Saturday, 24 August 2013


Hey trust you are well and bouncy. Anyone listening to this start to a phone call might chuckle. 'Hi your OK how am I'. 
Its nice to know the aviation industry is paying attention to safety and not just profits.
Passengers walking away from Asiana 214, some with their hand luggage

New York's Empire State Building gleams in the windows of an architectural firm in this photo from a May 2009National Geographic story on living roofs. Blossoming in cities around the world, overhead gardens like this one take advantage of acres of potential green space.  Some innovations have their veggies grown there and some find it insulating if done correctly.  Maybe the way to go and attractive, better air quality, colour and a reminder where we are and connected.
SMART SURVEILLANCE AND IRRADIATION AT THE SAME TIME. NICE ONE  This will apply to anyone with SMART METER.  See Post 53. They are deadly and a spy contraption.
Trailer of Nassim Haramein's project.
JOINT STIFFNESS: Alkalising minerals, glucosamine and chondroitin, alfalfa, burdock roots, red clover, celery and the sulphur holding vegetables mentioned above can reduce painful inflammation and increase joint motion within a few weeks.
DIMMING VISION: Excess consumption of starches and sugars contributes to vision loss. As does over-exposure to artificial lighting; full-spectrum lighting is recommended wherever possible. Including multicolored fruits and vegetables in your diet more often delivers carotenoids and flavonoids that are excellent for strengthening vision. And don’t forget berries of all kinds – they’re great for your eyes too!

WRINKLES: This is one of the easier ones to deal with. My Hungarian grand mother, lived to be well over 100 years of age. She always had baby-soft skin and nary a wrinkle on her face or hands. She kept herself well hydrated, consumed lots of water-holding fruits (grapes, melons, berries) and vegetables (lettuce, watercress.)  from Nutri.{My Granny was Russian}
Drug companies have been every bit as bad as tabloid journalists, and have employed private investigators (PIs) who use illegal methods to gain information about individuals and anti-pharma groups.  They have hacked into mobile phones, accessed bank records, and put ‘spy’ software on PCs.
The police’s special division Soca (Serious Organised Crime Agency), has known about the corrupt practices within the drug industry for years, but has only recently been forced to hand over its files to a parliamentary committee.
It had deliberately suppressed the information in order to protect the “financial viability of major organisations (including drug companies) by tainting them with public association with criminality”.
The names of the drug companies have been passed to the Home Affairs Select Committee, and prosecutions may follow.  The companies either encouraged the PIs to break the law or knew that those methods would be employed, and did not stop them.
It’s not known why the drug companies hired the PIs, but it could have been to build a database of potential targets for their drugs and to hack into phone and computer records of anti-pharma groups.
(Source: The Independent,
July 25, 2013)

If you live in Europe, you are today far less likely ever to eat GM (genetically-modified) food. Monsanto, the bio-tech conglomerate that pioneers GM, has given up on its plans to introduce the crops throughout the region. 
Consumer campaigns have forced Monsanto to withdraw all requests to the EU to grow GM corn, sugar beet and soya beans. The crops would have been used as ingredients for foods and would also have been included in feeds given to cattle we would have eaten.
Monsanto says it will concentrate on its standard crops and weed killers for European farms. Its withdrawal has sent a message to the agri-business, and other companies, such as Bayer, Syngenta and BASF, are also considering the future of their GM products in

Hacking List Pressure Grows As Soca Chief Sir Ian Andrews Quits

Officials are under mounting pressure to reveal the names of companies thought to have used rogue private investigators.
The list of 102 firms and individuals was handed buy by the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) to Parliament's Home Affairs Committee.
The chairman of Soca, Sir Ian Andrews, has said he was quitting after failing to declare a directorship.
But Keith Vaz MP, chairman of the committee which possesses the coveted list, said he would ask Sir Ian's successor to review this decision.
Vaz said: ''Sir Ian was part of the decision-making process that required that the Home Affairs Select Committee kept the lists that Soca sent us confidential.
''I shall be writing to his successor to ask if he or she will now review this decision.''
Pressure had been growing on Sir Ian and Soca to release the so-called ''blue-chip hacking'' list linked to Operation Millipede, which led to the conviction of four private detectives for fraud last year.
The list contains eight firms that featured in evidence in the prosecutions, as well as 94 other organisations which were relevant to the inquiry but not used in e (read more in link below)
World wide arrest for George Bush.
this is red, red, hot.
Are you strong? Can you open your mind, do you believe Edward Snowden now.  Do you see the wonderful work of whistle blowers. Can we be as brave as them and support them.  What does it take to blast open the wickedness of the above Video and the people who perpetrate it?
A fascinating depiction of crop circles.  I have investigated crop circles forensically. It is easy to spot the fakes, the MAJORITY of genuine. I have a report by Dudley and Chorost named Short -Lived Radonuclides in a Crop Circle. Crop Circles which is lengthy and in the genuine one's there are identifiable isotopes. This was taken from a sample on July 31 /August 1-18 1991. This is a 18 page document.  The document is old and apologies for poor quality and the scanner does not always pick up anomalies   I have checked and the gist is there.  For instance 'English is document Comes out as Eng  Itried various formats, this seems the better.
The Discovery of Thirteen Shott-Lhcd Kadonuclidcs in Soil Samples from an Eng-
"fch ('top Circle
Marshall Dudley, lennelcc/Nucleus, Oak Ridee, Tennesee
Michael Chorost. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
In this paper we report the discovery of thirteen short-lived radonuclides (radioactive
isotopes) in soil samples taken from an English crop circle. We will explain the significance
of this discovery, rule out several mundane explanations for it (including hoax), and
propose that the radonuclides were created by bombardment of the soil with deuterium
nuclei (dcuteruns.) We will also consider whether they present a health hazard and conclude
that they probably do not.
A note on terminology: we use the terms "isotope", "radioactive isotope", and
"radonuclidc" more or less interchangeably. Not ail isotopes are radioactive, hut the ones
we arc discussing arc. Where we discuss nonradioactive isotopes, we call them "stable
r Hopes."
The <>v;i 1 -shaped crop circle (Photo I) was formed the night of July 31/Aug I, 1991
near the town of Deckhampton.1 On August Sth, we gathered two soil samples inside it
and took a control several dozen feet away. Their emissions of alpha and beta particles (two
kinds of radiation) were measured with a gas flow counter on August 18th. The emissions
proved to be markedly elevated, compared to the control. One sample (1A) yielded alpha
emissions 198% above the control, and beta emissions 48% above the control. The other
sample (IB) yielded alpha emissions 45% above the control, and beta emissions 57% above
the control. *
We hypothesized that these anomalies were too large to ascribe to normal soil
variation. This was supported by the fact that two controls from another crop circle in the
a (formed August 9/10, 1991, at SU 076 679) yielded alpha and beta counts within 2%
and 4% of each other. Uy contrast, the two samples from within the formation yielded
alpha and beta counts 22% to 45% higher than the averaged controls. In light of our
subsequent discovery of short-lived radonuclides in the Deckhampton oval, we think it
reasonable to believe that the samples' emissions were not due to normal soil variation.
Our next step was to identify the specific radioactive isotopes responsible for the
elevated emissions. Thus we sent the samples to another lab for gamma spectroscopy, which
was performed on August 26th. Analysis of the output revealed the presence of thirteen
Mind Blowing Trick
Too Much Candida in our Guts gets into our BLOOD then Grows in our Heart , BRAIN etc, Yeast infection , Ring Worm, Rash, Not Treated with a Natural Antibiotic followed with 10 days of High Dose of PROBIOTICS then Normal Dose rest of Life Provides the Perfect Environment for the NANO TEC in Chem Trails to REPRODUCE in 
Once Nano Tec gets into our Body/Brain they can sent MESSAGES into our MINDS with Smart Meters on Homes ( Cover Back Area with Tin Foil) Gwen Towers, HAARP
Do a PARASITE CLEANSE some are getting good Results with Cost $15.00 WARNERS'S P-SITES, then for 10 days take HIGH DOSE of PROBIOTICS then Natural Dose for Rest of Life, also use Blender Consume RAW FOOD
Check ACID Level in your Body, Get PH Plastic Sticks, a ACID Body is Perfect for Disease to Reproduce in , Last Three People I have Checked had 5-to 6.5 ACID Level, need 7 to 7.5, Get Red Mill Baking Soda it will Remove ACID, also Regual Baking Soda will Help, 

  • Cabbage is a potent medicinal food that plenty of research shows prevents cancer, in large part due to its high concentrations of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds and glucosinolates
  • Cabbage is rich in vitamin K1 and B vitamins, which many are deficient in
  • Cabbage has been shown to help heal stomach ulcers and offers benefits to digestion
  • Cabbage should be cooked only lightly, eaten raw or fermented to obtain the most nutrients
An Expose of Chemtrails 6 mins 

The Evergreen Supertanker is not just limited to fighting fire . It will be a true utilitarian aircraft with the capability to configure to different applications on short notice. This multimission aircraft can support sensitive security and environmental missions. The aircraft's exceptional drop capabilities, loiter time and size make it an ideal tool to perform challenging homeland security missions, able to neutralize chemical attacks on military installments or major population centers, and help control large, environmentally disastrous oil spills.
In addition, the upper deck of the Boeing 747 provides over 200 square feet of space that could be assigned as a command and control center. EIA possesses an FAA exemption number 1870C that permits the carriage of up to five individuals that are not crewmembers in the upper deck. This area is capable of providing space for command and control components that would assist in sophisticated mapping, incident monitoring and video/communications downlink relay that might require additional personnel over and above the required crew.
  • When you walk barefoot, free electrons are transferred from the earth into your body, and this grounding effect is one of the most potent antioxidants we know of.
  • Inflammation thrives when your blood is thick, and you have a lot of free radical stress, and a lot of positive charges in your body. Grounding effectively alleviates inflammation because it thins your blood and infuses you with negatively charged ions through the soles of your feet.
  • Surfaces that allow for proper grounding include sand, grass, bare dirt, and untreated concrete, brick and ceramic tile. Leather-soled shoes also allow you to ground while walking, whereas rubber-soled shoes disconnect you from the earth and block beneficial electron transfer.
  • Grounding helps thin your blood by improving its zeta potential, which means it improves the energy between your red blood cells. Research has demonstrated it takes about 80 minutes for the free electrons from the earth to reach your blood stream and transform your blood.
  • Grounding is contraindicated if you take Coumadin, as it may thin your blood too much.
Keep Grounded and Be Well With It.  Geoff
Strange Fibre found in McDonald's Chicken Mc. Nugget.  Courtesy Natural News.
Explanation: Why would the sky still glow after sunset? Besides stars and the band of our Milky Way galaxy, the sky might glow because it contains either noctilucent clouds or aurora. Rare individually, both are visible in the above time lapse movie taken over CaithnessScotlandUK taken during a single night earlier this month. First noted in 1885, many noctilucent clouds are known to correlate with atmospheric meteor trails, although details and the origins of others remain a topic of research. These meandering bright filaments of sunlight-reflecting ice crystals are the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere. The above video captures not only a variety of noctilucent clouds, but also how their structure varies over minutes. Lower clouds typically appear dark or fast moving. About halfway through the video the clouds are joined by aurora. At times, low clouds, noctilucent clouds, and aurora are all visible simultaneously, each doing their own separate dance, and once -- see if you can find it -- even with theBig Dipper rotating across the background.
{The above can be seen in the video below link. 3 mins. When I lived at Findhorn I went to Caithness, unfortunately I did not witness anything as beautiful s this, though there were some great skies and auroras.}
A dolphin has been snapped frolicking in the River Dee, in the town of Saltney in North Wales.
It was first seen by the public on Monday in the nearby town of Connah's Quay, but then swam upstream. A nature charity is keeping tabs on the animal.
It became stranded briefly on Tuesday afternoon after turning to make its way to Flint and back towards the sea.
It is rare for dolphins to be seen in the River Dee but a pair of porpoises were reported nearby eight years ago.
  • Environmental Working Group (EWG) just released a report finding “probable human carcinogens” in every single municipal water sample tested, from 43 different states across the United States
  • Chlorine and other water treatment chemicals react with ordinary organic particles in the water to create hundreds of extremely toxic byproducts (disinfection byproducts, or DBPs), which aren’t regulated at all
  • Some DBPs are 1,000 times more toxic than chlorine and include trihalomethanes, VOCs, and haloacetic acids; trihalomethanes are linked with bladder cancer, miscarriages and stillbirths, among others
  • Some of the most dangerous DBPs come from water treated with the disinfectant chloramine; nitrosamines, for example, are 1,0000 times more toxic than chlorine
  • EPA regulates only nine of the more than 600 DBPs generated by chlorine and chloramine water treatment; farming is a major source of organic pollution in drinking water and a major contributor to DBP formation{I assure its worst in the UK, especially adding Fluoride and now Fracking} 
  • Grown from cattle stem cells and dubbed the “cultured beef burger,” the world’s first lab-grown burger costs $330,000 and took five years to develop
  • As for taste, one of the tasters called the test-tube burger “close to meat” while another described it as an “animal protein cake”
  • When plants, animals or cells are artificially created in a lab using experimental technologies, literally anything can happen; the health effects and nutritional quality of test-tube meat are unknown
  • While some claim lab-grown meat could solve world hunger, others believe such technologies take resources away from more realistic solutions, like sustainable agriculture and grass-fed beef
                                          SNEAKY UK
Apart from Osborne being a Monsanto head, his Father -in-law Lord Howell Fracking freak see POST 87, dad in law changing his name to Lord Wooly. 

Wooly Hat and Scarf is Cockney slang for Laugh.) and also a wally(To be nerd, geek or loser.))  Although the dinners and such are not losers type meals.

Now be prepared for three shocks.
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how the ‘cult’ of Mark Carney is leading to food inflation, as well as housewives outstripping inflation. Meanwhile, George Osborne’s welfare reforms see £11.8 billion ‘saved’ from housing benefits, while £12 billion of taxpayer money is set aside to subsidize mortgages of up to £600,000 for the second phase of the Help to Buy scheme. In the second half of the program, Max talks to Simon Rose of about forward guidance, real inflation, and George Osborne’s speculative schemes.
n this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss mom-and-pop investors taken out on a slab and their wealth burnt to a crisp by the high cathedral of fraud that is the New York Stock Exchange and its degenerate priests of high finance. Max proposes a scheme of mortgages collateralized by food stamps. In the second half, Max talks to Owen Jones, a columnist at the Independent and author of “Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class,” about how George Osborne’s policies have stolen nearly £12 billion from housing benefit for the poor and gifted it to rich property speculators.

The UK Deputy Prime Minister has confirmed in a statement he ordered his top civil servant to make sure the Guardian destroyed classified data on US and British surveillance programs. This comes amid implications that Cameron was behind the decision.
The deputy Prime Minster, Nick Clegg, who is leader of the more liberally leaning Liberal Democrat party, has told the British media that he backed Cameron’s decision, a spokesman for the Deputy prime Minster said in a statement.
“On the specific issues of records held by the Guardian, the Deputy Prime Minister thought it was reasonable for the Cabinet Secretary to request that the Guardian destroyed data that would represent a serious threat to national security if it was to fall into the wrong hands,” the spokesman said.
Two months ago, Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood, Cameron’s most senior policy advisor, contacted the Guardian and told them to hand back or destroy the material leaked to them by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. 
Clegg said that he was “keen to protect” the Guardian’s freedom while at the same time protecting national security. The Deputy PM agreed that the destruction of the material would not stop the Guardian’s ability to publish further revelations.
“It was agreed to on the understanding that the purpose of the destruction of the material would not impinge on the Guardian’s ability to publish articles about the issue but would help as a precautionary measure to protect lives and security,” the spokesmen added. 
Nick Clegg (should be clog!!!)
  •  Clog is :  apply to politicians which description fits well. 1a shoe with a thick wooden sole.
  • 2an encumbrance or impediment:they found the tax to be an unacceptable clog on the market
verb (clogscloggingclogged)
  • block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter:[with object]:the gutters were clogged up with leaves[no object]:too much fatty food makes your arteries clog up(as adjective clogged)clogged drains
  •  fill up or crowd (something) so as to obstruct passage:tourists' cars clog the roads into Cornwall
Middle English (in the sense 'block of wood to impede an animal's movement'): of unknown origin
Two sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters that David Cameron himself ordered Heywood to stop the revelations flowing from the Guardian.
“The Prime Minster asked the Cabinet Secretary to deal with this matter, that’s true”, one source told Reuters.
The Editor of the Guardian, Alan Rusbringer, said on Tuesday that he had been approached by “a very senior official claiming to represent the views of the Prime Minster” after his paper published a series of Snowden’s exposes.
David Cameron has not yet commented and is on holiday with his family in South West England, but the shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper already urged the PM to come clean on the issue, adding his role in the scandal should be investigated by the parliament's intelligence watchdog.
The Government and their supporters say that the information leaked by Snowden could threaten national security, but rights groups have accused the government of an assault on press freedom.
They are particularly concerned about the detention of Guardian reporter, Glen Greenwald’s partner, David Miranda and his detention at London’s Heathrow airport on Monday under Schedule 7 of the UK’s anti-terrorism law on suspicion of carrying “stolen documents” and the move by the UK government to force the Guardian to destroy Snowden’s material.
“We don’t know what was on the [hard drives] or what the material was that the government was pursuing. Clearly the government does have a responsibility to protect national security. However, I think this may be another area where an inquiry by the intelligence and security committee may be the right way forward,” Yvette Cooper told a BBC radio progr
A US military judge has sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison in the WikiLeaks case. The Private was earlier found guilty of 20 criminal counts, including espionage and theft.

NSA has ability to read 75% of all US internet traffic - report  

The UK Deputy Prime Minister has confirmed in a statement he ordered his top civil servant to make sure the Guardian destroyed classified data on US and British surveillance programs. This comes amid implications that Cameron was behind the decision.
The deputy Prime Minster, Nick Clegg, who is leader of the more liberally leaning Liberal Democrat party, has told the British media that he backed Cameron’s decision, a spokesman for the Deputy prime Minster said in a statement.
“On the specific issues of records held by the Guardian, the Deputy Prime Minister thought it was reasonable for the Cabinet Secretary to request that the Guardian destroyed data that would represent a serious threat to national security if it was to fall into the wrong hands,” the spokesman said.
Two months ago, Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood, Cameron’s most senior policy advisor, contacted the Guardian and told them to hand back or destroy the material leaked to them by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. 
Clegg said that he was “keen to protect” the Guardian’s freedom while at the same time protecting national security. The Deputy PM agreed that the destruction of the material would not stop the Guardian’s ability to publish further revelations.
“It was agreed to on the understanding that the purpose of the destruction of the material would not impinge on the Guardian’s ability to publish articles about the issue but would help as a precautionary measure to protect lives and security,” the spokesmen added. 
British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg (AFP Photo / Steve Parsons)
Two sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters that David Cameron himself ordered Heywood to stop the revelations flowing from the Guardian.
“The Prime Minster asked the Cabinet Secretary to deal with this matter, that’s true”, one source told Reuters.
The Editor of the Guardian, Alan Rusbringer, said on Tuesday that he had been approached by “a very senior official claiming to represent the views of the Prime Minster” after his paper published a series of Snowden’s exposes.
David Cameron has not yet commented and is on holiday with his family in South West England, but the shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper already urged the PM to come clean on the issue, adding his role in the scandal should be investigated by the parliament's intelligence watchdog.
The Government and their supporters say that the information leaked by Snowden could threaten national security, but rights groups have accused the government of an assault on press freedom.
They are particularly concerned about the detention of Guardian reporter, Glen Greenwald’s partner, David Miranda and his detention at London’s Heathrow airport on Monday under Schedule 7 of the UK’s anti-terrorism law on suspicion of carrying “stolen documents” and the move by the UK government to force the Guardian to destroy Snowden’s material.
“We don’t know what was on the [hard drives] or what the material was that the government was pursuing. Clearly the government does have a responsibility to protect national security. However, I think this may be another area where an inquiry by the intelligence and security committee may be the right way forward,” Yvette Cooper told a BBC radio program.

Alan Rushbridger. Editor of the Guardian Newspaper. Well done sir.
A “very senior government official” acting on behalf of Britain’s prime minister demanded the return or destruction of files leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the Guardian’s editor Alan Rusbridger told the BBC.
The effort to seize or destroy the Snowden-related documents held at the Guardian’s London office was handled by senior Whitehall officials, who answered directly to Number 10 Downing Street, Rusbridger said during an interview with BBC News on Tuesday.
Initially reluctant to follow through with the request, the Guardian ultimately complied with the demand that documents stored in the UK be destroyed, as the daily already had copies of the material abroad and could continue carrying out its journalistic duties.
Rusbridger noting what he called the delicate balance between maintaining state security and acting in the public interest, concluded that the Snowden leaks revealed “concerns about the powers of the state” and were important public issues.
“Even President Obama has recognized this. It is a subject of ‘high public importance’. You cannot write about that if you do not have the facts,” he argued.
The government had previously threatened "prior restraint" – using legal channels to stop the Guardian from publishing further material – a move which Rusbridger believes would be “undoable in the US.”
A woman walks past the offices of the Guardian newspaper in central London on
The UK Deputy Prime Minister has confirmed in a statement he ordered his top civil servant to make sure the Guardian destroyed classified data on US and British surveillance programs. This comes amid implications that Cameron was behind the decision.
The deputy Prime Minster, Nick Clegg, who is leader of the more liberally leaning Liberal Democrat party, has told the British media that he backed Cameron’s decision, a spokesman for the Deputy prime Minster said in a statement.
“On the specific issues of records held by the Guardian, the Deputy Prime Minister thought it was reasonable for the Cabinet Secretary to request that the Guardian destroyed data that would represent a serious threat to national security if it was to fall into the wrong hands,” the spokesman said.
Two months ago, Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood, Cameron’s most senior policy advisor, contacted the Guardian and told them to hand back or destroy the material leaked to them by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. 
Clegg said that he was “keen to protect” the Guardian’s freedom while at the same time protecting national security. The Deputy PM agreed that the destruction of the material would not stop the Guardian’s ability to publish further revelations.
“It was agreed to on the understanding that the purpose of the destruction of the material would not impinge on the Guardian’s ability to publish articles about the issue but would help as a precautionary measure to protect lives and security,” the spokesmen added. 
British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg (AFP Photo / Steve Parsons)
Two sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters that David Cameron himself ordered Heywood to stop the revelations flowing from the Guardian.
“The Prime Minster asked the Cabinet Secretary to deal with this matter, that’s true”, one source told Reuters.
The Editor of the Guardian, Alan Rusbringer, said on Tuesday that he had been approached by “a very senior official claiming to represent the views of the Prime Minster” after his paper published a series of Snowden’s exposes.
David Cameron has not yet commented and is on holiday with his family in South West England, but the shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper already urged the PM to come clean on the issue, adding his role in the scandal should be investigated by the parliament's intelligence watchdog.
The Government and their supporters say that the information leaked by Snowden could threaten national security, but rights groups have accused the government of an assault on press freedom.
They are particularly concerned about the detention of Guardian reporter, Glen Greenwald’s partner, David Miranda and his detention at London’s Heathrow airport on Monday under Schedule 7 of the UK’s anti-terrorism law on suspicion of carrying “stolen documents” and the move by the UK government to force the Guardian to destroy Snowden’s material.
“We don’t know what was on the [hard drives] or what the material was that the government was pursuing. Clearly the government does have a responsibility to protect national security. However, I think this may be another area where an inquiry by the intelligence and security committee may be the right way forward,” Yvette Cooper told a BBC radio program.
Lyrics to Happy Days Are Here Again :
Happy days are here again,
the skies above are clear again
let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again,
Altogether shout it now
There's no one who can doubt it now
so let's tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again,
Your cares and troubles are gone
They're be no more from now on
Happy days are here again,
the skies above are clear again
let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again,
So long sad time, so long bad time
we are rid of you at last
Howdy gay times, cloudy gray times
you are now a thing of the past
Happy days are here again,
the skies above are clear again
let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again,

Altogether shout it now
There's no one who can doubt it now
so let's tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again,
Your cares and troubles are gone
They're be no more from now on
Happy days are here again,
the skies above are clear again
let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again,
Happy days are here again,
the skies above are clear again
let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again
Lyrics by J. Yellen and M. Ager.

After being caught engaged in illegal domestic spying, New Zealand changed its laws. Despite opposition, the parliament passed legislation allowing the country's Government Communications Security Bureau broad permission to spy on residents and citizens.
Interestingly enough, New Zealand although has this squeaky clean image, was the first of the overseas countries that had the original echelon (Post  84 ) mast way back in the late 60's.
Many of us wondered why the Kiwis would do this----the usual Echelon nations paid a large sum to the Kiwis and this was vital at the time because it was the Southern most outpost at the time, I suspect there is one at the Antarctic or a permanent large sailing ship near by or even an AWAC (Post 67 scroll down--thanks).
The foxes are in the hen house
The economy’s in a dive
We need to find what on Earth it takes,
For all of us to thrive.
We gave away our money power
To bankers who serve their greed,
By sucking off the real wealth
And putting us all in need.
Right and left each make their case
For control of government force,
But neither has worked because it
Violates liberty, of course.
There’s a pattern by which the Universe
Stays whole and unified
With which we’re learning to align
And by which all can thrive.
And we are each that pattern
And every atom, seed and sun.
Our still centers aren’t just connected,
They are, in truth, all one.
Mystics of many ancient tribes
Understood this pattern and showed
This knowledge in their pyramids
I Ching, Kabala and other codes.
When we spin out of this vortex
When we pull on life or shove
We miss the bliss we’re here for,
The experience of love.
Our macho ways of tapping the force —
Of explosions we then try to control —
Must give way to harmonic resonance
Where all systems can remain whole.
Our radioactivity
Is the death side of the force
We need to ride the in-wave
To the genero-active source.
The ETs have us in quarantine
While they’re trying to keep us alive
In the crops they’re offering exquisite clues
On what we need to know to thrive.
Our true compass is integrity
Where the only relevant spin
Is not more lies and scamming
But to true up the vortex that we’re in.
We do not need to act alone
In bringing real change to pass.
We can sign up for critical actions,
And move when there’s critical mass.
The secret is to do no harm
To let each be safe and free
Then all our systems can be well
In our journey through eternity.
The good news is… if we wake up,
We have all we need to survive
And working together with integrity
We truly all can thrive.

To stay updated on news from THRIVE and current event analysis from Foster, plea
THANKS  Foster and Thrive.


Title.  Liars on Parade.

Hedge funds, insider traders begin dumping Monsanto stock as reality of GMOs sinks in across Wall Street

(NaturalNews) Monsanto executives and insiders are dumping Monsanto stock in record volumes, sending the stock price spiraling downward. CEO Hugh Grant just sold off 40,000 shares at $97.74, and both Janet Holloway and Gerald Steiner -- both high-level Monsanto executives -- recently ditched more than 10,000 shares each. Tom Hartley also bailed on another 6,000 shares at $100.15. (See sources below.)
Hedge funds, meanwhile, are also dumping Monsanto stock, most likely due to sharply increased "negative sentiment." This means people increasingly don't like Monsanto, and that's a direct result of all the growing realizations about the dangers of GMOs, Monsanto's predatory business practices, the company's dangerous experiments that have already unleashed genetic pollution, and the fact that 
GM corn has been experimentally found to cause widespread cancer tumors in rat studies

Just the fact that Monsanto's GE wheat trials got out of control and contaminated a wheat field in Oregon -- causing Japan and South Korea to ban U.S. wheat imports -- has resulted in 150 groups now demanding the USDA keep a tighter lid on Monsanto's GMO experiments. These groups are fed up with seeing the market value of their crops destroyed by sloppy "open field" experiments being conducted by Monsanto that spread genetic pollution across the country and contaminate non-GMO crops. (Monsanto goes even further and actually sues the farmers whose fields they contaminated!)

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