Friends. Greetings. Hoping that life has brought to you 'the warming of the 'cockles of your heart'. if something you see or hear warms the cockles of your heart, it makes you feel happy because it shows that people can be good and kind It's an old-fashioned romance that will warm the cockles of your heart.
Courtesy BBC UK. Cockle Shells
Perhaps we could look at some every serious control issues. modified (GM) ingredients. Fracking. Environmental destruction. Pharma drugs at the expense of natural healthcare. Corporations suing governments when laws get in the way of profits. All these and more are in store with two new ‘free trade’ agreements – and they’re being negotiated in secret. The choice is clear: Stand up against this now, or see more of the power balance swing in favour of the largest and richest corporations. (This means a complete hand over power to Big Pharma, Monsanto and the like--horrific). Courtesy of ANH. The rest of the article is vitally important to read. ( People of Ukraine PLEASE TAKE NOTE, this is what is in store for you and the EU and endorses them)
Just a quote from the above:-
Beyond the more high profile herbs such
as St John's wort and Black cohosh, at present it is still not clear
exactly what herbs can and cannot continue to be sold as botanical food
supplements. The industry will of course try to maximise those sold as supplements.
The MHRA have so far double gold-plated the implementation of European
regulations and then ignored the government's red tape challenge despite an
obvious case of over-regulation. The worry is they will use the end of the sell
through of unlicensed herbal remedies to attack consumer interests further by
announcing more herbs that cannot be sold without a license.
This is a report on how control of illegal reports on food and advice is fraudulently done. ( Erh---interesting)
Disclose TV.
The mystery goes on. The above claims it landed in Diego Garcia.Courtesy
Well are you in or out, conspiracy or not. The secret base on Diego Garcia is interesting whereto or not the MH370 is there or not. One thing that intrigues me is with all that equipment on board seems strange that radar, NSA / GCHQ / ECHELON did not pick up something.
Diego Garcia. Is the plane there?
Diego Garcia is a tropical, footprint-shaped coral atoll located south of the equator in the central Indian Ocean. It is part of the British Indian
Ocean Territory (BIOT).
The atoll is
approximately 1,970 nautical miles (3,650 km) east of the coast of Africa (at Tanzania),
967 nautical miles (1,790 km) south-southwest of the southern tip of India (at Kanyakumari) and 2,550 nautical miles
(4,720 km) west-northwest of the west coast of Australia(at Cape Range
National Park, Western Australia). Diego Garcia lies in the Chagos Archipelago at the southernmost tip of the Chagos-Laccadive
Ridge — a vast submarine range in the Indian Ocean,[2]topped
by a long chain of coral reefs, atolls, and islands comprisingLakshadweep, Maldives,
and the Chagos
Archipelago. Local time isUTC+06:00 year-round
(DST is not observed).[3]
The United States Navy operates Naval Support Facility (NSF) Diego Garcia, a large naval ship and submarine support base, military air base, communications and space-tracking facility, and an anchorage for pre-positioned military supplies for regional operations aboardMilitary Sealift Command ships in the lagoon.[4]
Mauritius sought to regain sovereignty, sold to the UK in 1965, over the Chagos Archipelago. Between 1968 and 1973, the Chagossians, then numbering about 2,000 people, were resettled by the Britishgovernment to Mauritius and Seychelles to allow the United States to establish a military base on the island. Today, the exiled Chagossians are still trying to return, claiming that the forced expulsion was illegal (see Depopulation of Diego Garcia).[5][6]
You will be amazed at the stuff they have there, a military command centre supreme. They literally command that whole sea. ???? They certainly should have tracked or seen the plane.
Is this the forerunner to another 9 / 11 type false flag. Terrorists hi jacked the plane and flew it into ??? or blew up ??? or simply resurrect it as an Osama bin Lidan episode. Or as the one of the links says, 'we the USA can make a plane disappear, knock out the controls and fly it without trace, watchout world '
MH370 . Could dearest Princess Diane been a victim of technology as the missing plane.
I was sifting through energygrid for certain related videos and found that from 2010 onwards 'sensitive' videos have been removed. Various notices appeared, 'Account closed' 'no video found' third party dispute, account decided to close and so on. Even those were all embedded. This maybe a coincidence but it is was the height or beginning of the big stuff to follow. Who took them off? It is known a lot of pressure was put on servers and the like, and despite what Obama has said recently, still is. I came to this conclusion and the song lyrics almost epitomise my sentiments:-
Here we get a mind image of many realities making up the top surface of Life, each wave a reality ah la conditioning, brain washing, you know the picture by now. So ingrained as to appear solid and real. This is the Life on Earth top surface. The wave gets its 'strength from the depths of the Ocean below it', the deeper to the layers of stillness below, sort of layers or levels, the more the power from the substrate or subconscious.
Here we can see that the Universe could have the same substrate, the Cosmic collective Unconscious stretching away to the horizon to infinity.
Let us return to a illness, a disease, a world situation, more likely in this incidence a local or personal one. Let us say it is cancer, financial hardship, relationship problem, say others akin to this. These labels, these have been agreed worldwide, they are waves of reality. THESE WAVES are holograms, fields of magnetic mind information, and appear solid and real. IT IS REINFORCED --illness is real, inevitable, old age, tragedy, god exists, no god, herbs are not as good as drugs and so on, war is a reality. We have agreed, believed and reinforced this, this is real, even different cultures recognise some of these as fixed and not negotiable.
Courtesy Collective Unconscious.
We have agreed at a deep level from childhood this is basic to the human condition. No way out, the doctor said so, the priest said so, sometimes God interferes, the politician says so, my parents and their parents said so---change ----dodgy.
Courtesy Ros
I really cannot accept that there are waves at the quantum level or quantum nothingness and there is a kind of pool, after all I cannot even believe the collective. I believe in what I see and touch.
Courtesy Google images.
Are you really telling me there is a car beneath that--no way. So we live on the surface of life, it doesn't change much a few variations on a theme. Boring most of the time. Thank god for alcohol and the TV, the newspapers and !!!!!!
Are you really telling me there is more to me than that iceberg? A deeper level of myself, where myself disappears as I go down? How do I discover this deeper me? Well one becomes aware of breathing, letting it be, watching, coming back from itching, intrusive thoughts, fear, sleep, fantasy, just by gently bringing ones attention and awareness back to the breath.
One may then feel they are becoming calmer, some say they feel as if they were going down 'inside' oneself, not so much bodily but mind-wise. A sort of inward gaze.
Now let us say one of the waves(bundle perhaps) constituted an illness we call it yrt, this is the reality, the belief. What if we could collapse the wave? Is this a possibility, yes because the further 'down' we go as it were we go past the personal unconscious, breaking the belief, collapsing the wave, to the world ethos collective unconscious, here we meet the waves, the frequencies, the 8 billion odd minds which say --- hey man, no can do. So a miracle is really a collapsing of the wave which is a belief system, a habit, a learned past indoctrination and the power of those 7 billion against yours is a mighty force to deal with. So getting others to reinforce through healing, group meditation, distant healing, or going to a great healer or reputable Shaman can set one free 'Remember Bible and Buddha 'WHAT SO EVER YOU BELIEVE WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT SO SHALL IT BE FOR YOU' 'THE MIND IS EVERYTHING -WHATEVER YOU THINK YOU BECOME'
The rigid scaffolding of one's belief system crashes, hopefully breakdown producing breakthrough. Suddenly at a point in so called time, in ones journey to the Moon or nearing the ocean floor, the quantum field, the energy that built that scaffold, that is the years of habit and ingrained hardness of beliefs, begging to dissolve, scary at first, yet when the 'comfort' of the inner knowing(not to be confused with channelling a spirit or deceased being from their body, not psychism, leave that to the shaman if one cannot do it oneself), just begin to see there are alternatives. I guess mainstream institutions will not endorse these ideas, for me they have 'worked', not always, but certainly often.
Word of caution, my suggestion is do not build another SCAFFOLD, another structure. Why so?
Word of caution, my suggestion is do not build another SCAFFOLD, another structure. Why so?
When I say emptiness it puts the skids under some folk. Here I mean that deep inner joy and peace, a happiness, and if you are really happy in the true sense, time and space seem endless and one is filled with an inner essence. Like the image above one seems to float through life in a vacant head, not a moron or simpleton, more like a playful wise adult who is childlike.
When I was learning the martial arts(many stories in energygrid and the wonders I witnessed with Shamans and Masters) I remember Sensei and Sifu said much the same 'if you have an empty head and you are aware, then you will find that awareness does the work, it is natural, it like a whirlwind, attackers spin off of your vortex' Anyone who has seen a rare video on You Tube of the Grand Master Morihei Ueshiba will see this, he was the founder Aiki do. The above image was brought home to me when Sifu and I were waiting for a train at a station like this, late at night after we had done a demonstration, and he said 'when there is no train, no mind, there is nothing to attack' it hit me if you are empty your still quietness does not send out vibes. Krishnamurti gave an example 'He said I was walking in a forest when a mother bear and her cubs came towards me, now she sniffed the air and reared up, I was still and had no fear, not frozen, just quietly calm, she looked around as I stood still, and looked puzzled as if there was no one there, and she just walked away'. One has to really be in the depths of oneself I feel to do this, and what are the depths, actually THERE ARE NO DEPTHS, IT IS MERELY SEEING THOUGHT AND ITS IMAGES AS ILLUSIONS AND JUST ENERGY THROUGH CONDITIONING. So by just witnessing and realising I am not my thoughts, I am something else. I AM THE SPACE IN WHICH THOUGHTS ARISE. OH boy can you label and describe space.
The more one witnesses in an impartial manner the mind in meditation the more it feels that thoughts are just ghosts. Somehow they do not hold so much power, the emotions are not welled up, causing to overwhelm us and more peace comes and we begin to see the illusionary nature not only of thought but all the deep feelings we may have pushed down and stored within our minds and bodies.
Then one begins to understand the Buddhist maxim 'On having no head'. It becomes weird at first, the habit is to be in control, organise, and of course for every day living, making a shopping list, booking a train journey, doing one's work, organising and structuring is needed. But even that is done without undue stress and not a controlled calm it JUST IS. The madness of the insanity becomes more obvious as one become more familiar with one's true nature.
Let us say the bridge was the raft, the wave of our illness, the scaffold broke, all examples of our collapsed wave. We have collapsed our reality xyz situation / illness and so on, and then we can then if healing is required 'intent-ionise' and 'pull out from the Quantum field a possibility or probability' OF A CURE, WE REVERSE THE PROCESS OF THE COLLAPSE. We do not recapture the collapsed structure and rebuild we build the solution. HERE as it were are all the possibilities and probabilities, the observer at the Quantum 'level' as it were 'extracts' the wave form of the cure, the solution. Of course intention techniques can take a long time to manifest. The healing comes in proportion to the belief and energy and intensity in the process.
Most Important Video ---A miracle or ?
There is more, however I will go into this another time and Post.
Until the Next Post. Go Well and Be Well.
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