulation, and also mood and emotions. Excess levels of serotonin make you feci ill and give you headaches; low levels make you feel drowsy and depressed.
In susceptible people, levels of serotonin rise sharply two days before the winds arrive, and remain high to level off only after the winds have finally gone.
For those who arc weather-sensitive, most respond better to negative ions (although some do better with positive ions). Such symptoms are now referred to as 'serotonin hypcrfunction syndrome', and are only relieved when sufferers arc exposed to high levels of negative ions or given serotonin-repressing drugs (IntJ Biometeor, 1974; 18: 313-8).
Children, the elderly and the ill all appear to be particularly sensitive to ions and, indeed, some researchers have postulated that hyperactive and generally unruly children are deficient in such "vitamins of the air".
If you are one of those who reacts to sudden changes of weather, then being around lots of plants, an indoor source of constant running water such as a fountain or even a good­quality air ionizer-all sources of negative ions-is a safer and more reliable way to re-establish equilibrium.
Lynne McTaggart
WDDTYvoI 20 no 12 15

Weathering Geomagnetic Storms
The Russians have a new take on prcvcntativo medicine, In a room at the (;eorl.\ian Techni­eall'nin:rsity ( .n : in Thilisi.
three sets of Helmholtz coils dotted ahout the place bathe the room in a powerful maunctlc field. The plan is to hegin using this set-up for eardim'as­eular patients. particularly those in intensive care. with the coils offering compensatorv shielding a,gainst an invisible threat-a killer that is more potent than diet. lifestvlc or even genes.
We all live on what is essentially a giant magnet. with its Xorth and South Poles-the two poles of the magnet­surrounded hy a donut-shaped mag, netic field. This nmbicut geomagnetic field. or magnetosphere. is constantly in flux, as it's affected hy the weather and any geological changes on cnrth-s­hut. most particularly, hy volarilc eh:mgcs of the weather in space. largcl~' caused hy the furious nct ivitv of the sun.
This benlgn srnr responsible for all life on earth is essentially a cluster of unirnaainahly hot hydrogen and helium criss-crossed with a layer of unstable magnetic fields. Xor surprisingly, this volatile combination results in periodic volcano-style eruptions that propel ,gas into space. while vortices of concentra­ted fields-the dark blobs on the sun's surface that we call 'sunspots '-pull apart and reconnect to form new arrangements. Despite this potentially anarchic combination. the sun carries out this aetivity according to a fairly predictable timetable; regular solar c .'ycles consist of ] 1 years, during which rime sunspots build up. discharge and IJCgin to wane.
During the waxing stage. as sunspots accumulate. so the sun begins to hurl its gaseous explosions, such as solar Rares. our way. This amounts to a billion ton's worth of g:ls and magnetic lields with the force of billions of
atomic bombs, all made airborne and aimed towards earth through the electrified gas of the solar wind-and all trmdling some five million miles per hour.
This act ivitv not only causes extreme geomagnetic storms in space hut also. durin,l.\ moments of intense solar activity. penct rates the earth's maunctlc field. During.\ any giwn 11­year solar cycle. we can expect to experience two years' worth of geo­magnetic storms severe enou,gh to disrupt portions of the earth's electrical power. interrupt high-tech communications systems. and dis­orientate spacecraft and satellite wl\-il.\ation systems.
Profound effects on life
I 'nt il only recently. scientists were dismissive of the idea that the earth's faint magnctie field-a thousand times weaker than the standard clnssruom horseshoe magnet-had nnv effect on basic biological processes. particularly as all li\'in~ things on earth arc now exposed to much stronger vlcctromagncrtc and l.\eomagnctie fields at everv moment of our modern. technologically dependent. lives.
Xcverthcless. the latest disc()\'eries have revealed that li\ing things have a small window through which subtle geomagnetic and electromagnetic fields-such as those generated by the earth. rather than the artificial kind gener~lted by technology-have the most profound effect upon all cellular processes in living things. Changes in this faint charge, particularly those of extremely low frequencies (less than 100 l lz), profoundly influence virtually all biological processes in H\'ing things and. in particular, the two major engines of the body-the heart and the brain.
The earth's magnetic activity appears to directly riffeet our cell
membranes and calcium-ion chan­nels. which arc vital for regulating enzyme systems within the cell. In pnrticular, the earth's geomngnetie field appears to target the sympath­eric nerves (those originating from the chest and lower-back parts of the spinal cord. and include the 'fight-or­tlil.\h t' response).
Of all the affected systems in the body. changes in solar geomngnetie conditions most profoundly disturb the rhythms of the heart. Indeed. in susceptible people. magnetlc storms can bring on a heart attack. Healthy hearts have a wide nmge of variation in heart fate. but magnetic storms decrease heart-rate vuriahility (Biomed Instrum Technol, 1999; 33: 152-87) and. in turn. increase the risk of all coronary artery disease and heart attack. When geomagnetic activity increases. the blood becomes thicker-sometimes doubly so--and the bloodstream slows dO\\11. both of which arc a recipe for a heart attack.
In fact. heart-attack rates and cardiovascular deaths closely follow increases in solar-cycle geomagnctie activ ity (Neuro Endrocrinol Lett, 2000; 21: 233-58). with the largest number of sudden fatal heart attacks occurring within a day of a geomagnetic storm (Solar Physics, 1977; 51: 175-83). One L'niverslty of Minnesota study found a 5 per cent increase in heart attacks during times of maximum solar activity over a five-year period (J Atmos Solar-Terr Phys, 2002; 64: 707-20).
Besides heart effects. the sun has a profound cffect on the other electrical centres of the body: the brain and nervous system. Scientists in the Soviet bloc discovered that;: even in healthy volunteers, electrical. :\Cthity in the brain is highly destabilized during magnetically stormy days (Proceedings of the Space Weather Workshop:
Looking Towards a European Space Weather Programme.December 17-19, 2001, Noordwijk, The Netherlands). Indeed. the nervous system's signalling itsdi is corrupted. so that parts arc ovcractivated while others iail to fire (Astron Astrophys Trans. 2003: 22: 861-7).
Geomagnetic activity in space also profoundly affects mental stability: the higher the geomagnetic activity; the greater the increases in gcneral psychiatric disorders (Percept Motor Skills. 1992: 74: 449). thegreatcr the number oi patients hospitalized for nervous conditions and the greater the number oi attempted suicides (Int J Biometeorol. 1994: 38: 199-203).
There is even some evidence that epileptic tits result from or arc exaccr­bated by geomagnetic disturbances (BrazJ Moo, 1996: 29: 1069-72).
An earty-warninq system
The above-mentioned
Thermal Imaging
·         Early Detection
·         Non Invasive
·         No Radiation
·         No Pain
Protecting against solar activity
If you suffer from heart disease, epilepsy or any psychiatric illness, it is. worth following space weather for forecasts of heavy solar geomagnetic activity. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) created the Space Environment Center(SEC), America's official source of space weather activity ( Jointly operated by the NOAA and US Air Force, the Space Weather Operations (SWO) centre provides forecasts and warnings of solar and geomagnetic activity. For today's forecast. see
All geomagnetic activity is measured on a 'K index', with 0 being the most quiet and 9 the most turbulent. The 'a index' is similar, but uses a larger scale-ranging from 0 to 400.
The SEC has also created Space Weather Scales to indicate the level of severity. with 1 being mild and 5 the most severe.
The project specifically targets a phenomenon called CII.\T (circadian hypcramplitudc tcnslonj-e-exccssively high blood pressure during part of the day caused by solar or other planetary activiry, During times of geomagnetic disturbance. for instance. heart patients may be advised not to exert themselves or engagc in any sudden strenuous activity, Alternarivcly, as heart infections often follow heart attacks. they could be givcn antibio­tics as a preemptive strike.
New 100% safe health giving sunlight all year round
The Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Project in the Twin Citic» of ~Hnnesma offers ambulatory blood-pressure monitoring so that patients can follow any arterial effects when solar activity is at its peak.
However, it may take many more years before orthodox medicine accepts the notion that. in the 1110re susceptible. biology is controlled not from within, hut by the wild and explosive aotivity of the sun.
Lynne McTaggart (WDDTY

I have not included my own views on these facts. This is factual and more or less speaks for itself. However Post 317 A reveals the tampering with the weather systems and still persists. This may prompt you to query scientists and climate change and to see what there tinkering has done and blame it on carbon emissions. There are natural cycles and there are natural evolutionary cycles of climate change.  My views and the ascension process are fully gone into elsewhere in the Posts and previous energygrid blogs.
You might want to see what these Astronauts and engineers were hinting at in the letter.

April 2012
Contact: Blanquita Cullum 703-307-9510 bqview at
Joint letter to NASA Administrator blasts agency’s policy of ignoring empirical evidence
HOUSTONTX – April 10, 2012.
49 former NASA scientists and astronauts sent a letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden last week admonishing the agency for it’s role in advocating a high degree of certainty that man-made CO2 is a major cause of climate change while neglecting empirical evidence that calls the theory into question.
The group, which includes seven Apollo astronauts and two former directors of NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, are dismayed over the failure of NASA, and specifically the Goddard Institute For Space Studies (GISS), to make an objective assessment of all available scientific data on climate change. They charge that NASA is relying too heavily on complex climate models that have proven scientifically inadequate in predicting climate only one or two decades in advance.
H. Leighton Steward, chairman of the non-profit Plants Need CO2, noted that many of the former NASA scientists harbored doubts about the significance of the C02-climate change theory and have concerns over NASA’s advocacy on the issue. While making presentations in late 2011 to many of the signatories of the letter, Steward realized that the NASA scientists should make their concerns known to NASA and the GISS.
“These American heroes – the astronauts that took to space and the scientists and engineers that put them there – are simply stating their concern over NASA’s extreme advocacy for an unproven theory,” said Leighton Steward. “There’s a concern that if it turns out that CO2 is not a major cause of climate change, NASA will have put the reputation of NASA, NASA’s current and former employees, and even the very reputation of science itself at risk of public ridicule and distrust.”
Select excerpts from the letter:
·                 “The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASA’s history of making an objective assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public statements.”
·                 “We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated.”
·                 “We request that NASA refrain from including unproven and unsupported remarks in its future releases and websites on this subject.”

The full text of the letter:
March 28, 2012
The Honorable Charles Bolden, Jr.
NASA Administrator
NASA Headquarters
WashingtonD.C. 20546-0001
Dear Charlie,
We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) refrain from including unproven remarks in public releases and websites. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated, especially when considering thousands of years of empirical data. With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from the GISS leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.
The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASA’s history of making an objective assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public statements.
As former NASA employees, we feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate. We request that NASA refrain from including unproven and unsupported remarks in its future releases and websites on this subject. At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.
For additional information regarding the science behind our concern, we recommend that you contact Harrison Schmitt or Walter Cunningham, or others they can recommend to you.
Thank you for considering this request.
(Attached signatures)
CC: Mr. John Grunsfeld, Associate Administrator for Science
CC: Ass Mr. Chris Scolese, Director, Goddard Space Flight Center
Ref: Letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, dated 3-26-12, regarding a request for NASA to refrain from making unsubstantiated claims that human produced CO2 is having a catastrophic impact on climate change.
/s/ Jack Barneburg, Jack – JSC, Space Shuttle Structures, Engineering Directorate, 34 years
/s/ Larry Bell – JSC, Mgr. Crew Systems Div., Engineering Directorate, 32 years
/s/ Dr. Donald Bogard – JSC, Principal Investigator, Science Directorate, 41 years
/s/ Jerry C. Bostick – JSC, Principal Investigator, Science Directorate, 23 years
/s/ Dr. Phillip K. Chapman – JSC, Scientist – astronaut, 5 years
/s/ Michael F. Collins, JSC, Chief, Flight Design and Dynamics Division, MOD, 41 years
/s/ Dr. Kenneth Cox – JSC, Chief Flight Dynamics Div., Engr. Directorate, 40 years
/s/ Walter Cunningham – JSC, Astronaut, Apollo 7, 8 years
/s/ Dr. Donald M. Curry – JSC, Mgr. Shuttle Leading Edge, Thermal Protection Sys., Engr. Dir., 44 years
/s/ Leroy Day – Hdq. Deputy Director, Space Shuttle Program, 19 years
/s/ Dr. Henry P. Decell, Jr. – JSC, Chief, Theory & Analysis Office, 5 years
/s/Charles F. Deiterich – JSC, Mgr., Flight Operations Integration, MOD, 30 years
/s/ Dr. Harold Doiron – JSC, Chairman, Shuttle Pogo Prevention Panel, 16 years
/s/ Charles Duke – JSC, Astronaut, Apollo 16, 10 years
/s/ Anita Gale
/s/ Grace Germany – JSC, Program Analyst, 35 years
/s/ Ed Gibson – JSC, Astronaut Skylab 4, 14 years
/s/ Richard Gordon – JSC, Astronaut, Gemini Xi, Apollo 12, 9 years
/s/ Gerald C. Griffin – JSC, Apollo Flight Director, and Director of Johnson Space Center, 22 years
/s/ Thomas M. Grubbs – JSC, Chief, Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Branch, 31 years
/s/ Thomas J. Harmon
/s/ David W. Heath – JSC, Reentry Specialist, MOD, 30 years
/s/ Miguel A. Hernandez, Jr. – JSC, Flight crew training and operations, 3 years
/s/ James R. Roundtree – JSC Branch Chief, 26 years
/s/ Enoch Jones – JSC, Mgr. SE&I, Shuttle Program Office, 26 years
/s/ Dr. Joseph Kerwin – JSC, Astronaut, Skylab 2, Director of Space and Life Sciences, 22 years
/s/ Jack Knight – JSC, Chief, Advanced Operations and Development Division, MOD, 40 years
/s/ Dr. Christopher C. Kraft – JSC, Apollo Flight Director and Director of Johnson Space Center, 24 years
/s/ Paul C. Kramer – JSC, Ass.t for Planning Aeroscience and Flight Mechanics Div., Egr. Dir., 34 years
/s/ Alex (Skip) Larsen
/s/ Dr. Lubert Leger – JSC, Ass’t. Chief Materials Division, Engr. Directorate, 30 years
/s/ Dr. Humbolt C. Mandell – JSC, Mgr. Shuttle Program Control and Advance Programs, 40 years
/s/ Donald K. McCutchen – JSC, Project Engineer – Space Shuttle and ISS Program Offices, 33 years
/s/ Thomas L. (Tom) Moser – Hdq. Dep. Assoc. Admin. & Director, Space Station Program, 28 years
/s/ Dr. George Mueller – Hdq., Assoc. Adm., Office of Space Flight, 6 years
/s/ Tom Ohesorge
/s/ James Peacock – JSC, Apollo and Shuttle Program Office, 21 years
/s/ Richard McFarland – JSC, Mgr. Motion Simulators, 28 years
/s/ Joseph E. Rogers – JSC, Chief, Structures and Dynamics Branch, Engr. Directorate,40 years
/s/ Bernard J. Rosenbaum – JSC, Chief Engineer, Propulsion and Power Division, Engr. Dir., 48 years
/s/ Dr. Harrison (Jack) Schmitt – JSC, Astronaut Apollo 17, 10 years
/s/ Gerard C. Shows – JSC, Asst. Manager, Quality Assurance, 30 years
/s/ Kenneth Suit – JSC, Ass’t Mgr., Systems Integration, Space Shuttle, 37 years
/s/ Robert F. Thompson – JSC, Program Manager, Space Shuttle, 44 years/s/ Frank Van Renesselaer – Hdq., Mgr. Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters, 15 years
/s/ Dr. James Visentine – JSC Materials Branch, Engineering Directorate, 30 years
/s/ Manfred (Dutch) von Ehrenfried – JSC, Flight Controller; Mercury, Gemini & Apollo, MOD, 10 years
/s/ George Weisskopf – JSC, Avionics Systems Division, Engineering Dir., 40 years
/s/ Al Worden – JSC, Astronaut, Apollo 15, 9 years
/s/ Thomas (Tom) Wysmuller – JSC, Meteorologist, 5 years
·                                 CFACT Insights
·                                 alarmism
·                                 Global Warming
·                                 nasa
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Could it be that these well informed people above knew that it was the scientific establishment in some quarters who were causing an exacerbation of a natural cycle?

Could it be that these well informed people above knew that it was the scientific establishment in some quarters who were causing an exacerbation of a natural cycle?

I took part in one that was in a large hangar and I was led down to a room in which I was placed on the floor and I had on a suit which was inflated with air pressure and I floated in the suit and was lifted by air jets, I had an emergency switch.  My ears were plugged and my fingers separated as were my toes by plastic spacers.  I sensed something underneath me and felt a strange sensation in my head and around my waist from stomach to liver. It went from side to side. I felt sick and and started to panic and hallucinate. I pressed the switch which separated my thumb from forefinger. When I was let down I found I had rats and snakes underneath the jets.
On returning to the surface and relaying my experiences to the scientists I was told to look up and above me some 60 or so feet, was a large concrete ball which was drawn across the hangar suspended on steel joists. The motion I felt was the ball going across the hangar and the animals and reptiles felt it as well.  Now I know something about animals sensing Earthquakes and people feeling ill and so on before storms approach and so on, by the way to add to the experience the chamber / room / bunker was surrounded by a Faraday Cage.

  The physical condition of early Astronauts deteriorated severely whilst in Outer Space, away from the Schumann Resonance. The problem was solved by introducing the "Schumann Simulator" into all space shuttles, a magnetic pulse generator mimicking the Earth's frequency. This demonstrates the simple fact that we cannot be healthy if disconnected from the "natural biological frequency"(Courtesy NASA use Schumann Simulator generator) .

It is known that entrainment happens through the ion sphere and magnetosphere. The image above sees the bow wave effect of a solar flare, CME, HSS and so on they in turn either cause various effects as in the below:-
COSMIC RAYS CONTINUE TO INTENSIFY: Last month, we reported that cosmic rays are intensifying. Measurements so far in February indicate that the trend is continuing. In fact, the latest balloon flight over California on Feb. 5th detected the highest value yet:
The data show that cosmic rays in the mid-latitude stratosphere now are approximately 10% stronger than they were one year ago. All of these measurements were collected by and the students of Earth to Sky Calculus.
Cosmic rays, which are accelerated toward Earth by distant supernova explosions and other violent events, are an important form of space weather. They can seed cloudstrigger lightning, and penetrate commercial airplanes. Indeed, our measurements show that someone flying back and forth across the continental USA, just once, can absorb as much ionizing cosmic radiation as 2 to 5 dental X-rays. Likewise, cosmic rays can affect mountain climbers, high-altitude drones, and astronauts onboard the International Space Station.
This type of radiation is modulated by solar activity. Solar storms and CMEs tend to sweep aside cosmic rays, making it more difficult for cosmic rays to reach Earth. On the other hand, low solar activity allows an extra dose of cosmic rays to reach our planet. Indeed, the ongoing increase in cosmic ray intensity is probably due to a decline in the solar cycle. Solar Maximum has passed and we are heading toward a new Solar Minimum. Forecasters expect solar activity to drop sharply in the years ahead, and cosmic rays are poised to increase accordingly. Stay tuned for more radiation.
I have written a lot about the effects of Cosmic Rays and their role in Evolution, see back blogs in energygrid and this site. (Courtesy to for their graphs and red text. MAY I add may not share my view and opinions, and I merely use their data for my own illustration of my opinion, no offence meant as their view is highly acceptable and I like their work. 
COSMIC RAYS CONTINUE TO INTENSIFY: Researchers have long known that solar activity and cosmic rays have a yin-yang relationship. As solar activity declines, cosmic rays intensify. Lately, solar activity has been very low indeed. Are cosmic rays responding? The answer is "yes." and the students of Earth to Sky Calculus have been using helium balloons to monitor cosmic rays in the stratosphere. Their latest flight on Feb. 16th measured the highest values yet:
Oh My

New Zealand --Fake or not?

Be Well


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