Thursday, 12 September 2013


Hell fire and little angels. A hill billy greeted me once in London. Buddy he said, your like a breath of mountain air that clears away the stink of old baccy beer.  Er , I'd like you as angels and hope your wings have been wrapped around you in a loving embrace.
That's more like it.   I am sure you are like this or a grown up version. There you go.
I do see a family resemblance in the first one though.

Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales.
Birmingham Children spend a week at the above centre.  Most, Most important.
A growing number of Germans are sending their children to Waldkindergärten: forest nurseries where they spend their days outside, learning in Nature's classroom. Harry de Quetteville reports on an antidote to soft-play areas and computer games that is catching on in Britain, too. Photographs by Anastasia Khoroshilova  Read more about the above. I watched a TV programme in early August 2013 and was duly mightily impressed.

                              Future School


Inspired by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the vision of Future School is to develop educational environments in which Auroville adolescents and all those dedicated to their education may reach their own unique potential through a balanced development of body, mind, emotion and spirit. Underlying this integral approach is the development of faculties that will allow us to pursue the unfolding of our inner truth in harmony with the material world.
Interwoven with this endeavor toward individual development is a collective aspiration toward a manifestation of the ideals of Auroville as expressed in its charter. Toward this, we aim to discover the essence behind our diverse cultural, ethnic, and individual heritages while reflecting the international character of Auroville.
Our deepest aspiration is to progressively develop our consciousness to prepare the youth and ourselves to manifest a truer, higher and more joyful life on earth.
Read more of this wonderful centre in their site.  
Auroville education started with a paradox when the first school of Auroville was named Last School by the Mother. The other names given by her were not less destabilising. Written in a sequence, they present themselves as Last School, After School, Super School, No School. Creatively thought-provoking, they suggest that the education schools aim at will be found in an exceeding of the present school-formula. They suggests also, when put in relation with the second article of the Auroville Charter, that schools can be exceeded when the whole city becomes a vast campus of unending education and constant progress.
The question is, therefore, to find the programs and methods that will enable our school system to exceed and fulfil the true mission of education: the development of consciousness in human beings. The mission of Auroville education is not to produce ready-made citizens for a system that cannot anymore find solutions for the problems it has created; it is to help the emergence of men and women able to consciously build themselves on a true basis, while building a new world in which they chose to live together without exclusion and around common aim
Library Auroville.

It is a characteristic of Auroville that people who come with a given professional profile and training often chose to take another path, more suitable to their personality and therefore more useful for themselves and society. Many of the activities existing today, in education, art, business, afforestation, farming, social work, alternative technologies, architecture and others, are the result of a discovery and learning process, at least as much implementation of previously acquired know-how as newly acquired insight and skills. In this sense, Auroville owes its present reality to its own process of unending education. {read more}

Some creative options away from the Western Education System of pure capitalism, success, individual prowess. 

1 min of incredible escape or fortitude from the Tsunami in Japan

  • Farmed shrimp tends to be far more contaminated than wild-caught shrimp. Despite that fact, less than two percent of shrimp imported into the US gets inspected by US regulatory agencies
  • Farmed shrimp can contain a wide variety of contaminants, including hazardous drugs, chemical residues from cleaning agents, pathogens like Salmonella and E.coli, along with other contaminants like mouse and rat hair
  • Imported shrimp accounts for 26 to 35 percent of all shipments of imported seafood that get rejected due to filth
  • The joint NOAA/FDA Gulf seafood testing program claims majority of seafood samples have no detectable residues of oil or Corexit. But other scientists have raised concerns that the residue limits established are too high
  • When farmed in non-native waters, shrimp are raised in underwater pens built along the coastlines, where native mangrove forests are frequently sacrificed to make room for them
  • Factors contributing to poor sleep include vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Magnesium deficiency can cause insomnia; lack of potassium can lead to difficulty staying asleep; and vitamin D deficiency has been linked to excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Melatonin is one of the most important nutrients to help you optimize your sleep, as it plays a crucial role in your circadian rhythm or internal clock
  • Camping could help you reset an internal clock gone haywire from modern living, as the sun adjusts your clock to its natural state, undoing the influence of lightbulbs
  • To promote good sleep, make sure you’re exposed to full natural light during the day, and avoid artificial lighting once the sun goes down, especially as bedtime draws near
Bradley Manning
US soldier Bradley Manning has taken the stand at his sentencing hearing in the WikiLeaks case and apologised for hurting his country, pleading with a military judge for a chance to go to college and become a productive citizen.
He addressed the Fort Meade court in Maryland after a day of testimony about his troubled childhood in Oklahoma and the extreme psychological pressure experts said he felt in the "hyper-masculine" military because of his gender-identity disorder, his feeling that he was a woman trapped in a man's body.
One psychiatrist said Manning has symptoms of foetal alcohol syndrome and Asperger syndrome, which is an autism spectrum disorder.
"I am sorry that my actions hurt people. I'm sorry that they hurt the United States," Manning said.
The soldier said he understood what he was doing but did not believe at the time that leaking a mountain of classified information to the anti-secrecy website would cause harm to the US.
The 25-year-old could be sentenced to 90 years in prison for the leaks, which occurred while he was working as an Army intelligence analyst in Iraq in 2010. The next court session, for any prosecution rebuttal testimony, is set for Friday.
The release of diplomatic cables, warzone logs and videos was the largest leak of documents in US history. It included a video of a 2007 US helicopter attack that killed civilians in Iraq, including a Reuters news photographer and his driver.
Though he often showed little reaction during the two and a half month court-martial, Manning appeared to struggle to contain his emotions several times during testimony from his sister, an aunt and two mental health counsellors.
Speaking quickly but deliberately, he took only a few minutes to make his statement. He appeared to be reading it from papers and looked up a number of times to make eye contact with the judge. It was an unsworn statement, meaning he could not be cross-examined.
He said he realises now that he should have worked more aggressively to find a legal means to draw attention to his concerns about the way the war was being waged. He said he wants to get a college degree, and he asked for a chance to become a more productive member of society
Beautiful Venice. Haunting, romantic and serene.
I have wonderful feelings of ease, prosperity as Gill and I floated with calm assurance that all is very, very well indeed, those moments when one is at peace with the world and oneself.  The lovely gondolier and contented man steering it. 
CORONAL HOLE: A coronal hole has formed in the sun's northern hemisphere, and it is spewing solar wind into space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the UV-dark gap during the early hours of August 14th:
In the image, above, the sun's magnetic field is traced by white curving lines. The coronal hole is where those magnetic field lines have opened up, allowing solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this coronal hole is expected to reach Earth on August 16-18. NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when the windy stream arrives. {Courtesy}

           Wimbledon champ Bartoli retires

I really like and appreciate all sport. I particularly appreciated this match. Marion is very lovely, she is not the glamorous model type and she brought a fresh wonderful atmosphere, I really loved her performance, her true humbleness, so refreshing in the commercial hurly burly world of professional sport. 
Marion Bartoli has announced her retirement from tennis at the age of 28 - less than six weeks after winning Wimbledon.
The Frenchwoman made the announcement after losing 3-6 6-4 6-1 to Simona Halep in the second round of the Western & Southern Open in Cincinnati.
Bartoli, who beat Sabine Lisicki in the final at the All England Club last month to claim her first grand slam title, said in quotes reported on "That was actually the last match of my career. Sorry.
"It's time for me to retire and call it a career. I feel it's time for me to walk away actually."
Bartoli blamed a succession of injuries for her decision to call it a day - citing in particular an Achilles problem which was troubling her on the hardcourts.
"My body just can't do it anymore," she said. "I've already been through a lot of injuries since the beginning of the year. I've been on the tour for so long, and I really pushed through and left it all during that Wimbledon.
"I really felt I gave all the energy I have left in my body. I made my dream a reality and it will stay with me forever, but now my body just can't cope with everything.
"I have pain everywhere after 45 minutes or an hour of play. I've been doing this for so long, and body-wise I just can't do it anymore."
Bartoli said she had played through the pain to realise her childhood dream of winning Wimbledon this summer.
She said: "When you dream about something for so long and you've been on tour for many, many, many years and you've been through ups and downs and highs and lows and already a lot of injuries since the beginning of the year, my body was really starting to fall apart, and I was able to keep it together, go through a lot of pain throughout Wimbledon, and still make it happen.
"That was probably the last little bit of something that was left inside me."
Asked what she plans to do next, she said: "There are so many things to do in life rather than playing tennis, so I'm sure I'll find something. I just need a bit of time to settle down.
"There is some excitement as a tennis player. There is a lot of excitement as a woman. There is a lot of excitement as a wife. There is a lot of excitement as a mother. There is a lot of excitement to come up.
"Obviously I'm excited to live my future, but I will have time to think about it in the months, years to come."
Bartoli was introduced to the sport by her father Walter, who remained as her coach for almost her entire career, giving up his job as a doctor to do so.
Noted for her individual style, she won the junior US Open title in 2001 and broke into the WTA top 100 two years later.
She won her first senior title in 2006 in Auckland and cracked the top 10 the following year.
In 2011 she reached the semi-finals of the French Open, but it was this summer - when she claimed the Wimbledon title without dropping a set - that she achieved her crowning glory.
She also achieved a record in doing so, winning her first grand slam title at the 47th attempt - surpassing the previous high of 45, set by Jana Novotna.
When my 'time' came to move out of the martial arts teaching, competing scene, I felt it two years before, losing interest, fatigue, reluctance to go to the tatami, yawning, body aches, lack of zest. When I replaced myself, with other Instructors, I walked out clean, and I could not even look at a Judo gi or tatami. There were no withdrawal symptoms, it was one of the cleanest breaks I have ever achieved. My body told me clearly time to go. in other sports or workouts when I carried on and ignored the warning signals, I got injuries and sometimes a virus like presentation. I had a period of doing nothing at all, everything I contrived to do failed and left me 'down, depleted'.  When I just relaxed and let go the 'next' phase came and I was off and running, as if someone had turned on a tap.
I found that prior to presenting a workshop if I just paused and attuned for a minute or two, suddenly a 'knowing / feeling came. I could talk, share, do a weekends eight hour and one to one's afterwards with no effort. Just from one 'micro' moment sort of inner knowing.
Inner Knowing
It seemed as if an inner door, more like a slide, a sort of partition slid open. The whole sixteen / twenty-four hours of data, information, recall, humour, was in compressed time. A minuscule micro flash or sometimes a gentle roll back, a gut feeling of ease and joy, a happy heart and a clear head, with surging energy. 
It was if the green above is data and it is compressed and then like a dream time becomes something not as in awake mode.
It was if a dimensional shift had occurred, not channelling from a discarnate being or entity, it was me, perhaps gone through a kind of stargate, me in a parallel Universe. Anyway, it seems at times when the need is appropriate this ability presents itself.  
By now of course there are no diagrams that explain these dimensional shifts, parallel Universes, alternate Universes.
To me they are in consciousness and that and the shift happens, when we surrender, the 'pre-set makers manufacturers handbook or manual, the one brain washed from the natural state', the abdication from egoistic limited conditioning to outside the box information and data. 
To obtain this facility one has to find a way to surrender or open the trap door, the box, the confines of the perimeter of conditioning, programming, the way for me is to go quiet, look inwards as it were, allow the breath to subside into a gentle abdominal rise and fall, feel gently inside the mind, let al thoughts subside without force, and then watching lazily and yet intently, thoughts slip away, unaided by opinion or judgement, the clouds of programming, the unconscious vault of stored memory slides as it were to the side.
In the StarWars films Luke Skywalker has one shot to aim at a vital part of the Weapon of Destruction. He has a computer, but fails to hit the target with its so called pin  point accuracy.
In he book 'Zen in the Art of Archery' by Eugen Herrigel, it's Eugen';s training under a Japanese master of Kyudo (Japanese Archery).

Luke hears the voice of his teacher telling him to let go of the computer and feel the force. Part of his training was being blindfolded and sensing an attacking ball. Mine one was with Sensei and Kendo(Post 41). Any way when the arrow is to be fired in an advanced state of training one looks away from the target, and lets 'no mind' guide it. Herrigel describes it well.
To do soccer well one has to be in the zone, and to play when archers(toxophilite's) are there is the real Zen, so a pro soccer player told me, who was studying the art of the inner game in sport.
A couple of sayings 'to be sure of hitting your target, fire your arrow and wherever it lands call it your target' ' Wherever your arrow lands draw a circle round it'
In the sketch above the less of the wilful mind is there the better the chance of the 'no mind' taking over.

 Going through the steps of training, then releasing training to inner sense, the body remembers its techniques and frees the mind to be Itself and free to input its wider horizons to the body, such as driving is automatic after a while, the mind then can be free to oversee and input. The ultimate is to let go and surrender completely. I do not advise doing this driving unless you are sure you are a master---would you know if you were one anyway?

“There is always an inner game being played in yur mind no matter what outer game you are playing. How you play this game usually makes the difference between success and failure.” -Tim Gallwey From the Inner game.
This is still in the realm of conditioning yet very useful.
So the workshops and therapy sessions where 'no mind' came about as above then the results were in proportion to the amount of me as conditioned and in the box, got out of the way and out of the box, a dimensional shift, the more efficacious it becomes.
May your journey's out of the box be gratifying and your arrows be in the circle of your making.
Be Mindful, Be Well. Geoff

Brain Interface computer to fly robot. 3 mins. 
This was tried some years back but was not successful.This seems to be.
Tremendous technology and I feel leading to telepathy which 
came in the forecast of the 1967 download see energygrid
January 2013 series before coming over to this site. 
Air on the moon. NASA probe going back
MOON ROCKET LAUNCH TONIGHT: Tonight, Sept. 6th at approximately 11:27 p.m. EDT, a Minataur V rocket carrying NASA's LADEE moon probe will blast off from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Sky watchers along a broad swath of the US east coast from Maine to the Carolinas can see the launch. Orbital Sciences Corp. prepared this visibility map:
The launch will kick off LADEE's mission to investigate the Moon's surprising atmosphere. Yes, the "airless Moon" has an atmosphere. It is ten thousand billion times thinner than Earth's, but nevertheless there. Apollo astronauts actually saw itwith their own eyes.
LADEE, short for "Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer," will circle the Moon on a 100 day mission to assay the lunar atmosphere. Instruments onboard the spacecraft will look for signs of humidity, electrified dust, and atoms hopping across the lunar surface. A NASA video about LADEE previews the mission
A number of important findings already have emerged. For example, changes in the earth’s magnetic field are associated with changes in brain and nervous system activity; performance of athletic, memory and other tasks; sensitivity in a wide range of extrasensory perception experiments; synthesis of nutrients in plants and algae; the number of reported traffic violations and accidents; mortality from heart attacks and strokes; and incidence of depression and suicide. It’s interesting to note that changes in geomagnetic conditions affect the rhythms of the heart more strongly than all the physiological functions studied so far

There is also evidence in some cases that people’s brainwaves can synchronize with the rhythm of the electromagnetic waves generated in the earth’s ionosphere. When people say they "feel" an impending earthquake or other planetary events, such as weather changes, it is possible that they may be reacting to the actual physical signals that occur in the earth’s field prior to the event. 

While it is not difficult to conceive that life-forms embedded in the earth’s magnetic fields could be affected by modulations in these fields, it is a more far-reaching proposition to suggest that the earth’s fields can be influenced or modulated by human emotions. Nevertheless, GCI researchers theorize that when large numbers of humans respond to a global event with a common emotional feeling, the collective response can affect the activity in the earth’s field. In cases where the event evokes negative responses, this could be thought of as a planetary stress wave, and in cases where a positive wave is created, it could create a global coherence wave. This perspective is supported by research at the Institute of HeartMath, which has shown that emotions not only create coherence or incoherence in our bodies, but, like radio waves, also radiate outward and are detected by the nervous systems of others in our environment. {Just a snippet of their vast research and how e are influenced by weather} see also

  • Fluoride is a toxic substance that accumulates in your tissues over time, wreaks havoc with enzymes, and produces a number of serious adverse health effects, including neurological and endocrine dysfunction
  • A rider in the 2014 House Appropriations Bill would cut back a lot of EPA’s work and prevent the agency from phasing out sulfuryl fluoride, a toxic fumigant used on food. Take action now to stop this rider!
  • Despite being severely outspent by fluoride proponents, citizens in Wichita, Kansas and Portland, Oregon voted NO on water fluoridation; Connecticut, South Carolina, and Minnesota are looking at lifting mandatory fluoridation rulings
  • There are now 15 regional councils in Queensland, Australia that are either stopping fluoridation or refusing to start. Hamilton, NZ also recently voted to stop water fluoridation

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys

Learn more:
Nice One Merk. You get Merkier every day.  Excuse pun.
murk·y also mirk·y  (mûrk)
adj. murk·i·er also mirk·i·er, murk·i·est also mirk·i·est
1. Dark, dim, or gloomy: a murky dungeon. See Synonyms at dark.
a. Heavy and thick with smoke, mist, or fog; hazy.
b. Darkened or clouded with sediment: murky waters.
3. Lacking clarity or distinctness; cloudy or obscure.
Good description for all large corporations and governments.

At the same time, statistics are showing that deaths from pharmaceutical drugs are rising at an alarming rate. But don’t take my word for it. Just google the term “pharmaceutical drugs kill” and you’ll see headlines from major news organizations such as Fox and CNN that read:
“Prescription drugs 62,000 times more likely to kill”
“Prescription drugs kill 6200% more Americans …”
“Prescription Drugs Kill 300 Percent More Americans than Illegal Drugs…”
“Prescription drugs are now killing more people than traffic accidents…” [Clip from article.
Syrian women speaks up to Senator Mc.Cain
9/11 RT Version
Another Version.
  • Studies show that the influenza vaccine is ineffective in the elderly and very young, and recent animal studies suggest that vaccinating against one strain of influenza may actually increase the risk of being infected with a related but different influenza strain
  • Recent research raises very important questions about the approach taken in the development of a universal flu vaccine, which targets the “stalk,” or non-mutating part of the virus.
  • In 2009, researchers also noticed that people who had gotten a flu shot the previous year were MORE likely to succumb to the novel H1N1 strain, compared to those who had not received a flu shot the previous year
  • Infants born to mothers who received the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine lose their passively acquired immunity from their mothers two months sooner than those born to mothers who were naturally infected with measles
  • Instead of addressing the scientific evidence demonstrating vaccine risks and failures, UNICEF is focusing on public relations schemes to convince you not to pay attention to the available science
    • ·         Farmers plant Monsanto’s Bt corn because it contains a built-in pesticide that kills certain insects when they eat it, but now the corn rootworm is developing resistance
      ·         Regions across the US Midwest are experiencing severe damage from the resistant corn rootworm in Bt corn crops
      ·         Reduced insecticide use has been touted as one of the significant benefits of GM crops like Bt corn, but insecticide use is now increasing as farmers attempt to save their failing Bt crops from pests
      ·         Not only is Bt corn producing resistant "super-pests," researchers have also found that the Bt toxin can be transfered to humans and may wreak havoc on your health

Global warming computer models collapse; Arctic ice sheets rapidly expand as planet plunges into global cooling

Learn more:
See post 87 and letter to NASA from scientists, Astronauts. See also Post 7 and 

In Russian--a music video depicting hilarious antic of politicians behaving badly. 3 mins
  • Microorganisms in your gastrointestinal tract form an intricate, living fabric of natural controls affecting body weight, energy, and nutrition. Recent research shows that the presence of certain bacteria in infants affect their growth
  • Cleaning off your child’s pacifier by sucking on it may be inadvertently reducing your child's risk of developing allergies, new research suggests. This appears to be a side effect of your oral bacteria affecting your child’s gut bacteria
  • Children exposed to flame-retardant chemicals (PBDEs) in utero are at increased risk for hyperactivity and lower IQ. A tenfold increase in PBDE exposure during pregnancy was associated with a four-point IQ deficit in five-year-old children
  • Vitamin D insufficiency is very common in preterm babies. Recent research shows that giving preemies 800 IU’s of vitamin D3 was significantly more effective at correcting vitamin D insufficiency compared to giving them half that amount
  • Despite the complete lack of long-term safety studies, infant formulas can contain genetically engineered ingredients (such as corn, soy, sugar), without being labeled. A new petition urges infant formula makers to phase out all GMOs from their infant formulas

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