Tuesday 15 October 2013


Hello and sincere greetings.  I have been away for a few days. Walking in the Cleveland and Yorkshire Moors with a dear friend, the beautiful wild scenery, viewing in a bird hide, amazing being still and watching the wild life. The fresh bracing wind and clean, clean air as in contrast to Barnet where I live some 12 or so miles out of central London.
Also presented workshop number 638 after four years of lay off as my friend is retiring from many, years of presenting workshops and organising mine, it was also her 80th  birthday. Her CV is simple and belies her tremendous service to everyone she has contact with. www.mavisfielding.com . A true friend, colleague and a fine upright person. I also met so many 'old work shoppers' and we had a laugh, a cry and some amazing sharing, we danced, we cut the birthday cake.
In the evening I was treated to watch a ice hockey match which I hadn't seen one for 64 years, when my Dad and my brother took me to see Wembley Monarchs and Lions. Then sometimes to a Speedway meeting at the famous Wembley Stadium, the ice hockey was in those days played at the Wembley Ice Rink or Arena adjacent to the Stadium.

The Renovated Wembley Stadium
What has all this to do with Fracking. Well part of the magnificent awe inspiring breath taking beauty of the moors is ear marked for Fracking and more Wind Farms. Despite local protests it looks as though the Fracking will go ahead.  The beauty of this wild part is beyond words and visitors from all over come and are astonished. Wind farms have spoilt the coast and although they maybe useful, however, there are many more ways to obtain energy without destruction and eyesores. The Fracking will be disastrous and horrible apart from all the other setbacks to the watershed, table and tap water. However the greedy need the money and renewable, sustainable energy sources do not provide enough money and profit to satiate the immense gross appetite of some.  
The Title of the workshop was ' When Love Knocks at the Door'. It did that day. 
I found the hassle of travelling, the milling rushing often panicking crowds on trains and lugging luggage is not for me. I did nigh on 40 years of this, otherwise the workshop I enjoyed as I always did in those years.  Now to Fracking.

I had to think a lot before sending you this email.
With 30 of our friends sitting in a Russian prison on trumped-up piracy charges, it’s been difficult to stay focused on our work here at home.
But then I thought about what our friends were doing in the Arctic - fighting to stop an extreme form of energy that, if exploited, would be disastrous for the climate. And we have a rare chance to challenge extreme energy right here in the UK: fracking. But we don’t have much time.
So while we are still doing everything in our power to free the Arctic 30, we can’t let the frackers sneak into our backyards while our attention is diverted.
Right now, the government has earmarked nearly two-thirds of England for possible fracking, without fully understanding what effects it is likely to have on our health or the countryside.
What we do know is that if we want to tackle climate change, we can’t be digging new fossil fuels out of the ground.[1]
Fracking involves horizontal drilling that can extend two miles from the actual drill site, passing directly under the homes of those nearby.
Despite the government’s enthusiastic dash for gas, we have the power to make fracking very difficult, and may even be able to halt exploration in its tracks, if enough of us come together.
This is how it works: if you don’t want fracking companies pumping toxic chemicals under your home, you can say so. Then, any drilling there becomes trespassing; the frackers would be breaking the law.
All you have to do is declare that your home is 'Not for Shale' and you will be added to the growing legal block to stop fracking where you live.
But we need to act quickly, as there are hints that the government will try to change the law to support their dash for gas. [2]
The Arctic Sunrise crew have risked their liberty to help keep Arctic oil from being extracted. Now is our chance to take a stand to keep dirty fuels in the ground where they belong and say no to fracking under our homes.
 Although this is mainly for UK Monsanto and pushed by Bilderbug Cameron it could come to your country, read up on it and be prepared.
 Best Wishes.  Geoff
Dear Greenpeace members,
I write to you in the hope that you can help.
My parents and I are still in shock at what has happened to Kieron and the rest of the Arctic 30. We feel devastated that Kieron's life could be torn apart by decisions that seem to make no sense in any way.
We have heard very little from Kieron since he was taken to the detention centre in Murmansk. Just a brief phone call on the day the boat docked and a solitary letter written 10 days ago. Although it was of some comfort to hear from him on both occasions, we are worried for his state of mind in conditions that will be totally alien to him.
With the sadness that has affected us all comes an anger and determination to fight for him and help to secure his immediate release. I urge you all to do the same, for him and for the 29 other families that are experiencing the same panic and fears that we face.
Please share this with your friends and ask them for their help.  
But most importantly write to the Russian embassies around the world and tell them that what they have done is wrong:
Thank you all for your support,
Russell Bryan, Kieron's brother
                                                    Best Wishes.  Geoff

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