Monday, 23 September 2013

POST 100

Hi Again. Autumn is really set in here in the UK. I hope those in the Northern Hemisphere enjoy the colours of Autumn and in the Southern Hemisphere a great and wonderful summer. 
I love fabulous card tricks.  This one is amazing.
As winter is approaching and the flu vaccine will be pushed by doctors and health authorities, please make an informed decision and read this link.
Gamma Rays from Lightening
This is one of many sites that include the practice of the Buddhist Meditation of  'Metta Bhavana'  The link above describes one of the many ways it can be done.  What is interesting for me and again in the brain so to speak is the following. That in a study of the Metta and EEG patterns of Buddhist Monks who were long time Metta practitioners, showed up in the graphs the patterns in the Gamma Brain Wave range.
An EEG study by Richard J. Davidson of people who meditate in metta, with a minimum of 10,000 hours practice, showed substantial differences in the magnitude of gamma waves as well as gamma synchronization, particularly during meditative sessions, and directly afterwards. During baseline states, where the subject was not engaged in the practice of metta, there was a signature brain wave pattern that distinguishes the metta practitioners, lay people as well as monks, from people, at baseline, who have not extensively practiced compassion meditation. This study also showed, during meditation, an increase in the activity of brain areas such as the temporoparietal junctioninsula, and amygdalacan increase the subject's ability to see things from another's perspective, and actually change the area of the brain that is involved with the autonomic system so that the meditator's heartbeat increases. These studies show that the amygdala is modulated during compassion meditation.[22] Compassion meditation has been shown to lower the participants reaction to inflammation and distress, both of which are associated with, "major depression, heart disease and diabetes," in response to stressors, a change that was dependent on the amount of time spent practicing, with practitioners who spent more time meditating having corresponding more significant changes in their brains.[2
Metta definitely produces a feeling of love and compassion, so I used poetic licence so to speak, to say that Gamma rays are love rays or compassion rays. Of course the Cosmic Gamma rays may not be so and are highly active and dangerous to human other organisms in strength.  But with my poetic licence, I speculated what if these Cosmic Rays were a stronger edition of the Cosmos and watered down to us in our brain, as above so below.
So I kind of romanced with the Milky Way as a love 'giver' and my contention is that the Center Milky Way is the driver of the 'the unfolding Universal Shift'.  My grid articles are extensive on the cycles and the shift, so many as to be too numerous to supply links, if you wish you can use the search bar for references. Now we have the lightening phenomena as above, and it is said the Schumann Resonance is driven or occurs through it's interaction and our attunement with that 7.87 hertz frequency on which the brain and heart are needing to function. ( The physical condition of early Astronauts deteriorated severely whilst in Outer Space, away from the Schumann Resonance. The problem was solved by introducing the "Schumann Simulator" into all space shuttles, a magnetic pulse generator mimicking the Earth's frequency. This demonstrates the simple fact that we cannot be healthy if disconnected from the "natural biological frequency")
(The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency(ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.)  
Here we come back to those famous well known links.
Again we see the links and chains, the eco systems, the wheels within wheels, the delicate to the immensely powerful.  This is why we should take care of the Earth, the moon and outer space, we all intricately woven into the fabric of existence. We are co creators of our entire network of living, we are independent dependants, we are all links in the chain of what should be seamless living. If we separate the seams and tear them asunder, the fabric of life in this beautiful form as we know it will just dissipate and shrivel.
Courtesy of   Many Thanks.
To me this depicts one, life, one destiny, one humanity, one divinity.  A world that works for everyone everywhere.
This may smack or smell of 'the one world government' with one government, one military, one currency and one worship. 
This is a system like a rose bush or whatever, where every rose is the same difference. As the differences grow they evolve into more beauty, they work for the whole not for localised hoarding and acquisition. One for all and all for one. Not Darwinism either, this is evolution in another way. The rose gives more aroma, nectar and so the bees carry away the clean non poluuted pollen, nature abounds prolific abundant and we do as well.  There is peace, not a soporific dream like slumber, there is a co operation, like a well ordained team, that not only wins its trophies but assists lesser ones to win as it were. There is fun, music, art, creativity, there is wonderful forest farms, eco cooperatives, each charming the other to greater cultivation and veneration. A dream not possible?
Well in the video below Echart Tolle gives the solution I have been extolling since 1957, in enerygrid and those of you who are and were readers of this and these posts will see many examples that have been use in the above, especially the Ocean one. Eckhart here is given the place because of his eloquence, his presence which can be felt and as such sums up what I have taken many pages and articles, blog and posts which he does in 45 minutes of sheer magic, which is food, fodder and nectar to the body mind and soul. Thank you dear Eckhart.
Blessing for you and your work.
Thrive Movement info@t
Please look at the 19 Sept one.  Some key bits below.
Citizens Around the World Say NO to War on Syria 
Netherlands Close 8 Prisons Due to Lack of Criminals
While UK wants five more huge ones.
Second-Largest Dutch City Bans Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide
There are some more.
European Commission proposal fails to deliver on promise of Net Neutrality {from Access Now}
Fancy a Hot Dog. I have had two in my life and it's not for me.
  • A panel of experts presented a wide range of scientific evidence that electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and other wireless technologies has indisputable biological, health and mental health effects, and are of particular concern for children.
  • Radiation from cell phones and Wi-Fi has already been shown to cause diminished reaction time, decreased brain motor function, social and emotional problems, and inability to focus on complex and long-term tasks in children
  • Cell phone use has been linked to nine types of cancer and to declines in sperm count and fertility
  • The evidence clearly supports the need for Wi-Fi-free or low-Wi-Fi areas where pregnant women, children and others sensitive to EMFs can be protected, and for precautionary education for these audiences.
  • Based on the well-established DNA impacts, there is sufficient evidence now to take proactive action to protect children, and this is especially important since DNA mutations are irreversible, as well as passed down to future generations.
  • Young children should not use cell phones except in an emergency; nor play with cell phones like toys. While one can put the phone in ‘airplane mode,’ which disconnects it from Wi-Fi and the Internet, the cell phone still emits magnetic fields from the battery, shown to have equally important biologically consequences, including links to childhood asthma and obesity from fetal exposures.
  • Overuse of the internet and multitasking in children has also been linked with social, emotional and relational underdevelopment and a chronically distracted view of the world {Courtesy}
Courtesy of the Juice Lady.
  • A panel of experts presented a wide range of scientific evidence that electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and other wireless technologies has indisputable biological, health and mental health effects, and are of particular concern for children.
  • Radiation from cell phones and Wi-Fi has already been shown to cause diminished reaction time, decreased brain motor function, social and emotional problems, and inability to focus on complex and long-term tasks in children
  • Cell phone use has been linked to nine types of cancer and to declines in sperm count and fertility
  • The evidence clearly supports the need for Wi-Fi-free or low-Wi-Fi areas where pregnant women, children and others sensitive to EMFs can be protected, and for precautionary education for these audiences.
  • Based on the well-established DNA impacts, there is sufficient evidence now to take proactive action to protect children, and this is especially important since DNA mutations are irreversible, as well as passed down to future generations.
  • Young children should not use cell phones except in an emergency; nor play with cell phones like toys. While one can put the phone in ‘airplane mode,’ which disconnects it from Wi-Fi and the Internet, the cell phone still emits magnetic fields from the battery, shown to have equally important biologically consequences, including links to childhood asthma and obesity from fetal exposures.
  • Overuse of the internet and multitasking in children has also been linked with social, emotional and relational underdevelopment and a chronically distracted view of the world  
Sweat to Detox Environmental Toxins

We are bombarded by toxic chemicals in our environment. Thousands of new chemicals pour into our atmosphere each year. They are adversely affecting our health.
More and more studies are showing strong correlations between environmental toxins and numerous health concerns.
Common household items are known to contain chemicals such as pesticides and phthalates. These chemicals are found in almost every household - in toys, cleaning products, plastics, and personal care items - and have been shown to correlate to ADHD1.
BPA was a chemical found in plastics that has been removed by most manufacturers; however there are other chemicals used that are considered even more harmful - estrogenic-activity (EA) chemicals. A 2011 University of Texas study confirmed that hormone-disrupting chemicals leach from almost all plastics, even BPA-free plastics. According to the study, chemicals with EA have been linked to all kinds of health problems, including early puberty in females, reduced sperm counts, altered functions of reproductive organs, obesity, altered sex-specific behaviors, and increased rates of some breast, ovarian, testicular, and prostate cancers.See more
In a study reported on CNN, dangerous concentrations of toxic chemicals were in the placentas of pregnant women. These chemicals are known to affect neurological development, hormones, and immune health, and their presence is likely to explain, in part, the current health crisis we are seeing in children.
There is mounting evidence that if you suffer from cancer, fatigue, ADHD, chronic pain, thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, anxiety and depression, and many other health problems, toxic chemicals stored in your body can be contributing to your illness or disease.  Most of these chemicals are fat-soluble, which means they are stored in the fat cells of your body. They are released from these little storage units over long periods of time. Some of these chemicals can stay in the body our entire lives, while continuing to undermine our health.
It is very difficult to eliminate fat-soluble chemicals from the body. Most cleanse products are not fat soluble and will not interact with many chemicals like the plastic toxins.
A number of leading doctors believe that infrared sauna therapy is the most effective way to eliminate toxic chemicals from the body and restore good health. A large portion of the body’s fat is located right under the skin. Sweat induced by infrared sauna therapy draws these chemicals out of the body.
*1 Biol Psychiatry, 2009 Nov 15;66(10):958-63; Pediatrics published online May 17, 2010; DOI: 10.1542/peds.2009-3058
This benefit of sauna therapy has been known for decades and was proved again in dramatic fashion after the tragedy of 9/11. First responders were exposed to high levels of chemicals and, as a result, developed a variety of symptoms that included depression, anxiety, fatigue, respiratory illness, muscle and joint pain, reflux, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, and adrenal fatigue. A non-profit organization called Downtown Medical was set up to offer first responders sauna detoxification programs free of charge. The outcome for those who took advantage of the program was a dramatic improvement in health. It was documented by before and after lab tests and symptom surveys. You can read about this entire program in the Townsend Letter (N.273) available from
The most effective and safest type of sauna is the far infrared sauna (FIRS). These saunas have panels that emit far infrared frequencies, rather than convectional heat that simply heats the air. Far infrared penetrates human tissue and raises the core body temperature to induce a deep, detoxifying sweat. People have commented that when in the sauna their perspiration is oily and very often has a strong chemical odor. FIRS are effective at much lower temperatures than traditional saunas, 110-140 degrees compared to 200 or more. This makes them safe for small children, most heart patients, people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and adrenal fatigue. The safety of far infrared therapy has been clearly established. In fact, this is considered as the safest heating source and it is used in hospitals to warm premature babies.
Infrared saunas are affordable and are easy to put into residential homes. The home sauna most recommended by health experts are Sunlighten infrared saunas because they are proven up to 99% effective and have been clinically shown to raise core body temperature 3 degrees in just 30 minutes (the catalyst behind an extremely detoxifying sweat, as you are literally sweating from the inside out!).  Sunlighten saunas are also clinically shown to lower blood pressure and aid in weight loss. And, these are just a few of the many health benefits associated with infrared sauna therapy. To learn more about Sunlighten infrared saunas, check
somehow, neither the surgeons nor the parents could figure out why the infant kept gaining weight.
The brilliant idea of "stop feeding him so much!" apparently never crossed their minds:

Cackle, cackle I work for Monsanto.  Haaaaa. 
Scientists accused of "citation stacking" to falsely boost the apparent popularity of their research:

Here's why you should avoid taking the seasonal flu vaccine:

I was doing a workshop way back in late 80's in the West of the UK on UFO's.  When the most extraordinary event was relayed to me  It was through this event that they found me and asked for a UFO lecture or workshop.  
THE EVENT.  In this village which I shall not name because of the privacy that was asked of me although it was in the late 80's and the ministry that got involved so I will just relay the event.
The children where picked up at a meeting point where parents took them, and then to a bus which took them to school. This was way out in the country.
Two of the parents had a twelve seater vehicles, they collected the 22 children that day and always had a parent driver or an assistant driver from one of their businesses. (The bus took over 60 children to school and back to the meeting point, where parents then drove their children to different villages to their homes and so on). 
Something like the children and adults saw.
As they drove along the country lanes which had hedgerows along the entirety of the road with small breaks for gates to get farm vehicle's to the field and out, they became aware of a vehicle or round saucer shaped type object or vehicle following them on the field side of the road, to their right, so the hedgerows shielded a full view of the UFO.  It had the shape of a hovercraft.

They all said it looked something like this without the back fin and no man.  When I showed them UFO pictures they picked out the one below.

The 24 of them in the vehicles only saw the windows and it did not spin around, although several said the bottom part, which was occasionally seen as the craft came up higher to avoid a fence, hedgerow or tree did spin. It followed them for 20 minutes,(this was long before camera phones became available)  no one had a camera, and they were too scared to stop, the occupants of the saucer waved as did the children after a while.
They all saw faces at the windows and they all drew a face similar to the one above and all drew the craft.
I contacted my old 'team' and they said the incident had been investigated.  The local papers were full of it, and then all editions were stopped on the subject and spare papers became non obtainable and the editors were non compliant for interviews.  This is a hugely shortened account of my UFO investigations.
NaturalNews) Piers Morgan has been offered $1 million if he will agree to be injected with 1,000 off-the-shelf vaccine shots within a two-week period. The offer was made late last week by Alex Jones of and stemmed from a spirited conversation he was sharing with the Health Ranger on live national radio about the fact that mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde are all still used in vaccines. (See video clip, below.)
Hey Folks Keep Well and for those in the Southern Hemisphere have a great Spring.
Take Care. Geoff 

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