Thursday 1 May 2014


Friends trusting all is well.  Big Pharma are at it again and get caught, yet it does not stop their skulduggery.
Breaking news today as Genewatch UK reveal their battle to make public documents showing extensive government contacts between the UK Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) and GM crop lobby group the Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC). According to their official complaint there are missing and redacted documents that clearly show the collusion between the GM industry, government strategy and the media. Dr Helen Wallace, Director of GeneWatch UK says, “The public have a right to know what is going on behind closed doors. The ministers who should be protecting our environment have put Monsanto and Syngenta in the driving seat of policy on GM crops and foods, despite growing evidence that the GM crops that are waiting in the pipeline.

Flu drugs ineffective: UK waste of half a billion pounds

This week, the UK Guardian newspaper informed readers about the publication of papers authored by the respected Cochrane Collaboration in the British Medical Journal which reveal that the UK wasted £560 million (€680 million) on stockpiling Roche’s Tamiflu and GlaxoSmithKline’s Relenza. Both of these drugs were supposed to treat influenza, and formed the bedrock of the government’s planned response to the predicted bird flu and swine flu outbreaks in 2005 and 2009, respectively.  Now, however – after a 4-year battle with the drug companies to obtain the full clinical trials data — the Cochrane reviews reveal that neither drug is much good. Tamiflu, the review states, “modestly reduces the time to first alleviation of symptoms, but it causes nausea and vomiting and increases the risk of headaches and renal and psychiatric syndromes”. Relenza, says Cochrane, “reduces the time to symptomatic improvement in adults (but not in children) with influenza-like illness by just over half a day”. Recognising the deficiencies of these antiviral drugs, we reviewed a range of natural strategies for avian influenza in our2006 report.
Courtesy David Dees Illustrations

Is your smartphone ruining your sleep?

The obsession with smartphones is now affecting teenagers’ sleep, says Professor Richard Wiseman at the University of Hertfordshire in an article published in the UK’s Independent newspaper. Following newsin the media last year about the rising reliance on smartphones, Professor Wiseman found that 78% of the adults he surveyed used electronic devices in the two hours before bed, and 91% of 18-24 year olds. The blue light emitted from smartphones suppresses the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and in so doing, impacts negatively on sleep quality and effect. The academic finds this extremely worrying as lack of sleep can bring with it a host of problems including an increased risk of weight gain, heart attacks, diabetes and cancer.
Courtesy David Dees Illustrations
Not only are smartphones, but TV's. Computers, cell phone towers, games and the like all contributing the electronic fog. We will have a generation or generations of brain scrambled citizens.  Good for the New World order bods.
Hyped up kids, enraged motorists, angry obese people and just a fatigued or over anxious, fearful self indulgent people. All for me and me for me.
In weird Brazilian cave insects, male-female sex organs reversed
The link above caption explains the headline
April 17, 2014: Using NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered the first Earth-size planet orbiting in the "habitable zone" of another star. The planet, named "Kepler-186f" orbits an M dwarf, or red dwarf, a class of stars that makes up 70 percent of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The discovery of Kepler-186f confirms that planets the size of Earth exist in the habitable zone of stars other than our sun.
The diagram compares the planets of our inner solar system to Kepler-186, a five-planet star system about 500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus
The "habitable zone" is defined as the range of distances from a star where liquid water might pool on the surface of an orbiting planet. While planets have previously been found in the habitable zone, the previous finds are all at least 40 percent larger in size than Earth and understanding their makeup is challenging. Kepler-186f is more reminiscent of Earth.  
I have made this large as above because it is 'dynamite' THE UN gave space for the official recognition of CHEMTRAILS. I tried for over an hour after pasting and other means for the two links above to get the VIDEO from YOU TUBE, I got

 one to work in the end, hopefully you do
Here is another link of the above. I repeat this as I feel this is most, most important.
Courtesy (video below)
This was the Iceland Volcano eruption in April 2010.  I like the caption 'the beginning of the end' if we are not careful it will be, and chemtrails are a factor.
Video and more information in article. Many Archaeologists cover up their findings or distort them because of the 'tight' rules and stuck in the mud attitudes, the same with some scientists, medics and theologians. I went through this tirade of ridicule and now many of my early ideas and concepts are coming to the fore. This goes for many so called mavericks. 
Courtesy (not necessarily a native American, just a depiction of long hair) 
Courtesy from the late Sun Bear(It is not Sun Bear)    I have heard this many times before and was laughed at.  My teachers told me that it was like the whiskers of animals. Of course us sophisticated, civilised, intellectual Westerners would scoff at this. I like to feel we have lost so much and we have and are becoming unnatural.
I hear the cries---yes but Geoff you say we are transforming, evolving, so how about long hair then?  We may become more androgynous, unisex, taller, more light, and we may have or will have long hair, some shaven monks have developed the meditation skills and sensitivity that they too have 'powers' theirs not for tracking and hunting.
Courtesy One)
OK two future people.  Well we all have our ideas and concepts. It is surprising how many people I know absolutely bulk at being a picture No.2 and feel the blue image to be preferable. Many Western people are totality screwed up over sexual matters.  Shy, indulgent, perverse, unclean, are some of the reasons.  As a therapist and forensics 'jobs' work so to speak, at least 85% of incidents serious or downright murder were sexually orientated.
Religion, social etiquette, cultural upbringing, sin of the naked body, jealousy in relationships, the list is endless.  Then there is circumcision of women and men, ancient sexual rituals and sacrifices. Oh boy what a complex and yet simple way of expression.  Just become human, find out who we really are, be at peace in a deep fundamental way and we shall know in a sensitive and natural manner all about the Universe and Sex.
It is a sexual Universe in a way. Certainly the Earth experience is all about procreation, plant / tree / animal life, the yin and yang, we have to learn to live with diversity and get that well known phrase 'unity in diversity'.
Courtesy Sometimes we make too much of racial prejudice, equality and other issues, we seek to blame and that's not where it is.
The real issue is to 'feel' this inside so to speak, so that animosity is not part of one's psyche.  Unfortunately trauma, bullying can rear this.  
Some more stuff on Chemtrails   
It seems one of those situations where denial comes in.  Our government doing all this stuff on us---naw-----no way, your just a conspiracy jerk.
The cosy relationship between drug companies and doctors has been exposed yet again by new figures that reveal the pharmaceutical industry paid more than £38m in a year to UK doctors for ‘consultancy services’ and ‘meetings’.
The payments are an inducement to encourage doctors to prescribe a manufacturer’s drugs, of course, although the UK’s largest drug company, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), has said it will stop the practice.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) has this week released figures for 2012, showing the extent of the industry’s payments to doctors.  Around £27.7m was paid to doctors for ‘consultancy services’ and a further £10.8m went on ‘third-party’ meetings, often in exotic locales.
The ABPI’s figures may not represent the complete picture, however.  Instead, they are based on the activities of 34 of the 40 top drug makers that are active in the UK
By 2016, EU law kicks in that forces drug companies to reveal the names of individual physicians who have received payments.  This pending legislation may have been the reason why GSK is changing the way it remunerates doctors.  Going forward, it will pay doctors for ‘clinical research’ and ‘advisory work’ 
It isn’t just us—fish also react badly to Prozac (fluoxetine).  The antidepressant makes them more aggressive, and alters their behaviour.
Male minnows exposed to the drug for four weeks become far more aggressive, and start attacking the female fish.  In one group, just a third of the female fish had survived, whereas normal survival rates are closer to 90 per cent.  The fish that died had visible bruising and tissue damage.
Reproduction, mating, general activity and levels of aggression were all affected by Prozac, say researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 
The only good news was that the fishes’ behaviour returned to normal once the drug was removed from the water.  Sadly, that is not an option for fish in rivers and estuaries that are constantly exposed to pharmaceuticals such as Prozac that are flushed down the toilet.  The researchers fear that fish colonies are being badly affected by the practice.
(Source: Aquatic Toxicology, 2014; 151: 77)
It isn’t just us—fish also react badly to Prozac (fluoxetine).  The antidepressant makes them more aggressive, and alters their behaviour.
Male minnows exposed to the drug for four weeks become far more aggressive, and start attacking the female fish.  In one group, just a third of the female fish had survived, whereas normal survival rates are closer to 90 per cent.  The fish that died had visible bruising and tissue damage.
Reproduction, mating, general activity and levels of aggression were all affected by Prozac, say researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 
The only good news was that the fishes’ behaviour returned to normal once the drug was removed from the water.  Sadly, that is not an option for fish in rivers and estuaries that are constantly exposed to pharmaceuticals such as Prozac that are flushed down the toilet.  The researchers fear that fish colonies are being badly affected by the practice.
(Source: Aquatic Toxicology, 2014; 151: 77) 
It isn’t just us—fish also react badly to Prozac (fluoxetine).  The antidepressant makes them more aggressive, and alters their behaviour.
Male minnows exposed to the drug for four weeks become far more aggressive, and start attacking the female fish.  In one group, just a third of the female fish had survived, whereas normal survival rates are closer to 90 per cent.  The fish that died had visible bruising and tissue damage.
Reproduction, mating, general activity and levels of aggression were all affected by Prozac, say researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 
The only good news was that the fishes’ behaviour returned to normal once the drug was removed from the water.  Sadly, that is not an option for fish in rivers and estuaries that are constantly exposed to pharmaceuticals such as Prozac that are flushed down the toilet.  The researchers fear that fish colonies are being badly affected by the practice.
(Source: Aquatic Toxicology, 2014; 151: 77) (OF COURSE ITS ALL CONSPIRACY--OR IS IT?)

Steven Seagal and Ukraine
More Conspiracy?Here Steven Seagal explains about gun rights.
In this next video we see a political debate.
Here Senator Rand Paul goes head to head with John Kerry
Abby Martin corporations and war.
Foods and Abby Martin
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Here the fine line between conspiracy and so called truth is very 'thin' to say the least.  I have found in politics the truth is shaded and tinged with all sorts of agendas, lets face it that is what politics is about.  So all statements of a governmental nature are written in a certain way as are legal documents, as is science and medical prescriptions. 
Even reality is questionable from certain points of view, which I did a long Post about(146 / 147) and many more in the grid. So when we talk about conspiracy it is shaded as well, could be a government agency deliberately confusing the public, a whistle blower, and other interested parties, such as those who would gain from either political or conspiracy, the truth seekers, the power mongers, the civilian elite, the industrial Military Complex, Alien ET.  Or just a plain simple justification of our belief systems. 

Well until we somehow become still in deep presence, mindfulness and let it arise from there, watching the tricky mechanisations of the mind and allowing them to pass until deep stillness, and alertness beyond thinking, for thinking can be a reaction to a signal, a challenge, then appropriate knowing and action will be obvious. 
Be Well. Be Obvious. Geoff

By the way I am not a Buddhist or any denomination, neither an atheist or hopefully any other label, the nearest I can get is 'hopefully becoming human with divine aspirations' I just like these images for their sense of stillness, others will appear and not only of the Buddha.  Hopefully dear readers you will not be offended and I am sure your are open enough to accept this, if there is offence caused, my deepest and heartfelt apologies.  That goes for any of the content and images. Thank you. 
Be Well.  Be Grateful.  Geoff

Courtesy Google Images

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