Thursday, 5 September 2013


Had any good snoops lately.  Hi this is my friend, a kind snoopy and hope you are too, not that you are snoopy but a cuddly figure emanating kindness and a jovial demeanour. 
His nickname is NSA AND LIVES AT 10 Pentagon Boulevard, Downing Street Town, in the county of GCHQ.   You dear reader are the best and not related to the snoopy above. of COURSE THOSE IN THE PITS OF THE CELLAR ,  a converted cess pool, a secret festering office somewhere where surveillance snoopers breathe their foetid air and a friend sent me a picture of one that had been renovated. 
They built over it yet visitors say they can still smell the stench.  The stench of rotting information and sweaty palms working the keypads. No wonder why Ed Snowden left.
When the truth is suppressed, it festers after a while and it causes congestion, it causes the clogging of the pores in humanity, the flow of life, and many of the perpetrators will get diseases of the stifling kind.  Respiration, emotionally backed up guilt, psychologically night mare scenarios, emotionally twisted, bitter and angry. See the faces of screwed up politicians, that are not air brushed and the brutal faces of the soldiers and police who take out screaming innocents, bomb by drone operators who glory in their faceless power, and those bankers whose smirks,are on face on camera, the CEO's in their neat cut suits and fat bonuses, yes you know who you are and you will live with it, thinking this cannot touch me. One day it will and it will give no peace as it will haunt you for the rest of your days.  Remember the Christmas story of Scrooge.
Ebenezer Scrooge is the principal character in Charles Dickens's 1843 novel, A Christmas Carol. At the beginning of the novel, Scrooge is a cold-hearted, tight-fisted and greedy man, who despises Christmas and all things which give people happiness. Dickens describes him thus: "The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, made his eyes red, his thin lips blue, and he spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice ..." His last name has come into the English as a byword for miserliness and misanthropy, traits displayed by Scrooge in the exaggerated manner for which Dickens is well-known. The tale of his redemption by the three Ghosts of Christmas (Ghost of Christmas PastGhost of Christmas Present, and Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come) has become a defining tale of the Christmas holiday. Scrooge's catchphrase, "Bah, humbug!" is often used to express disgust with many of the modern Christmas traditions.
Of course the Bilderbugs and their like are well off, comfortable and can afford organic non GM food, cosmetic surgery and pay for transplants.  Yet their lives are a lie. The operators who snoop, yea good well paid life, what have you contributed to life. What can you say to your kids, family.  I did it for your sake to keep you safe--your kidding.  Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange may not have their liberty, yet they can hold their heads up high as they exposed the crimes against humanity, the rape, the killing, the senseless mindless acts of atrocity which they exposed.
Surveillance people your life will be a ghost that haunts you, not now when you are rolling in the dirty excreta bank notes and when you use them they remind you of the factoid information you help serve up .
This ghost will haunt you.  The skulls of those massacred by drones, the misread information that sent hundred of thousands to war, young soldiers, young children and women, like your brothers, sisters, mothers, the refuges, millions of people that are crying out to you in the darkness of your hidden memories.  You try to bury them, they only go deeper into the abyss of your subconscious.  You try therapy, drink, drugs, sex, every distraction, the more you bury it, it becomes a compost heap, it rots, the difference being a compost heap provides nourishment for new life, yours rots the very bonds that define a person as human, and then you come to where Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning came too. 'I cannot live with this any longer'. What is your next move then?  
As much as I slag off the government snoopers and war mongers, the terrorist groups share the same accusations. 
The problem arises when the powerful armies of the West exploit other countries for their oil, minerals and other bounties.  Often the West has a different culture and religion and so antagonises the East so to speak.  This causes the 'East' who are not well armed to revert to 'guerilla' warfare and so called Al Qaeda type attacks.

Often the 'West' sets up false flag operations and infiltrates the 'fanatical hot tempered zealous fundamentalists' and incites them to atrocities. 

There was a psychological profile done when at work and the every gear the police use is so intimidating that for some it frightens them and for some causes retaliation.
So a vicious circle is set up. One side baying for blood and war, some for a diplomatic solution. For sure many of the countries that have been invaded, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, were in some ways better off with their dictators. I have spoken to whistle blowers and contacts in these countries and they said, if we kept our heads down and did not rebel, we got electricity,  water, protection and could do our business, step out of line and you copped it.
'On 21 July 2011 15:27, Barb Leppky <[email protected]> wrote:
I must admit, I sure didn't!
All Libyans receive a portion of the sale of Libyan oil - Directly to their Bank Accounts.
Max income tax in Libya is 12%.
Banks do not charge interest in Libya (Islamic Bank Model, not the Rothschild Slave System).
All Libyans have a house. Ghaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a house.
There are no mortgages on houses in Libya.
Should someone wish to farm, they receive free land and seeds and animals.
There are no Electricity Bills in Libya.
All Education is Free in Libya.
Everyone gets Free Medical - Even the Protestors...
Each newlywed couple receives 60,000 dinar gift from the government.
Gas in Libya is sold at the outrageous price of .12 cents per liter (bigger than US quart).
Automobile purchases are financed at zero interest.'
Ghaddafi was a tyrant and did bad things, yet toe the line and you got the above. I only use these links to illustrate all is not what it seems, the same could apply in some aspects to the other countries mentioned above.
Erin Brockovich is a 2000 biographical film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film is a dramatization of the true story of Erin Brockovich, portrayed by Julia Roberts, who fought against the US West Coast energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company(PG&E). The film was a massive box office hit, and critical reviews are highly positive.
Roberts won the Academy AwardGolden GlobeScreen Actors' Guild Award and BAFTA for Best Actress. The film itself was also nominated for Best Picture and Best Director for Steven Soderbergh at the 73rd Academy Awards. Early in the film the real Erin Brockovich has a cameo appearance as a waitress named Julia.

When you see the malpractice, the lies, the utter contempt for the people, the horrible awful suffering of their medical ailments, you see these CEO's and stock market investors have no regard even for their fellow Americans and it happens everywhere in the West to some degree or another.

Erin Brockovich 

Julia Roberts who played the part of Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich in action

At Least' 169 Police Officers Being Investigated Over Alleged Sexual Misconduct

I have great respect for the police having worked for more than thirty years with them. However the pressures on them is tremendous.  I met many a bad apple amongst them, and the divorce rates are high, wife beating and strict parenting was abundant. Many a cadet comes in like junior doctors, young politicians and judiciary, and with bright ideas to help society and make a valuable contribution for peace, healing, justice and the rest. Some of these get disillusioned, so many criminals 'no one ever tells the truth to the police, they all want to get away with it' I heard this umpteen times. 
Solicitors and lawyers saying the 'law is an ass' the corrupt corporations who have the money to 'change innocence', the doctors who can see some complimentary medicine works and are banned by greedy big Pharma, politicians who have said to me especially the MEP's in Brussels, 'the corruption and the lure of big incentives is too much to ignore'.  Some fight and never get promoted or smeared, others say 'oh hell what's the use, so I might as well join them'

I really promise when I join up to be honest and make a difference.
Then there are those who have had a bad experience(as I had on several occasions of police, medical and judiciary with political injustice and crude handling), and can be bitter and seek revenge on the offending persons. I did mine through the courts or correspondance. Some seek to entrap the above as I might add the above do to the public. Again this vicious circle.
I have mentioned many, many times, we need to own our 'stuff' to not blame and be in denial.  
Here are a series of short videos, I try to make each blog different.
Do you believe in Miracles? I do,  3 mins of it.
Another Miracle or ET.
This is a 'panic' or is it a conspiracy. Interesting.
This is the trailer for an independent film, 
which won the 2011 Toronto University 
Film Festival, which talks about how 9/11 
is addressed by academe: history classes 
are given, which study the cultural aftermath 
of 9/11 but there are no classes which 
actually examine what took place that day
- and HOW was it able to take place, in the 
most heavily-protected air traffic corridor on 
the planet, within the country whose defense 
budget dwarfs all others combined?
The full film will be finally be released to the 
public this Fall of 2013. {Courtesy of Forbidden Knowledge --Alexandra Bruce}
I know this is old hat but I feel these are very important. if you are bored with this subject and the below ones, please just skip the ones not liked.  Great new information. Yes they are long, but this is even greater than the Surveillance stuff so prolifically in the news of late. THEY ARE CONNECTED.  How to silence those who wish to expose 9/11 and the UK equivalent.
National Whistle blower and high, High official. Just listen to her jobs and important positions in government.  She is huge. BARBARA HONEGGER.
The bigger the false flag, the lie, the more incredulous, like ET, UFO's, the more the mind baulks, cannot get out of the box of the programming, the false reality, the utter rigid safety fence the ego devises to protect its precious brain washing, its illusionary reality, after all when dead the reality either ends or is different depending on your belief.. So the cry goes up, ridiculous, publicity seeking, psychopathic, activist, whistle blower, CONSPIRACY theory. Even with thousands of engineers, scientists, lawyers, forensic experts, the general public in the main just looks, stares, feels helpless, turns on the TV and sport, or  a soap, the history or nature films and gets lost.
What can we do? I am just an individual, a nobody. Mass protest, not only on the streets but emails to politicians by the million,  'no I can't do that they will put me in a THEMA camp, ill lose my job, I will betray my country'.  How can you if you tell the truth. I call it the 'Baulking Process'{dictionary:
(hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking:he balked at such a drastic solution}
Fluoride again
  • While naturally-occurring arsenic in groundwater is one of the most common sources of exposure, hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride) added to drinking water is commonly contaminated with toxic arsenic
  • According to recent research, diluted fluorosilic acid adds, on average, about 0.08 ppb of arsenic to your drinking water
  • Low-level chronic exposure to arsenic can lead to a wide variety of health problems, including chronic fatigue, reproductive problems, reduced IQ and other neurological problems, and various cancers
  • As petition urges the EPA to change the source of fluoride in US drinking water, as the most commonly used form, hydrofluorosilicic acid, increases lung and bladder cancer risk
  • Switching from hydrofluorosilicic acid to pharmaceutical-grade fluoride could save the US $1-6 billion annually and prevent an estimated 1,800 cases of lung and bladder cancer
  • Researchers analyzed pollen from bee hives and found 35 different pesticides along with high fungicide loads.
  • Each sample contained, on average, nine different pesticides and fungicides, although one contained 21 different chemicals.
  • While previously assumed to be safe for bees, bees fed pollen contaminated with high levels of fungicides had a significant decline in the ability to resist infection with the Nosema ceranae parasite, which has been implicated in Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
  • In the US, the “Save America’s Pollinators Act” has been introduced; if passed, this bill, HR 2692, would require the EPA to pull neonicotinoid pesticides, also implicated in bee die-offs, from the market until their safety is proven

Paranormal After-Death Experiences 'Explained'

A mysterious surge of brain activity observed in dying rats may explain reports of near-death-experiences (NDEs), researchers claim.
Even after the animals' hearts stopped beating and no blood was reaching their brains, they appeared to show signs of conscious perception.
The study is the first to take a systematic look at the neurophysiological state of the dying brain after a cardiac arrest.
It suggests something happens at the brink of death that pushes the conscious brain to a high level of arousal.
This may trigger the visions and sensations associated with NDEs, scientists believe.
As many as a fifth of people who survive cardiac arrests report having had an other-worldly experience while being "clinically" dead.
Typically NDEs involve travelling through a tunnel towards an intense light or being separated from the body.
Others encounter long-departed loved ones or angels and undergo some kind of judgment of "life review".
Some emerge from NDEs as transformed individuals with a completely altered outlook on life, or a new belief in religion.
"We were surprised by the high levels of activity," said Dr George Mashour, one of the US researchers from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
"In fact, at near-death many known electrical signatures of consciousness exceeded levels found in the waking state, suggesting that the brain is capable of well-organised electrical activity during the early stage of clinical death."
The findings are reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Previously it was assumed that brain activity ceases when the heart stops.
"This study tells us that reduction of oxygen or both oxygen and glucose during cardiac arrest can stimulate brain activity that is characteristic of conscious processing," said lead scientist Dr Jimo Borjigin, also from the University of Michigan.
"It also provides the first scientific framework for the near-death experiences reported by many cardiac arrest survivors."
British expert Dr Martin Coath, from the Cognition Institute at University of Plymouth, said: "This new research is genuinely interesting.
"But the conclusion that these are 'neural correlates of heightened conscious processing' isn't strongly supported, unless you take it to mean 'more of some types of activity that are associated with being awake' which is a bit of a stretch.
"As the induced cardiac arrest happens while the rat's brain is anaesthetised, the results show the response of an unconscious brain to critical lack of blood flow and oxygen.
"It is certainly interesting that this causes some types of activity in the brain to increase in a predictable and coordinated way well after the heart has stopped, but hardly surprising."
Dr David McGonigle, from University of Cardiff, said: "Do we know if animals experience 'consciousness'? Most philosophers and scientists are still at loggerheads over what the term refers to in humans, let alone in other species.
"While recent research now suggests that animals may indeed have the kind of autobiographical memories that humans possess, the kinds of memories that allow us to place ourselves in a certain time and place, it seems unlikely that near-death-experiences would necessarily be similar across species." 
I have been on TV and Radio with the NDE debating with medics, scientists, and this article above is an old experiment done over 20 years back, they are merely reinventing the wheel.  Young children have visions of things they cannot possibly explain or have seen, I did. Many describe things which are incredible for example: 
Dying to be me. Rita Moorjani

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov: Seeing the Unseen With Electrophotonics
This is a massive study of the NDE and it just shows you how out of touch scientists are as the lead article above are.  Mainly these are University or Government scientists looking for funding or doing animal vivisection and to ridicule or cast doubt on anything that smacks of 'metaphysics'. One of my degrees is in metaphysics and I was shot down before I even started the lectures in many  academic Institutions, I have given up. 
  • While naturally-occurring arsenic in groundwater is one of the most common sources of exposure, hydrofluorosilicic acid (fluoride) added to drinking water is commonly contaminated with toxic arsenic
  • According to recent research, diluted fluorosilic acid adds, on average, about 0.08 ppb of arsenic to your drinking water
  • Low-level chronic exposure to arsenic can lead to a wide variety of health problems, including chronic fatigue, reproductive problems, reduced IQ and other neurological problems, and various cancers
  • As petition urges the EPA to change the source of fluoride in US drinking water, as the most commonly used form, hydrofluorosilicic acid, increases lung and bladder cancer risk
  • Switching from hydrofluorosilicic acid to pharmaceutical-grade fluoride could save the US $1-6 billion annually and prevent an estimated 1,800 cases of lung and bladder cancer
  • Researchers analyzed pollen from bee hives and found 35 different pesticides along with high fungicide loads.
  • Each sample contained, on average, nine different pesticides and fungicides, although one contained 21 different chemicals.
  • While previously assumed to be safe for bees, bees fed pollen contaminated with high levels of fungicides had a significant decline in the ability to resist infection with the Nosema ceranae parasite, which has been implicated in Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)
  • In the US, the “Save America’s Pollinators Act” has been introduced; if passed, this bill, HR 2692, would require the EPA to pull neonicotinoid pesticides, also implicated in bee die-offs, from the market until their safety is proven.
  • I hope your life buzzes as a bee, humming with good health, nourishment and fulfilment. Geoff.
Incredible and amazing.
I'm just off the phone after dozens of radio interviews. Our member-funded ad calling out Murdoch's bias is causing quite a fuss. 
Already, 830,000 people have seen the ad on air or online -- but now all three major TV networks are pulling it off air and refusing to run it.1Some of the network representatives told us directly: they're not running the ad because they don't want to criticise Rupert Murdoch. 
We've filed an official complaint with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, but we can't wait for a ruling to take our next step. We have to get this message out, right now. So if the commercial channels are slamming the door we'll just go around them -- and go bigger. 
If our proposed TV ads had gone through, we would have reached an additional 500,000 TV viewers by the election. But if each of us simply shares this video on Facebook, Twitter and over email we can shatter that number. Let's work together to reach 750,000 views online before the election. 
Please click here to share the ad on Facebook 
Click here to share the ad on Twitter 
And then forward this email to everyone you know so they can do the same. 
This is from Sam McLean - GetUp!  An Australian organisation.  Back in energygrid I did a whole lot of stuff on the Murdoch’s, their hacking and goodness knows what. They are the Bilderbug’s main median dumbing down false news outlet.  As I do not Facebook or tweet please would you do so if so minded?  Many thanks.
Karen Hudes another monumental brave women, a lawyer who approached Senators, Congressmen and Judges.  She is a saint in disguise. Thank you deeply Karen Hudes. By the way look at the captions on the run through at bottom of the video.  The whore of Europe at it again.UK Monsanto Fracking..  Thanks Abby Martin for your professionalism in interviews and Double thanks to RT.Com for allowing such open reporting.  Al Jazeera as well.  It cleans the air of the Murdoch stench.
  • A former senior manager for Eli Lilly in China alleges bribes of $4.9 million were given out from 2011 to 2012 to ‘persuade’ doctors to prescribe Eli Lilly products
  • Chinese authorities are investigating drug company Sanofi following allegations that more than 500 doctors were bribed to prescribe their medications
  • Another Chinese whistleblower claimed that Novartis ordered her to bribe doctors in order to increase sales of their cancer drug
  • Allegations have been made in China that GlaxoSmithKline also paid kickbacks to doctors, hospitals and government officials, using travel agencies as middlemen to carry out the illegal acts
  • China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is also currently investigating 60 foreign and domestic drug companies over potentially illegal pricing practices.
This is very important and informative. A must 36 mins. Vitally important.
Fake photographs from BBC. Special forces interviewed.  Russian troops guarding chemicals.

U.S. government dumps sarin nerve agents in the ocean

In the 1950's, NATO embraced this Nazi war weapon as a "standard chemical weapon," and the United States began to produce and stockpile the weapon, storing it for decades. When the U.S. military finally decided to start reducing its stockpiles of sarin nerve agents in the 1970's, it dumped tens of thousands of tons of it into the oceans as part of Operation CHASE.
This means the U.S. government is already guilty of deploying weapons of mass destruction on highly-intelligent mammalian aquatic species such as dolphins and whales.
"According to a 1998 report created by William Brankowitz, a deputy project manager in the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency, the Army created at least 26 chemical weapons dump sites in the ocean off at least 11 states on both the west and east coasts," reports Wikipedia.
Learn more:
Just a clip from link.
Bayer has just sued the European Commission to stop the ban on its bee-killing pesticides -- despite clear evidence its products are behind the massive bee die-offs.
We can't let Bayer and Syngenta get away with this blatant threat while the bees disappear. Sign the petition to tell them to drop the lawsuits now! (Unbelievable. ).  Of course the whore of Europe UK Monsanto press gagger will back up Monsanto or Bayer, because UK Fracking Scientists and the rest were the only country to veto the banning of these chemicals.
Wow. Bayer has just sued the European Commission to overturn a ban on the pesticides that are killing millions of bees around the world. A huge public push won this landmark ban only months ago -- and we can't sit back and let Big Pesticide overturn it while the bees vanish.
Bayer and Syngenta, two of the world's largest chemical corporations, claim that the ban is "unjustified" and "disproportionate." But clear scientific evidence shows their products are behind the massive bee die-off that puts our entire food chain in peril. 
Just last month, 37 million bees were discovered dead on a single Canadian farm. And unless we act now, the bees will keep dying. We have to show Bayer now that we won't tolerate it putting its profits ahead of our planet's health. If this giant corporation manages to bully Europe into submission, it would spell disaster for the bees.
Sign the petition to tell Bayer and Syngenta to drop their bee-killing lawsuits now. 
The dangerous chemical Bayer makes is a neonicotinoid, or neonic. Neonics are soaked into seeds, spreading through the plant and killing insects stopping by for a snack. These pesticides can easily be replaced by other chemicals which don’t have such a devastating effect on the food chain. But companies like Bayer and Syngenta make a fortune from selling neonics -- so they’ll do everything they can to protect their profits. 
The EU banned these bee-killers this past May, after a massive public campaign and a clear scientific finding from the European Food Safety Authority that neonics pose huge risks to bee populations. Bayer fought against the ban every step of the way, using tactics taken from Big Tobacco -- pouring millions into lobbying and fake science to stop decision-makers from taking action. 
Now, we have to defend this landmark ban for the bees, and our food supply. Sign the petition now to tell Bayer and Syngenta to drop their aggressive lawsuits!
We have to stand up for the European ban now, from Europe and from around the world. The current ban only lasts for two years before it's up for review, and Bayer is now determined to stop it before it even comes into force in December 2013. If it is allowed to intimidate the European authorities with impunity, then the pressure to overturn the ban will be huge. This will be a massive victory for the poison industry, and a devastating loss for the bees, and all of us. It will make every environmental regulation more difficult, because companies that can't win on the facts can use their enormous profits to fund expensive, baseless lawsuits.
Bayer is an enormous company with a ton of public-facing brands. Neonics are a big part of its bottom line, but it can't afford poor publicity on a global scale. And if word gets out that Bayer is wrecking our ecosystem and threatening a creature responsible for pollinating a third of all our crops, the company will have to back down.
SumOfUs staff and members have literally just gotten of the plane from a convention in Chicago where we took the fight for a ban in the US right to the industry itself -- so we know how important it is to hold the line. 
Sign the petition to tell Bayer and Syngenta to drop their bee-killing lawsuits now. Let's build on this landmark victory and take the bee-killing pesticide ban global.
A great 10 mins and backed up by good scientific evidence about the climate change and what I believe and have said so many,many, many times.
WORTH REPEATING.  BOMBSHELL NEWS. As a former Forensic man I can verify this and now you see why many of my friends and colleagues and I have fought the use of Fluoride for over 50 years. 
Please I beg you send this everywhere you can. Please.
ONCE GAIN THE WHORE OF EUROPE SUPPLIED THE CHEMICALS. Cameron wants to Frack, and also gag us, oh by the way Theresa May wants to fluoridate us in the UK. Linked to the Video above, we should be bombed.  All Governments by the IMPLICATIONS ABOVE  are war criminals and should be prosecuted for crimes against its own population.  I issue a citizens arrest for all those counties in the UK that are using chemical weapons on us  and their administrations who ordered the insertion of Fluoride and all toothpaste manufactures and dentists.  
More on Syria and interview with Obama by this reporter.
Again I publish this quickly for the crucial information to get out.  Time is running out.

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