Hello and hope you are in the flow. I find in meditation a kind of in the zone and flow. I know many athletes, writers, musicians, lawyers, even in chores that an attunement can get one into the flow. I can feel the flow when it begins to 'catch on' and it is terrific. Anyway the articles below will elucidate further. So happy flowing. My ultimate flow would be that when I leave my body for going home to the Infinite, I can release like a birth into the Life Stream of the New Life Flow. A sigh, a smile and a flow and a deep ahaaaah and there I go.
Courtesy www.slideshare.com
When I played football / soccer I felt and knew I would have a great game, and in the zone I felt the ball where my team mates were. If the team felt the same or some other players we were difficult to beat. I had the same with the martial arts, meditation and Life in general at various episodes and times.
A World without Work. 5 mins. How will this relate to the longevity. No work, basic pay perhaps GMO foods and so on-----what's your take on this?
http://www.spacequotations.com/earth.htmlA real Flow State
Julian Assange on the Panama Papers. 10 mins
CERN reacts to conspiracy theories. 4 mins.
Another kind of Flow. NASA. 3 mins
Veiled threat: Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister (pictured), told Washington that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750bn in treasury securities and other assets in the U.S. before they could frozen by American courts
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3543702/Saudi-Arabia-threatens-pull-750-billion-U-S-assets-Congress-passes-bill-making-government-liable-9-11-related-lawsuits.html#ixzz463wl05jR
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Saudi Arabia threatens to sell off US assets if Congress passes 9/11 bill
http://www.spacequotations.com/earth.htmlA real Flow State
Veiled threat: Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister (pictured), told Washington that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750bn in treasury securities and other assets in the U.S. before they could frozen by American courts
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3543702/Saudi-Arabia-threatens-pull-750-billion-U-S-assets-Congress-passes-bill-making-government-liable-9-11-related-lawsuits.html#ixzz463wl05jR
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Saudi Arabia threatens to sell off US assets if Congress passes 9/11 bill
From my sources I feel there is another 'slant' to this . More when I am sure and the work of ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS GET THEIR CAMPAIGN AND GOING AND DISCLOSURE EMERGES. Certainly a flow of cash and other perks cut off if the above goes ahead. Definitely 'not in the flow'.
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BIG SUNSPOT ERUPTS: Surprise! Quiet sunspot AR2529 isn't so quiet, after all. The heart-shaped active region erupted on April 18th (00:39 UT), producing a strongM6.7-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash:
A pulse of UV radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere. This, in turn, disrupted shortwave radio communications over the daylit side of our planet. Mariners, aviators, and ham radio operators around the Pacific Ocean may have noticed fading signals at frequencies below ~15 MHz. A NOAA blackout mapshows the frequencies and territories affected.
More M-class flares are possible in the days ahead. AR2529 has developed a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors plenty of energy for this kind of explosion. Although the sunspot is no longer directly facing Earth, it can still affect our planet by causing radio blackouts and glancing-blow CMEs. Stay tuned. Solar flare (Many Tanks to www.spaceweather .com)
Just to reiterate My views and opinions are not those of the above link and I use their material to illustrate my theories and ideas and may not correspond to mainstream science)
Although chemtrails are not specifically mentioned look at the skies and then look at the research. They have been doing this since the 70's
Our preparation for the upcoming AIA Convention is in full swing!
Today, we’re delighted to unveil the brochure that we are mailing directly to 2,500 AIA leaders, most of whom will either vote on our resolution on May 21 or be a part of deciding how their local chapter should vote. We’ll also be handing out another 2,500 brochures at the convention. Check out the full contentshere.
Out of our $20,000 campaign budget — for which we’ve raised $11,500 so far! — $3K is going toward printing these 5,000 trifold brochures and mailing half of them to AIA architects all over the country. It’s a very affordable rate that we are able to get only because we’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Please make this powerful educational opportunity possible by donating toward our 2016 AIA Resolution Campaign if you haven’t already. For all supporters who donate $20 or more ($25 for non-U.S. residents), we’ll thank you by sending you a souvenir copy of the brochure!

This year’s brochure puts the names of our 97 resolution co-sponsors front and center on the cover and includes quotes and portrait photos of five co-sponsors on the inside flap.
Opening the brochure, readers will find the full text of the resolution as well as photos illustrating the most important WTC 7 evidence contained in the resolution. On the back, readers will see our call-to-action, with a space above where the 2,500 mailing addresses will be printed.
Moving out of cities. 21 mins.
Are gthe elite on the run? Not in London yet. In the USA it seems so. Another flow of money and people. Going and flowing out of the metropolis.
Although chemtrails are not specifically mentioned look at the skies and then look at the research. They have been doing this since the 70's
Great news, Geoff —
Today, we’re delighted to unveil the brochure that we are mailing directly to 2,500 AIA leaders, most of whom will either vote on our resolution on May 21 or be a part of deciding how their local chapter should vote. We’ll also be handing out another 2,500 brochures at the convention. Check out the full contentshere.
Out of our $20,000 campaign budget — for which we’ve raised $11,500 so far! — $3K is going toward printing these 5,000 trifold brochures and mailing half of them to AIA architects all over the country. It’s a very affordable rate that we are able to get only because we’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Please make this powerful educational opportunity possible by donating toward our 2016 AIA Resolution Campaign if you haven’t already. For all supporters who donate $20 or more ($25 for non-U.S. residents), we’ll thank you by sending you a souvenir copy of the brochure!
This year’s brochure puts the names of our 97 resolution co-sponsors front and center on the cover and includes quotes and portrait photos of five co-sponsors on the inside flap.
Opening the brochure, readers will find the full text of the resolution as well as photos illustrating the most important WTC 7 evidence contained in the resolution. On the back, readers will see our call-to-action, with a space above where the 2,500 mailing addresses will be printed.
Thanks a million for enabling us to reach so many architects with this vitally important information.
The AE911Truth Team
The AE911Truth Team
Are gthe elite on the run? Not in London yet. In the USA it seems so. Another flow of money and people. Going and flowing out of the metropolis.
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