Thursday, 1 August 2013


Into the breach once more as they say and greeting to you.
Of course this an alteration of the famous ''Once more unto the breach' - is from the 'Cry God for Harry, England, and Saint George!' speech of Shakespeare's Henry V, Act III, 1598.

This below is another extract from a reply I sent to a friend, and again it was thought it might be of interest.  Of course compartmentalisation is in order in the practical affairs of every day mundane life, however, in my view not in the meditative, contemplative so called spiritual persuits.

It seems that as the world scenario topples and tumbles down, many people are finding nowhere  to 'hang their hat' so to speak.  So for the outside  seekers there is panic and where is safe. For many spiritual so called seekers the reality is hitting home, this is it, am I a spiritual seeker in token, that is just meditating  reading books, work shopping, or do I really mean to be spiritual.
In many blogs lately I have been writing a lot about emptiness, not the emptiness of loneliness and boredom, but that emptiness of the belief systems, the distractions, the mantras, yantras, affirmations, visualisations, imagery, prayer, health and money ALL GONE.  Leaving only the emptiness of awareness, the bare bones of  consciousness without form, like staring with attention into space, the space of no space.  For the moment one  can name, define or label anything, one is back into form, substance, tangible somethingness. 
Our problems it seems is labelling, compartmentalising, this gives us a theory, no matter how laudable and spiritual it may appear and we feel relatively smug and safe. I have a theory, a way, and I can be safe in it until challenged.
Scientist do the same.  When they split the atom they saw particles and then nothing, emptiness.They saw and experienced how the mind altered the experiments.  Many of them freaked out and went onto trying to put the Universe into mathematics, theories, defining, labelling.  The few like Capra, my cousin, Sir James Jeans and so on, realised it was all in the mind.  They just dropped all and remained in the silence, the stillness the emptiness.
So no matter how we try and define consciousness we will always be one sandwich short of a picnic, one piece missing of the leggo, one screw missing from the meccano and jig saw puzzle.  So really having to meditate shows us how far away we are from emptiness of the inner peace.  We are THAT so we have to chase it down by meditating. Meditation is who we truly are, we are that which is left when we complete meditation.
This now occupies me a lot, I seem to be meditating, and then disturbed by an aching limb, money shortage, heart flutter, and then realise this is not who I am.  When I realise I am not that, I am an indefinable space, and how do you define space?  One realises that space is awareness and this has no label. As they say in Zen 'if you can say a word about it, you are in illusion and delusion, so just be '
Well dear friend this seems to be the paradox and the more I wrestle with it, it tires me, so I have to let go, and in that letting go, I let go into 10% of F'ALL as they say, and like the film 'the men who stare at goats' I find myself staring into the mystery of nothingness, emptiness that magically becomes something. What a tantalising yet intriguing mystery, and if there were not a mystery, then life becomes truly boring. The mystery lures us on, and even in emptiness, the mystery continues as one seems like a star innernaught(opposite of astronaut) to keep going through endless space and yet at the same time not moving at all.
'Live Long and Prosper' Spock from Star Trek, and he might say "I cannot see the logic in the above."

Hi Geoff,
Recently, I found myself nervously standing in front of a judge.
Although it’s not unusual at Greenpeace to find yourself in a courtroom, this time was different (honest mum).
I was there because we had intervened in an historic court case that saw huge fishing fat cats trying to claw back a tiny bit of unused fishing quota that had been reallocated to small-scale fishermen. Their argument was that fishing quota was their private property. Think of it like pointing upwards and claiming all the birds in the sky now belong to you. Ridiculous right? And yet that’s exactly what they were trying to do.
Standing by and letting our seas become privatised was not an option. In alliance with small-scale fishermen, we fought with everything we had.
And the verdict I’d been breathlessly awaiting? We won.
The court threw out this grasping attempt by the big boys to maintain the status quo, ruling that the unused quota was not their property and could instead be used by the small boats. David slew Goliath.
We’ve won huge improvements to the Common Fisheries Policy this year. The tide is turning and now together, we’re making a difference for small scale fishermen, who despite fishing more sustainably, have been hanging on to their livelihoods by their fingernails. But don’t take my word for it - hear it straight from the people affected in this powerful short film.
This ruling paves the way for a major shake-up of the distorted UK quota system so that it rewards low-impact fishing, benefits coastal communities and ensures a healthy marine environment. Together we’re making this happen - share this video and help grow the movement of oceans defenders!
Thank you again for your support.
Ariana Densham
This is typical of the UK you have to sweat blood before they listen. They are so snootingly pompous and self righteous, its exasperating and done to wear you down, after all the aristocracy, the Lairds and Lords own us plebs, just a sophisticated feudal regime returning, I expect soon we will have squires back, we have them in the form of stiff stupid local councillors and MPs and MEP's who cannot think for themselves. When I ask my MP something she does not give her opinion which I know differs from the party line, but quotes made some dished up, trumped science that's not up to date and fits in with party politics whether dangerous or not.

This video is shocking and   (Courtesy Forbidden Knowledge)
totally not what you'd expect!
Video (about 46 secs)      This is What Happens When You Attempt to 
Take Video of Police in Sweden
  • A new class of drugs known as PCSK9 inhibitors promises to reduce LDL cholesterol levels to previously unheard of lows, dropping your level below 50. These drugs will undoubtedly kill many before the risks are fully realized
  • Your body needs cholesterol for the production of cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids that help you to digest fat
  • If your levels get too low, you increase your risk of dementia, violent and aggressive behavior, depression, suicide, cancer, Parkinson’s disease—and likely heart disease, as a result of cholesterol sulfate deficiency
  • Statin drugs, which one in four adults over 45 are using to protect their heart health, can paradoxically have significantly detrimental effects on your heart health
  • The most effective way to optimize your cholesterol profile and prevent heart disease is via diet and exercise

12 minutes of mind blowing information see Alexandra Bruce synopsis below.
Dear Geoff, 
On the same day last week, that
Congress shot down any notion of
curtailing the rampant and illegal
violation of the 4th Amendment
that has been ongoing by NSA for
several decades, veteran NSA
whistleblowers convened last
Thursday at the National Press
Club to share their insights into
the history of that organization, its
escalating mismanagement and
its abuse of the US legal system,
which had led to their resignations
from their positions, each of which
they'd held for 30 years or more.
All of them had reported their
concerns through the "accepted"
channels, which had been created
for the very purpose of reporting
illegality, fraud, obstruction of
justice and the mismanagement
to which they were witness and by
which they could no longer abide.
Yet, for their decades of service
and for the dutifully discreet manner
in which they'd reported the wrongs
they saw in their midst, they were
rewarded by having their professional
and personal lives destroyed, with
one of them, Thomas Drake, actually
being prosecuted by the Federal
Government for his efforts -- a man
with a highly distinguished record,
who had started out working in Air Force
spy planes in 1979 and who served at
NSA and other US intelligence
organizations for almost 40 years, as
a decorated United States Air Force
and United States Navy veteran.
Luckily, Drake was represented by
attorney Jesselyn Radack of the
Government Accountability Project
(and a Brown University Alumna, like
me), who was able to get all 10 of the
original charges made against him by
the US Government dropped. 
Drake is the 2011 recipient of the
Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling and
co-recipient of the Sam Adams
Associates for Integrity in Intelligence
(SAAII) award.
Intrepid FKTV reporter, Tyler Bass was
in Washington DC, with his cellphone
camera and he captured most of this
session. (I will now buy him a camera
with the donations made by so many
kind FKTV subscribers, so that his future
videos are of improved production
quality! You will need to turn up your
speakers and Thomas Drake speaks
very quickly, so the transcript may
come in handy for some).
There are many jaw-dropping revelations
in this 12 minute clip. The more salient
quotes have been pulled to the top from
this July 25, 2013 conference at the link
below, in addition to a full transcript of
the video, further down the webpage,
beneath the video screen.
Exercising reduces risk of caesarean birth
The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a fairly hefty baby boy, George, weighing in at 8lbs 6oz (3.9 kilos)—perilously close to needing a caesarean. But if she had exercised during the second and third trimester, George would almost certainly have been within the more standard weight range. 
Women who exercise during pregnancy halve their risk of having a baby with macrosomia, which is medical-speak for a birth weight of over 4 kilos. A macrosomiac baby is almost always delivered by caesarean section.
But according to researchers at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, regular exercise during pregnancy reduces the risk. The researchers worked with a group of 510 pregnant women, halve of whom exercised three days a week during the 10-12 to 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, while the rest did no exercise. Cases of macrosomia in the exercise group were down by 58 per cent while there were 34 per cent fewer caesareans, too.
(Source: British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2013; 47: 630).

  • A recent case-cohort study found that men with higher blood concentrations of omega-3 fat had a 44 percent increased risk of developing low-grade prostate cancer compared to those with the lowest levels
  • Specifically, higher blood levels of the omega-3 fat DHA correlated to higher prostate cancer risk, while no correlation was found for EPA and ALA. They also had a 71 percent higher risk of developing high-grade prostate cancer
  • The elevated blood levels of DHA found in the featured study is not necessarily indicative of higher fish consumption. In fact, low-fat diets can increase DHA levels in much the same way omega-3 supplementation can
  • While the researchers warn that fish oil supplements may be dangerous based on their findings, this study cannot show causation. Furthermore, no fish oil supplements were actually given as part of this study
  • Foods rich in omega-3 fats have previously been shown to prevent prostate cancer from spreading, and one recent meta-analysis found that fish consumption was associated with a 63 percent reduction in prostate cancer-specific mortality[Like the old myth Vit D and c dangerous, eggs are bad for you and now a gradual switch round-- they got there money out of it so lets scare them with something else and make more money, and remember the more scared you are the more power you give away--people have lived on fish long before processed food ask the Inuit}
    • The chewing process serves as the first step to proper digestion
    • Chewing too quickly allows large particles of food to enter your stomach and intestines, potentially causing digestive problems
    • Chewing your food thoroughly allows you to absorb more nutrients from your food, helps you maintain a healthy weight, allows for easier digestion, and leads to fewer digestive issues like gas and bloating
    • You would benefit from chewing until your mouthful of food is liquefied and lost all of its texture, and finish swallowing completely before taking another bite of food
Interesting to listen to these children's views. Great to know how aware they are. 
What if a company that you thought you could trust, knowingly sold you a medicine for your child that they knew had the potential to give your child HIV? How would you react? What if a government agency that claims the responsibility for protecting you from such treachery, not only looked the other way, but was complicit in this exchange?
Everyone has heard of Bayer aspirin, it is a household name. Bayer AG also manufactures numerous other products, from pesticides to medicine for hemophiliacs called Factor 8.
In 1984 Bayer became aware that several batches of this Factor 8 contained HIV. They knew this because there was an outbreak of HIV among hemophiliac children, and this outbreak was traced back to Bayer.
Unable to sell their Factor 8 in the US, Bayer, with the FDA’s permission, (yes that’s right, the FDA allowed Bayer to potentially kill thousands) sold this HIV infected medicine to Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore after February 1984, according to the documents obtained by the NY Times. The documents showed how Cutter Biological, a division of Bayer, shipped more than 100,000 vials of unheated concentrate, worth more than $4 million, after it began selling the safer product.
The result of this sale of HIV tainted medication ended up infecting tens of thousands and killing thousands. Thousands of innocent children and adults have died at the hand of this corporation and no punitive action has been taken against them. The health department leaders in Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore were all imprisoned, while the US FDA continues down its hellish path.

Yes a repeat below
What if a company that you thought you could trust, knowingly sold you a medicine for your child that they knew had the potential to give your child HIV? How would you react? What if a government agency that claims the responsibility for protecting you from such treachery, not only looked the other way, but was complicit in this exchange?
Everyone has heard of Bayer aspirin, it is a household name. Bayer AG also manufactures numerous other products, from pesticides to medicine for hemophiliacs called Factor 8.
In 1984 Bayer became aware that several batches of this Factor 8 contained HIV. They knew this because there was an outbreak of HIV among hemophiliac children, and this outbreak was traced back to Bayer.
Unable to sell their Factor 8 in the US, Bayer, with the FDA’s permission, (yes that’s right, the FDA allowed Bayer to potentially kill thousands) sold this HIV infected medicine to Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore after February 1984, according to the documents obtained by the NY Times. The documents showed how Cutter Biological, a division of Bayer, shipped more than 100,000 vials of unheated concentrate, worth more than $4 million, after it began selling the safer product.
The result of this sale of HIV tainted medication ended up infecting tens of thousands and killing thousands. Thousands of innocent children and adults have died at the hand of this corporation and no punitive action has been taken against them. The health department leaders in Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore were all imprisoned, while the US FDA continues down its hellish path.
UNBELIEVABLE..  What have we come to?
May you rebirth in consciousness so your mind is bright and free.
Be Bright, Be Well.  Geoff

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