Sunday, 11 May 2014


Hi again.  You know it seems strange how much crazy political and dangerous rhetoric is flying around. I see from the ratings in the blog / Posts section that some readers live in countries with great turmoil. How I sincerely wish I could help and yet I know sometimes to help you need to know all the facts and the media and politicians distort so much. Greetings to  you and know that many in the West and elsewhere support and care for you. You are family.  You are Human, we may have different religions, ideas and so on, however, I know what is to be hungry, homeless, alone, with friends and family who have just walked out on me. However, I have relative health, some small pension, I have a tiny flat in a sheltered home, I have to eat simply with rising prices. But I am fortunate, I live with reasonable neighbours, many very ill and older than I, it is quiet, warm and I have buses and trains nearby with some shops. Food prices rise each week, the food is full of chemicals and to buy organic is near impossible. Yet, I am well off in many ways, there is peace, no war is near us, and yet I feel the ripples of the hurts and upsets that wrack this beautiful planet, yes I hear her cries as well as those of the animals, plants, ocean beings and the human population.
All I can offer is compassion and see my own world as peaceful and send that out to the world in the hope it joins many others who feel heartfelt compassion and trust it may one day 'melt' the ice and stone hearts of those who bring misery and chaos to lives that are innocent and trusting.  For when hope and trust are gone, desolation and hatred can enter or just a damp  or dry crushed spirit.
Yet there are many who rise out of the mud, the squalor and are like shining beacons for those lost in despair. Let us fervently hope the tide will change and once again humanity will smile, be at peace and dance and celebrate under the open blue skies and breathe the scent of flowers in pure air.  Heartfelt Love to you and yours. 
Ahoy is a term used in the Navy' hail or Hi ship ahoy' I hope our ships of peace will one day navigate us to peaceful waters and smooth the brow and puckered forehead of anger.
Interesting history of the word 'Ahoy'
Deepak Chopra and Richard Dawkins
Thank you dear Readers for reminding me that '1967' synopsis is in  not 2014.

The shift to me means stepping stones, increments of paradigm change. The previous 'stone' is our past, some aspects have been valuable and treasured and perhaps kept, but not harked back too for safety. Some have become calcified, ingrained, rusty, so deep as to be very hard and difficult to dissolve and shift.  

NASA Chief: Ultimate Goal Is “Boots On The Ground On Mars”

The administrator of Nasa has said a manned mission to Mars is paramount for the survival of our species, as the agency unveiled its plans to place humans on the Red Planet by 2030.
Charles Bolden, head of the US space programme, said the mission was "feasibly, affordable and necessary" for the human race, even if the "challenge is huge".
Bolden outlined three "stepping stones" on the path to Mars, which included "lassoing" an asteroid and introducing it into the moon's orbit by 2015, growing plants in space and using 3D printers to carry out maintenance on board.
Presenting the three-stage approach at the Humans to Mars summit, he told The Times: "If this species is to survive indefinitely we need to be come a multi-planet species, we need to go to Mars, and Mars is a stepping stone to other solar systems."
Bolden stated that the International Space Station will be used to explore different technologies in deep space, such as whether 3D printers can be used to carry out repairs.
The Nasa chief also said the agency would determine whether plants can provide reliable food supplies. The experiments will provide valuable testing for technologies essential to longer manned missions.
Another phase involves a plan to lasso an asteroid by 2015 and redirect it into the moon's orbit, where astronauts on board the new Orion space vehicle will conduct test missions on the asteroid.
The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, which has been dubbed the next generation of spacecraft for missions to Mars and the moon, is set for its first unmanned flight in December to test its shields. The spacecraft will embark on crewed flights in 2021.
The final phase will involve a lengthy manned mission to Mars, which is expected to last between two to three years. The longest period spent in space to date was 803 days, undertaken by Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalyov.
Nasa stated its ambition for the future: "Developing planetary independence for exploring Mars, its moons and other deep-space destinations."
Bolden added that to succeed with their plans, the agency needed increased funding from the White House: "We will go out and probably manoeuvre around the moons of Mars, and then figure out, OK, how do we finally get down to the surface of the planet with human beings? We think with some increases in Nasa's budget, we're gonna be able to get to Mars in the 2030s."
If Nasa's 2015 budget is approved by Congress, Bolden said America would be sending astronauts back into space by 2017 using private rockets rather than the Russian Soyuz capsule.
Earlier this month, Nasa announced it would be cutting ties with Russia in light of its actions in Ukraine. The agency said it would continue to collaborate with the Russian space agency on International Space Station operations.
Bolden also revealed more projects under development. According to the Wall Street Journal, Nasa is spending over $3 billion annually, approximately one-fifth of its budget, developing a powerful new rocket, advanced capsule and deep-space exploration technologies.
Developments include Nasa's Solar Electric Propulsion System, which creates thrust by accelerating ions and is intended to reduce fuel mass, decrease travel times and permit larger payloads.

Asteroid Collisions 'Common': Scientists Record 26 Nuclear-Scale Explosions on Earth
Nasa: Kepler Discovers 'Upside-down' Planet Holds New Method for Studying Star Systems
That's a real challenge and SHIP AHOY.
Top Pharma-Brand of Children’s Vitamins Contains Aspartame, GMOs, & Other Hazardous Chemicals
Courtesy David Dees  It is well worth looking up his site. I just love his work. He gets to the nub of things with his illustrations, I have used his works for years.  This is about fluoride, I know I go about it for years and in energygrid have recounted many stories of its use and harm.  Here below is another good link. 
The Chorleywood Process and the rise of Real BreadThose soft, squishy loaves sitting so temptingly on supermarket shelves have very little to do with real bread. We take a look at the Chorleywood Bread Process used widely in the UK and increasingly elsewhere, a postwar leftover that is responsible for adding a host of man-made chemicals – and plenty of air – into most forms of store-bought, ‘bread’. And if the details leave you wanting better bread, we give you some useful tools.

In the years following the end of the Second World War, UK planners were faced with the problem of how to feed millions of hungry mouths in a climate of postwar austerity. Fortunately, as it seemed at the time, the generous souls at the British Baking Research Association (BBRA) had a bright idea. Despite bread having long been a staple of the British diet, its mass production had been hampered by several factors, most notably the country’s reliance on imported North American wheat and the overnight fermentation required to obtain a dough suitable for baking. The folks at the BBRA decided to harness the wonders of 1960s chemistry to kill two birds with one stone: to do away with overnight fermentation altogether and allow lower-protein UK wheat to be used in place of its higher-protein US cousin. And thus, in 1961, the Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP) was born.

No time for fermentation

For obvious reasons, the CBP is also known as the no-time method – it reduces to 3.5 hours the time required to produce a loaf of bread from flour to sliced and packaged form.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, the CBP currently accounts for around 80% of UK bread production, and it has been enthusiastically adopted by countries such as India, Australia and New Zealand.
Over time, the character of the ingredients used in the CBP has changed markedly, although the sheer diversity remains. Until the 1990s, a cocktail of chemicals was employed, including the powerful oxidiserpotassium bromate, the ‘flour improving’ properties of which helped to form stronger and higher-rising dough.  When potassium bromate was banned in the EU and elsewhere for being potentiallycarcinogenic, however, the BBRA changed tack and decided that another class of additives that would do the job even better: enzymes.

Evasive enzymes

Exactly which enzymes is another matter, thanks to two factors. First is a worrying lack of transparency in the supply chain: CBP enzymes are manufactured by a small number of global companies, which sell them on to a second set of companies that produce complex enzyme cocktails. These cocktails can be tailored according to each company’s wishes for the finished product. As our industry source explained,“You can’t tell me that any of this is traceable to its source. It could be from any source: it could be from waste, it could be industrial, it could be synthetic, it could be natural – we just don’t know.”
Secondly, assiduous lobbying by bread manufacturers has ensured that enzymes and other additives, known by the bland phrase ‘processing aids’, do not have to be listed on product labels. Despite this, we do know that these enzymes include phospholipase A2, fungal alpha-amylase – a known allergen that can cause ‘baker’s asthma’ and which has been detected in bread crust – maltogenic amylase, hemicellulase, transglutaminase and xylanase. Some additives may be innocuous or even beneficial, such as L-cysteine, a semi-essential amino acid (that is also produced within the body), originally derived for commerical use from human hair or feathers. By sleight of hand, because the European Union does not consider these ‘processing aids’ either as ingredients or additives, bread manufacturers are able to legally disguise their presence from the buying public.

Hidden genetically modified ingredients

It gets worse. Even with all of the chemicals and enzymes involved in the CBP, yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) remains indispensable to baking and there is a clear cost motive for industry to obtain massive quantities of yeast as cheaply as possible. One way to do this is to create new strains of yeast that can grow on a huge variety of culture media. As a single-celled organism, yeast is ideally suited to genetic manipulation, and the bread industry has adopted a process known as protoplast fusion to develop new strains. As its name implies, the process involves fusing the naked genetic material, or protoplasm, of different yeast strains. And, since the CBP’s rapid, high-temperature mixing process kills yeast more rapidly than under normal circumstances, CBP breadmakers add excess yeast to compensate – meaning that GM yeast residues can easily find their way into the finished loaf.  Enzymes and soya flour can also be of GM origin.

Manipulating public taste

And what’s the result of all this modern industrial wizardry? In short: huge, soft, squishy and very cheaploaves. Bread baked using traditional methods contains very little air and is consequently far smaller and denser than CBP loaves. It hasn’t taken long for the public in countries that use the CBP to become conditioned to huge loaves, with long shelf lives, that can be checked for freshness using the ‘squeeze test’.
There are two costs involved here. One is the very low cost to the public wallet of CBP-produced bread. The other, potentially far more expensive, is the cost to public health of basing its diet on an industrial product stuffed full of artificial and potentially dangerous ingredients. “Look what’s happened since the Chorleywood Process was invented in the 1960s,” points out our industry source. “We have rising obesity and a huge rise in coeliac disease, and there may be a link – people eat a lot of bread! It’s just not possible to make something digestible from grains in 20 minutes. If you want to make bread from grains you have to ferment it. If you just do chemical leavening instead of natural fermentation, it’s just not digestible.  Frankly, the Chorleywood Process is bad for health, bad for jobs and bad for the high street because it’s bad for the baker.”

Call to action

  • Especially if you’re in the UK, check out the Real Bread Campaign, which explains what Real Breadis all about and can help you to find a local supplier. Even the town of Chorleywood is getting involved!
  • The Real Bread Campaign provides a useful list of links for those located outside the UK wishing to get involved, and most of its information will be useful regardless of your location
  • Even without the help of specific campaigns, finding real bread locally should not be too difficult. Go and have a chat to independent bakeries in your community, and if they’re baking additive-free – support them! Farmers’ markets and the Internet are other valuable sources of high-quality, additive-free, ideally organic bread
  • You may be really keen and itching to make your own real bread either at home orprofessionally. The Real Bread Campaign has a UK course directory for those wishing to improve their skills, and there will probably be similar initiatives outside the UK. (THANKS TO  ANH)
How to cut tomatoes --- great Tip.
MOST serious case of UFO ABDUCTION !!!!!?
Money makes the world go around
The world go around
The world go around
Money makes the world go around
It makes the world go 'round.

A mark, a yen, a buck, or a pound
A buck or a pound
A buck or a pound
Is all that makes the world go around,
That clinking clanking sound
Can make the world go 'round.

Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money  (From Musical Cabaret)
However lets see what Max Keiser has to say about this.  Gold the World reserve, then oil, then paper money now assets.
Really Worth Watching.
This is NASA  doing its thing
Fascinating --- Relate this to the article above by Chief of NASA.  There is a lot more------another time I will input since I have interesting speculations and I am working on them. 
Full of videos and other interesting information.
Eckhart Tolle at Watkins book shop in London.
In the 60's I was friendly with an American Lieutenant who managed to walk out of Vietnam and found his way to Samye Ling in 1968 where I met him and befriended him. He was a follower of the late Jidu Krishnamurti.
  Jiddu Krishnamurti (12 May 1895 – 17 February 1986) was a speaker and writer on philosophical and spiritual subjects. In his early life he was groomed to be the newWorld Teacher but later rejected this mantle and disbanded the organisation behind it. His subject matter included psychological revolution, the nature of mind, meditation, inquiry, human relationships, and bringing about radical change in society. He constantly stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasised that such revolution cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social. (Samye Ling in Scotland use search bar to see my stay there and story, it's where I received the 1967 writings))
Jidu Krishnamurti
I met Krishnamurti twice privately as in article in 'the grid' and in back Post articles describe this and the one talk I heard him deliver. I liked him a great deal.  I found him very much like my teachers as mentioned many times. Interesting enough I used to buy my incense from Watkins Bookshop in the 60's where Eckhart Tolle above is talking from. Occasionally I browse through the books now.   I had a few very interesting experiences there. One of them was 'asking the late Mr Geoffrey Watkins for the incense(which I was told Krishnamurti used, and this was told to me later by the Lieutenant as above) and was talking to him about the feeling that my thoughts seemed to be finer and less intrusive and I felt more empty I reached for the incense on the shelf to my right above shoulder level, and felt a small old book, faded and a bit grubby, I looked at it and the title was 'on heaving no head' by a very dear old friend Roy Morris, a fellow lay Zen Monk, Mr Watkins and I laughed.  Mr Watkins had no idea the book was there.  By the way the book was filled with blank pages.
I also met Eckhart Tolle a few times before and after his 'shift' he was and is a friend of my 'adopted by spirit brother Rick' who resides in the USA now.
So the Past has fond memories and the future is---living in the now.
Be now. Be Well.  Geoff
Courtesy National Geographic and Shane Kalyn

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