The name of the City is 5G and it is situated in 1st State of
horror just off of the highway Vaccine Terror. You are greeted by a notice
which reads; you are under 24hr 7day 366days surveillance. Then underneath is
the charming words "Dear world citizen you are totally safe here and no
one can harm you---disclaimer;- Due to the high radiation and digital
technology there is no compensation if you fall sick due to EMF exposure"
household appliance from sanitary toiletry needs to toothpicks, towels, razors
have a chip in them, all food clothes, TV, computer, smart phone, indeed
anything you can think or purchase INCLUDING yourself are chipped.
Courtesy ZGurat
Every move inside or outside your electronic
home is known; from your sleep, your sexual habits, food preferences, when you
pee or crap in the pan, your toothbrush and teeth cleaning, every routine,
programme, idiosyncrasies, fetishes.
Coutesy Plutomen
You become a non human as we hardly even know
it now, we become as the image above; a part or extension of a computerised
robotic town, city or zone, we are a pixel, an algorithm we become
assimilated into the network, we are bombarded with selected entertainment to
relieve the boredom of going nowhere to somewhere and back, a mere digitally
arranged holographic show to dull our anxiety and fear which are natural
instincts when we become nonhuman.
Courtesy The Onion
Smart Cities, towns, zones, offices, new
homes, building, transport and everything you can dream or think of
is based on; total efficiency, economically, fiscally, total cut to the bone
profit and renewable and collectable. This then poses a problem with the
human workforce; humans get old, weak, frail and the elderly non-productive
and so not adding to the welfare and benefit of the city(as in China
with the credit system) the wisdom and the care that the seniors bring
to communities are not regarded as useful and the City will take care of you
with technology. Courtesy
To some extent we have a smidgen of
democracy(there are draconian laws in many countries and they chose to hold
back until an emergency)and in this tiny show of democracy there is empathy,
care and compassion, however in technocracy only robot, sterile, and minds
devoid of emotions see science and technology as able substitutes SO then
robots fit the picture most adequately. There was a TV programme
by two UK personality's one was by Joanna Lumley on BBC and Sue Perkins on
ITV depicting Japanese life and the robotics there and in particular robot
hotel 'Henn-a' which strangely enough greets with a prehistoric dinosaur.
Courtesy Hotel Management
what happens to the unemployed if they are vaccinated to death
fried by EMF or just plain sick through
chemtrails, GMO foods and the crap in ordinary foods of which the unemployed
cannot purchase decent organic food or have a clean water supply? There is a
scheme which is being mulled over by the the 'think tanks' about a 'Global
Pension Living wage', it would be frugal and based on your status. Also you
will have to abide by the 'Digital Citizens Identity Card' (The UK is
tentatively thinking of a British one) this would include your biometrics,
your vaccine passport and so on and all connected to the Smart City Control
Centre which would be controlled by a super computer with A1
capabilities. My cynical guess would be that they would follow Dr Kissinger's on
culling the 'non productive and use of inferior humans' and with technocracy
this would be the most efficient and economical way.
Courtesy Zero Hedge
To start with the Smart Towns, Cities and
zones would have a system similar to the Supermarkets where a track of the
stock is monitored and if it gets low on a particular items or items it
flags up and in some instances automatically sends emails or some such
device to supplier to send these to store.
Courtesy Google |
The system proposed is this; as every commodity
is tagged, chipped and accounted for it could be surveyed by a supercomputer
to ascertain every business, home, person, public utilities, every
conceivable digitally chipped item, including ourselves wants,
needs, habits and consumables. This way the minimum amount of waste would be
incurred and we would have to stick to our usual consumed groceries,
utilities and even film and video choices, cinemas and theatres would be at
home on huge wall screens only some sporting venues would host some congregations and be allowed, this would allow easy surveillance and avoid
too much social interaction, even that would be cut down to the minimum
in order to stop underground movements and rebellion.
 | Courtesy Google
All transport would be without a human driver,
this would include aircraft, ships and all other types of transport
personally driven transport is not allowed and there are no traffic lights or
public crossings, there would walkways like moving pavements in order to
cross the road and parks and green spaces would be few and far between and
only allowing citizens to go by permit only. The ordinary yin and yang
of life gone into different colours. Red no go, white stay at home.
 Courtesy CIO.COMDriver -less cars,aeroplanes, ships and so on connected to the World / City Smart Net.
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