Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Hello Folks. It seems George Orwell's 'Big Brother' is really coming to the forefront now.   


Big Brother's face looms from giant telescreens in Victory Square inMichael Radford's 1984 film adaptation of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Big Brother's face looms from giant telescreens in Victory Square inMichael Radford's 1984 film adaptation of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Big Brother is a fictional character in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is the enigmatic dictator ofOceania, a totalitarian state taken to its utmost logical consequence – where the ruling Party wields total power for its own sake over the inhabitants.
In the society that Orwell describes, everyone is under complete surveillance by the authorities, mainly bytelescreens. The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase "Big Brother is watching you", which is the core "truth" of the propaganda system in this state.
I have great respect for the police and worked with them for more than 35 years. Many retired and working officers I know feel that this new law as below is taking things too far.
I spoke with several police profilers, those that psychologically endeavour to ascertain the psychology and character of brazen criminals and their acts.  Some are now called Forensic psychologists.  They know and are certain that like in the USA where the police are merely an extension of the military or at least military trained, they can become inhumane and brutal. 
When I took part in role play with some police or soldiers acting as terrorists and some civilians and police acting as hostages, the roles became increasingly real, like actors who get so much into their parts, they become the part. Also if one has a mortgage and other family commitments and there is mass unemployment and civil unrest then some officers moral compass will waver in a crisis or even in small events as they get the 'feel of their power', and losing control urged on by their senior officers ranting at them and the reports they get for bonuses and promotion which could be affected.  

The local bobbies(local police street officers) I have spoken too are horrified and feel they are caught between a rock and a hard place. To disobey orders will mean discipline actions, perhaps dismissal and the loss of a great pension. 
The Bill introduces Injunctions to Prevent Nuisance and Annoyance (IPNAS) to replace ABSO’S. Almost no one will be sad to say goodbye to ASBO’s. The orders, designed to allow police to tackle anti-social behaviour, simply became a means of criminalising youthful indiscretion – and eventually a means of criminalising anything people found annoying. Some of the bizarre abuses of this powerinclude:
The ASBO has allowed the line between criminal behaviour and annoying behaviour to become hopelessly blurred – and the IPNAs will only serve to increase the problem. We have seen the abuses permitted under ASBO legislation, the test for which included wording to the effect that ASBOs could only be issued where an actual act of ‘harassment, alarm or distress’ had occurred. IPNAs have a much weaker test, applicable where on the ‘balance of probabilities’ a person has or might engage in behaviour ‘capable of causing annoyance’ to another person. How many times a day could this legislation apply to any of us? Eating with our mouths open, talking too loudly into our phones in a public space, walking too slowly or quickly or belching without saying ‘pardon me’. All of this may very well cause annoyance – but soon it might well also be illegal. {Just some of the crazy excuses to issue a IPNA, this Post could be classed as an annoyance so I could be fined or jailed}.

Hi Geoff, 
The Arctic 30 have arrived in St Petersburg where a world media scrum was there to meet them. You would’ve thought Tom Cruise was in town, not 30 people under arrest, but to me that’s a good thing: it shows their situation remains a hot topic that is still attracting a lot of attention.
Arctic 30 arrive in St Petersberg

They were moved quickly to their new pre-trial detention centres, and are being held in different facilities across the city. They’ll remain in quarantine for 48 hours, which is standard procedure when moving detainees.
This means they won’t have access to their lawyers and human rights workers won’t be able to report back on their conditions just yet. As soon as I hear more about their new circumstances, I’ll let you know.
Thank you,
Hey Big Brother in Mother Russia.  Just shows how Shell oil company has kept quiet as has Gazprom. 
Open Joint Stock Company Gazprom (Открытое Акционерное Общество «Газпром», OAO Gazprom RussianОАО «Газпром»,IPA: [ɡɐsˈprom]) is the largest extractor of natural gas and one of the largest companies in the world. Its headquarters are in theCheryomushki DistrictSouth-Western Administrative OkrugMoscow.[3] Its name is a contraction of RussianГазоваяпромышленностьtr. Gazovaya Promyshlennost, meaning "gas industry". Gazprom was created in 1989 when the Ministry of Gas Industry of the Soviet Union transformed itself into a corporation, keeping all its assets intact. The company was later privatized in part, but currently the Russian government holds most of the control in its hands.
In 2011, the company produced 513.2 billion cubic metres (18.12 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas, amounting to 17% of worldwide gas production. In addition, Gazprom produced 32.3 million tons of crude oil and 12.1 million tons of gas condensate. Gazprom's activities accounted for 8% of Russia's gross domestic product in 2011.
The major part of Gazprom's production fields are located around the Gulf of Ob in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in WesternSiberia, while the Yamal Peninsula is expected to become the company's main gas producing region in the future. Gazprom possesses the largest gas transport system in the world, with 158,200 kilometres of gas trunk lines. Major new pipeline projects include Nord Stream and South Stream.
The company possesses subsidiaries in many various industry sectors, including finance, media and aviation. In addition, it controls a majority of stakes in various companies.
Sadly it seems raping and harming our environment for materialism, for Mammon is more important than saving our EARTH  which we all depend for sustenance.  What a cock-eyed world ethos we live with.
Habitats of Ojibwe
A few months ago, we were invited to attend a tribal gathering in Northern Wisconsin. We must be doing something right, because the elders also agreed that we could bring our cameras with us! More in Article. The drumming really moved me.

Appreciating this is long and courtesy of Access Now(Access Express | 11/14/13 it gives one the awakening that is going on and the fact we are one world, one humanity, one destiny.  This is part of 'joining' as a world community. This has to be thrashed out, the threshing floor and the wheat from the chaff.
Ecuador is set to finish a major revision to its Criminal Code on Friday, and it’s not looking good for user rights. The Ecuadorean Assembly is charging ahead with a requirement that all internet service providers spy on their customers.

The New Zealand Parliament passed a law requiring telcos to grant intelligence agencies access their subscriber's emails, calls, and texts, and to consult with the Government Communications Security Bureau when developing new networks and infrastructure.

This week Wikileaks published a complete draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement’s chapter on “intellectual property rights,” which confirming suspicions harm to users’ rights and a free and open Internet.

Suggestions that the NSA can track phones when turned off have significant implications for the privacy of all cell phone users, and have prompted Privacy International to contact tech providers to better understand how such a program could operate.

A new study traces the blocking of Persian language Wikipedia pages in Iran, revealing which subjects and keywords are targeted by the government. The study found blocked pages were predominantly political, followed by pages about sexuality and religion.

Google and Yahoo were quick to condemn the NSA for spying on their customers, but telcos remained conspicuously silent, which supports documents suggesting telcos are working with the intelligence agencies more zealously than they care to admit.

New technologies hold great potential for the developing world, but as development and humanitarian agencies rush to adopt new technologies, they may be creating and supporting surveillance systems that pose serious threats to human rights.

Seventy free speech, human rights, internet and media freedom organizations from around the world have written to the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, to voice their concern about the erosion of fundamental rights and freedoms in the country.

A survey by the organization PEN American Center has found that a large majority of its members are deeply concerned about recent revelations of government surveillance, with many saying they are considering avoiding controversial topics in their work.

Dalia Haj-Omar, a Sudanese human rights activist, discusses the recent internet blackout in Sudan, the implications for freedom of expression and association, and the role of the international community.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner on Monday asked the European Parliament to work with the U.S. on finding a balance between liberty and security and finding curbs to the NSA's surveillance programs, which have provoked outrage in Europe.

According to the Beijing District Joint Platform Against Rumor, more than 103,673 microbloggers have been penalized since August for violating the Weibo “community code of practice” and “Seven Self-Censorship Guidelines."
In a strange way all this surveillance could unite the 'freedom' spirit and backfire on the voyeurs. See up above the UK and the support from seventy freedom organisations getting at Millionaire Monsanto Bilderbug Cameron. 
Interestingly the IPNA law is targeting 'annoyance and so on'. Also I will be posting an article on US and UK parents children are becoming lawless and uncontrollable. Since Cameronbug has taken away most of the legal aid, the wealthy will be able to hire a lawyer to defend their offspring. So Bug Cameron does not offend his wealthy backers. This further drives a wedge between those that have and those who have not, this is dissolving the middle class and causing a two tier society.
 The civil unrest that will follow, will be caught on camera, like at a soccer match, they can zoom into the crowd, so at shopping malls, anywhere, and since the 'IPNA' is so loose in definition any annoyance can result in harsh punitive methods.
RARE DOUBLE-COMET FLYBY OF MERCURY: NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft is about to get a close-up view of Comet ISON's outburst. On Nov. 18-19 Comet ISON and Comet Encke both will fly by Mercury, the planet MESSENGER is orbiting. You can learn more about this rare double-comet flyby and what MESSENGER might see in a video from Science@NASA.
COMET ISON UPDATE: Reports of naked-eye sightings of Comet ISON are coming in from around the world. Experienced observers put the comet's magntitude at +5.5 on Nov. 16th. This means it is now fully 10 times brighter than it was only three days ago before the outburst. To the naked eye, ISON appears as a faint smudge of pale green light low in the pre-dawn sky. The view through a telescope is more dramatic. The comet's tail has become a riotous crowd of gaseous streamers stretching more than 3.5 degrees across the sky. Amateur astronomer Waldemar Skorupa sends this picture from Kahler Asten, Germany:
Thank you Kahler Asten

The tail is so long, he couldn't fit the whole thing in the field of view. How long is it? Comet ISON's tail extends more than 8 million kilometers behind the comet's nucleus. For comparison, that's 21 times the distance between Earth and the Moon.
Because so much gas and dust is spewing from the comet's core, it is impossible to see clearly what caused Comet ISON's outburst on Nov. 13-14. One possibility is that fresh veins of ice are opening up in the comet's nucleus, vaporizing furiously as ISON approaches the sun. Another possibility is that the nucleus has completely fragmented.
"If so, it will still be several days before we know for sure," says Karl Battams, an astronomer with NASA's Comet ISON Observing Campaign. "When comet nuclei fall apart, it’s not like a shrapnel-laden explosion. Instead, the chunks slowly drift apart at slightly different speeds. Given that ISON’s nucleus is shrouded in such a tremendous volume of light-scattering dust and gas right now, it will be almost impossible to determine this for at least a few days and perhaps not until the comet reaches the field of view of NASA's STEREO HI-1A instrument on November 21, 2013. We will have to wait for the chunks to drift apart a sufficient distance, assuming they don't crumble first."
In short, no one knows for sure what is happening to Comet ISON. This could be the comet's death throes--or just the first of many brightening events the comet experiences as it plunges toward the sun for a close encounter on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28th).
Monitoring is encouraged. Comet ISON rises in the east just before the sun. Amateur astronomers, if you have a GOTO telescope, enter these coordinates. Dates of special interest include Nov. 17th and 18th when the comet will pass the bright star Spica, making ISON extra-easy to find. Sky maps: Nov. 15161718,19.(Courtesy 
If this 4 min video was not so serious I would think someone was pulling my leg and having me on.

ScienceCasts: What Happened to Mars? A Planetary Mystery
NASA 4 min video.
Hi Geoff,
I’ve written this email three times today.
In the first version I told you that Colin Russell, the ship’s radio operator, had his pre-trial detention extended by three months. Then I found out freelance journalist, Kieron Bryan, had his hearing postponed, and it’s not currently clear why. Now I’ve just heard that the ship’s doctor, Ekaterina Zaspa, and photographer, Denis Sinyakov, have been given bail.
This is amazing news for Ekaterina and Denis, but at the same time I feel angry that Colin is being treated differently. None of these people are guilty of the crimes they’re accused of, and they all deserve to be back home with their families.
Yet Colin’s calm and determined Aussie spirit is also an inspiration. He looked strong in court, and his words were beautiful. He said: “I love you. I love everybody. I am not a criminal by any stretch of the imagination.”What these different court rulings mean is unclear, and this week may well bring more highs and lows. The only thing for sure is that tonight innocent people will remain in jail. I know the Arctic 30 aren’t giving up; I’m not giving up - I hope you won’t either.
If you're on Facebook, show your support for Colin and the rest of the Arctic 30 by sharing this image. If you're not on Facebook, please forward this email to your friends.
Thank you,
P.S This is an important week for the Arctic 30, so there are likely to be daily email updates. If you want to opt out of receiving them you can unsubscribe here

George Bush Could be arrested if he comes to the UK says the Mayor of London Boris Johnson.

  • Toothpaste that contains the naturally-occurring cacao extract theobromine was more effective at repairing and re-mineralizing exposed dentin (the tissue that makes up the bulk of your teeth below the enamel) than fluoride toothpaste
  • People who brushed their teeth with cacao-extract toothpaste twice a day for one week had “100 percent dental occlusion” with their tooth dentin becoming re-mineralized or repaired
  • Past research has also shown that the phytocompound found in chocolate known as theobromine works better than fluoride at repairing lesions in artificial enamel
  • There are safer and more effective solutions for dental health than fluoridated toothpaste (and fluoridated drinking water), including natural non-fluoride toothpastes and proper nutrition
Look me in the Eye (Courtesy National Geographic)
Take Care and Be Well.  Geoff

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