Friday, 21 March 2014


Are you new today folks.  Maybe you awoke from a nights sleep and now are you the same?  Maybe emotionally and still with old programmed thought cycles,  however, some of your cells have been replaced and perhaps your body is one day biologically older--- who knows the mysteries of life.
A water car.  I have mentioned free from oil energy sources many times in ennergygrid.  The compressed air car, the bloom box, solar and wind power, compost power, thermal deep U Earth power.  All promising and working.  You know why they are not in production-----ask the petroleum and nuclear Industry why------£ and $ are seemingly more powerful.
Renewal and amazing.  Tried and Tested by many scientists.
Radiation hazards due to Fukushima fallout and airline passengers.
There is also concern for the ocean by coastal areas containing radiation and hidden facts about Japanese, USA and Chernobyl radiation as in video below.
Radiation 1
If you live on the West Coast of Canada and the USA.  Chernobyl and other Nuclear Plants talked about. PLEASE READ.
Please scroll down for some suggested homoeopathic tablets that may help with radiation.
 March 5, 2014 by JOSH RICHARDSON

This Electromagnetic Field Around Every Person Is Depleted In Those Who Are Unhealthy

Since ancient times we have seen pictures and paintings of different spiritual leaders across various traditions but one thing that is common among all of them is the halo that surrounds their head which is known as the Aura- energy field. Many have dismissed Auras, especially those professed to be experts in natural sciences. However, with the assistance of highly sensitive cameras scientists have been able to photograph this field some experts believe could become a tool for use in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.
This aura represents your physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual energies. The aura is often seen a mix of fine coloured frequencies where each colour defines its own individual nature and characteristics.

The vibration of this aura is very fine and subtle so we need very fine instruments to detect it and also to interpret the different colours and shapes in the aura which can reveal us a lot of unsaid information.

A study, published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, explained the esoteric phenomenon of the aura and energy field of luminous radiation surrounding a person as a halo. The study explained that in neurological terms, synesthesia is due to cross-wiring in the brain of some people called synesthetes. In other words, synesthetes have more synaptic connections than “normal” people. “These extra connections cause them to automatically establish associations between brain areas that are not normally interconnected”, said Prof. Gomez Milan, a lead author of the study. “Many healers claiming to see the aura of people might have this condition.”

Kirlian Effect 

The pioneers in this field, in fact, are the Kirlians, to this day any halos around photographed objects are referred to as the “Kirlian effect”.
Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate.

The technique has been variously known as "electrography", "electrophotography", "corona discharge photography" (CDP), "bioelectrography", "gas discharge visualization (GDV)", "electrophotonic imaging (EPI)", and, in Russian literature, "Kirlianography".

Kirlian patented many inventions to photograph the glow and captured many images of it. Over time, they noticed that the images varied from person to person. Kirlian and his wife were demonstrated that their images showed a life force or energy field that reflected the physical and emotional states of their living subjects. These images could be used to diagnose illnesses. In 1961, they published their first paper on the subject in the Russian Journal of Scientific and Applied Photography.

The aura of a person has been found to be directly connected to the level of health of the person. A person is considered to be healthy in when their physical vitality, mental clarity, emotional well being as well as highly positive spiritual energies are relatively balanced. So a person who is healthy at all these levels has a bigger and brighter aura and vice versa in the case of an unhealthy person. A faint glow around certain body parts may indicate the presence of a disease or disorder.

From the intensity of the glow, the Kirlians learned to determine the total activity of the body, the efficiency of different treatments, as well as the state of organs and systems. Today the GDV method is fairly well developed and can be used to conduct a general analysis of the whole body. The pictures are qualitatively and objectively interpreted reducing the risk of medical errors. The effectiveness of different treatments can be detected individually.

GDV is based on light emissions which appear in high voltage electromagnetic fields. If it were to become widely used in traditional diagnosis then, with its help, doctors could not only easily carry out common diagnosis at a given moment but also identify diseases which may occur in the future. This could greatly improve the quality of preventive care.

The Human Aura Can Change Dramatically and Quickly

It was found, that objects which are not alive, do not change parameters of their "aura" more than 2%. LIVING objects however can change their aura field dramatically and quickly. This provides scientists with unique tools to study physics of LIFE and consciousness using bio-electrography. For example, Prof Bunzen in Russia found that the response in Kirlian Aura seems to precede (appear as soon or earlier than) electric processes in the brain during a decision making process. From his research, presented in 2001 at the International Congress "Science Information, Spirit" in St Petersburg, it seems that a thought "appears" in the aura before any electrical activity can be detected in the brain. Is our consciousness electro-photonic to begin with?

It also appears that auras of people who interact with various objects such as drugs, crystals, minerals, colours etc. may change significantly. Modern Kirlian equipment are capable to quantify these effects in terms of their influence on the electro-photonic glow. It seems that detailed functioning of every organ and health effects can be also determined from the recorder stimulated electro-photonic glow.

All living objects show continuous changes in their aura. A major series of experiments of a team of scientists coordinated by Prof Korotkov in St Petersburg, Russia, demonstrated that aura of the human body continues to change continuously for almost exactly 72 hours after clinical death. It seems, that among other things, not only the time, but also the reason for death can be determined on the basis of these changes. It is interesting to note that in nearly every culture on Earth for centuries people observe a 3 day period between death of the body and burial.

Slowly and gradually as more research was done in this field of Aura photography different technologies were developed claiming to capture the human aura or the electromagnetic field. Now till date we have different systems like PIP (Poly contrast Interference Photography), DAS (Digital Aura Scanning system), RFI ( Resonant Field imaging) etc which claim to capture the human aura and also help us in detecting the subtle imbalances in our bodies.

More Science is Validating Sensory Activity
 and Consciousness
Even though we are often consciously aware of our current emotional state, such as anger or happiness, the mechanisms giving rise to these subjective sensations have remained unresolved. Brilliant research by Finnish scientists has mapped the areas of our body that are experiencing an increase or decrease in sensory activity when we experience a particular emotion. Each of these areas also affects our aura.

Each body area has a language as to what the organs do, the muscles, the nerves, etc. When a condition occurs in the body in a localized area, it's to help us discover what we might need to change in order to keep "homeostasis" in our emotions, mental reasoning, and spiritual living.

Needless to say, that in the traditional ancient oriental medicine the concept of the aura is well understood and commonly accepted. Eastern practices, both medical and spiritual, are initially directed at correcting the aura i.e. the spiritual body rather than the physical.

Scientists such as Beverly Rubik have explored the idea of a human biofield using Kirlian photography research, attempting to explain theChinese discipline of Qigong. Qigong teaches that there is a vitalistic energy called qi (or chi) that permeates all living things. Rubik's experiments relied on Konstantin Korotkov's GDV device to produce images which were thought to visualize these qi biofields in chronically ill patients. Vitalistic energies, such as qi and prana, exist beyond the natural world.

The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program, which flourished for nearly three decades under the aegis of Princeton University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, has also completed its experimental agenda of studying the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes, and developing complementary theoretical models to enable better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality.

Everything is Energy 
Scientists and researchers today all around the globe have confirmed that the matter which appears to be solid in reality is NOT A TRUE reality. This solid looking matter is actually made up of pure energy which is vibrating at a specific frequency which gives matter properties like shape, size, texture etc. These solid looking objects like a pen, book and even the molecules, atoms and cells in our bodies for that matter are actually made up of vibratory energy particles called electron, protons , neutrons and further more tiny particles. So when these particles vibrate in their nucleus, a small electrical impulse is generated in our body and according to the famous law of physics “When there is a electrical field around a body, a magnetic field gets developed automatically”. So the tiny electrical impulses in our body results into the formation of a magnetic field around our body which is actually know as the AURA- electromagnetic field of the body.

Since everything in this universe is made up of the same constituent particles electron, protons, neutrons etc that means EVERYTHING HAS AN AURA. And if we keep on expanding these so called elementary particles we reach a point where we find nothing but pure energy vibrating at the very essence of these solid looking objects. Everything in this physical universe is nothing but energy which connects to everything in the universe.

If we study our ancient Indian texts especially the yoga sutras we will come to know the subtle anatomy of our human chakra system which is actually a very important aspect of our Aura. Spiritually we can say that aura is our very own soul nature, it reflects our innermost desires and feelings, emotions etc.

Aura is the layer of energy which interconnects all other subtle bodies and also acts like a shield covering and protecting our more refined subtle bodies like the mental, emotional, and spiritual and astral bodies. Like for our physical body to survive and maintain its health, oxygen plays a vital role for our existence similarly the Pranic forces which are commonly called Prana is the subtle energy that is required by our more refined bodies to function and maintain a good health.

Subtle Bodies Control Our Health In The Physical

So if we want our bodies to absorb oxygen properly from the environment we should keep our lungs healthy thereby keeping our physical body healthy, similarly if we want our subtle bodies to function properly and to absorb the pranic energies properly we need to keep our aura healthy. Like for our physical bodies we do regular exercises to keep it healthy and working, we should also practice some form of energy exercise which regulates the proper flow of pranic energies in our subtle bodies.

“Our Subtle bodies”, namely they are called physical body, emotional body, mental body, spiritual body and the last is our Astral body. So all in all our aura is made up of 5 basic layers out of which the physical body we are able to see with our naked eyes because it vibrates at a relatively lower and denser vibrational rate and the rest of the four bodies vibrate at a higher frequency.

Even if the physical organ is removed from the physical body, its energy imprint is always there in the astral body. Most of the healing which is intended to be sent on the physical body is first received on this layer, the healing is done on the intended parts of this astral body and then the new energy imprint or the information is transferred down to each of the lower body till it reaches the physical body.

Once the root of the disease is removed from the blueprint of our physical body, the symptoms appearing in the physical body start to disappear. The root of all disease then is not in the physical body but in the energetic body and no disease can ever take place in physical first before it is translated from the energetic body.

So in this way energy healing sent by prayers, reiki, intention etc. is always first received on the outermost layer of the aura i.e., Astral body and then transferred to the other bodies. The most important purpose of our aura is to act like a vessel to hold all our bodies together and also to act like a shield protecting us from unhealthy vibrations. So the stronger our aura is the more protected & powerful we are.

In time, a greater percentage of human beings will grow to adopt these concepts since consciousness is now at a level on Earth where we can understand why these energies exist without rejection. That in turn will assist in the progression of health to such an extent, that it will translate into a mastering of control on the subtle bodies that will no longer allow for disease in the physical body. 


Josh Richardson
 is blogger, healer, and a constant pursuer of the natural state of human consciousness.
This is mentioned many times in the grid and you may wish to look at the link for another angle. So what's new eh?
At the bottom of the link above there is a photo of my friend and some very strange 'auric' phenomena, these kind of things exist and not fakes.  In my January 2013 wind down series in energygrid I describe the 'light' body we are evolving too and the combination energy locks now in binary form we are processing into our biology.

UCLA scientist discovers biological clock able to measure the age of most human tissues

Everyone grows older, but we still don't really understand why. Now a UCLA study has uncovered a biological clock embedded in our genomes that may shed light on why our bodies age and how we can slow down the ageing process.
While earlier clocks have been linked to saliva, hormones and telomeres, the new research is the first to identify an internal timepiece able to accurately gauge the age of diverse human organs, tissues and cell types. Unexpectedly, the clock also found that some parts of the anatomy, like a woman's breast tissue, age faster than the rest of the body.
"To fight aging, we first need an objective way of measuring it. Pinpointing a set of biomarkers that keeps time throughout the body has been a four-year challenge. My goal in inventing this clock is to help scientists improve their understanding of what speeds up and slows down the human aging process." explained Steve Horvath, a professor of human genetics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and of biostatistics at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. 
To create the clock, Horvath focused on methylation, a naturally occurring process that chemically alters DNA. Horvath sifted through 121 sets of data collected previously by researchers who had studied methylation in both healthy and cancerous human tissue.

Gleaning information from nearly 8,000 samples of 51 types of tissue and cells taken from throughout the body, Horvath charted how age affects DNA methylation levels from pre-birth through 101 years. To create the clock, he zeroed in on 353 markers that change with age and are present throughout the body.

Horvath tested the clock's effectiveness by comparing a tissue's biological age to its chronological age. When the clock repeatedly proved accurate, he was thrilled -- and a little stunned.

"It's surprising that one could develop a clock that reliably keeps time across the human anatomy. My approach really compared apples and oranges, or in this case, very different parts of the body: the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidney and cartilage.", he admitted. 

While most samples' biological ages matched their chronological ages, others diverged significantly. For example, Horvath discovered that a woman's breast tissue ages faster than the rest of her body.

"Healthy breast tissue is about two to three years older than the rest of a woman's body. If a woman has breast cancer, the healthy tissue next to the tumor is an average of 12 years older than the rest of her body." said Horvath. 

The results may explain why breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Given that the clock ranked tumor tissue an average of 36 years older than healthy tissue, it could also explain why age is a major risk factor for many cancers in both genders.

Horvath next looked at pluripotent stem cells, adult cells that have been reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state, enabling them to form any type of cell in the body and continue dividing indefinitely.

"My research shows that all stem cells are newborns,More importantly, the process of transforming a person's cells into pluripotent stem cells resets the cells' clock to zero."  he said.

In principle, the discovery proves that scientists can rewind the body's biological clock and restore it to zero.

"The big question is whether the biological clock controls a process that leads to aging. If so, the clock will become an important biomarker for studying new therapeutic approaches to keeping us young." Horvath said.

Finally, Horvath discovered that the clock's rate speeds up or slows down depending on a person's age.

"The clock's ticking rate isn't constant, it ticks much faster when we're born and growing from children into teenagers, then slows to a constant rate when we reach 20." he explained.

In an unexpected finding, the cells of children with progeria, a genetic disorder that causes premature aging, appeared normal and reflected their true chronological age.

UCLA has filed a provisional patent on Horvath's clock. His next studies will examine whether stopping the body's aging clock halts the aging process--or increases cancer risk. He'll also explore whether a similar clock exists in mice.

UCLA scientist discovers biological clock able to measure the age of most human tissues

Everyone grows older, but we still don't really understand why. Now a UCLA study has uncovered a biological clock embedded in our genomes that may shed light on why our bodies age and how we can slow down the ageing process.

While earlier clocks have been linked to saliva, hormones and telomeres, the new research is the first to identify an internal timepiece able to accurately gauge the age of diverse human organs, tissues and cell types. Unexpectedly, the clock also found that some parts of the anatomy, like a woman's breast tissue, age faster than the rest of the body.
"To fight aging, we first need an objective way of measuring it. Pinpointing a set of biomarkers that keeps time throughout the body has been a four-year challenge. My goal in inventing this clock is to help scientists improve their understanding of what speeds up and slows down the human aging process." explained Steve Horvath, a professor of human genetics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and of biostatistics at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. 

To create the clock, Horvath focused on methylation, a naturally occurring process that chemically alters DNA. Horvath sifted through 121 sets of data collected previously by researchers who had studied methylation in both healthy and cancerous human tissue.

Gleaning information from nearly 8,000 samples of 51 types of tissue and cells taken from throughout the body, Horvath charted how age affects DNA methylation levels from pre-birth through 101 years. To create the clock, he zeroed in on 353 markers that change with age and are present throughout the body.

Horvath tested the clock's effectiveness by comparing a tissue's biological age to its chronological age. When the clock repeatedly proved accurate, he was thrilled -- and a little stunned.
"It's surprising that one could develop a clock that reliably keeps time across the human anatomy. My approach really compared apples and oranges, or in this case, very different parts of the body: the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidney and cartilage.", he admitted. 

While most samples' biological ages matched their chronological ages, others diverged significantly. For example, Horvath discovered that a woman's breast tissue ages faster than the rest of her body.
"Healthy breast tissue is about two to three years older than the rest of a woman's body. If a woman has breast cancer, the healthy tissue next to the tumor is an average of 12 years older than the rest of her body." said Horvath. 

The results may explain why breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Given that the clock ranked tumor tissue an average of 36 years older than healthy tissue, it could also explain why age is a major risk factor for many cancers in both genders.

Horvath next looked at pluripotent stem cells, adult cells that have been reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state, enabling them to form any type of cell in the body and continue dividing indefinitely.
"My research shows that all stem cells are newborns,More importantly, the process of transforming a person's cells into pluripotent stem cells resets the cells' clock to zero."  he said.

In principle, the discovery proves that scientists can rewind the body's biological clock and restore it to zero.
"The big question is whether the biological clock controls a process that leads to aging. If so, the clock will become an important biomarker for studying new therapeutic approaches to keeping us young." Horvath said.

Finally, Horvath discovered that the clock's rate speeds up or slows down depending on a person's age.
"The clock's ticking rate isn't constant, it ticks much faster when we're born and growing from children into teenagers, then slows to a constant rate when we reach 20." he explained.

In an unexpected finding, the cells of children with progeria, a genetic disorder that causes premature aging, appeared normal and reflected their true chronological age.

UCLA has filed a provisional patent on Horvath's clock. His next studies will examine whether stopping the body's aging clock halts the aging process--or increases cancer risk. He'll also explore whether a similar clock exists in mice.
Forever Young. The article above and the 135/6 Posts are all getting to this shift---basically eternal life in robotics, as a computer programme or through ascension and transformation due to the rising of cosmic energy a evolutionary 'push' or a totally monstrous human/ flesh / bionic / being? So what's new ?

A groundbreaking new drug safety study published in the open access journal PLoS and titled, "Adverse Drug Reactions of Spontaneous Reports in Shanghai Pediatric Population," has revealed for the first that that 42.5% of all reported adverse drug reactions occurring in 2009 in a Chinese pediatric population (Shanghai, pop of 17 mil) were caused by vaccines, with reactions as severe as anaphylaxis and death.
The report carries unique gravitas insofar as the data was gathered through spontaneous reports of physicians (52.03%), pharmacists (24.27%) and other health care practitioners (15.46%), with only 2.52% coming from 'consumers.' Presumably, the clinical training of those reporting gives the study additional credibility.
According to the study, which is one of the first ever conducted on the topic in China, "Knowledge of drug safety in the pediatric population of China is limited. This study was designed to evaluate ADRs in children reported to the spontaneous reporting system (SRS) of Shanghai in 2009."
The results of the study were reported as follows:
"A male overrepresentation was observed regarding the total number of reports. The most frequently reported group of drugs were vaccines (42.15%). Skin rash and fever were the commonest symptoms reported in the total pediatric dataset. The proportion of children that suffered from a serious ADR was 2.16% and that for drug related deaths was 0.34%. And we found that the multiple drug exposure experienced a high proportion of serious ADRs compared with the single drug use (χ215.99, P<0.0001). Sixty-five percent of ADRs were for children less than 6 years of age. And more than half of reports were from doctors."
According to the study, the World Health Organization defines adverse drug reaction (ADRs) " events related to a medication that are noxious, unintended and occur at normal doses used in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy of disease, or for modification of physiological function."  Their definition excludes accidental or deliberate excessive dosage or maladministration. The global problem with ADRs is so serious that, according to the study, "ADRs are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in many countries [2][3]."  Indeed, a 1998 report published in JAMA found that 106,000 Americans die every year from correctly prescribed medications.
The study results showed concerning patterns, across both age and gender.
  • The Younger The More Susceptible To Harm: "When the data were assessed in terms of age groups, almost two thirds of ADRs were reported for children from birth to 5 years of age (65.01%) and 39.46% concerned children aging 2 months-2 years." Furthermore, "The highest proportion (6.58%) of serious reports was reported for newborn (0–1 month)."
  • The Males Were More Susceptible Than Females: In general, a total of 1790 ADRs (40.41%) and 2640 ADRs (59.59%) were reported for female and male patients, respectively.
In interpreting the results, one explanation offered by the authors for the fact that 50% of the ADRs were reported for children from birth to 5 years of age, with close to 40% affecting children between 2 months and 2 years of age, was "Children under 5 were the most common age group for vaccination." 
They expanded on this explanation further:
"The ADR rate causes by vaccine is much higher than other drugs, and this may be related to the types and number of vaccination being used in China, as the types of routine immunization vaccines in China reach up to 15 kinds, which is much higher than 7 kinds in India and Vietnam, 9 kinds in Thailand and 11 kinds in America, and most of the vaccines in China are attenuated live vaccines, which may bring greater potential safety hazard."
The Chinese vaccination schedule, including over a dozen different vaccines, illustrates a common problem surrounding multiple exposures associated with 'polypharmacy,' where it is nearly impossible to ascertain the synergistic toxicities and adverse interactions occurring as a result of simultaneous exposures to multiple vaccines or pharmaceutical agents.
They expand on this point further:
"With the seemingly constant flow of new therapeutic agents and new treatment indications for existing medications, polypharmacy is increasingly common [34][35]. Drug-drug interactions (DDI) occur when two or more drugs are taken in combination and one drug influences the effects of another drug. This may subsequently cause a change in the pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic parameters which may lead to lack of efficacy, or to an increase in the number of reported adverse drug reactions. The association between multiple drug exposure and the incidence of ADRs has been studied, consistently showing an exponentially increased risk with the increase of the number of drugs taken [36][37]. When assessing the severity of the reported ADRs, our study confirmed that multiple drug exposure experienced a high proportion compared with the single drug use. This finding indicate that in order to minimize the risk of serious ADRs, HCPs should pay particular attention to children who are prescribed two drugs or more."
Recently, Dr. Kelly Brogan, MD, commented on one of the fundamental flaws of present day vaccination schedules, namely, multiple vaccine safety has never been studied, nor proven:    
"The current schedule has never been studied – not one vaccine in a vaccinated vs. unvaccinated design, let alone multiple delivered at once, or the entire long-term effects of 49 doses of 14 vaccines by age 6."
What we do know is that countries like the U.S. have one of the highest infant mortality rates (IMRs) in the developed world (33 nations have lower IMRs), while at the same time having the most infant vaccines in the world (26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year).  This can no longer be written off as 'coincidental.' [see SAGE study on the topic]
We believe this latest Chinese study represents one of the first signs of an awakening within the Chinese research and medical community to the fact that despite being promoted as a medical 'holy water,' the very heart of the miracle of modern medicine, vaccines – especially in the very young – are causing severe adverse health effects, many of which outweigh their purported benefits. Moreover, considering that this report (like most adverse vaccine events) only looked at acute adverse health effects, as we learn more about the autoimmunity generating properties of vaccines, and other chronic health issues associated with the presence of 'hidden' pathogenic viruses in the live and attenuated vaccines most commonly used in China and the underdeveloped or developing world, we believe this latest study represents the tip of the iceberg as far as the real adverse health effects associated with the increasingly doubtful 'preventive' measure of vaccination.
To learn more about the fatal flaws in the science of vaccinology, read our recent article on the topic:
HAARP AS ABOVE IS. Courtesy Google Images.
So what is new? Much of the above is only reinventing the wheel with modifications.  Scientists like politicians, theologians and deeply impregnated and heavily programmed conditioned folk, they are holding back new stuff.  There are many reasons why they may do this. They may not be in control of the new, it does not make money, it is dangerous, it offends God, and that which we do not understand frightens us, and much more.
However, like the cork pushed down in water it will bob up now and again, raising its head, like the seal surfacing for air, and when it does it may be seized upon as a new bright innovation.
Then there will be modifications, manufacturing, marketing and if fortune favours us, it is reasonable in price, it is not a pollutant and benefits humanity and not a gimmick.
Well Folks like the Green bar below, all inventions, objects and ideas are in the quantum realm of possibilities and probabilities, endless dimensions and who knows what else, it will all happen and unfold in the course of time.  It is said it takes forty or fifty years for a new original function, facility or aspect to be integrated into the human collective unconscious.
Time and Space.  Courtesy
Courtesy of

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World  
So until next time lets ride the mystical horse through the realms unknown. 
Be Well.  Geoff
Courtesy National Geographic and Erika Larsen

Go Green Go Well.

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