Top of the Day to you, greetings and well being.
This also gives credence to my posts 20,28,32 and UFO story and a huge lot more in back posts in energygrid. What with the release of Dr Greer's film of Sirius and the various 'hotting up' and whistle blowers appearing then whey hey will the balloon burst?When I was writing my first book,I interviewed two young men whoclaimed that for years (meaning, sincethey were in their early teens or evenyounger), they had been part of BlackOps teams to recover crashed aliencraft and their contents.Needless to say, I found their reportsvery hard to believe. Upon seeingthis footage today - even thoughthere is no mention of the locationof this event - or much to substantiateits veracity, it does perfectly illustratethe claims of two men I'd interviewed,back in 1997 (whose names will remainwithheld).The numerous testimonies by morecredible witnesses, last week at theCitizen Hearing on Disclosure event,produced by Steve Bassett, would alsotend to lend support to the claims ofmy 1997 interviewees, so I find myselfcoming around to giving them morecredence...Video (1:41 mins): Courtesy Alexandra Bruce. Forbidden Knowledge
- Three recent studies confirm that pollution from traffic increases your risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis and heart attack
- Chemicals found in personal care products such as deodorants, lotions and conditioners, are detectable in Chicago’s air at “alarming” levels. The chemicals in question, cyclic siloxanes, are known to be toxic to aquatic life
- A recent analysis found nine toxic metals in 32 lipsticks and lip glosses tested, including: lead, cadmium, chromium and aluminum. According to the researchers, some metals were detected at high enough levels to “raise potential health concerns,” and although no name brands were identified, they advised the public to “treat these results as applicable to all lipsticks.
{ A study was done in London at the Cromwell Road, a busy
road that leads from Central London to Heathrow, London Airport, and the number
of Children with asthma and related respiratory illnesses was alarming, I
was one of those that compiled the reports and was shocked. True it
did improve when lead was taken out of petrol, then diesel is just as
dangerous, and lower exhaust pipes, get to children even more. The report
was filed and ---?}
- Health
and environmental groups are launching a national campaign aimed at 10
major retailers, urging them to discontinue the sale of products
containing potentially toxic materials and develop a plan to phase out the
use of the listed chemicals within the next 12 months
- A
typical American comes in regular contact with some 6,000 chemicals and an
untold number of potentially toxic substances on a less frequent basis.
Many of them have never been fully tested for safety. To protect your
health, it’s important to take steps toward decreasing your chemical
exposure {Its the same in most countries}
- Ag-gag
laws are being heavily promoted by lobbyists for the meat, egg and dairy
industries to essentially prevent anyone from exposing animal cruelty and
food-safety issues at CAFOs by making it illegal to take undercover photos
or videos, requiring anyone applying for a job at a CAFO to disclose
affiliations with animal rights groups, and other measures
- Five
states have ag-gag laws already in place, and another 10 have introduced
their own anti-whistleblower laws this year
- Industrial
food producers are also encouraging their “farmers” to change the terms
they use for their horrific practices to less-offensive sounding words,
such as swapping “gestation crates” with “individual maternity pens”
- Corporations primarily use the CAFO system because efficiency and profits are valued above all else, even though this frequently violates natural laws and increases the risk to people eating the food they produce{The EU doing the same in a different way, passing immensely draconian laws and ignoring all scientific evidence, the same despotism with a differing angle
/oil-firms-probed-over-suspected-price-fixing-180318402.html?vp=1 How many times has this happened before, they will be fined, although it will seem a huge amount, it will be peanuts to them, because of their mammoth profits. Its just a game. Meanwhile we are told Britain's economy is growing, while unemployment and shops with businesses are closing down.
/oil-firms-probed-over-suspected-price-fixing-180318402.html?vp=1 How many times has this happened before, they will be fined, although it will seem a huge amount, it will be peanuts to them, because of their mammoth profits. Its just a game. Meanwhile we are told Britain's economy is growing, while unemployment and shops with businesses are closing down.
Because UKIP a political party outside the mainstream, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Labour and the Green Party have gained votes and alarming the mainstream, Mervyn King who is the Chief Honcho at the Bank of England, a real smarmy smoothie, cutting your throat whilst feeding you ice cream, HE announces that the economy is growing when we know it is not, they doctor the figures anyway, and you can manipulate stats. This then boosts the government policies of austerity measures and they will say SEE we were right and correct in our austerity measures'. The general public will get a penny off of their petrol, a little tax bonus and then at the next election, see what we have done, didn't we do well?
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Nigel Farage . Leader of the UKIP Party. |
Mervyn King. Chief Honcho at the Bank of England. In my opinion the bank is the equivalent to the Federal Bank of America. The British just have a smiley more user friendly façade. |
Tomatoes reduce chances of prostate cancer in over-55s
13 May 2013
Three to four servings a week of tomatoes and tomato-rich dishes can help protect older men against prostate cancer, say researchers.
Men aged 55 years and older who eat plenty of tomatoes every week can dramatically reduce their risk of developing the cancer, say researchers from the University of Illinois. It’s best to eat them whole to get the full protective effect.
The risk of developing the cancer drops further still when soy is also added to the diet. Up to two servings a week of soy seems to magnify tomatoes’ protective effects.
In one laboratory experiment with mice, only 45 per cent of those fed soy and tomatoes developed prostate cancer compared to 61 per cent of those given only tomatoes and 66 per cent fed only soy.
(Source: Cancer Prevention Research, 2013; doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-12-0443).
Cancer: Two herbal supplements reduce prostate cancer risk
04 March 2009
Two herbal supplements available in the shops may reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men as they age, researchers believe.
DHEA supplements may provide a protective effect against prostate cancer as the body loses its ability to naturally produce the hormone, and red clover supplements are a rich source of isoflavones, which can also help prevent the cancer.
The two have been tested in the laboratory by researchers at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Lead researcher Julia Arnold says: “Something is happening in the prostate tissue microenvironment that is illustrating a potential cancer prevention effect from this (DHEA) supplement.”
Similarly, the red clover supplements also seemed to be affecting cancerous tissue in the prostate.
(Source: Cancer Prevention Research, 2009; 2: 134-42).
In my terms the above link could be called conscientious capitalism. I attempted this way back see Post 23 at Nottingham University, and Brussels EU, Rome FAO in numerous back blogs. My opinion from the video above, to make the time 'right' an event such as inspiration, a deep shock, some sort of catalyst has to arrive, maybe the 'Divine Plan' the gradual unfolding by evolution, Bohme's implicate theory, Prigogine dissipative Structures, a world awakening through the realisation our societies are sick. Something is brewing, hopefully not an Earth rebellion and the Tectonic spin, massive CME. I feel it is an equation, 'if the population wakes up and overthrows the destructive element, say 75% then there will be a 25% disaster' or the awakening could trigger the '100 monkey or critical mass'.
A lovely rendition of the critical mass
Published on 14 May 2013
A leading Japanese politician has called the use of sex slaves by Japanese soldiers during world war two a "necessary system".
Toru Hashimoto, the Osaka mayor, made the reference to about 200,000 women, mostly Korean and Chinese, who were believed to have been coerced into becoming so-called comfort women.
His comments have provoked reactions from others in Japan, and the region.
{What is concerning is the rise in Japanese nationalistic fervour again. Is this the hotting up between China, Korea and the US}.
- Newly released statistics show that more Americans now commit suicide than die in traffic accidents. The sharpest rise in suicides over the past decade is seen among the middle-aged. The suicide rate for men in their 50’s has risen by 50 percent, to nearly 30 suicides per 100,000; among women between the ages of 60-64 the suicide rate rose by nearly 60 percent
- Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that antidepressants are no more effective than a placebo, and in some case less effective
- The National Institute of Mental Health has announced it will no longer look to the DSM as the “gold standard” for categorizing mental health problems. In an effort to improve and transform psychiatric diagnosis and treatment, the Institute has launched a new research project that will incorporate genetics, imaging, cognitive science, and other information to lay the foundation for a new classification system
- SPECT imaging can help reveal brain dysfunction caused by head trauma, toxic exposures, and/or a combination of poor lifestyle habits, such as a poor diet and lack of exercise
- Energy psychology is an advanced tool that can effectively address some of the psychological short circuiting that occurs in emotional illnesses. Other lifestyle strategies that can help you optimize your mental health are included
Not long ago in Wales, there was a spate of young people committing suicide, also many youngsters committing self harm. There was a hullabaloo in the press and the usual government concern. Then when the financial crunch came, five millionaires who lost all their wealth committed suicide, some burnt their homes and killed their families.
With the austerity measures the funds for social workers, care workers and extra police, in fact police numbers are being cut. The 'news' has died down. The government talks about its flag ship the NHS[National Health Service] and it funding and pride, yet daily, there are tragedies and lack of nursing staff.
People are not finding work and yet so called statistics say there is, and the simple fact there is not. Again a massaging of statistics. The fear is even if we have a referendum to come out of the EU the 'votes will be doctored' or the question will be ambiguous on the voting form.
The jealousy and envy of youngsters when they see celebrity culture, wealthy bankers, the constant baying of the corrupt media talk only of success. Soccer managers fired if they cannot produce success players as well. This constant shark like feeding frenzy for notoriety and publicity. It builds false hope and so depression, pill addiction for sleeplessness, depression and the road to self harm and possibly suicide.
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Pain is not just physical. When one's coping resources break down then desperation and desperate action often ensues. |
- Poor sleep has been linked to a number of health ailments, including short-term memory loss, behavioral problems, weight gain, diabetes and even increased risk of cancer
- New technologies are emerging, promising to decrease our relentless need for sleep without the side effects associated with stimulant drugs. This includes a mask designed to optimize the restorative power of the “power nap,” transcranial stimulation devices to treat insomnia, and transcranial magnetic stimulation, which can literally induce deep sleep at the flip of a switch
- Sound stimulation has also been shown to be effective for prolonging deep sleep and improving memory when sounds were synchronized to the subject’s brain waves
- ZEO is an innovative sleep measurement device that allows you to perform a personalized 'sleep study' at home, and evaluate how various factors affect your sleep

OK so Bilderbugs what's the next planet you fight to own?
In the complexity and yet simplicity which are the interrelationships and symbiosis in the Life which teems through the Universe, it seems so frugal to exert oneself other than simple survival. After all the immensity of the stars above, the pin prick of our Earth, if one is honest and realises there is an intelligence behind all this, and only 'space' not even the teeming energy of or in the vacuum that which is truly empty and invisible, is the Intelligence, it is the only way that such immensity can exist.
Space/the Source, can accommodate or hold such vastness in Itself. It is the Womb and Matrix and in Its essence is empty, void, empty, and yet that emptiness is Intelligence in invisibility. Like the mind behind the electronic synaptic evidence, it creates by assembling Its energy by thinkings, imagining, and so the 'particles' of energy thoughts coalesce and in its trillions of combinations create what appears to be solid form. Yet peer beneath this apparent solidarity and lo and behold there is nowt to see or even comprehend.
After all can you read the invisibility of another's mind to the minute detail, yet alone the Intelligent mind of the Universe?

All the writing and explanation is merely my frustration and ego wanting to know, to understand, to be sure I survive, I am safe in my explanation, it may give me an intellectual buzz, a sort of cocky smug ego medal, I know I have the explanation, I'm an academic, a scientist, a priest, an agnostic, an atheist, a lawyer, doctor, King, President, I think I know, I have faith in the doctrine, and yet there is in more real and less heady moments, which is when I am really truthful, I really do not know. An old cockney saying 'I know 10% of precisely f--k all'.
My understanding now is nada(nothing -Spanish), it is simply a mystery and I sit with it, and when I let go of the scientific enquiry, the mind boggling energy push to know, to know I know, when I surrender to the mystery, the mind quietens down, I become centred, and I KNOW without words, without anything but a deep feeling, all is very, very well indeed and this is sufficient unto the day and living.
My understanding now is nada(nothing -Spanish), it is simply a mystery and I sit with it, and when I let go of the scientific enquiry, the mind boggling energy push to know, to know I know, when I surrender to the mystery, the mind quietens down, I become centred, and I KNOW without words, without anything but a deep feeling, all is very, very well indeed and this is sufficient unto the day and living.
Be Well and Live Well. Geoff
MPs Warn David Cameron Of Telecom Cyber Attack Threat
David Cameron is being warned that telecoms equipment made by Chinese firms should be independently tested by the security services in order to protect against cyber attack.
A report by the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) is expected to highlight the key role played by the Chinese company Huawei in Britain's telecoms network.
The firm, which is on course to be the world's biggest telecoms supplier, has been the subject of national security concerns in a number of countries including the United States and Australia.
In 2005 it won a contract with BT to supply equipment to upgrade the telecoms network, and its products are also used by mobile phone companies, including EE's 4G network.
The ISC, chaired by former foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind, is expected to recommend that a facility opened by Huawei in Banbury, Oxfordshire, should now be overseen by the security services.
It is thought the committee will also call for an audit of the UK's telecoms network in order to identify where Huawei products are in use.
The report presents a potentially thorny dilemma for Mr Cameron who received a copy before Christmas but has delayed publication for months.
The Prime Minister is anxious to encourage Chinese investment in the UK but relations with Beijing have been strained since he met the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader, last year.
Any action against such a prominent Chinese company would only exacerbate the tensions.
Huawei denies that it is linked to the Chinese Communist Party and insists that its equipment cannot be used to steal information or disable communications.
In the news lately there are several celebrities who have tried suicide, Paris Jackson, Stephen Fry and a unique take on marriage from a comedian shown below, the fame, the money does not always compensate for the depth of 'knowing who you are'. Knowing who you are is not a set of concepts. Although one may cloak oneself in them and find temporary solace therein. Knowing oneself is a feeling of deep connection with Source, with the Infinite Being. In fact one knows one is Infinite, not in academic terms like 'everything in the Universe is recycled, the Universe doesn't waste anything' and so on. This is beyond words and ideas, concepts and doctrines. Beyond faith and surrender to a bible, a religious works, a figure head or guru. This is the peace that passes all understanding.
Russell Brand has revealed why his marriage to popstar Katy Perry failed to stand the test of time.Speaking to Esquire magazine about the breakdown of his marriage, he admitted: "Some of it’s the fame, but I think getting married is — you’ve got a whole other person that you’ve got to make as important as you!”
Brand made it clear both him and the 'Fireworks' singer found it hard being married when they are individually sex symbols.He confessed: "I live a life where I have a lot of freedom, so if I meet someone and I go, “Right let’s be monogamous,” that’s a f**king change. But I tried it and I loved it. I really think she’s a lovely beautiful person [Katy Perry]. It’s just hard isn’t it? She’s got a lot of options, I’ve got a lot of options, so you’ve got to really, really want it.”However, he also seemed to admit his failed marriage may have something to do with his insatiable appetite for women: “I’ve given over too much of my life to its pursuit. And I’ve probably harmed other people, by being selfish. And really, I’d like to be married. I’m just not transmitting that frequency of “Soulmate! Soulmate!” I’m transmitting the frequency of “Mmm!”
Brand made it clear both him and the 'Fireworks' singer found it hard being married when they are individually sex symbols.He confessed: "I live a life where I have a lot of freedom, so if I meet someone and I go, “Right let’s be monogamous,” that’s a f**king change. But I tried it and I loved it. I really think she’s a lovely beautiful person [Katy Perry]. It’s just hard isn’t it? She’s got a lot of options, I’ve got a lot of options, so you’ve got to really, really want it.”However, he also seemed to admit his failed marriage may have something to do with his insatiable appetite for women: “I’ve given over too much of my life to its pursuit. And I’ve probably harmed other people, by being selfish. And really, I’d like to be married. I’m just not transmitting that frequency of “Soulmate! Soulmate!” I’m transmitting the frequency of “Mmm!”
Russell Brand.
Photographed by Peggy Sitora and Courtesy of Esquire.
Well what is a sex symbol to you? What is the addiction of people like Michael Douglas, Russell Brand who have admitted being addicted to sex. This is not to criticize them or others, it is about any addiction, when it claims one, then reason goes out the door, one becomes lost to oneself. The addiction becomes oneself. This is for food, sex, money, power, yes being falsely humble, you name it, we are all probably addicted in some way be it 'small' in comparison, yet it can grow.
It is so important with media graphics, digital 'special effects' 3D TV, to be present to be the unbiased quiet non judgemental witness to oneself. This way we view the library, the mausoleum, the hard drive of stored memory that can be be juxtaposed, juggled around, cleverly juggled to justify anything, anywhere, any time, this is where the law, religious and civil, can justify execution, war, broken relationships and abuse. The labyrinth of the conditioned mind is very convoluted, tortuous and twisted so we need to find a way to clarity and beyond human reason.

in the nostrils, watching the thoughts, letting them go like clouds in the sky of mind, feeling the feelings, letting them go, bodily sensations, observing them and letting them relax and go, feeling itchy, sleepy, gently breathe into them, become aware of awareness, let go of the head, the body, be just awareness without thought or feeling, you will feel/know this when it occurs, it cannot be manufactured or conjured up by the mind or memory. In this rare opportunity afforded by grace, you will know, and all that your life has been till that moment has been a shadow and now the light of awareness shines and all is very, very, well indeed. you are not worried or concerned about your rights have a gander at this link above.
It is most important, firstly many, many, many, scientists have come forward, ex CIA and security officials and now the engineers. Please look at the short video below:
It's ironic that David Beckham and Bill Gates are hosting a huge meeting in Hyde Park, London 8th June 2013 on ending hunger and poverty in children. Post goes out same day. Look at the video below.
Interesting the Bilderbergs are in town this weekend at Watford near me.
See also Post 48 and 49
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