Saturday, 14 March 2020


Hello and welcome. There is a mixture in this and I do this because of the information just below:-


Fear drains the kidney energy, your body’s very vitality.


Worry harms the pancreas energy, and your pancreas is in charge of sending the right amount of the right energy to the right places in your body.


Anger harms the liver energy, and your liver does 70% of your body’s detoxifying.

Unbalanced emotions are the gateway to illness; this is the Qi gong view. Chungyi Lin
I have no connections other than emails from the above or promoting them, I just admire his work, I do my own Qi Gong.

NEW ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION MEASUREMENTS: We're back from the Arctic, and we have some new results to share. In January 2020, the students of Earth to Sky Calculus and traveled to Abisko, Sweden, to launch a pair of cosmic ray balloons. We'd been there before, launching three identical balloons in March 2017. Putting all the data together, 2017+2020, we find that radiation has increased +12% in the past 3 years:

 The graph shows radiation dose rate (uGy/hr) vs. altitude (feet) all the way from ground level to the stratosphere. Radiation appears to be increasing at nearly all altitudes--even in the range 25,000 ft to 40,000 ft where airplanes fly. Polar flight crews and passengers are therefore absorbing ~12% more cosmic radiation than they did only a few years ago.

What's causing the increase? Solar Minimum. At the moment, the sun is near the bottom of the 11-year solar cycle. During Solar Minimum, the sun's magnetic field weakens, allowing extra cosmic rays from deep space to penetrate the solar system. These cosmic rays are hitting Earth's atmosphere, creating a spray of secondary cosmic rays that shower toward the ground below.
Secondary cosmic rays are what we measure. Radiation sensors onboard our helium balloons detect X-rays and gamma-rays in the energy range 10 keV to 20 MeV, similar to what you get from medical X-ray machines and airport security scanners.

Above: Schematic diagram of a cosmic ray air shower. Learn more from CERN 

The graph shows radiation dose rate (uGy/hr) vs. altitude (feet) all the way from ground level to the stratosphere. Radiation appears to be increasing at nearly all altitudes--even in the range 25,000 ft to 40,000 ft where airplanes fly. Polar flight crews and passengers are therefore absorbing ~12% more cosmic radiation than they did only a few years ago.
What's causing the increase? Solar Minimum. At the moment, the sun is near the bottom of the 11-year solar cycle. During Solar Minimum, the sun's magnetic field weakens, allowing extra cosmic rays from deep space to penetrate the solar system. These cosmic rays are hitting Earth's atmosphere, creating a spray of secondary cosmic rays that shower toward the ground below.
Secondary cosmic rays are what we measure. Radiation sensors onboard our helium balloons detect X-rays and gamma-rays in the energy range 10 keV to 20 MeV, similar to what you get from medical X-ray machines and airport security scanners.

We've been launching radiation sensors almost weekly for 5 years--mainly from California, the "home base" of Cosmic rays in the stratosphere have been increasing the entire time, a sign of deepening Solar Minimum.
The new data from Abisko, Sweden, show the increase is not limited to the stratosphere. It is also happening at aviation altitudes with a 3-year increase of ~12% even below 40,000 ft. We're planning another ballooning trip to Sweden in August 2020 to confirm these results. Stay tuned.
 Courtesy (Read the bit about flight attendants and crews especially please, this applies to everyone and with additional 5G and intended 6G  well !!!!?)
These Rays do have a bearing on our health as mentioned in many back POSTS and this couples with pollution, 5G, GMO and so on especially Chemtrails will in some cases cause compromised immune response. In a way restricting air travel and city cars can give some clean air and like when aeroplanes at 9/11 were curtailed air pollution was remarkably down a few measurements. QUESTION do we have to wait until crisis awaken us to our part of the climate debacle and add to the daunting 6 extinction natural cycle, which could make COVID-19 look like a baby, and will when all this clears up virus wise will return to our past behaviour?
 Many people have complained about most of the governments in the world lacking transparency and a kind of paranoia and voyeurism with all the surveillance and this also causes stress and with the EMF's involved with electronics and digital technology adding to our immune systems responses and stresses and the money to purchase non-filled supplements from genuine organic sources. Ask yourself are we being manoeuvred into a 'social accepted norm', never to be questioned and with the virus, there is no other way but than one has to rely on the governments and is there an alternative before we become robots of 5G and the internet of everything. Mark you I am grateful to the UK as we do have the NHS and I get a small pension and works pension and if I live carefully and sensibly I manage well.  
Courtesy The Independant George Galloway
There are some people who are fearless and have been verbally and physically attacked George Galloway a Scottish politician has a program on named Sputnik and has infuriated the British MP's and the BBC and nearly all broadcasters, he is a true journalist and speaks up no matter what. Many governments still use barbaric torture and rendition. although backed by Russia are on the air in many countries and they have been persecuted and are often banned in many countries, it takes courage to go against the current climate of political correctness (an excuse to be pompously piously hypocritically justified) and stand up for what is more truthful than other journalism. The fate of Julian Assange and his trial will decide the fate of journalists and whistle blowers everywhere. Another instance the truth and cover up over the COVID-19 Virus.   ( )
Courtesy  Chinese Embassy USA
Will we see more expelling of diplomats and a year or two later they return (see back POSTS Russian expelled diplomats now returning to USA). There maybe some evidence to come out of this and from Canada. Watch this space for further updates in future POSTS, this is the blame game again, will we learn cooperation out of this crisis or we just use temporary truces. President Reagan once said that if an ET source threatened the world we would put aside differences for the sake of survival. I wonder if the world threat lifted would it go back to me, me, with greed and power returning.   
Courtesy Department of Energy 
Courtesy Neutron Bytes
I have a nagging doubt about this; supposing we still have terrorists, people with grudges, unstable people, people who feel this offends religious ethics and principles, unless these are really, really safe and the debate between fusion and fission reactors are in use plus I cannot see the power, lust, money salivating jaws of energy suppliers willing to give house energy nearly free because there will be no nuclear large reactors and staffing (unless robots are used to monitor the safety and production) and even a mini radiation leak would be a hazard which make corona virus be reasonably preferred.
I could foresee a new 'nuclear material war' amongst the drug dealers.
Both fission and fusion are nuclear reactions that produce energy, but the applications are not the same. Fission is the splitting of a heavy, unstable nucleus into two lighter nuclei, and fusion is the process where two light nuclei combine together releasing vast amounts of energy' 'Fission is used in nuclear power reactors since it can be controlled, while fusion is not utilized to produce power since the reaction is not easily controlled and is expensive to create the needed conditions for a fusion reaction'

Bye for now and be well


Unknown Author



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