Thursday 7 March 2013


Hello and Welcome
This Post is about ET, UFO and Space.   I have a fascination with space. Not only space 'out there' but space inside the head so to speak.  From the sublime and some may say the ridiculous.

I feel we come from space not a ET race out there somewhere, although I firmly believe there are Life forms of a similar nature to humanoid forms,  I feel that so called inorganic matter is alive, buzzing with activity at the particle quantum level, and all this has its origins from the 'void', emptiness, which I feel is a dynamic named consciousness, awareness is another term for this. If one is not caught in the dream of illusion, caught up in the net of conditioning, distracted and allured, seduced by hedonistic materialism, is awake, alert, and aware, a free mind roving the entirety then one is an open being and 'catches' the glimpses of grace that assure them their eternal life and Being.

Caught in Duality, neither the left brain or right brain but the middle way. In the middle Way Awareness becomes the light.

In meditation and not imagery or visualisation there comes a 'point' where one travels through a kind of vortex, stargate, wormhole, trap door, some feel up, down, sideways, I feel through, as if I were breaking through the confines of my local mind and going out into free space, unlimited, and it is light, because the darkness is the energy that Light emanates from and 'Lights' up witnessing and perception.

The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day.
Past research has shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels which can be seen
with the naked eye. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light.
To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20's were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours.
The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with its lowest point at 10 AM and its peak at 4 PM, dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to the body clock, most likely due to how metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day.
Faces glowed more than the rest of the body. This might be because faces are more tanned than the rest of the body, since they get more exposure to sunlight.
http://articles. mercola. com! sites/ articles/ archive/2009/08/ 15/Y our-Body- Literally-G 10... 15

A bit of fun from Kubrick's Space Odyssey. 

Eating the right foods gives one light, of course these are bio photons, yet they contain the 'information' to the body and health it seems is light.

Brain Lights up in Meditation

How meditation lights up the brain
When you meditate changes occur in the
brain's activity, causing feelings of
relaxation and oneness' with the universe.
Now researchers at the University of
Pennsylvania reveal what is actually going on
within the brain during meditation.
Dr Andrew Newberg and his team studied
eight Tibetan Buddhist monks during
meditation, using a brain imaging technique
called SPECT (single photon emission
tomography) which shows the brain's activity
in real time' by injecting a special chemical
that reveals blood flow patterns.
They found increased activity in the brain's
frontal lobe (the area concerned with focused
attention) and decreased activity in the
parietal lobe, which controls orientation. The
latter finding may explain why people lose
their sense of space and time during
meditation. Similar results have been found
with other spiritual practices; the Pennsylvania
team have also looked at brain activity in a
group of Franciscan nuns engaged in prayer.
"The results from this research have
implications about meditative and spiritual
states; how such states are experienced and
how they affect human beings," says Dr
Newberg. "The work also serves as a window
into the study of human consciousness, 'as
well as a link to clinical research that has
shown various physical and psychological
effects, usually beneficial, associated with
spiritual or religious practice."
 More info from .

God is great-for your mental, physical, and spiritual health. That's the finding of this startling, authoritative, and controversial book by the bestselling authors of Born to Believe.

Based on new evidence culled from their brain-scan studies on memory patients and meditators, their Web-based survey of people's religious and spiritual experiences, and their analyses of adult drawings of God, neuroscientist Andrew Newberg, therapist Mark Robert Waldman, and their research team have concluded that active and positive spiritual belief changes the human brain for the better. What's more, actual faith isn't always necessary: atheists who meditate on positive imagery can obtain similar neurological benefits. Written in an accessible style-with illustrations highlighting how spiritual experiences affect the mind-How God Changes Your Brain offers the following breakthrough discoveries:
  • Not only do prayer and spiritual practice reduce stress and anxiety, but just twelve minutes of meditation per day may slow down the aging process.
  • Contemplating a loving God rather than a punitive God reduces anxiety, depression, and stress and increases feelings of security, compassion, and love.
  • Fundamentalism, in and of itself, is benign and can be personally beneficial, but the anger and prejudice generated by extreme beliefs can permanently damage your brain.
  • Intense prayer and meditation permanently change numerous structures and functions in the brain-altering your values and the way you perceive reality.
How God Changes Your Brain is both a revelatory work of modern science and a practical guide for readers to enhance their physical and emotional health and to avoid mental decline. Newberg and Waldman explain the eight best ways to "exercise" your brain and guide readers through specific routines derived from a wide variety of Eastern and Western spiritual practices that improve personal awareness and empathy. They explain why yawning heightens consciousness and relaxation, and they teach "Compassionate Communication," a new mediation technique that builds intimacy with family and friends in less than fifteen minutes of practice.

Unique in its conclusions and innovative in its methods, How God Changes Your Brain is a first-of-a-kind book about faith that is as credible as it is inspiring.

Ancient discovery by Kurdish Shepherd. This is huge and magnificent.

Going back to Blog Post 6 you will see this on beliefs that what we are taught at some schools and biblical beliefs all of one's reality is based on education and  assimiltaion and Lloyd Pye's [Starchild project]   'All you know is wrong' is most apt. This beggars the belief 'what is reality' and when you see the cover up of a huge Institution like NASA in a back post about the electron Volts, who do you believe?  In my view Meditation will bring a deep knowing and then one is sure.

Another Mystery  this time in Nova Scotia . A fascinating ride into the past.
A number of strange UFO sightings.

Saturn's  Hexagon-- another mystery


Josef F. Blumrich is chief of the systems layout branch of
NASA. Born in Steyr, Austria, in 1913, he came to the
United States in 1959, and has worked on spaceship construction
matters ever since. He is the holder of many patents
and was co-builder of the Saturn V. Blumrich, who received
the NASA "Exceptional Service Medal" in 1972, is also the
author of many technical articles.
Space I n i ' i i i t c i .nitl A u d i I
The Spaceship* o f I /«Lu I
Confirms Ancient Astronaut Theories
Josef F. Blumrich, Chief of the Systems Layout
Branch of NASA, helped develop the Skylab and
Saturn V rocket. Now Blumrich applies that same
knowledge of today's space technology to the ancient
story of the Prophet Ezekiel in the Old Testament.
Based on a verbatim reading of the Biblical passage,
Blumrich concludes that what Ezekiel saw was actually
a highly complicated spaceship, more advanced than
anything man can develop within the next 20 years.
In his lectures Blumrich gives the scientific and engineering
bases for his beliefs using slides to show
actual working plans for this space vehicle.
Josef F. Blumrich is available for speaking engagements

There are forces at work to cover up our ancient history and distort our minds to either stop the true facts of evolution from arisingwhich might challenge the emerging and so delay what is muted in Post 11.  Could the video below point to some the perpetrators  of this distortion?

Brain washing by USA and Rockefeller's involved.

This above is 14mins and is in my view VITALLY, VITALLY important. It is important to meditate to clear the mind, not be afraid, not be angered but clearly informed and not subscribe the to the brainwashing.

The DNA inside each cell in your body vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz (which is unfortunately the same range at which modern cell phone communication systems also work).
This vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of your DNA — which occurs several billion times per second — and every time it contracts, it squeezes out one single bio photon; a light particle.  
That photon contains all the information on everything going on in your DNA at that moment. One single bio photon can carry more than four megabytes of information, and relays this information to other bio photons it crosses in the bio photon field outside your body. 
All the photons that are emitted from your body communicate with each other in this highly structured light field that surrounds your body.  
This light field also regulates the activity of your metabolic enzymes. This corresponds nicely with the findings in the study above that show your light field ebbs and flows along with your metabolic rhythm. 
The information transfer on bio photons is bidirectional, which means your DNA sends information out on a photon, and on the same photon the information of all the bio photons from your body is broadcast back to your cells, and to your tubulin, which are light conductive molecules in your connective tissue.  
The tubulin, in turn, receives the information-carrying light impulse and conducts it at the speed of light throughout your body, where it is translatedinside each cell into activating or inactivating certain metabolic enzymes.
Every living organism emits bio photons or low-level luminescence, and the higher the level of light a cell emits, the greater its vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy to the individual who eats it.
Hence, the more light a food is able to store, the more nutritious it is. Naturally grown fresh vegetables, for example, and sun-ripened fruits, are rich in light energy.
The capacity to store bio photons is therefore a measure of the quality of your food.
I firmly believe it's only a matter of time before these truths will become common scientific- and medical knowledge. You can help speed things up by sharing what you know with your family and friends.

Energy Medicine – Ancient Knowledge Gets a Facelift
There is an emerging trend of clinicians who recognize that a far more powerful approach to healing is one that is based on physics and not on chemistry.
Many natural health experts believe that your body is not only made up of tissue, blood vessels and organs. It's also composed of energy, or chi as it's called in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
This energy is circulated through your body along specific meridians, and when points on your skin that correspond to certain meridians are manipulated, the energy circulation and your internal organs are affected. Acupuncture is one well-known modality used to manipulate the flow of your meridians, but there are others.
The term "energy medicine" and modalities such as meridian tapping techniques have become more and more widespread, even though conventional medicine still largely ignores it.

Schematic illustration of experimental setup that found the human body, especially the face, emits visible light in small quantities that vary during the day. B is one of the test subjects. The other images show the weak emissions of visible light during totally dark conditions. The chart corresponds to the images and shows how the emissions varied during the day. The last image (I) is an infrared image of the subject showing heat emissions. Credit: Kyoto University; Tohoku Institute of Technology; PLoS ONE

But your body is also surrounded by light, or energy.
As mentioned in the article above, earlier research has confirmed that your body emits light that is 1,000 times less intense than what your naked eyes are sensitive to. (Some people, however, are able to see this emitted light or "aura," and some can even distinguish colors.)
What's really interesting about this study is that they discovered these light emissions appear to be linked to your body clock and the rhythmic fluctuations of your metabolism over the course of the day.
This suggests that you could detect medical conditions with the use of highly light-sensitive cameras.
 "If you can see the glimmer from the body's surface, you could see the whole body condition," said researcher Hitoshi Okamura, a circadian biologist at Kyoto University in Japan.
There are other devices that can accomplish a similar feat already, such aselectro dermal screening, which measures your electrical skin resistance to gain information about your chi flow.
If an electrodermal screening finds that certain meridian points are out of balance there are numerous non-invasive ways, such as massage therapy, herbal medicine and homeopathy, to bring them back into homeostasis.
Your Biophoton Field Holds the Key to Your Health
Others have explained the existence of light and energy around your body in terms of a "bio photon field."
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt discusses this field in The Five Levels of Healing, which is based on a healing model developed some 12,000 years ago. This energetic model for health has influenced Tibetan medicine, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and Ayurvedic medicine as well.
The existence of the bio photon field was scientifically proven by Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp in 1974.
Your physical health is dependent not only on what goes on inside of your body, but is also interconnected with and dependent on other non-physical levels of energy, such as the energy surrounding your body, called the bio photon field.
In highly simplistic terms, your bio photon field can be viewed as a highly sophisticated computer that processes, stores and retrieves information that is then used to regulate your biological processes.  
It is known in biology that every cell in your body has over 100,000 biochemical reactions per second, all of which must be carefully timed and sequenced with each other. Many (mostly European) scientists have investigated the organizing principle behind this sophisticated dance.  
Dr. Popp also proved that bio photons originate from your DNA and that they are laser-like in nature. He developed the biophoton theory to explain their biological role and the ways in which they help control your biochemical processes.  
How Your Bio photon Field Regulates Your Physical Health 
The DNA inside each cell in your body vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz (which is unfortunately the same range at which modern cell phone communication systems also work).
This vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of your DNA -- which occurs several billion times per second -- and every time it contracts, it squeezes out one single bio photon; a light particle.  
That photon contains all the information on everything going on in your DNA at that moment. One single bio photon can carry more than four megabytes of information, and relays this information to other bio photons it crosses in the bio photon field outside your body. 
All the photons that are emitted from your body communicate with each other in this highly structured light field that surrounds your body.  
This light field also regulates the activity of your metabolic enzymes. This corresponds nicely with the findings in the study above that show your light field ebbs and flows along with your metabolic rhythm. 
The information transfer on bio photons is bidirectional, which means your DNA sends information out on a photon, and on the same photon the information of all the bio photons from your body is broadcast back to your cells, and to your tubulin, which are light conductive molecules in your connective tissue.  
The tubulin, in turn, receives the information-carrying light impulse and conducts it at the speed of light throughout your body, where it is translated inside each cell into activating or inactivating certain metabolic enzymes.  
Have You Ingested Healthy Light Today?
A fascinating alternative practice that Dr. Klinghardt has started using, based on this premise, is to use tools that work with light to influence your biophoton field in beneficial ways.
For example, transmitting the information of nutrients in the form of light into your bio photons field can affect your body in the same way as eating the actual nutrient!
Bio photon research also puts a whole new spin on the impact of environmental toxins.
Mercury, for example, destroys your tubulins at extremely low concentrations. Remember, tubulins are the light-conductive molecules in your connective tissues, so by disrupting these all-important light transmissions from your bio photon field to your cells to your metabolic enzymes, mercury effectively disconnects the intelligent force that organizes your biochemistry.
All the more reason to avoid those thimerosal-laden flu shots!
Raw Food = Live Food = Healthy Light Particles
Biophoton research also explains the underlying principles of why it's so vital toeat a diet of mostly RAW food.
As you know, without the sun it is virtually impossible for most life forms to exist. For example, we now know that without appropriate sun exposure, you will become deficient in vitamin D, which will have very far ranging consequences for your health. Vitamin D influences at least 2,000-3,000 genes (that we know of), and without sufficient amounts of vitamin D, your body becomes susceptible to a staggering amount of diseases.
But you can absorb sun energy via your food as well as through your skin (although this should not be confused with being able to alter your vitamin D status).
Dr. Johanna Budwig from Germany has stated that live foods are electron-rich, and act as high-powered electron donors and "solar resonance fields" in your body to attract, store, and conduct the sun's energy in your body.
The greater your store of light energy, the greater the power of your overall electromagnetic field, and consequently the more energy is available for healing and maintenance of optimal health.

This maybe a repeat but is vital in the context of GM FOOD, and the latest in ANH [Alliance for Natural Health] is the EU are gearing up for a GM push with saying we are getting short of food,, what about the food we waste and Supermarkets trash?  Just another lie and dupe.
Light is nourishment, whether it be in food or meditation, this is not daylight exclusively but photonic and inner light 'the light of true understanding' when we realise that light in photons are the carriers of information, the Universal Cosmic Internet communicator, then information 'informs' every part of our being and everything else of the energy it contains to 'feed' that unit, and its survival.

Science has it as :
 photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation, and the force carrie rfor the electromagnetic force, even when static via virtual photons. The effects of this force are easily observable at both the microscopic and macroscopic level, because the photon has no rest mass; this allows for interactions at long distances. Like all elementary particles, photons are currently best explained by quantum mechanics and exhibit wave–particle duality, exhibiting properties of both waves and particles. For example, a single photon may be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference with itself, but also act as a particle giving a definite result when its position is measure. [any the wiser?]

Talking about the ancient ones above, the bible is full of it. I got into trouble with the Rabbi's when I said I felt the tree of life was the human genome code, the snake the double helix, the apple the formulae of mutation which makes us hybrids. I have written extensively on this in energygrid.  Hey you see why I am a kosher Buddhist with very weird ideas!!!.  
I went onto to say that when Moses came down the second time from the mountain with the ten commandments his face shone and he communicated with Aaron 'mind to mind'.  Moses wore a special garment, he lived in the Tent of  Meeting with the Ark, and anyone who touched the ark other than Moses [also read Book Of David and the Ark in the old Testament] got sick and came out in rashes, got brittle bones and their blood boiled. The Hebrews followed a cloud by day and Fiery cloud at night. I read the old Hebrew so I know it as a translation from the Torah scroll, yes I did get barmitvahed  and went for a short while to a Yeshiva a chasidish [ultra orthodox] school, simply because I had no Hebrew education up to the age of 11 because of illness and Father doing a number on us and living in poverty and constantly on the move.

After my Barmitzvah I went rogue, strangely enough we had English sessions in the Yeshiva only for three hours a day and that was given by non Jewish teachers, by destiny one them was F.A. W. Nash  our English teacher and a well known Judo Ka,[person practising Judo], he then introduced me to the Budokwai, then in Lower Grosvenor Street, Victoria [Now in South Kensington] and I made the switch from Ju Jitsu to Judo.  I was the youngest boy in the Budokwai and for two years practised with the ladies under Irene  Denehal , who was a police women and the first female English Black Belt. Here I met Gunji Koizumi, Trevor Legget, Geoff Gleason, Charles Palmer, Percy Yusishi Sekini, George Chew,  met up with Mr Otani, Kenshiro Abe, Tomio Otani, Senta Yamada, these taught me Kendo, Aikido and there many many other famous at that time Judo ka. In the midst of this I met my own Sensei and Sifu.

Because of the shortage of money I also did professional all in wrestling and got on TV and various venues. 

Very Inspirational video.

this is an extended version of Arthur’s amazing journey and his Instructor. Just 4 mins more. When I was very poor and did not know what to do I became an all in Wrestler for a time, I got on TV a few times, it was all arranged at a Gym, however you had to be fit and my Judo training held in me in good stead. I wrestled under the name of Geoff Ashley [my middle name] the Australian Kangaroo. The Yoga Instructor for Arthur was the same only more USA style and later in the wrestling development. I have a few DVD’s of my life story [in part] and you can see who I wrestled with. In those days smaller men could wrestle.  [The DVD is not available on site but I can mail you a copy only a few left, its part of my life story which you know I have posted]

Kent Walton the TV commentator on wrestling. I knew Kent well.

Kendo Nagasaki was the mystery wrestler? No one knew his name or who he really was. I wrestled with a tag partner Doctor Death at times. It was show time stuff, the illusion of Life, the mystery. Names like haystacks, big daddy, docker Don Steadman it paid the bills and supplemented my income. I enjoyed the razzmatazz. The more masked and ridiculous the outfit the more it drew the crowds.

Of course now it has become ridiculous, it was hilarious enough back then but now it has become 'Impact Wrestling' and us small men have no place in it now. I tried amateur boxing, was a Pro Cricket team 'colt' as an apprentice as in pro soccer. Accidents and injuries took their toll and I just confined myself to the oriental arts and non combatmeditation became a therapist and worked as engineer and then into Forensics.

So was cemented the non religious Jew, the renegade, the kosher Buddhist and the burning desire to know who I am in reality and my search into the paranormal and all else that lies behind the fabric of materialism.

Zen: Monks who have an awakening and so as to preserve their  'attainment' some used to go to the mountains build a shack and live quietly to absorb and integrate  They chopped wood, brought in food and when the snow fell, the birds flew away, and the trees became bare they remained snug and warm.  The spring came, the birds returned, the trees and flowers began to blossom and the monk opens his door and says " all this and I didn't do a thing to make it happen".

Be Well and Thanks from the Heart.  Geoff


  1. Hello Geoff,

    Many years have past since we were last in touch, but somehow we seem to have ended up on the same page. You taught me Judo for a number of years at Hendon County Club (Shindokwai).

    I now make and sell a range of products aimed at enhancing the bodies chi state, based on monoatomic and colloidal elements. These tie in closely with what you write about here.

    It's really nice to find you again. You have, perhaps without knowing it, had quite a big influence on my life, and, I would add, in a good way :-).

    Herman Mittelholzer

    1. Hi Herman I have replied in an email to you and the address is is at bottom of CV however here it is [email protected]. I thought it best to do it this way as we knew one another some years back and is more personal. Thank you for your kind remarks. I apologise for the late reply only I am now on Post 75A and did not go back for comments.


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